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Empire Petroleum Corporation

Empire Petroleum Corporation (EP)

Closed March 09 4:00PM
After Hours: 7:59PM

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yp_1 yp_1 4 minutes ago
Also, what about the unnamed investor who funded them for 10MM CAD last year in exchange for 100+ million shares…
KeyKey KeyKey 20 minutes ago
Very interesting discussions. I like that there is still hope.
But again: Why is all still being kept as a secret ?
Why not open speak about it when it will become public sooner or later anyhow ?
Do you really think there are agreements that nobody is allowed to speak about unti
UltraMonk73 UltraMonk73 22 minutes ago
Hi everyone. Just looking in on this board LTH from 2017. I hope it will prove to be worth the wait GLA. 
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 22 minutes ago
Snubbed didn't into XRP years ago because you'd figured that someday the govt. would be including it in a strategic reserve.....
You figured perhaps that could happen but there were all kinds of other reasons why it should be held.

Bitcoin has always been consider
getmenews getmenews 27 minutes ago
yp_1 yp_1 44 minutes ago
I can see someone would sue them, albeit with no tangible result…
devil dog 96 devil dog 96 48 minutes ago
You really think these shells ever change hands? The people behind them don't change especially when they have a proven cash cow here. They might make you think the string puller has changed but that's all part of their story telling. Don't buy into the stories and you wont have to become a no proof
newmedman newmedman 51 minutes ago
or as B4 describes it, "Succession". And they want to do away with the board of education? Or should we call it the bored of education.

I'm going to be fine wherever I go. I'm not saying it's going to be easy but I know what I do. I'm trying to talk myself into it and you can't stop
gitreal gitreal 55 minutes ago
That PR was from six months ago, and since then.....nothing about the Mt. Vernon Mine. Complete silence. The Mt. Vernon Mine is a dead deal, they did not make their $500K payment in January.

Jared is not being very transparent or honest, is he?

And that shipment o
sunspotter sunspotter 1 hour ago
Hi, Hans!

What is that attracts you to scams like VPLM, TORVF, PTOI etc etc?

Do they pay well?
Gary Ray Gary Ray 1 hour ago
Not good 
Not good at all 
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 1 hour ago
I’ll go with the argument that the deal is real because the CEO won’t risk getting busted by the SEC.
Yeah, like OTC companies are known for trustworthy management who cares about their shareholders' finacial well-being and they would never do anything unethical or illegal for fear of getting
newmedman newmedman 1 hour ago
That's awesome Arizona!! You must be so proud of her! I din't get into the responses yet but Zorax can probably tell you a thing or two about goalies. LOL I just fired slapshots at them. I sucked at goalie. Was a good catcher in baseball but you always knew where the pitch was going.

JohnnyRotton JohnnyRotton 1 hour ago
More than a gram per ton , not terrible.
getmenews getmenews 1 hour ago
I would like to read this article
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 1 hour ago
Yes, 8-K filings are legally required to be truthful.
Of course they are legally required to be truthful (you don't need AI to figure that out), but docummented scammers like Mark Miller and Jason Black don't follow the rules or laws. They do whatever they have to in order to scam investors o
Kam8 Kam8 1 hour ago
Hi Sir, LP doesn't hire CFO, COO, and any staff of accounting, no marketing team, and sales team even though approval in UK anytime.  Don't forget management is elderly.  
Dodger1 Dodger1 1 hour ago
Without Analog...wit, we become digitized..

https ://

Analog is wave...digit is 1 and 0 The question is how much can you manipulate for
the sake of masses vs how you can digitize them? Is that a pr
janice shell janice shell 1 hour ago
janice shell janice shell 1 hour ago
Rubyred77 Rubyred77 1 hour ago
What's up with the Hawaii bashing. 
janice shell janice shell 1 hour ago
I agree with George.
getmenews getmenews 2 hours ago
I haven't worn a watch for 42 years..

Check out my post on TSLA board as well
Sooth_Sayer Sooth_Sayer 2 hours ago
Patience.. Balls.. and a big BOOOM!!! From a Tiger II 88MM cannon!

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