2 years ago
It's just a dead shell that got delisted at this point.
Someone has control block.
If they have the cash or ability to bring it back to Pink Current is the question.
It can sit for many years. You never know if a R/M krew like Synergy, Lazar, or AlphaRidge take an intrest in it.
I'll look at the last filing and see what the SS looks like. If it shows any debt.
You can e-mail Ben at Synergy to take a look. He's always looking for another shell to clean up and sell. This is where the back room deals are made to transfer control. If it's abandoned, Synergy will petition the courts to bring it back alive. Everyone is looking out for shareholders.
A guy like Lazar will come in, get control and R/S the snot out of everyone. He's brutal.
The worst thing you can do is o give your shares away to your broker just to make them go away.
SFIO was like that for me. After 8 years it comes back to life for some massive gains to me. AFFL was another no bid dead shell. I wake up one day and it's up 14,000%
When TDA absorbed Scottrade, I lost dozens dead ones. When I dumped TDA for E-trade my dead shells that did transfer over from Scott are stuck in TDA to this day., hell, penny stocks don't transfer from broker to broker. You have to sell and rebuy in your new broker account.
It's when the shell loses its 4 letter ticker and your assigned a long number, it's toast.
I gave my last dead one like that to E-trade just to make it go away. Some L1011 refueler play.
I can still Google earth the air strip where the 7 planes are parked. The run way is covered in used cars. Those planes aren't going anywhere but maybe recycled.
At this point you can't buy or sell. But so long as you can put in a limit trade for 60 days, you got some hope.
I'd e-mail Ben. I forgot the story on Alkane? I know I owned it at one time.
I've got a few Sunergy shells that sold and nothing. New guys just sit on control everyday. It's why I always sell my shells when the change of control is PRed. Reevaluate whst is coming in.