5 years ago
I believe that you are mistaken.
What's happened is what had to happen in the legal system.
All CFO's and CEO's had to step down legally.
Momt has won the battle and is now in with royalties and earnings that belonged to it.
Re-read the whole thing I know it's a lot but it says that momt is now back in control of its India's operations, (it was hijacked), it was in the hands of what I think would be a crazy person, whom deceived and stole the profits from momt.
He is going to prison just read it fully, take your time.
Momt in my opinion is going up and very up with the next pr.
beleive me I could be mistaken, so be certain that you read the 8ks
5 years ago
1 Creditors $ 3,639,851.79
2 Senior Litigation $ 1,602,000.00
3 Lenders $ 4,614,139.15
4 Series E $ 2,530,000.00
5 Series F $ 9,489,162.50
6 Series G $ 438,523.56
Total Claims $ 22,313,677.00
Settlement Amount $ 22,313,677.00
5 years ago
"As compensation, the Company received a Promissory Note, whereby the Company will receive $22,313,677 worth of LI Ventures common shares"
BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, this all tells the tale here
"WHEREAS, MOMT is the majority shareholder of an Indian company named Digital Payments Processing Limited (βDPPLβ);
WHEREAS, there exists an Indian company named My Mobile Payments Limited (βMMPLβ);
WHEREAS, MOMT directly owns 587,163 nos. of common stocks reprinting eight point one seven percent (8.17%) ofMMPL, and DPPL owns 302,800 nos of common stocks representing four point two one percent (4.21%) of MMPL;
WHEREAS, , LI Ventures is the majority owner of an Indian company named LI Digital Payments Pvt. Ltd. (βLI Digitial);
WHEREAS, LI Digital purchased fifty point four percent (50.4%) of MMPL from a variety of shareholders of MMPL; "
LI Digital has much to gain from MOMT stock doing poorly right now. And they have paid others to drag MOMT's name through the mud in an attempt to do so.
5 years ago
I'm not so sure that shareholders were left out, the 8k puts MOMT in control, back into the company's hands and not to the now removed CEO.
There was a lot of illegal activity from the hijacked online system in INDIA for purchases that were made and with that being the case, it was a criminal act.
I think that....
They had to step down for either legal reasons or for the betterment of the company and as long as MOMT is trading it should be overseen by the SEC, so I believe that the revenues and all awards MUST belong to the company and all shareholders otherwise we would of halted trading and so on..
In my opinion ok.
Shareholders don't have to be listed in print on an 8k, its implied I am pretty sure.
Perhaps the company will update the shareholders better soon.
We will see.