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CANN Discussion

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BottomBounce BottomBounce 4 weeks ago $CANN
Sgreg Sgreg 3 months ago
I got in yesterday at 3 cents. I think it’s due for a little run.
Randyfloyd420 Randyfloyd420 11 months ago
Is this the company that makes Cann the thc CBD infused drink?
BottomBounce BottomBounce 1 year ago
TREES Corp. $CANN Total Debt (mrq) $21.35M. $.0001 coming
Buck Russell Buck Russell 1 year ago
So far this is starting to look very similar to previous MJ rushes. Spikes in trading and prices, followed by slow, red periods. This amount of volume is still chump change, but compared to the 8,000 shares per day we were seeing for most of the year
Papabear999 Papabear999 1 year ago
I am not scoffing at 100k, especially since I'll make a lot more in stocks after I rob the banks. Hollywood lost its jobs, the elites are running scared, and the zionists are dying one by one. The next few months will be sweet.
Buck Russell Buck Russell 1 year ago
Yawn. Yes, Pelosi and no one else, that's who we need to be worried about. I legitimately spend none of my time worried about what "the rich" are doing. MJ Rushes are such that you only need to reach out and take the money that's on the table. I personally enjoy that sort of arrangement. Just make money while sitting around in my underwear and not contributing any of my own labor. I cannot imagine pretending to scoff at 100k because "Pelosi." No life isn't fair, yes politicians, not just the democrats, are dirty, but this is the world we live in, and it's been that way since currency was invented after humans stopped being hunter gatherers. If you develop a method for making money on CANN while some investment bankers and hedge fund managers are losing their asses, I'm all for it. But until then, it seems like there might be some CANN trading coming up in the next few months.
Papabear999 Papabear999 1 year ago
who cares? Even if I make 100k is that great? How much is Pelosi going to make off this compared to me? I'd rather start robbing the rich instead of taking piecemeal handouts from them. It will come to that eventually
Buck Russell Buck Russell 1 year ago
You mean like the last time we had rushes when there were weeks of inflated prices and trading volume that had nothing to do with company fundamentals? Every time we've had a rush it was based on nothing but hype. Hell, one of my biggest players in 2016 didn't even have a product to sell at the time. 🤣 At one point its market cap was in the low billions.
Papabear999 Papabear999 1 year ago
Even if interest comes in, it won't last, another pump and dump. Dispensary prices are at all time lows, 50% discounts 24/7, nobody has money except the fat idiot born rich kids
Bolando Bolando 1 year ago
Race 2 Two Cents!

