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Forwardly Inc (PK)

Forwardly Inc (PK) (FORW)

( 0.00% )
Updated: 10:20:40

FORW Discussion

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Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 2 days ago
So if George is about to do a merger/acquisition with $SRNW - that means $FORW will add that acquisition immediately to it's holdings. I like the way this is going.
👍️ 1
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 2 days ago
New tweet out! " $FORW's pr of yesterday neglected to inform shareholders that while the first $SRNW warrant has expired, the expiration date of the second warrant was extended to 12-31-2026 & the exercise price was lowered to $.10. Forwardly has exercised 200,000 of these warrants."

$FORW's pr of yesterday neglected to inform shareholders that while the first $SRNW warrant has expired, the expiration date of the second warrant was extended to 12-31-2026 & the exercise price was lowered to $.10. Forwardly has exercised 200,000 of these warrants.— Forwardly, Inc. (@ForwardlyInc) March 11, 2025
👍 1
jimr1717 jimr1717 2 days ago
This shit pile needs a revoked notice
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 2 days ago
Once again a lot of gibberish that's not related to the situation at hand at all. Just incredible 🤡 nonsense. I wish we had better bashers here. sheesh
ARobinson ARobinson 2 days ago
FORW exercised 200,000 SRNW warrants. What's going on?
I-Glow I-Glow 2 days ago
Once again you are showing how clueless you are are securities law and filing a S-1 thought the 1940.act.

FORW will never get an S-1 to pass SEC comments. The last S-1 was filed over a year ago and the SEC did nothing.

Business Model: Most OTC companies position themselves as operating businesses (tech, biotech, mining, etc.), not investment vehicles. The 1940 Act kicks in when a company’s primary gig is investing in securities, which isn’t the usual OTC playbookβ€”those firms are more about raising cash to β€œbuild something” (or at least claim to).

Exemptions: Many OTC companies dodge the 1940 Act by staying under thresholdsβ€”like holding fewer than 40% of assets in securities (excluding cash or government bonds) or having fewer than 100 investors. This keeps them in 1933/1934 territory.

Complexity: The 1940 Act’s heavy compliance loadβ€”detailed investment policies, leverage limits, board requirementsβ€”clashes with the lean, scrappy nature of OTC firms. They’d rather wrestle with a 1933 Act S-1 than touch 1940.

Getting an S-1 through under the 1933 Act is easierβ€”less red tape, fewer existential hurdlesβ€”unless the SEC tags you as a 1940 Act entity. For a typical business, 1933 is a steep but climbable hill; 1940 is a mountain with no shortcuts. Forwardly’s retreat shows how the 1940 Act can derail even a public company’s plans. Want me to explore Forwardly’s business to guess why the SEC pivoted them there?

Sharp got you again.

Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 3 days ago
LMAO - a glowing frenzy today as the basher team hates the fact that George is still highly motivated to find partners for his shells..

read it and weep 🤡

"Forwardly continues to entertain additional partnerships with legitimate enterprises."
🤕 1 🤢 1
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 3 days ago
LMAO - Those were bashing post. You have to be held accountable for your years of bashing and manipulating this fine company and wonderful CEO.
😫 1 🤕 1 🥴 1
I-Glow I-Glow 3 days ago
Those were pumping post. You have to be held accountable for your years of pumping this garbage.

👍️ 1
I-Glow I-Glow 3 days ago
Sharp has been the CEO of forwardly for 6 years and he hasn't accomplished anything of value.

Since the initial pump the price is down 99.5%.

Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 3 days ago
I liked this part>>>

Forwardly continues to entertain additional partnerships with legitimate enterprises.
👍️ 1
I-Glow I-Glow 3 days ago
Do you know how many times the Ligand Resuscitator has been pumped - such as Sharp stating they were on the FDA Fast track for the Ligand Resuscitator and it has been pumped since 2016.

