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Plug Power Inc

Plug Power Inc (PLUG)

( 4.93% )
Updated: 09:39:15

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Jack_Bolander Jack_Bolander 5 minutes ago

Today / Early Jan is the PUMP !

Learn how to play the Pump and Dump.

Every Plug Rally fades within days. Trade accordingly.
Jack_Bolander Jack_Bolander 26 minutes ago
WTM - Lots of Snow in the Alps !

Just like your post ; ... Nothing to do with PLUG.
WeTheMarket WeTheMarket 16 hours ago
Korea offers subsidies for hydrogen cars and buses in 2025
Published 2025.01.01

The government will provide subsidies for the purchase of 11,000 hydrogen passenger cars, 2,000 hydrogen buses, 10 hydrogen freight trucks, and 10 hydrogen street cleaners this year.

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KingRichard3rd KingRichard3rd 20 hours ago
Happy New Year to all!
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stocks2012 stocks2012 1 day ago
Happy NewbYear!
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WeTheMarket WeTheMarket 2 days ago
Happy New Year to all.
👍 3
WeTheMarket WeTheMarket 2 days ago
S2012, great find, thanks for posting.
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stocks2012 stocks2012 2 days ago
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tdtcal tdtcal 2 days ago
Appreciate your comments, you consistently add depth through counterpoint to the conversation. However, you are comparing apples to oranges, again.

The PEM electrolyzer is currently the more efficient and appropriate variety for solar.

Using the otherwise unused excess electricity produced by solar panels is economical and which simultaneously increases the ROI for the solar panel farm investors.

Sure, natural gas use is here to stay for the foreseeable future but neither solar/hydrogen nor natural gas is "all or none". Energy consumption is skyrocketing as is the demand for more.

In addition to the "free" excess electricity solar panels produce, the decreasing costs and increasing efficiencies of both solar panels and hydrogen production are making a compelling investment opportunity.

Consider also countries without natural gas or oil resources but plenty of sunlight. Consider also that these countries must buy energy which puts them at the mercy of the energy market and/or politics. Economical for them.
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Jack_Bolander Jack_Bolander 2 days ago
tdtcal - There is a critical difference between efficiency and economy.

A machine can be 100% efficient, but NOT Economic, which is exactly the issue with Green Hydrogen.

Let me tell you a true story.

The Germans are fanatical about efficiency and built the two most efficient power plants in the world ...

They are masterpieces...

But they have never run .

Because generated power is dispatched into the German grid based on economics (the cheapest power flows first) these two highly efficient plants sit idle because although they are the most (best?) efficient, they are not the most economic to operate .

I am not impressed with anything that is the most efficient, if is is not competitive on economics.
WeTheMarket WeTheMarket 2 days ago
Steve, someone on Stocktwits said no sooner then Jan 7, due to 30 day waiting period, whatever that means.
tdtcal tdtcal 2 days ago
Proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzers are known for their high efficiency, typically between 70–90
EfficiencyPEM electrolyzers are more efficient than other electrolyzers, and can convert solar energy into hydrogen optimallyResponse timePEM electrolyzers have a fast response time, allowing them to quickly adjust to changes in demand for hydrogen.They can adapt to renewable energy volatility.
So, currently installed solar panels already producing daily excess electricity power electrolyzers to store that energy as hydrogen. 
Good for generally all countries within say 20 degrees of latitude from the equator.  More as efficiencies continue to increase. 

Jack_Bolander Jack_Bolander 2 days ago
tdtcal - Here are some Fun Facts :

In Australia the number of existing solar panel farms (fixed cost) already exceeds demand. Cost of excess solar electricity = $0 for hydrogen production (of course not counting initial installation and maintenance). Natural gas not needed.

PEM Electrolyzers need to run at the same rate, constantly, 24/7 . Cycling an electrolyzer dramatically shortens a unit's useful life. Australia and the USA do not have a surplus of solar power 24/7 , so what will hydrogen producers do when solar isn't available (AT NIGHT, Cloudy Days, Peak Demand days ) ?

Sorry , No electricity is $0.

