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Leandroi2002 Leandroi2002 10 hours ago
News out

$IQST - IQSTEL, Interview with the management in Madrid, Sept 2024 #otc #otcmarkets #otcqb #otcqx #nasdaq #telecom #fintech #ev #ai #metaverse #bright #future #record #revenue #billion #million

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mdb1 mdb1 10 hours ago
$.16s hit today -- disappointing!!!!
moneyman2013 moneyman2013 13 hours ago
mdb1: agreed. Wish that the "social distancing" and "precaution" message would have been taken by the former guy.

Back to IQST now...Bullish and waiting for Nasdaq.

Best to all True longs!

Anyone heard from Oldman or Joe?
moneyman2013 moneyman2013 13 hours ago
Sauceman, agreed. Back to IQST and the potential future growth!

Patiently to all longs!
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TechSectorPlayer TechSectorPlayer 1 day ago
No Fool Like an Ignorant Old Fool. when quiet your just quiet fool when you speak you remove ALL DOUBT.
theSauceman theSauceman 1 day ago
moneyman, I see where you're going with the financial thought. Thanks, I get it. I'm not going to discuss politics or any presumption thereof, other than to say any stock with a political basis has already shrunk its market strength. It's like hoping to reach only half of the investors from the get-go.
mdb1 mdb1 1 day ago
Do you remember the old folks dying outside of hospitals in India because for whatever the reason the Indian system was slow in vaccinating the public in India. Millions of unnecessary deaths.
mdb1 mdb1 1 day ago
My almost last post on this topic: The latest study I read on Covid was that masks and social distancing had little effect in slowing down the spread of Covid. But I definitely would wear a mask regardless. It definitely felt/feels like PROTECTION. I would encourage others to wear masks even if they were/are ineffective in preventing the spread of COVID.
The important thing was having a VACCINE available to the public in hundreds-of-millions of doses. Trump/Pence accomplished this at WARP speed.
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mdb1 mdb1 1 day ago
Back to the $.17s .. Oh well.
wooferwax wooferwax 1 day ago
cootcat cootcat 1 day ago
"Is IQST involved in GOVID19?" Yes, it was spread by EV bikes
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mightymite1 mightymite1 1 day ago
I'm Reading The Last Several Post!!
Is IQST Involved in COVID19 ??
I Just Wish This Stock Would Start Movin on Up !!
moneyman2013 moneyman2013 1 day ago
Sauceman, it does...I realize that. I was talking about stocks and comparing IQST with Revenues to DJT which is basically a shell company, and how this DJT stock is selling for ~$17 now but has's a celebrity stock, much like all the garbage he sells. And here we are, with a company with growing revenues year over year, and struggling to get traction for Nasdaq.

When you have to speak about comparisons, the simpler ones are the easiest...gonna be a LOT of bag holders on that one when he dumps his ~114 Million shares and walks away.

Best to all longs on IQST!
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moneyman2013 moneyman2013 1 day ago
mdb1, I agree, and am thankful they brought the vaccines to us in such a short period of time - that was great. However, he did undermine everything he did on that front by saying "I am not wearing a mask"...not saying that masks were the 100% answer, but they did help those who were sick from transmitting it to others. Again, not the perfect fix, but helpful, and all he had to do was tell his supporters "wear one for a few months, everywhere you go, and it can help us minimize the effects to our Country" - he didn't, and that was a failure.
Kind of like saying "I believe 100% in marriage and what it stands for" and then going out and having an affair.

And vaccines take much longer than 5-7 years, so again, it was a HUGE win for Trump...but again, his failure on Covid led to ~1 Million dead "fellow Americans" who might not have died had he pushed his supporters to wear masks, and get vaccinated...he wouldn't even come out and say HE got vaccinated.

The ~1 million who died might have been less than 100K had he followed through...but he was focused on winning in Nov...
wooferwax wooferwax 1 day ago
I knew two young people that died of it...was not a farce. People still got the flu, but a much lower percentage. That is the effect of social distancing, masks and washing your hands more. That's how an air borne virus works. I thought the government did an amazing job on encouraging industry to produce vaccines that slowed the spread of the virus in such as short time period and gave it away for free! The technique for using mRNA to make vaccines was already being used, just not in massive batches as required to vaccinate the world population so people develop conspiracy. Folks, no one is out to get are not that special or important. If you have no faith in your government or country there is a plane or boat with your name on it.
moneyman2013 moneyman2013 1 day ago
Snow, agree 100%. Wasn't trying to be political with my DJT example - just the easiest low hanging fruit to see. As an Independent (former Reagan Republican) I vote on facts, not feelings. If others like him, fine, but it shows that they are willing to allow Adultery, lying, cheating, sexual abuse and a slew of other horrid traits in their own home through their support of Trump - not sure how they square this with their kids - maybe they tell them that it's ok to be like those Jerry Springer types...would be diff if they told their kids "yeah, we know he did these things, but we're ok with it" rather than making excuses for his behavior or saying "fake news". Dems aren't much better at times, but they have never stood on the "family values" platform anyway, so when they screw up, I expect it (i.e. Clinton)

Says more about his supporters, than it does about him. Me, Clinton should have been removed for the Lewinski lying, Bush for Iraq WMD's, and even today, after knowing what I know, Reagan too for Iran/Contra and the drugs he allowed into the inner cities (look up Freeway Ricky Ross).

