2 years ago
and back to old address $NHLG
( Current, AS: 100M, OS: 25M
Address Updated:
old PO Box 1076, Cleveland, TN, 37364, United States (GMaps (,%20Cleveland,%20TN,%2037364,%20United%20States))
new 370 Amapola Ave., SUITE 200A, Torrance, CA, 90501, United States (GMaps (,%20SUITE%20200A,%20Torrance,%20CA,%2090501,%20United%20States))
Chart (, OTC Profile (, Twitter ($NHLG&src=typed_query), @otcupdates
Update: 2023-01-03 17:16:47 (UTC)
3 years ago
All 145,017,786 discovered shares are DTCC and unrestricted. $NHLG was dissolved, when @Alpharidge_Cap was granted custo and revived it. Problem is that Authorized remained 100 Mil. TA will reconcile the two lists and provide update OTCM. But, all 170,292,786 are unrestricted.