Rules of The Third Annual Race state" with a strong close above 2 cents Da Race 2 Da Nickle begins!"
Buck Russell Buck Russell 1 year ago
Yeah some flipping and profits sounds about right. I think we're just seeing the word getting around about rescheduling. After AG Sessions torpedoed the CA legalization rush, it seemed like all interest was removed from the sector pretty much completely. Hemp Legalization came and went without so much as a bump in prices, so we're down to pretty much the final thing that can put some eyes back on the sector. Except, several years of zero interest gave us some bargain basement prices, and I'm all for it.
👍️ 1
Buck Russell Buck Russell 1 year ago
I haven't seen anything about that. I'm in the US, everything is fine over here.
skyhigh50 skyhigh50 1 year ago
I'm thinking a nice run for the week. My guess is a little profit taking tomorrow, but I'm holding steady. Will definitely by if it dips. I think some good news for the sector is not to far off.
Michi 1968 Michi 1968 1 year ago
but why trade is blocked in Germany!?
Buck Russell Buck Russell 1 year ago
Spiked at almost 19 cents so far today. Not too shabby. 52 week high is still only a quarter. 🤣 volume is still kinda chump change, but for several months, the average 10 day was only 8000 shares. Now its 153,000 shares. Other Stocks I played in previous rushes aren't doing much currently, and 2 of them don't exist anymore. To seems like CANN is once again a decent choice
👍️ 1
Papabear999 Papabear999 1 year ago
yawn, this is going nowhere with no volume fast. can't trust advice from men that wear women's clothing. America looked like it was heading for civil war, China looking 100% more likely for civil war now. Stock crash is coming, guess I'll buy puts instead with the money i moved, so not all is lost
Michi 1968 Michi 1968 1 year ago
Trading suspended in Germany!?
Buck Russell Buck Russell 1 year ago
Well maybe after the apocalypse it'll be a good time for trading. 🤣
Papabear999 Papabear999 2 years ago
im on the fence, stock market and banks are going to collapse real soon and idk if i can take anything rachel levine says seriously
Buck Russell Buck Russell 2 years ago
If we're in the early stages of hype returning, I think you're good for a while. Days to weeks before anything really happens
hondaboost hondaboost 2 years ago
CANN, a dilution Scam, going back to $0.04, or 0.01 as the company is doing Big dilutions day by day.
Papabear999 Papabear999 2 years ago
ill move some money into my account, it won't clear until wednesday so i hope it doesn't run up too much
Michi 1968 Michi 1968 2 years ago
Buck Russell Buck Russell 2 years ago
The head of HHS recommends rescheduling of MJ from schedule 1 to 3. Perhaps our LONG wait is over, and finally the will of the voters will be recognized. Big volume on CANN Friday. Made some quick flips on this price action, I had picked some up just above 8 cents. Seems like a good buy right now since we're pretty much at the historic low, and interest appears to be returning to the sector.
Michi 1968 Michi 1968 2 years ago
give me a more detailed explanation of why Cann shouldn't go up
Michi 1968 Michi 1968 2 years ago
Thanks for the info but you're wrong! Cann will bring us much joy
hondaboost hondaboost 2 years ago
Warning; CANN, a diluting Scam: O/S went to 118 Million shares from 62 million shares, and keeping diluting day by day.
Buck Russell Buck Russell 2 years ago
Volume is up today. Perhaps in anticipation of rescheduling. If THAT doesn't wake up the market, nothing will.
Michi 1968 Michi 1968 2 years ago
Michi 1968 Michi 1968 2 years ago
no more faith to Cann :(
Pickles1109 Pickles1109 2 years ago
Funny you should ask. I have1k @.17 still in Cann. Happy I took my gains a long time ago, but thanks for asking.
WallWeeD WallWeeD 2 years ago
Dude how down are you? You seem to be mad. Is that why you talk people down? This is an obvious SCAM and you felt for it.
Brokeralias Brokeralias 2 years ago
Did you seriously reply to a post from January of 2022? And you can't figure out why the name is Trees now? Wow. Not the sharpest tool in the box, are you?
WallWeeD WallWeeD 2 years ago
Hey How is your investment coming along LOL. TREES CORP.? LOL LOL LOL Time to sell?.
WallWeeD WallWeeD 2 years ago
From cannabis to trees corporation? WTF where did that GENERAL NAME came from? Smell scam to me
Brokeralias Brokeralias 2 years ago
With the recent acquisitions, their revenues will grow. More and more states are legalizing marijuana. It's not big news right now, which to me means it's time to buy. As soon as US legalizes it will be big news and stock prices will surge. Many current state and federal laws are conflicting, which is going to have to be dealt with. Majority of people want it legal. Just a matter of time
Michi 1968 Michi 1968 2 years ago
there is no more run in cannabis stocks morev!?
ShawnyD ShawnyD 2 years ago
Hail Mary? Can we make some profit n stop bull hitting
Michi 1968 Michi 1968 2 years ago
Good or …..?
Renee Renee 2 years ago
General Cannabis Corp. changed to Trees Corp.:
rozzy rozzy 2 years ago
Wow wee,, I remember this at 12 bux
Michi 1968 Michi 1968 2 years ago
we will see! the future will show us! but i am positive
👍️ 1
Papabear999 Papabear999 2 years ago
Is this stock going to back to $10? Is it going down first or is it dead?
Michi 1968 Michi 1968 2 years ago
Michi 1968 Michi 1968 2 years ago
Michi 1968 Michi 1968 3 years ago
My English is not that good! what do you say to this report!? good or bad or
Michi 1968 Michi 1968 3 years ago
Bolando Bolando 3 years ago
Bought here today too!

No brainers across the OTC board by adding now to The 2'nd Annual Race Contestants!

On average they peaked +17X higher last year.

Pop Pop
Michi 1968 Michi 1968 3 years ago
I shouldn't believe in this company anymore!?

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