If you know truth, and still support wrong, it's now all about YOU.

Ok, off my soapbox. Apologies to the group for this quick lecture.

Go IQST...let's let this baby grow...Best to all.
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lflhdy lflhdy 1 day ago
Strange how nobody caught the flu for two years.
GigantorX GigantorX 1 day ago
Data says otherwise.

The clinical trials confirmed that it wasn't all that effective in preventing hospitalizations, preventing transmission or reducing symptoms.

In fact, the trials had a hard time getting enough data because they weren't getting enough "sick" people. 

It was a farce. No one should be proud of it. 
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Big RDC Big RDC 2 days ago
180 % Right Bro
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snow snow 2 days ago
mdb1 I don't think the ignorant and constantly lying president you referred to has anything to do with the following: "After more than three billion doses, the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is being withdrawn.

AstraZeneca said it was "incredibly proud" of the vaccine, but it had made a commercial decision.

It said the rise of new coronavirus variants meant demand had shifted to the newer updated vaccines.

Its vaccine was estimated to have saved millions of lives during the pandemic, but also caused rare, and sometimes fatal, blood clots.

In the race to lift the world out of pandemic lockdowns, the Covid vaccine was developed by scientists at the University of Oxford in record time. A process that normally takes 10 years was accelerated down to about 10 months."
mdb1 mdb1 2 days ago
COVID vaccines in 9 months and given to public. Saved tens-of-MILLIONS of lives worldwide.
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lflhdy lflhdy 2 days ago
Did you notice during the 2 years of covid nobody got the flu? Yet every other year millions catch it.
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snow snow 2 days ago
mdb1 Trump demonstrated his ignorance in relation to COVID-19

"Throughout the pandemic, and even as cases and deaths increased, the President has downplayed the threat of COVID-19. For example:

On January 22, in response to a question about whether he was worried given the first report of known U.S. case, he said, “No. Not at all. And– we’re– we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s—going to be just fine.”
On February 2, “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.”
On February 25, “We have very few people with it.”
On April 28, “But I think what happens is it’s going to go away. This is going to go away.”
On June 17, he said it was “fading away.”
On July 19, “I think we’re gonna be very good with the coronavirus. I think that at some point that’s going to sort of just disappear. I hope.”
On August 5, “It’s going away. Like things go away. No question in my mind that it will go away, hopefully sooner rather than later.”

The President has also given conflicting messages and conveyed misinformation about coronavirus and has sometimes been at odds with public health officials (including those in the government) and scientific evidence. For example:

He has touted the use of the drug, hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19, despite the lack of evidence of its effectiveness, warnings of potential harms, and even after federal COVID-19 treatment guidelines recommended against its use.
He suggested that applying ultraviolet light to or inside the body, or injecting disinfectant, could combat coronavirus.
He has attributed rising COVID-19 cases to increased testing, despite the fact that this claim is not backed up by the data.
He has questioned the use of face masks, and given inconsistent messages about their use, even after CDC guidelines recommended them. It was only in July that he began to wear one in public at times and talk about their importance."
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mdb1 mdb1 2 days ago
Pres. Trump/VP Pense worked tirelessly to have American companies develop COVID vaccines in 9 months (from scratch to finish). This usually takes like 5 to 7 years. 9 months!!!!! (Warp Speed). This effort saved tens-of-millions of lives. They deserve great credit and THANKS for this.
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snow snow 2 days ago
theSauceman My quote was from that board. I tried to explain why the market cap is absurdly high.
theSauceman theSauceman 2 days ago
I think DJT has it's own board. Yeah. It does. I checked.
theSauceman theSauceman 2 days ago
LoL Go to social pages if you want to spin politics.
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snow snow 2 days ago
moneyman To me it is scandalous that the unstopping liar Trump seems to stand a good chance of becoming the next president of the USA. This country used to consider itself the foremost democracy in the world. Now the country may elect as their president a person who admires some of the best-known dictators in the world. On that background it is not so strange that some of the same people give his company an absurdly high market cap.

I quote from a post on that website: "Of course, as Ohlrogge noted, “a lot of banks are reluctant to do business with an owner due to their past interactions with him.”

But even if banks won’t lend to the owner, rich supporters could.

“It could be a wealthy individual who either thinks it’s good business or they see it as an opportunity to get on the good side of someone who might be the next president,” Ohlrogge said."
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moneyman2013 moneyman2013 3 days ago
Snow, all you have to do is look at one example, and ask yourself why THIS other company has a SP of ~$19 with losses and no real product...

This is a pure celebrity stock: DJT

Then reask yourself that question
vdt vdt 3 days ago
Prepare for a bounce this week
Best wishes everyone
Time for the train to ve the station
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mdb1 mdb1 5 days ago
Can a bounce up to $.25s happen on the news? I wonder.
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potofgold potofgold 5 days ago
Saw the news and bought a small ticket this morning.

