9 years ago
I had my (12+ area) stop-loss threshold based upon specific criteria of FCG needing to hold as resistance, along with Crude Oil factor needing to hold 43.50/barrel or less resistance.
When I saw that 42 Oil area held as support and that it was surging back above 43, I based stop-loss early in morning on 43.50 needing to hold.
At this point, it is distinctly very possible we see Oil above 45+, into upper 40's, all-depending on FOMC meeting today and EIA data in morning today.
API report already gave it a boost since last night.
Anything is possible today. Maybe we see 45-46 area hold for resistance on Oil if FOMC meeting or EIA data surprises today, but until that would happen, Crude Oil has a short term bullish break out potentially forming.
If it does (as I posted earlier) I'll see GASX a great buy opportunity(perhaps near 9-10?) because I don't see Crude Oil sustaining at or above 50. And once Crude oil tops out, I see it gong back to 40 at least and likely back into upper 30's, which would be a great swing trade on GASX if times reasonable close to eventual bottom area.
At a minimum, I see GASX likely getting down into 10's by today (and that only requires crude oil to get to about 45.50-46).
9 years ago
It varies each day within various periods of times how much nat gas or Crude oil affects GASX & FCG. Some days and some weeks one commodity impacts the stocks within FCG much more than other periods, but one thing for certain is that most people underestimate the amount of impact of Crude Oil on the FCG stock holdings.
As examples---
Last week a couple of days nat gas was more dominant, and now Today we see Crude Oil being more dominant surging higher while Nat Gas dumping downward in red for 2 straight days, yet GASX hitting new lows today, which clearly shows Crude Oil can have significant impact on GASX. There is no precise % one can depend on for correlating impact upon GASX.
As that article posted previously explained (and as I've posted about here in the past already), Crude Oil on average has a larger impact than the average person thinks on the stocks contained within the FCG.
If FOMC pumps up stock market tomorrow or if API & EIA reports prop up Crude Oil after today, likely FCG & Crude Oil will up go along with it, and it will mater much more than what nat gas does at least for the interim short term over next few days days if we stock market break out after FOMC & see Crude oil test new highs.
If Crude Oil breaks back above 44-45 area (up to 46-49), which it seems a likely risk being set up now, GASX will get slammed down to 10 or 9 (maybe worse) regardless of nat gas (even if nat gas stays down), and that's how much you might or would see a demonstration of how large Crude Oil's affect can be on GASX/FCG.
Personally, I don't see Crude Oil going above 49-50 if it does break out higher yet, and if it does, it'll be a great opportunity for buying GASX, RUSS, BZQ, DWTI, etc.
9 years ago
FCG -- The ETF's Holdings
FCG -- A Split Decision For This ETF's Holdings
April 26, 2016
"many of FCG's member firms have significant oil exposure, such as top 10 holdings Hess Corp. (NYSE: HES), Anadarko Petroleum Corporation (NYSE: APC) and Marathon Oil Corporation (NYSE: MRO). What that means is the ETF can benefit from rising oil prices, as evidenced by its recent rally, but natural gas exposure remains a concern."
{GASX shorts FCG}
9 years ago
CHK - Chesapeake energy (part of the FCG) had some positive news today of an asset sale to raise cash, and it apparently lifted the stock, which effectively is the main curve ball that was thrown at GASX today.
Also--- True, Nat Gas is up today a lot, but it's that individual stock news on CHK that pushed up the sector even more.
We'll see if it is sustainable next week. I think the run up is over done personally on the sector, along with oil & gas. Oil actually has been the predominate factor in this overall, but sometimes nat gas going upward or surprise news on a stock in FCG holdings can happen & is unfortunately part of the reality of trading and scenarios of unpredictability.
9 years ago
You could say same thing about RUSS being affected by nat gas (OGZPY is top holding), yet it is up more than GASX, right? So that contradicts the nat gas explanation, while I do somewhat agree nat gas has an affect overall--- I would emphasize that Oil has been the predominant factor in affecting GASX (FCG), and that I do not think it is as simple as asserting nat gas as reason GASX is down so much in relevant terms.
It is mostly an un-explainable day.
Looking at $USD being up a lot the past 3 days along with today, it has not affected Crude oil, so it is a tough area to gauge right now.
9 years ago
Also started an initial position just under 13.50 a little bit ago into GASX.
It might get to 12's yet, or even 10 at worse case scenario if Oil heads towards 45's, and if GASX does that, I'll contingently add once more given the circumstances i see for this, as I don't see this as a never ending falling knife (like JDST). I see a nice reversal trade here potentially. At the least a nice multi-day quick flip (at least a 2+ day move upward back above 15-18 area or more)
Also interested in RUSS, BZQ, maybe DWTI.
But I prefer to short oil/energy right now thru the stocks.
A lot more downside risk with oil/gas companies right now (and in stock market in general), and if an oil break down does occur soon, the gas/oil stocks likely will move down at a rate better than Crude Oil for %.
9 years ago
Not moving much up because stock market is not selling off hard yet while traders are waiting for Sunday meeting in Doha yet.
But maybe early next week or within a week or 2 it will move up.
And you should be cautious here. Traders are waiting to see what happens Sunday at meeting in Doha with Oil freeze, etc.
GASX could (not certain yet) have risk lower yet. But if it does have more weakness after Doha meeting this Sunday and Crude Oil spikes more yet toward 44-45, then I'll be more convinced this is a buy.
Otherwise if Oil starts weakening Monday yet after the meeting, then probably this is a buy and uptrend starts likely back toward 20 area.
...And if 'Sell in May & go Away' happens this year, which market is potentially setting itself u for, then GASX could trend much nigher than 20+
GASX & GASL are based on the FCG, so always do your research on those fund holdings.