Another Fun Fact : Australia has 1,000 TCF (Trillion Cubic Feet) of proven natural gas
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scubastevemd scubastevemd 2 days ago
Where's the loan money we were promised by now? Come on Andy don't let us down again.
tdtcal tdtcal 3 days ago
According to available information, "Hydrogen Central" often features sponsorship opportunities from companies heavily involved in the hydrogen energy sector, including major players like ExxonMobil's Low Carbon Solutions, which frequently sponsors events like the "Hydrogen Technology Conference & Expo Europe" hosted by Hydrogen Central, showcasing their commitment to advancing clean hydrogen technologies. 
Our esteemed World Hydrogen Advisory Board

Andrew BeardVice President HydrogenShellDavid BurnsVice President of Clean EnergyLindeH2M-----
H2M- Hydrogen Generation - Hydrogen can be produced using a variety of resources including biomass, hydro, wind, solar, geothermal, and natural gas.Not to say natural gas won't be a significant part of the mix.However, using natural gas is "dirty" and requires carbon capture.
Global cost of CCS & CDR solutions 2023, by approach or technologyPublished by Bruna Alves, Oct 6, 2023"); height: 26px; width: 26px"> The cost of carbon capture and storage (CSS) and carbon dioxide removal (CDR) solutions varies by approach and technology. It is estimated that CCS costs ranged between 15 and 130 U.S. dollars per metric ton of carbon dioxide (tCO2), while the costs for direct air CCS ranged between 100 and 345 U.S. dollars per tCO2. In contrast, nature-based solutions such as afforestation and reforestation ranged between 45 and 240 U.S. dollars per tCO2.This adds direct and indirect costs to the use of natural gas for hydrogen production.
Per:  DOE Hydrogen Program PlanPg 45-46 (credit to a person in Stocktwits)Solar power used to produce hydrogen will increase from 5 to 10 fold by 2040 while natural gas use is expected to increase by 1.23 percent at best.  Interesting side note:In Australia the number of existing solar panel farms (fixed cost) already exceeds demand.  Cost of excess solar electricity = $0 for hydrogen production (of course not counting initial installation and maintenance).  Natural gas not needed.

Jack_Bolander Jack_Bolander 3 days ago

More Bad News.
WeTheMarket WeTheMarket 3 days ago
JB, I know. It's depressing.
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Jack_Bolander Jack_Bolander 6 days ago
WTM - Nothing Burger !
scubastevemd scubastevemd 6 days ago

Looks like Tesla is way ahead of us
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WeTheMarket WeTheMarket 6 days ago
The treasury Department released final regulations earlier today (link Unfortunately, not 45V, nevertheless, a sign of hope, as at least it indicates that the Department is still currently active.
WeTheMarket WeTheMarket 6 days ago
Link to article referred to in previous post.

Sunlight Can Split Water Directly Into Hydrogen For The Fuel Of The Future
A reactor that splits water to make hydrogen using sunlight and catalysts, without conversion to electricity in between, has operated successfully for three years.
PUBLISHED: Yesterday

👍 1
xdx xdx 7 days ago
Stephen Luntz
The four main requirements of direct splitting of water with sunlight is to become commercially viable.Image Credit: Hisatomi et al/Frontiers Usage Restrictions
igotthemojo igotthemojo 7 days ago
"We’ve been paying for nuclear power plants since day one"

yes, it costs a bit for reasonably clean and reasonably cheap energy...but i say we take the money we are throwing at hydrogen and put it into solar, nuclear and battery research...the last thing i want is for big oil to be in charge of the new energy souce for the next 100 years...
Mac1957 Mac1957 7 days ago
We’ve been paying for nuclear power plants since day one
igotthemojo igotthemojo 7 days ago
" For hydrogen in the ira, they're tax credits, not "taxing us citizens and giving that (away)"

the US is spending more than they make...we cant afford to be giving huge tax breaks to big corporations...if big companies are given big tax breaks, guess who has to make up the difference?...and to get the whole hydrogen infrastructure working, its going to take many hundreds of billions of dollars...think those companies wont be coming back every few months with their hands out asking for a few billion more here and there?...and after its all done, think you will be paying cheap prices for that hydrogen?...heres a wont..

