3 days ago
I've been telling you the stock market means little or nothing. It is for stupid people. The bond market means everything. When bonds collapse, and they will, banks collapse with them. No banks. no money moving around. No money, no food, water, electricity, etc. Get rid of all paper assets. Buy physical gold and silver. Buy weapons and ammo. Horde food and water. Learn fishing and growing food. Get a bad ass dog and bond with them. Horde medical supplies and medicines. If you can, move to a rural area and learn your way around. Team with like people if possible. No matter where you are, always have a bugout plan. Plan alternate routes. Good luck.
This may not be when shtf but we are certainly not far away. Prepare asap Most will not be able to live through this.
3 weeks ago
nclh is officially a zombie company for years now. del Rio was a Mickey Mouse manager. He got nclh over its head and began selling ships,,,,,, then began selling stock...... tried selling more bonds and no one wanted them. nclh can't make payroll. Ticket sales aren't enough. These stupid-ass clowns around here tell you to buy when a world-wide depression is upon us. Do what I've told you soon. Time is running out.
1 month ago
Oh, boy. Another one who can't read, understand simple math or economics. nclh is bound for $2.50. Haven't you heard? As soon as they pick it, a new scamdemic is coming.
Funny. This conman with multiple alias' posts three of his names in one day. Ya scared, dumbass? $36 is Fib to 68. Freudian Slip, Mr Bullshit??????? According to one of your posts, you sold $24. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
All sane, real people..... Read financial reports. nclh cannot make its payroll and sells its stock to pay bills. If it wasn't for fuel costs they could almost break even. nclh wants to refinance billions and billions in bonds but can't find someone stupid enough to do it. The world is in a recession and about to fall into a depression. Automakers are losing money. RAM, Nissan and Jeep are exploring bankruptcy. Look at thousands of retail and restaurants closing down. Japan and China are selling all American debt which trashes the Dollar. This is todays news: UPS stock crashes as Amazon business is cut in half. EVERYTHING I've said for years is public info. The government lies nonstop.