BW20030303002021  20030303T085120Z UTC


    Business Editors

    TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 03, 2003--

Not to Be Circulated in the United States.
These materials are not an offer of securities for sale in the United
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absent registration or an exemption from registration under the U.S.
Securities Act of 1933. Public offering of securities to be made in
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obtained from the Company. Such prospectus will contain detailed
information about the Company and management, as well as financial
statements. A part of the proposed offering will be registered in the
United States under a registration statement filed under the U.S.
Securities Act of 1933.

                                                                          Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group, Inc.

                                Notice concerning the decision relating to
                    the issuance of new shares and the secondary offering of our shares

Tokyo, March 3, 2003---Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group, Inc. (MTFG or
the Company; President: Shigemitsu Miki), resolved certain matters
relating to the issuance of new shares and the secondary offering of
our shares, as stated below.

1: Issuance of new shares in the offering
   1.   Number of shares to be issued:
         454,000 new shares of the Company's common stock (shares of
         the Company's common stock shall be referred to as "shares"
         or "our shares" hereinafter) which is the sum of (1) and (2)
         below. (1) 420,000 new shares to be underwritten by purchase
         by underwriters in each of the offerings specified below.
                     Japanese Public Offering                 250,000 shares
                     U.S. Offering                            50,000 shares
                     International Offering                   120,000 shares
         (2)   A maximum of 34,000 shares which is subject to the
               purchase option to be granted to the U.S. Underwriters
               and the International Underwriters specified below.
                     U.S. Offering                            10,000 shares
                     International Offering                   24,000 shares
   2.   Offering price (*1):                                           Japanese yen 475,000 -
   3.   Total amount of the offering price (*2):                       Japanese yen 215,650,000,000 -
   4.   Issue price (*1):                                              Japanese yen 455,600 -
   5.   Total amount of the issue price (*2):                          Japanese yen 206,842,400,000 -
   6.   Portion of the issue price not to be included in stated capital:        Japanese yen 227,800 -
   7.   Subscription period (for Japanese Public Offering):
         The subscription period for the Japanese Public Offering shall be from March 4, 2003 (Tuesday) to March 6, 2003 (Thursday).
   8.   Payment day:                                 March 11, 2003 (Tuesday)
   (*1) Underwriters shall underwrite by purchase at the issue price and offer at the offering price.
   (*2) Such total amounts  reflect the case in which the U.S.  Underwriters  and the  International  Underwriters  exercise the entire
         purchase option mentioned in 1.(2) above.

2: Secondary offering of our shares
   1.   Number of secondary shares to be sold:              155,027 shares
                     Japanese Secondary Offering            93,027 shares
                     U.S. Secondary Offering                18,000 shares
                     International Secondary Offering       44,000 shares
   2.   Selling price (*):
         The selling  price shall be the same as the  offering  price  mentioned  in 2. of 1:  Issuance of new shares in the  offering,
   3.   Total amount of the selling price:           Japanese yen 73,637,825,000 -
   4.   Sales price (*):
         The sales price shall be the same as the issue price mentioned in 4. of 1: Issuance of new shares in the offering, above.
   5.   Total amount of the sales price:             Japanese yen 70,630,301,200 -
   6.   Selling period (for Japanese Secondary Offering):
         The selling period for Japanese Secondary Offering shall be
         the same as the subscription period (for Japanese Public
         Offering) in 7. of 1: Issuance of new shares in the offering,
   7.   Delivery day:                                March 12, 2003 (Wednesday )
   (*) Underwriters shall underwrite by purchase at the sales price and sell at the selling price.

3: Secondary offering conducted by exercise of over-allotment option
   1.   Number of shares to be sold:                 50,000 shares.
   2.   Selling price:
         The selling  price shall be the same as the  offering  price  mentioned  in 2. of 1:  Issuance of new shares
         in the  offering, above.
   3.   Total amount of the selling price:           Japanese yen 23,750,000,000 -
   4.   Selling period:
         The selling period shall be the same as the  subscription  period (for Japanese  Public  Offering) in 7
         . of 1: Issuance of new shares in the offering, above.
   5.   Delivery day:
         The delivery day shall be the same as the delivery day in 7. of 2: Secondary offering of our shares, above.

4: Issuance of new shares by allocation to third party
   1.   Number of shares to be issued:               50,000 shares
   2.   Issue price:
         The issue price shall be the same as the issue price mentioned in 4. of 1: Issuance of new shares in the
         offering, above.
   3.   Total amount of the issue price:             Japanese yen 22,780,000,000 -
   4.   Portion of the issue price not to be included in stated capital:
         The portion of the issue price not to be included in stated
         capital shall be the same as the portion of the issue price
         not to be included in stated capital mentioned in 6. of 1:
         Issuance of new shares in the offering, above.
   5.   Subscription period:                         March 25, 2003 (Tuesday)
   6.   Payment day:                                 March 26, 2003 (Wednesday)

For further information, please contact:
Kohei Tsushima, General Manager, Public Relations Office
Tel: 81-3-3240-8149

   Short Name: Mitsubishi Tokyo Fin
   Category Code: IOE
   Sequence Number: 00002441
   Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20030303T084634+0000


    CONTACT: Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group Inc

    SOURCE: Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group Inc

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