4 years ago
$GBR and today a nice steady dump
It's amazing how traders still haven't figured out all of their oil & gas assets were sold 10 months ago.
On August 31, 2020 the Company sold its entire oil and gas operation for $85,000 to an independent third party. In prior years the Company has accrued a liability of $2,745,000 to plug and abandon the existing wells. This obligation was assumed by the buyer. Upon the sale of the wells the Company recorded a gain of $2,138,000.
In September 2019 the Company wrote down the accounting value of its oil and gas reserves by $2,285,000.
4 years ago
5,131,935 shares outstanding but 81,000,000 in volume in 5 hours???
On the record date of November 13, 2020, a total of 5,131,935 shares of Common Stock and 559 shares of Series B Preferred Stock were outstanding, with each share entitled to one vote.