2 weeks ago
Pills or shots whatever they are, I dont use it so dont care. Point is ive read multiple places where its said that its very hard to get because so many use it, that those who do truly need it are having a hard time getting it.
So, please call Stevie boy and see how much theyve sold. My giess is ZERO. I bet we wont have another update regarding this for months. To me, after being burned so many times by this clown, I dont believe he has clue what hes doing nor do I believe he has any shareholder but himself best interest in mind. That this is just his next scam, bleeding it for all its worth.
3 weeks ago
INTV should be trading above $20.54.
Outstanding Shares 5,200,000
BTC 89000
BTC per month* 10
BTC per year* 120
Revenue per year* $10,680,000.00
OPEX* 60.00%
Profit Margin* 40.00%
EBIDTA* $4,272,000.00
P/E Ratio 25
Valuation $20.54
* Projected