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SurgLine International Inc (CE)

SurgLine International Inc (CE) (SGLN)

Closed March 06 4:00PM

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Freeblazer Freeblazer 3 years ago
Wonder what is keeping this alive. Should have been completely delisted and ticker removed after all this time.
cira cira 4 years ago
I have it in my E*TRADE account from back in the day but see if available to trade in Schwab too.

Anyone know the catalyst for today’s volume? Over 8x the previous 10 day average (48.7m v 5.7m)
i_bought_psid i_bought_psid 4 years ago
What broker are people using to trade this?
Zboricua Zboricua 4 years ago
If this turd leaves trips, then I will be happy.
InvestKid36 InvestKid36 4 years ago
Nice 160 million-share BUY!
Zboricua Zboricua 4 years ago
Ask him/her why an offer wasn't made to you. I am not about to sell all my shares for $1
Silver-RoLi Silver-RoLi 4 years ago
And why only to you? ?? I don’t get a massage.
Zboricua Zboricua 4 years ago
JohnFromnomi sent me a pm in Dec. Offered to buy all of my shares for $1. IMO, he knows something is about to happen
PennyAuthority PennyAuthority 4 years ago
I am going Load up on about 75,000,000 more shares of SGLN. All of that guaranteed stimulus money pouring into the market in a few days from traders all over.
ToldYaSo ToldYaSo 4 years ago
they probably meant they'd buy all your shares for $1- total, haha....I held this for a very long time, also.....saw shares start to trade and bit the bullet, sold, and took my loss....yeah, I got fonged.....I had 250k sell order in at .001 for awhile, with no bites.......
JP313 JP313 4 years ago
Someone wanted in bad to the tune of 40 mill hit
Silver-RoLi Silver-RoLi 4 years ago
Where you got this offer???
Zboricua Zboricua 4 years ago
We have been holding this for over 10 years now. I know something is up when someone offered to buy all my shares for $1.00. I am holding a little over 17 million shares . I am curious to find out what is the catalyst after all this time.
al19 al19 4 years ago
George Sharp is a mastermind.
Mexico10 Mexico10 4 years ago
OMG. I thought I had lots. Lol
PennyAuthority PennyAuthority 4 years ago
New stimulus check is going to buy me tons of cheap shares. Currentlty Sitting at 259,120,000 shares.

Can't wait??
Zboricua Zboricua 4 years ago
Going back to my original question. .. why were you willing to buy shares from other holders? Out of the blue there is volume.
ToldYaSo ToldYaSo 4 years ago
my bet is some group pre-loading so they can try to make a p&d run....mistake, imo...there are millions and millions of shares hanging out there in the hands of people just waiting for that to happen so they can get out and recoup at least some of their money....
VonRyan VonRyan 4 years ago
so cheap.. just purchase some .0003s.
sinatracity sinatracity 4 years ago
this stock is allowed to trade while most otc ce stocks are on restricted list. so i use td ameritrade and am looking for some sub pennies.. and put in 100 buys and this one allowed a buy . so thats your volume. and it might keep up if traders are looking for a sub penny #roaring kitty my dude
Zboricua Zboricua 4 years ago
Then why all of a sudden there is volume?
Ryguy008 Ryguy008 4 years ago
Nor has a thing changed with you... still down thousands in losses I see... community bashing <3
mcjodie mcjodie 4 years ago
I'll bite
Zboricua Zboricua 4 years ago
Someone is buying up this garbage. If it's James Toland, you are worse than sewer garbage
ToldYaSo ToldYaSo 4 years ago
As long as this pos is traded on the private market with no firm making a market on it, stays non-reporting, has a verified o/s of aprox. 5.7 Billion, an a/s of 6.475 BILLION, and carries a caveat emptor tag on otcmarkets, then Absolutely Nothing will be happening with this company.....nor should it.....
Freeblazer Freeblazer 4 years ago
Something, we just don’t know what yet.
Mexico10 Mexico10 4 years ago
Something going on behind the scenes here??
Zboricua Zboricua 4 years ago
Why are you willing to buy worthless shares unless you know something?
Bill2 Bill2 4 years ago
Does anyone can tell if all this volume is buys or sells, thanks and much appreciated if anyone can verify and
Let’s us know.
I have this for years
Good luck to all that has SGLN shares
lambchops lambchops 4 years ago
All these OTC'ers are moving right now! Maybe I'll recoup some of my losses on this puppy. All the best to you too!


