13 years ago
I hope I didn't miss you, Hak. I just wanted to let you know that when I initially posted here, you said you hoped BCSI wasn't bought out although you were sure they were a buyout candidate for several companies. Well, you were right (nothing unusual there). Now I've heard through the grapevine that as of yesterday they are shutting down offices and laying off 100's, maybe 1000's, of employees. Thats the most unfortunate result and a very sad sign of our times :(
I hope to see you around ihub, it's been great posting with you. We had a great run!
13 years ago
You are welcome.
I believe ACAS was simply hit with that drop as were so many other companies in the Financial Sector Area, with the economic conditions, the Eurozone debt problems, and general negative perception, it has been somewhat of a roller coaster in that sector. I do believe we're past the worst. Considering the buyback of shares on their part and my continued confidence in their management team, I would expect the divvy to be reinstated.
Have been in and out, mostly in, with ACAS for about ten years.
My first buy years ago was at about $ 21 per share. My best buy was at $ 0.77 in their darkest hour.
Had DNDN years ago also, but unfortunately during my pursuit of Biotechs and Pharma back then, I managed to get kicked in the shins a few times.
My only Biotech that I am still holding now is ELN, but again it's because of the same familiarity with it that I have had with ACAS over the many years. I bought ELN in the $ 3 to $ 9 range and sold out in the high $20's but reentered when it was beaten back down. At the present share price, I do believe it's a good deal still, but it's just a somewhat steady but also somewhat slow movement up in the share price.
Am simply holding both at this time and really not worrying about either one since I am planning on holding them for the next few years.
Still have a few " Pennies ", strictly in the junior mining arena
........although my patience has been sorely tested on numerous occasions.....and I am a most patient sort of cuss.
13 years ago
Yes, 'bout time for sure! What a pleasant little surprise. I joined in today's conference call and pretty much liked what I heard. Although I did sell 1/2 of my position today in afterhours; it was just too good of a move to pass up. But if BCSI takes any dips, I'll add. Congrats to everyone; I hope there will be more to come as we move toward 2012.
By the way, I totally agree with you about our politicians. There's so much to question and be disappointed about. The insider trading issue is insulting and IMO should be banned. I don't want my congressman or senator to receive extra compensation for doing their jobs.
I'm headed out of town to spend Thanksgiving with friends and family. I hope you and your precious little dachshund have a wonderful holiday! Stay warm, stay safe, and I'll check back in a couple weeks!
13 years ago
Good morning, Hak.....I agree with your comments about the market and politics. It's disheartening most days to see the markets so incredibly volatile. BCSI has been on a roller-coaster like no other. Can't wait to see their earnings next week; please let them be decent! Some of the stocks I'm holding have 10% swings for no other reason (that I can find) than market conditions. As for politicians, well, they are out in masses since we'll be voting next year. I've been watching the debates and my opinion of the Republican candidates changes from week to week. It's fairly early though. Every candidate appears to be self destructing, one by one. In fact, we seem to be in global melt down mode...I just read that Italy might need to exit the Eurozone and revert to their own currency. What's next? At least with hopes for new leaders in both Italy and Greece, our markets should be green today. I hope.
Have a wonderful weekend, Hak... TGIF!
13 years ago
I like the fall, the colors of the landscape are gorgeous.
Can't say much for the Markets though, which have left my disposition down in the dumps most days.
This daily rollercoaster ride is like the birds trying to catch an upward draft so they don't have to flap their wings without much success.
I don't know about you but I have to admit, I don't remember a time that I have been more disgusted with the politicians, media, and general daily nonsensical gyrations.
Hope this stuff settles down a bit !
14 years ago
Thanks ' VF',
Am about to take a road trip with my Dachshund as co-pilot and will be gone for about a week.
Don't think I'll miss much with the Markets since the Euro-Pacifists are still spreading hate and discontent.
Looks like my countrymen in the Fatherland have had enough of bailouts of other areas and may very well go back to the Deutsch Mark ......doesn't look good for the Euro if that happens.
Have followed the debates as well as the rest of the D.C. madness.
Too many lawyers and not enough folks with some plain common sense in my opinion are presently of little help to straighten our mess out. I think you're right, it's shaping up as a two man race on the Republican side. Actually, it would be fun to watch someone challenge the clown in the White House from his own Party also for the nomination on the Democratic Side.
Can't wait to walk into the voting booth next November and try to vote out every last one of the idiots's time for a major change and not the type we were promised this last time...I'm seriously fed up with the political BS.
A road trip in one of my Autobahn Burners usually helps my disposition somewhat and gets me away from the media and politicians......someone once said, "Head West, Young Man !" so, despite the fact that I am quite a bit older than I used to be, I'm-a-gonna do exactly that, and go where the deer and the buffalo roam.
