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Fannie Mae (QB)

Fannie Mae (QB) (FNMAJ)

( -1.89% )
Updated: 13:52:31

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stockprofitter stockprofitter 32 seconds ago
Just playing in traffic for a bit…
stockprofitter stockprofitter 3 minutes ago
You like $90? πŸ›ŽοΈ Fannie Mae $FNMA price target $90— Nico (@nicosintichakis) March 21, 2025
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duckdynasty duckdynasty 3 minutes ago
Lutnick is a WEF, NewWorld Order, AIPAC, puppet. He works hand in hand with those who have been trying to steal Fannie and Freddie for the last 17 years.
nagoya1 nagoya1 4 minutes ago
Thanks Rick for the link, I’m going to watch it it to base my opinion on something…fnma
RickNagra RickNagra 5 minutes ago
Red green red green ... are we playing Squid Game ?
nagoya1 nagoya1 12 minutes ago
Sorry, can you provide any actual info to prove your point. Your lack of info could lead me to think the same about you. Just saying.
After 10 seconds, I read that he was mentored by cantor…took over after the death of his mentor, after 911…doesn’t sound like a lap dog to me. At least my lack of lap dog skills demonstrate some sort of analytical skills.
Can you provide any example…tia
Btw, name me Billionaires that choose morons to mentor…woof woof
RickNagra RickNagra 14 minutes ago
Here you go.  Long two hours but worth the listen.  Your opinion of Lutnick will change.
Danno_cal Danno_cal 15 minutes ago
When I see it (and hear him) I think of lunatic.
stockprofitter stockprofitter 18 minutes ago
Who’s this?
stockprofitter stockprofitter 19 minutes ago
Tbh when I see the name Lutnick I think of a lug nut
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stockprofitter stockprofitter 20 minutes ago
Post it, I missed out.
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JSmith5 JSmith5 29 minutes ago
Lutnick is calling all the shots

Hey Rick - a great chance that very well could be.

Danno_cal Danno_cal 29 minutes ago
Rick, hope your comment about this guy is pure sarcasm. He's a lap dog who carries his own jar of peanut butter.
kegstackz kegstackz 29 minutes ago
Furthering my theory that Chamath has taken a position in GSE.
RickNagra RickNagra 29 minutes ago
Last night I watched the entire Lutnick interview with Chamath.  Long almost two hours but I listened to every word.  Lutnick is super bright and calling all the shots behind the scenes.  I learnt so much.  Everything from tariffs taxes deficit warrants social security fraud abuse waste and the Sovereign Wealth Fund.  I recommend everyone watch.  Lutnick will be heavily involved in the release process and the SWF.
stockprofitter stockprofitter 32 minutes ago
Patswill has been right in since day 1
PirateHero59 PirateHero59 34 minutes ago
How about the pps as it used to be ($80s). Otherwise, share holders will ask for $325 is reasonable.
TightCoil TightCoil 35 minutes ago
Fannie Mae - Freddie Mac - LOAD UP AND DON'T LOOK BACK
I heard Lamberth took our $612,000,000 and filled his
50 car garage with Lamberthginnis
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Ricco79 Ricco79 37 minutes ago
Is a settlement legally possible?
And if so, would $35 be fair?
RickNagra RickNagra 40 minutes ago
Lutnick is calling all the shots.  Make no mistake and he is extremely bright and on the ball.
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RickNagra RickNagra 42 minutes ago
What a stupid write up.  Not in a million years.  That is not how it works.  Watch the Lutnick video.  He literally tells you how this will play out.  Listen to the Covid and missles example he provides in the video.
PirateHero59 PirateHero59 42 minutes ago
Settlement is likely with favorable for common shareholders- as DJT's "The Art of The Deal".
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RickNagra RickNagra 50 minutes ago
Spot on.  If warrants are fully exercised then the senior preferred shares will be cancelled for this very reason.
bobstruths bobstruths 51 minutes ago
It is all about the DETAILS !!!
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HappyAlways HappyAlways 1 hour ago
If GOV owns more than 80% of the GSEs, their MBS of $5T will be counted as GOV liability. Hence, the national debt will increase immediately by $5T. That's what I heard 10-12 years ago, as to why 79.99% of warrants.
👍 5
Spicoli Spicoli 1 hour ago
"Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent" suggested that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could be included in the sovereign wealth fund currently being contemplated by the Trump administration.
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lookaheadfuture lookaheadfuture 2 hours ago
They want to merge the GSE's.  Not sure they will be successful.
FHFA will get rolled up into either HUD or treasury.
DJT is following a shock and awe approach which is keeping the Dems off balance.  They don't know where to focus their outrage.
Change will happen more quickly than we think.
It will become part of the new SWF.
He wants housing market to benefit all citizens.
DJT thinks that shareholders have been treated poorly.  He will pump up share price and that will pacify litigation even if warrants are exercised.  See recent Lutnick interview for insights.

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JSmith5 JSmith5 2 hours ago
Magic 8 ball is not a source

It is for me. I asked the 8 ball if this was a good investment.

"You may rely on it"

And I did.

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krab krab 2 hours ago
So let me get this correct .!!...
You are saying SWF management team will purchase Fannie & Freddie common stock & many other companies stocks and hold them in the SWF.
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nagoya1 nagoya1 2 hours ago
The GSE donkey stories keep changing.

No need to ask further than GSE skateboarding bff guru 0.05 valuation.

kegstackz kegstackz 2 hours ago
Been saying for over a year: We see $10 by June 2025.