Darkchief Darkchief 4 years ago
wow what happened here 0.0002
lambchops lambchops 4 years ago
Lots of these small stocks are getting some love. SGLAN has got to get current though.


JP313 JP313 4 years ago
A used condom with a hole in it has more value than sgln
cira cira 4 years ago
Was wondering the same thing...sitting at 825k shares from 10+ years ago and would be happy to unload all if people are buying lol
lambchops lambchops 4 years ago
Why did you [purchase SGLN shares?? Utterly of no value.
Darkchief Darkchief 4 years ago
I'm in 2 millions shares added 31 Decembre
JohnFromNoMi JohnFromNoMi 4 years ago


I own 377,000 shares of this POS stock, give or take. It was the first stock I ever bought. I've learned a lot more, since, about stocks. I've learned to never, never touch penny stocks. They are penny stocks for a damned reason.

Those 377,000 shares are STINKING UP MY PORTFOLIO. I wish I could be rid of them...and yet they have a certain value, reminding me of the error of my ways. I will never, ever touch anything so speculative ever again.

I bet some of you feel the same wish you could RID YOUR PORTFOLIO of those worthless shares. Maybe you could even get an end-of-the-year write-off that way.

I'm willing to buy those worthless shares so people can get their EOY write offs. I do believe that's perfectly legal. I mean, the loss is real. The write-offs are real. I offer this service from a kind of unorthodox do-gooder impulse.

But due to the way Charles Schwab is set up, I can buy 999,999 shares for .0001 which is a hundred bucks. And I'm not willing to throw my money away like that. A dollar would be just good clean fun. But a hundred bucks is real money.

If anybody wants to make a deal...sent me a private message. I'm not looking to make any profit on this. I am willing to buy up worthless shares but not with my own money.
JP313 JP313 4 years ago
Well apparently someone needed a $600 eoy write off
Magnum7419 Magnum7419 5 years ago
OZSC board should read this IMHO
JohnFromNoMi JohnFromNoMi 5 years ago
Thank you for the additional information about Thomas Guy Toland.

Guess where Richard Dutch turned up? Guess what he's doing today to take advantage of people during the National Emergency?
Zboricua Zboricua 5 years ago
You are responding to a post that I made over a year ago. This stock is garbage just like Thomas Guy Toland 719 Heliotrope Ave Corona Del Mar California 92625-2221
JohnFromNoMi JohnFromNoMi 5 years ago
Not sure what you mean? Could you be more specific?

But I certainly took your "turd" analogy and ran with it, or at least walked with it to a grassy median. See my most recent posting.
JohnFromNoMi JohnFromNoMi 5 years ago
So...I own 377,000 shares of this foul-smelling crud, and I can't even get rid of those shares like you would scrape something nasty off the bottom of your shoe that you stepped in by accident.

Today I was looking at the listing for the company and I noticed a phone number. It was disconnected when I called, of course. But I said to myself...if this stuff is still listed, still theoretically trade-able even though nobody would buy any of it...unless somebody made a typographical error while trying to buy something else...

I thought to myself...wait a minute...isn't something that's trade-able (even just in theory) required to have an active phone number? There must be an SEC rule somewhere.

So...anybody who has a thought on this topic...should I file a complaint with the SEC about this? I assume the street address listed is probably "disconnected" as well.

Wouldn't I love to ruin just one fine, sunny day of some low-life connected with this company!!! Thomas Toland, Richard Dutch...I hope one fine day you end up in handcuffs.

Thoughts on this topic? Anybody?
lambchops lambchops 5 years ago
Yup! Me included.
Once shafted Once shafted 5 years ago
That was shut down after everyone lost money a long time ago
lambchops lambchops 5 years ago
So what's the update going into 2020?


Once shafted Once shafted 5 years ago
I have had a experience with the Scammer Michael Chermak and Barry Hollander back in 2016, I was drawn into their lies to take my company public, but after investing $ 70,000 into the effort, I backed out because they wanted me to be a part of setting up fake companies with the help of the scammers at the notoriously operating scam office @ Dove St in Newport Beach, (which I went to this location several times and each time there was a different company name on the door) The fake companies Chermack wanted to set up were suppose to be fronts of companies that were supposedly ordering my products and we were supposed to set up fake contracts and these would be reported to the market to get a pop in the stock. Now I see Chermak and his partner scammers are at it again with this fake surgical company called OZOP Surgical. It reads the same as every scam these guys have done for years.
lambchops lambchops 6 years ago
Zboricua Zboricua 6 years ago
Someone is playing with thisbturd again
Mexico10 Mexico10 6 years ago

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