10 years ago
Indian gold smuggling soars -
MINING.com Editor | March 20, 2015
Gold's gains followed a stellar day for the precious metal on Wednesday,
after the release of the latest Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
statement which cut the amount of interest rate increases the FOMC
expects to see this year.
The news sent April Comex gold futures up $24.50 to $1,172.70 an ounce.
AuRico Gold Shares Up 3.5% Following Dividend Announcement (AUQ) -
Posted by Ethan Ryder on Feb 20th, 2015 // No Comments
AuRico Gold (AUQ) Releases Quarterly Earnings Results, Hits Estimates -
Posted by Stephan Byrd on Feb 20th, 2015 // No Comments
Gold & Silver is the only REAL Legal Tender -
by The Founding Fathers for your -
Rights, Liberty and Freedom -
God Bless
11 years ago
Caledonia Mining Corporation's Rooipoort & Mapochs Platinum, Gold,
Palladium /Nickel (Ni)/Copper (Cu)
(PGM) Project - South Africa.
Caledonia Mining Corporation's Rooipoort Rights Mining Properties -
are held by Maid ‘O the Mist,
which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Caledonia CALVF.
Platinum Group Metals indicating they have a huge find of
PALLADIUM on the North Limb of Bushveld -
This property adjoins Grass Valley of Caledonia Mining Corporation's
Rooipoort Rights Mining Properties -
Platinum Group Metals Waterberg Update -
* The Rooipoort PGE/Au/Ni/Cu Prospect was aquired by
Eersteling Gold Mines from Rustenburg Platinum,
owned by Anglo Platinum Limited.
The property is located approximately 30 km southwest of
the CALVF's Eersteling Gold Mine property and is located in an area
that saw a surge in platinum group metal exploration along
the "Platreef".
In 2004, Caledonia purchased and acquired prospecting rights
over an additional 342 hectares on the farm Grasvally,
immediately adjacent to and south of the Rooipoort property.
Caledonia has drilled > a total of 18,450 meters in
54 holes on the Rooipoort PGE/Au/Ni/Cu Exploration Project.
This drilling covers the full 6 km strike length that makes
up the project area.
Estimated inferred resource is
18,128 million tonnes at a grade of 1,1-1,34 2PGE+Au.
Presentation Expanding, Low-Cost, Zimbabwean Gold Producer -
God Bless