"Do you have a problem with companies investing in the future of the US?"

lol...not at all...if they want to invest in the US they can have at it...just dont ask me for the money to do it...they are not investing in the future of the US...they are investing for their own future...and they want me to pay for a lot of it...THAT'S what i have a problem with...and when its all up and running, they will be gouging us with high prices so they can have fabulous profits created by our own money...

when they are cheaper, easier and better alternatives, why insist on going with the expensive and harder choice?...
Jditi Jditi 7 days ago
IGTM: For hydrogen in the ira, they're tax credits, not "taxing us citizens and giving that (away)...". No investment = no tax credits. Investment = no handouts. Do you have a problem with companies investing in the future of the US?
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WeTheMarket WeTheMarket 1 week ago
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays to all.
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williamjr williamjr 1 week ago
PLUG Filed Service Tech : Big Business (5) Walmart location and This (1)
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igotthemojo igotthemojo 1 week ago
"IGTM, it has bipartisan support"

it has a few self serving politicians whose districts will benefit that are for it...that isnt "bipartisan support"...

"creates manufacturing jobs in the US"

so does chewing gum...its not an issue anyone really cares about...there are many companies that are creating jobs out there that arent asking for the Fed Gov to fork out billions of dollars to create those jobs...

"contributes to US energy independence"

the U.S. has been energy independent since 2019...we produce more energy than we consume...

"helps fight against China's dominance"

taxing us citizens and giving that money to big companies so they can get rich with hydrogen helps fight China's dominance? about we find another way to fight China's dominance because that way just sucks...and China's dominance in what?...we are already energy independent...why do i care what china does?...

"and is good for the the environment."

for the hundreds of billions of dollars to the trillions for infrastructure that are being asked for and for all the money in the future that will be asked for because they will have spent so much money that you cant turn back now, its an enormous waste...that money can be better spent on wind, solar, battery and nuclear...

" In summary, money well spent."

money wasted to enrich a few....
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WeTheMarket WeTheMarket 1 week ago
IGTM, it has bipartisan support, creates manufacturing jobs in the US, contributes to US energy independence, helps fight against China's dominance, and is good for the the environment. In summary, money well spent.
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igotthemojo igotthemojo 1 week ago
It’s way too late to care what the Biden admin does with that 45v…its utterly meaningless…

it’s now ALL about how Trump feels about big tax credits for hydrogen…
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WeTheMarket WeTheMarket 1 week ago
Repost from PLUG Stocktwits board, courtesy of Gio_F.

2024 in Clean Energy Tax Credits: Year in Review
December 19, 2024

Key excerpt:

"As stated in October 2024 remarks by Aviva Aron-Dine, Performing the Duties of Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, the Treasury Department and the IRS anticipate issuing additional guidance by the end of the Administration, including final regulations implementing the technology-neutral Clean Electricity Production and Investment Tax Credits (45Y and 48E), the technology-neutral Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program (48E(h)), and the Clean Hydrogen Production Credit (45V), as well as additional guidance on the Clean Fuel Production Credit (45Z)."
Jack_Bolander Jack_Bolander 1 week ago
More Bad News ;
scubastevemd scubastevemd 1 week ago
Thank you for your honest answer. If we look at other applications that either use off peak excess power from wind or solar, nuclear, water etc. that would provide cheap power for h2 production on site versus having to truck it in would this make more economic sense? I know it maybe still more costly, but maybe the Enviromental concerns along with the subsidies would have it make more sense. I know the true answer is reducing the overall cost, but that may take more time.
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Jack_Bolander Jack_Bolander 1 week ago
Bill - Please check your Facts.  Doosan produces their own fuel cells.
williamjr williamjr 1 week ago
$PLUG : Doosan is a PLUG customer : Doosan Mobility Innovation Accelerates Growth by Integrating Small and Medium-Sized Hydrogen Fuel Cell Businesses
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WeTheMarket WeTheMarket 1 week ago
A Christmas Fuel Cell Miracle: Plug Power and More
December 23, 2024
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WeTheMarket WeTheMarket 2 weeks ago
I hope he comes through. If/when it happens, it should be posted here

Hydrogen Tax Credit Rules Will Be Done by the End of the Year
In an exclusive interview, Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo laid out the three big to-do items the department is pushing to finish by January.
October 01, 2024
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WeTheMarket WeTheMarket 2 weeks ago
Link to article referenced in previous post
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tdtcal tdtcal 2 weeks ago

Rooftop solar PV provides 107.5% of grid demand in South AustraliaBy George HeynesNovember 18, 2024
tdtcal tdtcal 2 weeks ago
The economics are/have been changing:

"According to OpenNEM, at around 13:45 on 17 November, rooftop solar PV in South Australia provided 107.5% of the state’s demand, standing at around 1,720MW. This is the latest milestone the state has achieved, having broken the 100% threshold last month."