Considering my TP for inauguration was $5.55? I like my crystal ball over his.
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DaJester DaJester 2 hours ago
No, Rick is correct. The Charter Act establishes the GSEs as private companies. That would need to be changed if there is either GSE were to go away, or for a merger to some new company. Changing the Charter Act (law), would require Congress. FHFA as Conservator cannot rewrite the law.
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NeoSunTzu NeoSunTzu 2 hours ago
$25/share restitution for both Fannie and Freddie commons (about $50B) ought to take care of things - comes out of the extra couple hundred billion they swiped (maybe restoration of dividends for preferreds) - then maybe we can discuss some percentage they get for the sovereign wealth fund ... too many years of lies, theft, corruption, and abuse to just give away more to the swf just to be let out of jail ...
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JSmith5 JSmith5 2 hours ago
Try to figure out who, exactly, is calling the shots because I'm almost sure he's not it.

Yes! I was going to post something like this later today along the lines of the Wizard of Oz. This guy is not the Wiz - but there is someone behind the curtain pulling the strings. And its not Trump or Bessent as they have bigger fish to fry. My guess is Ackman and/or Paulson. But it ain't Bill.

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stockprofitter stockprofitter 2 hours ago
Umm not quite actually. Funds own a reported 300 million. I am nowhere close to that number.
Dyesir2025 Dyesir2025 2 hours ago
Agree. Just cursory calculation, someone selling his FNMA and buying FMCC
gets 20% more shares. Holding to the bitter end (if Ackman is correct) would result in a 50% larger profit
So, I don't comprehend the discount of this much
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Spicoli Spicoli 2 hours ago

Bessent Considers Including GSEs in a U.S. Sovereign Wealth Fund

Speaking on a conservative podcast this week, Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent suggested that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could be included in the sovereign wealth fund currently being contemplated by the Trump administration.

Sovereign wealth funds are state-owned investment funds that generate revenues by investing idle treasury funds. Many of the largest SWFs β€” think Norway, Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia β€” are funded through government-owned oil and gas reserves.

But others, such as the China SWF, have extensive ownership interests in major corporations and sweep much of their profits into state coffers.

If the government-sponsored enterprises were to become part of the federal government’s new SWF, all their profits would likely flow into that coffer rather than to their shareholders.

For more details on the Trump administration and the GSEs, see the new issue of Inside MBS & ABS.
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Semper Fi 88 Semper Fi 88 2 hours ago
Magic 8 ball is not a source
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jog49 jog49 2 hours ago
"I added more on this red day across the markets."

Come on, tell the truth. By now, you have to own all the outstanding common shares except the few I own.
jog49 jog49 2 hours ago
You are like me in some respects. I've been here so long, bent over the table, that if liberation is ever to happen, I'm not sure I can stand upright ever again!
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stockprofitter stockprofitter 2 hours ago
I added more on this red day across the markets.

I use face cream so no problem, but thanks for your concern.
jog49 jog49 2 hours ago
"Release first then attract CEOs who can be offered options in FNMA. Once released options can be created. No one works for free."

I'm volunteering for a board seat at one of the corporations. $160,000/year for maybe 100 hours of one's time a year.
jog49 jog49 3 hours ago
LOL! Most of us are surprised you get a first date. Try prostitutes, once you are done, they are done.
😂 1
Huntbeachwhale Huntbeachwhale 3 hours ago
My sources say up-listing drops real soon!!

Buckle the ef up!!!

We rip!!!!!
👍 5 💹 1 🚀 2
jog49 jog49 3 hours ago
"$10 next week easy"

Seems your facial muscles would be sore from repeating this same price scenario so much.
FOFreddie FOFreddie 3 hours ago
Hi wederb - I disagree with Rick - if you bought more you would have never been able to hold the position. What the USG did to us who have held so long was atrocious. Many many years of doubting about whether we ever would see justice - people have died and probably many have pushed over the edge to divorce because of the financial losses that we suffered and just how much we have had to suffer and endure waiting for justice. I have been resolute over these 17 years, but it has been extremely hard to have hope and what is clear to me is that the USG lies and cheats if there is no transparency. It was only a few thousand votes that gave us a chance for fairness, and I thank God and DJT for that possibility.
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mike_usa mike_usa 3 hours ago
Hi lookaheadfuture,

What's your current insight now. Thank you.
jog49 jog49 3 hours ago
"He controls both companies and will do as Trump and the Shareholders wish."

Try to figure out who, exactly, is calling the shots because I'm almost sure he's not it.
jog49 jog49 3 hours ago
"Many years back, more than 10 years back, one poster on this board posted that "He told his wife while buying FNMA at 30 cents that for any reason if this goes to $3, for the same reason this goes to $30 as well"

I think he meant to say "He told his wife while buying FNMA at 30 cents that for any reason if this goes to $3, for the same reason this goes to $6 as well"

FOFreddie FOFreddie 3 hours ago
Hi Amelia,
I have been holding FNMAT since May 2008 and bought some common in November prior to the election ( I owned about $ 500,000 of common in Sept 2008 and sold in 2009 when I bought more JPS). For whats its worth - I am going to hold my common for a long time because I expect a dividend of $ 1 per share starting in 2027. I expect that we will have a shareholder vote to convert FNMAT into more common (based on a conversion ratio determined by an average trading period for common in the future) because its coupon is 8.25 % and because it can be converted to CET1 equity. I expect the common to be worth between $ 5 and $ 30 by the end of 2026 and expect an EXIT by Q1 2027. The $1 dividend is based on an expected share price of $ 25 by 2027 but if we end up with $ 5 I would expect a dividend of $ 0.20 - assuming a 4% dividend yield. It seems clear the DJT Admin has a Plan and it was well conceived a couple months ago in Mar A Lago - we have to just be patient. Congrats on your kids interest in graduate education and hopefully you will have a very nice kitchen - you may want to add a little accent of either red (for MAGA) or gold (for DJT) as a reminder of why you were able to pay for it.

Of course this is all just speculation on my part and from my INMHO.