3 months ago
There will be a bottom, maybe in the not so distant future but pretty good odds it isn't there yet. I get a kick out of the yahoos blindly pumping everything all the time. Like dubby loading from $60 down. I pulled up a natgas chart last week, noticed a somewhat 2 year ish pattern going back a ways and were coming up towards the end. I mentioned a fib retracement of the $3 area probly 6 months ago. Maybe we'll hit it, maybe not. I think regardless whoever gets in, there be massive crash. Dems can't keep pumping up the market, the win they did their job let er crash, Trump wins (my vote) and market crash and blames on Dems. Watching and trying to learn from another guy who sometimes does not gas charts and he's had around a buck being the bottom for well over a year. Time will tell
6 months ago
How to invest in Natural Gas for longer term (months / years)? (NG1! or another way?)
From my understanding, I can go long on NG1! futures with Schwab, but that's more for short term trading, (days / weeks).
For holding the position for months (or even years), would I use the same method, or is there a better way?