After initial manufacturing costs and subsequently with only "maintenance" costs, hydrogen becomes a storage medium that can supply more regional locations without needing to build out a connecting infrastructure.

This model will work for regions within 20 degrees latitude of the equator.

It provides an additional energy source for these countries lacking oil.

It (hydrogen) can be exported to other countries lacking solar intensity and oil, as well.

There is more to this, but for now, watch Australia.
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Jack_Bolander Jack_Bolander 2 weeks ago
Banger - Hyzon, Nikola and Hyvia .

The technology works ..., But the Economics Don't
uksausage uksausage 2 weeks ago
what a terrible article

claims green hydorgen is a greenhouse gas
talks about the hydorgen incidents in the 1920s and 1920s as if nothing has changed since then..

cant be bothered to read any more (but I did)

and then at the end was the headline news….

hidden in it was something I hadn't heard from Friday..

HYZON has effectively closed down (they say filed for bankruptcy but technically they haven't done that yet)

The Notice begins the 60-day notice period that must be given prior to idling operations and laying off employees under the WARN Act. If the Company cannot raise funds or find a buyer, it is expected that the reduction in force will be completed in February 2025.

Thought may be Nikola would be first and still hope they survive.
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Jack_Bolander Jack_Bolander 2 weeks ago
Jack_Bolander Jack_Bolander 2 weeks ago
jammy - Since you want to talk Hydrogen Vehicles .....

GOOD NEWS: The PLUG's New/Defunt Hyvia van is faster than a Ferrari !
BAD NEWS: It is only faster once !

GOOD NEWS: GM is also introducing a new Hydrogen Car !
BAD NEWS: It’s called the Chevy CRUZE ... (Missile)

GOOD NEWS: Ford is introducing a new Hydrogen Car , too!
BAD NEWS: It’s called ... The PINTO II

GOOD NEWS: BMW has announced that they have a H-2 Car as well.
BAD NEWS : BMW is calling their car… “der Hindenberg II”

GOOD NEWS: NASA has found a way to save billions delivering equipment to the Space Station !
BAD NEWS: NASA is using DHL Hydrogen Street Scooters ….

And speaking of NASA, the new Space Shuttle will be bright DHL Yellow !!!
jammy32 jammy32 2 weeks ago
Are you a paid basher. I’m guessing yep
Jack_Bolander Jack_Bolander 2 weeks ago
C'mon jammy - My post is about on-road vehicles, a product and sector PLUG has no interest in.

PLUG is NOT Mentioned.
CashCowMoo CashCowMoo 2 weeks ago
I wonder if the PPS is going to try to push back up in 1Q 2025. Chart looks promising for a lil bouncy up
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jammy32 jammy32 2 weeks ago
More bashing of plug by short sellers with only one objective, to hurt the company and shareholders.
WeTheMarket WeTheMarket 2 weeks ago
Repost from NKLA board.

Recent Linkedin post.

Elders Climate Action’s Post
View organization page for Elders Climate Action, graphic
Elders Climate Action

Senators Kelly and Sinema joined Elders Climate Action for an exciting tour of Nikola Corporation's heavy-duty electric vehicle manufacturing facility in Coolidge, AZ. Thanks to the IRA’s $40,000 federal tax credit for zero-emission Class 8 semi-trucks, Nikola is expanding sales nationwide, making clean energy solutions more accessible while boosting Arizona’s economy.

Our ECA members were thrilled to ride in these incredible trucks! Did you know that Nikola’s electric semi-trucks (350-mile range) can go from 0-60 MPH in just 21 seconds with a full 82,000-pound load? Even more impressive, their hydrogen fuel cell trucks (450-mile range) also deliver exceptional performance.

These cutting-edge vehicles are more than just engineering marvels—they represent a cleaner, greener future for transportation and an investment in Arizona jobs.

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