It seems as though you haven't done any DD about Schafer/Sharp/Ligand - and the Nigerian Doctor scam.

Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 3 days ago
It's so nice to be adding shares down here below .01 before the real NEWS hits.
vinsterr vinsterr 3 days ago
β€œLigand Innovation Global, with whom Forwardly has partnered in the development of a portable ventilator, reports that its VitaCaeli G1 appears to be poised to be approved by the FDAs of Nigeria and Ghana with immediate large orders of thousands of units to follow. Ligand believes that this could be accomplished during the second quarter of 2025”
👍️ 1 💯 1
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 3 days ago
Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 3 days ago
Perhaps because absolutely nothing exists here.

Except Sharp taking a healthy salary for absolutely nothing at all.
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 5 days ago
Nothing new posted here by the bash crew in YEARS? sheesh.. George says, it happens when it happens... Good enough for me... 10X run coming...
surfkast surfkast 5 days ago
Correct! But some do not like facts.
I-Glow I-Glow 5 days ago
But Surf is posting facts straight from the Sharp created financials and you are posting a childish defense of Sharp void of any facts.

St. Sauvage St. Sauvage 6 days ago
Friday night (on this side of the planet) cheers 🍷 to all of us who still "Believe in George"

I do...

"Prost" & may the remainder of 2025 belong to us and Forwardly 
surfkast surfkast 1 week ago

Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 1 week ago
I'm seeing a 10X move coming here for starters, and then probably higher after the deal is completed.
👍️ 1
I-Glow I-Glow 1 week ago
Still trying to pump the Sharp scams. It isn't working.

MrSmith18 MrSmith18 1 week ago
Charts are primed for a sudden surge soon. Patience pays...
I-Glow I-Glow 2 weeks ago
How many years have you been posting that great things are coming soon?
Thursday, 01/16/2020 8:57:16 AM

Good Morning FORW heading up we go .

Tuesday, 01/21/2020 2:00:01 PM

We are golden here

Damn, you have been pumping this garbage for over 5 years

surfkast surfkast 2 weeks ago
0.00044 (-6.29%)
al19 al19 2 weeks ago
Have a feeling our time is coming soon $FORW
👍 1 🔥 1
surfkast surfkast 2 weeks ago
You won the trophy!
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 2 weeks ago
What a nice day for $FORW investors
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 2 weeks ago
Looks like a contest to see who can cut and paste the most times the most meaningless nonsense on the boards, lmao.
surfkast surfkast 2 weeks ago
Despicable is what George is doing to shareholders! What did he spend $1 million of FORW money on?
He should sue himself for breach of fiduciary duty! Again. Where did the million go? It is in the filings.

Professional fees 2023 - $619,384 2024 - $326,718
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 2 weeks ago
OMG - quit posting made up nonsense. You are clueless on what the services were, so you make up 🤡 stuff and post it. Despicable!
surfkast surfkast 2 weeks ago
Did you even look at the filings? Millions for "Professional Services"! I can't wait to see the next filings.
Was that for Trainers and Jockeys? LOL

Let's look at FORW!


Professional fees 2023 - 619,384 2024 - 326,718

George should file a lawsuiit against himself!
jimr1717 jimr1717 2 weeks ago
This scam hasn’t been Revoked yet?
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 2 weeks ago
There you go again. Bringing up shlt that's many years ago. Sheesh - 🤡 posts over and over again.
🤕 1 🥴 1
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 2 weeks ago
No, I didn't ask Sharp, and you didn't either. You just make stuff up and post it as a basher trasher.
I-Glow I-Glow 2 weeks ago
So you don't believe in the research and DD that expose the Sharp scams. You have your pumping blinders on and ignore the facts.
Thursday, 02/13/2020 8:40:40 PM

I think STARSONA is very nice! Very Cool!

Friday, 06/12/2020 3:22:32 PM


Great call on Starsona - and a even better attempt to pump the Reg A+. You did know that the SEC declared the Reg A+ abandoned.

