3 months ago
Trend Analysis
AVGO appears to be in a strong bullish trend. Its 200-day moving average is upwards sloping and the MACD histogram is above 0 and rising. Comparative Relative Strength analysis shows that this issue is outperforming the S&P 500.
Momentum for AVGO is strongly bullish. The 14-period Slow Stochastic oscillator is above 80, the level which many analysts call overbought. This means that investors have been actively purchasing shares and driving the price higher.
Today's volume is on track to be heavier than usual, with 70,055,572 shares having traded so far. The On Balance Volume indicator (OBV) shows that longer term selling pressure has given way to near term accumulation by traders.
Bollinger Bands® use standard deviation of the closing price around a moving average to measure volatility. The Bollinger Bands® are presently wider than usual, as a result of greater than normal volatility that accompanied the recent price move. Events such as this may precede a pause or reversal in the near term trend. As of 1:06 PM ET Friday, 12/13/2024