P.S. keep your eye on SRSR ....we're getting close for a takeoff.
Also, the safest single equity I have had through these trial and tribulations has been AGNC, which varies minimally as to the PPS and keeps on paying 18 to 20% dividends like clockwork.
14 years ago
Hi " Vf ",
You're right about BCSI being all the over the map.
Buyout rumors have been present for quite a while now, and I suppose Cisco would be one possibility, although, until something concrete is made public the rumor mill will continue.
One concern I've had is the apparent instability of the top management....almost reminds me of the Prime Minister position in Japan five or six of them in as many years....that's never good to forge a focused direction in any operation.
Whenever you have these type of management changes all your employees worry about is whether they will or won't have a job and consequently no one concentrates on their " knitting ' as the Scots say, and the whole shebang goes for a dive.
Hope they get it under control. I've been spending quite a bit of time revisiting the Transport Sector, specifically Tankers and such. That sector has been beaten to smithereens and while they are still having fire sales, I decided to load up on some...don't expect anything grand over the next six months or so, but I do believe in fire sales that can pan out over the next year or two.
Keep the faith....this too shall pass.
.....and oh yes to ' Pennies '......Sarissa ( SRSR ) should have a proxy out by the 15th of September for the spinout of their " Shining Tree ' Gold property as well as some other good news......
14 years ago
In a sea of red yesterday, it was a few of the small tykes that managed to keep me in the green.
Keep an eye over the next few weeks on DGRI, SGCP, expecting all to move, especially SRSR for the longer term.
I do believe all three are vastly undervalued as is LBSR.
Sarissa made a 15% move up yesterday and closed at .0475 with a slight pullback today. It had a run up to .20 in July of 2009 and I expect another run right around the corner, this time beyond that range.
Am not playing these on a short term basis day to day or week to week....but.....have continuously accumulated all of them
14 years ago
Had a quiet and a safe one which isn't all bad. My miniature longhaired Dachshund and I feasted on a standing rib roast marinated in wine instead of the usual dogs and burgers....
he gets nervous about the words " Dogs on a Barbie " I defer to his paranoia and hangups.
Re: BCSI....It's similar to a lot of other Techies lately...going nowhere fast, except perhaps for VHC which did have a nice run.
Am still in a small handful of " Pinks ", primarily junior miners, that I have actually been in an accumulation mode for many moons. I do expect a few to start popping in the next few weeks.
As to the rest of the Markets, am really not expecting any miracles for the next month or so, although, a good earnings report cycle could change things quickly.....even if it turns out to be momentary.
Looking at the generally anemic trading volumes, it does appear that we are in the summer doldrums.
Had picked up some AGNC about a month ago, not because I expect any serious appreciation ( although it did do fine and held up well these last few weeks ), but I like their quarterly divvy which has been $ 1.40 per share ( $ 5.60 per share annualized ).
Might as well have some gains while the rest of the world seems to slumber.
Am also happy with my last remaining Biotech ( ELN ), Which I fully expect to see in the high teens by the end of this year ( I've been playing this one for quite a few years )
Another one I've been furiously accumulating is FTK, since I do believe their next earnings report here shortly will be even better than their last one.
Over the last ten years or so I developed my own theory that seems to go against the prevailing traffic.....I don't like cost averaging seems to me, it's just throwing money after something that is already stagnant.
If I think a position is worth holding for the long term, I just hold BCSI's case it may take a few more Quarters before we see a more serious run by the sounds of things.
In the meantime there are enough possibilities in other areas to make the chase more interesting.
On a lighter note, I get disgruntled on a daily basis with the type of trading activity across the board. I do feel a lot of the prevailing attitudes we see is a direct result of the overall geo-political and economic idiotic nonsense we see foisted on the general public in massive quantities......and the fool media just hypes it up even more...
Cool heads need to prevail......keep the faith .....and keep looking for opportunities each and every day !
14 years ago
I missed the CC due to a mess of computer problems which put all my PCs out of commission ( AT&T modem problems )...but am back up on all now.
It looked pretty dim for the Techies in general last week, except for Friday's miniscule uptick, but do believe we should hold pretty well going forward. Quite a few of the CEOs still are skeptical with the general geo-political and economic situation around the U.S. and I really am not expecting any miracles. I do expect the next quarters earnings round to pick up their spirits a wee bit as well as perhaps generate a wee bit more trading interest by the general public.
I agree with your comment also, that actually, this weakness might just make them as well as others, a better buyout target. I am expecting the heightened M&A activity to continue this year.
One can always hope that it will affect us also and beneficially.
I'm just not holding my breath as to any of the equities on the big boards, unless it's commodities.....I think inflation is going to do a real number on numerous aspects of our lives in the next two years or so.