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Updated: 02:43:46
Time Price Size Type Bid Price Ask Price B/S Buy Ind. Total Volume Num Exch.
11:31:11 100.8 22363 O 100.0 102.0 Sell
124,770 16 LSE
11:31:06 101.0 22363 O 100.0 102.0
102,407 15 LSE
09:54:48 100.9 5000 O 100.0 102.0 Sell
80,044 14 LSE
08:11:15 101.0 22363 O 100.0 102.0
75,044 13 LSE
08:11:15 100.9 991 O 100.0 102.0 Sell
52,681 12 LSE
08:08:16 100.8 19021 O 100.0 102.0 Sell
51,690 11 LSE
08:06:59 100.9 118 O 100.0 102.0 Sell
32,669 10 LSE
07:15:30 101.0 10000 O 100.0 102.0
32,551 9 LSE
06:04:18 100.0 1 O 100.0 102.5 Sell
22,551 8 LSE
05:05:09 100.12 61 O 100.0 103.0 Sell
22,550 7 LSE
03:48:54 101.05 4520 O 100.0 103.0 Sell
22,489 6 LSE
03:47:10 101.0 281 O 100.0 103.0 Sell
17,969 5 LSE
03:45:59 101.0 3000 O 100.0 103.0 Sell
17,688 4 LSE
03:31:45 101.022 6868 O 100.0 103.0 Sell
14,688 3 LSE
03:02:10 101.5 2820 O 100.0 103.0
7,820 2 LSE
03:00:42 101.16 5000 O 100.0 103.0 Sell
5,000 1 LSE