Sharp has a difficult time delivering

🎯 1
surfkast surfkast 2 weeks ago
You just believe the lying scammer sharp!
Did you ask him where almost $1 million in professional fees in the FORW filing went? How about the funds from his other shells? Millions!
I know what you think.

Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 2 weeks ago
Actually, I don't believe Sharp haters 🤡 and stalkers. Simple really.
I-Glow I-Glow 2 weeks ago
How many lies has Sharp been caught in - on his Twitter feed?

His website doesn't have a secure connection.

"Connection is not secure
You should not enter any sensitive information on this site (for example, passwords or credit cards), because it could be stolen by attackers."

Sharp is such a joke.

I-Glow I-Glow 2 weeks ago
Of course Sharp never named a company that got scared because people were saying mean things about the company. You are the only one who believes that nonsense.

Here is how I know it is nonsense - "On February 6, 2024, $GVSI announced that it had enter into a non-binding Term Sheet for the acquisition of a privately owned Blockchain enterprise."

What a deal a non-binding Term Sheet that no one saw it was all BS.

If you had half of a brain you wouldn't believe everything Sharp says

"wished to be involved in the "culture of chaos that is common in the OTC market". Specifically, the blockchain company cited the "lack of appreciation by supposed shareholders who currently own nothing as will [sic] as disdain towards management, as seen on social media."

How does the "the blockchain company cited the "lack of appreciation by supposed shareholders who currently own nothing as will [sic] as disdain towards management, as seen on social media." know much stock the posters own that are posting on social media.

That is the insecure little man Sharp throwing himself a pity party - Sharp wrote that BS as there never was a company. GVSI has too many red flags for any company to use them to go public.

It would be hilarious for the SEC to investigate Sharp and make him produce the email.

Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 2 weeks ago
It's simple really. Creepers and stalkers already messed up one of George's deals, and he's not going to let them have a chance to mess up the upcoming deals he is working on.
surfkast surfkast 2 weeks ago
Pumpers have an
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 3 weeks ago
Of course I have a link basher 🤡>>>
Penny2Dime Penny2Dime 3 weeks ago
surfkast surfkast 3 weeks ago
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 3 weeks ago
Merger incoming!
surfkast surfkast 3 weeks ago
Don't you clown pumpers wonder where George spent almost $1 million in 2023? Obviously not to help FORW!
Blind pumper clown marks are so sad.
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 3 weeks ago
There you go again... We are not talking about horse racing here. sheesh - cut and paste bandits strike again.
surfkast surfkast 3 weeks ago
You are too funny! What happened to Starsona? How about Ligand Global? Don't forget Maverick Energy Group? George is a proven failure. Unless you count growing his stable from 14 to over 100 horses?
Speaking of horses he is probably losing $3 million annually or more based on industry standards. Of note is he paid $335,000 for Hello Hot Rod in February 2021 and gave him up for $20,000 in a claiming race! (Horse could not get out of his own way!LOL)He also paid $250,000 for Coloratura in 2021 whos lifetime winnings are $58,266! George obviously sucks at buying horses also!

Does anyone question where the money went. Over $900,000 just on FORW Professional fees? Was that for trainers and jockeys? Seriously? What about the "loans" and shares? George has some nice ATM's!

FORW - Professional fees $619,384 December 31,2023
Professional fees $293,838 SEPTEMBER 30, 2024

GVSI - Professional fees $40,631 DECEMBER 31, 2023
Professional fees $12,904 SEPTEMBER 30, 2024

SRNW Professional fees $267,727 DECEMBER 31, 2023
Related party consulting expense for common stock $319,000 DECEMBER 31, 2023
Professional fees $62,571 SEPTEMBER 30, 2024

Article on Hello Hot Rod and

Claim For Hello Hot Rod

Coloratura Statistics®istry=T&rbt=TB

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