Just waiting for it to get to a bigger board and take off.
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theSauceman theSauceman 5 days ago
SHOULD I don my spacesuit and dust off my helmet?
theSauceman theSauceman 5 days ago
WILL it be... the final squeeze?
theSauceman theSauceman 5 days ago
I've got to wonder... IS the squeeze approaching?
theSauceman theSauceman 5 days ago
That's why I'm willing to look at whether I believe what they're saying or the bashers that call them liars, and the stats. And I'm willing to sort the stats to the ones that either show or don't show growth. And when the grow becomes continuous and is multiple, approaching exponential, then I'm willing to understand the costs taken out before net profit. Like I said, for me, it boils down to what I believe about who's truthful and who's mistaken (or lying). Afterall there is more motivation to lie against the company than from within (at least as much).

theSauceman theSauceman 5 days ago
Unlike everyone else on this board, I never said I had a problem with a properly implemented RS. Yet it still remains to be seen whether they will need that tool or not. Btw, I don't see that they ever said it wasn't on the table. Look back to see that they always PREFERRED organic. Necessities are always chosen over preferences. biz101
cootcat cootcat 6 days ago
But you are laying no your back
Sauerkraut Sauerkraut 6 days ago
PPS direction is on my
Sauerkraut Sauerkraut 6 days ago
Seriously. Membermark for everyone who can post any serious link concerning any of their "great" achievements. In the means of official reachable links not from IQST related websites. Which can be used by retail and are working already.....

- Smart Gas/Tank - I´m working for companie´s like DOW and BASF. Nobody there knows anything about those things or testing of it
- EV sales (motorbikes and cars)
- -nothing to be found on social media to make me believe anybody can or will use it....
- Metaverse - Who cares anymore?
- AI - there are other players which have just a lot more power and money

I don´t rember any more of their 97+ promises, so just concentrate on that above. Feel free to add more.

Please, just one Link to any functional thing that has come to fruition over the last years.

I´m here since inception......made public by MSPC. Just another fraud.

Convince me somehow. Not with numbers and plans. Each good scam has those........Achievements?????? not to be found

It´s a telecom fraud companny runing of retails money.

GLTA Longs. I´m flipping arround till oblivion.......
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Sauerkraut Sauerkraut 6 days ago
That was me
Sauerkraut Sauerkraut 6 days ago
Now replying from my phone......
snow snow 6 days ago
BM It is impossible to know for sure which companies develop like T-mobile and which remain failures. Nobody can know for certain that this company will not be a great success in the future. Based on what has happened in the chance I think it is unlikely that this company will be a great success in the future, but I may be very wrong. Time will show and we may get an indication within a year.
Sauerkraut Sauerkraut 6 days ago
And they can shuffle around their balance sheet for now with so many acquisition. Nobody knows. Expect insiders. Even "bigger" CO's at NASDAQ turning out to be scams all the time...... everyday
Sauerkraut Sauerkraut 6 days ago
Ok girls. Calm down. It's not about figures. It's all about scam or not.....
Sauerkraut Sauerkraut 6 days ago
Far, far away from moon. Sorry. You will get RS'd. Some while back they said organic growth rather than RS......not no RS. Now they left out the organic thing in shareholders letter........have fun.

I'm buying back in from .14 downwards.....
Boiler_Master Boiler_Master 6 days ago
Snow referenced T-mobile as a telecom comparable having a P/E ratio of 23. Meaning the market cap is 23x annual earnings. But T-mobile is a large established company with average annual performance now. Back when they were a high growth company crossing over into profitability they traded at 770x earnings.

T-mobile first became profitable in 2013 showing a net income of 35 million. Their market cap in 2013 was 26.97 billion. That was a P/E ratio of 770. Google it. If T-mobile is any comparison to how we should value IQST, as Snow initially said we should based on T-monile's P/E ratio, even 1M earnings at the same 770 P/E ratio would put the SP above $4.

Valuing a high growth company based on current earnings alone is ignorant. If you want a one ratio valuation, you are better off using P/S than P/E. T-mobile's first profitable year, they were at 1.1x sales. For IQST a 1.1 P/S ratio based on 290M revenue and 185M shares would be $1.57 which IMO would not be unreasonable at all for a company operating around break even while showing over 100% YOY growth.

There are countless companies currently on the Nasdaq operating at a loss with valuations in the hundreds of millions, and even billions. That's because you invest in a company for their future 1, 3, and 5+ years out. Not what they did last year. Previous years are good to track and trend out future performance, but that's about all.
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Sauerkraut Sauerkraut 6 days ago
They want to raise $10M. That matches my buy target from .08-.12.

They can make one last offering....100M shares at .10 or something around that range. AS reached, then RS.

Just imo......
Sauerkraut Sauerkraut 6 days ago
Sauerkraut Sauerkraut 6 days ago
Nothing left from organic pps increase????

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