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badog badog 4 minutes ago
Wow....You and Krom think exactly alike. If I say I don't think ERHC has a future that means I think it has a future. If someone says they are not short ERHC that means they are short. I think everyone knows why you two think alike.

And Still you say I post on another board
newmedman newmedman 4 minutes ago
I'm totally fair...

Major Profits Major Profits 4 minutes ago
This is what it's about folks.

More on this case can be found in our Discord channel.
Holy shit!!!

Alfonso Knoll. You've been a bad bad boy.

is the gift that keep
rocket7878 rocket7878 4 minutes ago
Thanks Billy. I'm holding what I have left which is still quite a bit. I guess as long as he maintains filings each quarter we can give him the benefit of the doubt. Just can't believe he can't put out small statements on the website, etc.

Appreciate you reaching out!!
janice shell janice shell 5 minutes ago
71 million people receive SS benefits. When those checks stop, society as we know it will collapse.

If those checks stop, people really will take to the streets, and things will get very ugly very fast. Which is why I don't think it will happen. Musk and his cronies may want to do tha
vlispxpert vlispxpert 6 minutes ago
Futures gapping already ;)
joe_techi joe_techi 6 minutes ago
Hoodoo Gurus - Bittersweet
When is the next meeting with the 🧑‍⚖️
skitahoe skitahoe 7 minutes ago
It may be possible to expand a Phase 2 into Phase 3, or just expand it and actually go for approval from the larger Phase 2 as long as the trial is being done with Pivotal quality material.

mikepgator mikepgator 7 minutes ago
Phase 2 patients were treated February 13 so 30 days will be a week from Saturday, hopefully hear something the following week.
JJZander JJZander 9 minutes ago
Great close 
Zorax Zorax 9 minutes ago
lutnick is such a hopeless slimeball. I don't know if all these yes-people are yesser's for muskrat or shitpants.
northam43 northam43 10 minutes ago
Report #1 Status Report.
VortexSage25 VortexSage25 10 minutes ago
Given the current market sentiment do you think that the play is still intact?
If the GOP plans to undercut Medicare spending, more senior people will enroll into Medicare Advantage.....This stock behaved very well under Trump´s first term
art2426 art2426 10 minutes ago
>>>BIEL is a Venture Capitalist Dream!
ZenElf84 ZenElf84 10 minutes ago
Why are they all big misses? It seems like RIO has been a great success as a recent product. Clients ordering more, it looks better than LVTs trailer...

I get you got burned by it too (not hard to tell) but you guys are too much 🤣
cottonmather cottonmather 10 minutes ago
On The Border filing bankruptcy eom
TAB78 TAB78 10 minutes ago
Yep, you got it $GRLF 
badog badog 11 minutes ago
You can keep posting lies and BS. I'll still be here.

janice shell janice shell 11 minutes ago
I was referring to the description, not the act.
Surfacetite Surfacetite 11 minutes ago
Legs see if this can move up tomorrow.
janice shell janice shell 12 minutes ago
I always thought that the applicant has to prove that there is an emergency.

No. The standard for a case to be accepted by the Supremes is that it raises a "constitutional question".