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Amerityre Corporation (PK)

Amerityre Corporation (PK) (AMTY)

Closed March 22 4:00PM

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Simonzx2 Simonzx2 1 year ago
Any interest here?
R4000 R4000 3 years ago
Doing DD here. Very quiet on the news front, but seems like some interesting non rubber tire approach. Great SS and QB.
BSMITH14012 BSMITH14012 3 years ago
10 K is out. Profits and Income is up YOY -- even with constraints on raw materials. Company reports they feel they have enough cash on hand for the upcoming fiscal year.
BSMITH14012 BSMITH14012 4 years ago
10 Q is out. Nothing earth-shattering, but nice steady gains. Cash on hand is solid and enough to support operations. Sounds like the quarter could have been better, but they are on allocations for the raw materials which limited their ability to fulfill orders. I like that they are in testing phase with several OEM's. If some of those contracts come through, it could be good for them.
DikFritz DikFritz 4 years ago
Nice, hopefully some updates.
BSMITH14012 BSMITH14012 4 years ago
Earnings should be out soon. I'm thinking the end of next week.
DikFritz DikFritz 4 years ago
Yes some communication would be nice. Still nice to see website updated and looks good to me.
BSMITH14012 BSMITH14012 4 years ago
That's a good start. Now just a few PR's and we'll be golden.
DikFritz DikFritz 4 years ago
Looks like website recently updated
DikFritz DikFritz 4 years ago
For sure or maybe a nice contract.
BSMITH14012 BSMITH14012 4 years ago
Completely agree. I think this is way undervalued and has room to run. Just wish the company would release some news now and then to get some eyes on the stock.
DikFritz DikFritz 4 years ago
Grabbed a starter. Really like this long term. Hoping for dips
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 4 years ago
Get ready to rumble
Bitcoinslinga Bitcoinslinga 4 years ago
LOL, I only buy 200 shares at 4 cents and this runs over 100%. Classic!
BSMITH14012 BSMITH14012 4 years ago
Nice volume and movement on Friday. Still think this has alot of room to run.
Bitcoinslinga Bitcoinslinga 4 years ago
Market cap: 3,121,179
Assets: $2,62,000
Revenue: $3,941,000

I like it. Grabbing a little bit.
BSMITH14012 BSMITH14012 4 years ago
10Q is out. Pretty good YOY growth.
phase_ten phase_ten 4 years ago
Well it’s definitely undervalued but unfortunately that’s not a guarantee for it to skyrocket. I’m personally gonna hold for a few months and see what happens.
BSMITH14012 BSMITH14012 4 years ago
What is going on with this one? I'm seeing companies with much worse financials taking off, but this one barely has any volume, even down at these levels. Is this a diamond in the rough, or just rough?
Payne72 Payne72 4 years ago
Anyone still watching this one? If so, any idea what has been causing all this price activity lately?
1986fish 1986fish 5 years ago
Yes sir! I'm not selling any down here, PPS is basically back to where it started, before we had the filing. Was able to grab .023 today and I'll tuck those away to sell at 200% fingers crossed.
S3lfMade S3lfMade 5 years ago
Muilti billion dollar hedge fund bought 30% (20m Shares)of the company per filing late yesterday!?

Shelton Capital Management
halbroke1 halbroke1 5 years ago
nyheat nyheat 5 years ago
threewheeler threewheeler 5 years ago
nyheat nyheat 5 years ago
Where can i see this filings about all this companies...i dont have any idea where to fallow this stuff...can you give me the website that i can catch????
threewheeler threewheeler 5 years ago
filing out but didnt see the run from it gonna have to watch this for dips
makinezmoney makinezmoney 5 years ago
$AMTY : $0.05s going............. firing offfffffffffff

Sudden volume surge and pop.

nyheat nyheat 5 years ago
whats happenin here????
Timing101 Timing101 5 years ago
$AMTY ... still strong on ASK and BID... MM's know something is about to come out .... someone popped that 500K purchase this past week for a reason
Timing101 Timing101 5 years ago
Mr NextGenCapCG
Agreed... $AMTY has some real structure to it , current all filings current and no issues there.
a. Profitable
b. Patents
c. Trademarks
d. Great Customer Base... National companies purchasing
e. Niche Business
f. Could be prime for acquisition... all that is easy to see in website
and disclosures.
They had their shareholder meeting yesterday , look for something to come out as they did have a vote on a few things. I would not be surprised to see them increase their A/S, but it showed was not passed prior on voting . However they appear to be locked , hence moves very quickly up or down .
But what is real interesting is there was a large buy last week, and on Level 2 , the bid and ask are and have been there. OTCX has shown up on the Bid the last few days... looking for large amounts (million plus) .
I have my position and since it will move so quickly, going to hold it into news or filing ...
NextGenCapCG NextGenCapCG 5 years ago
With any sort of news this thing will pop, i think. Catalysts for this company include: 1) Low float; 2) Profitable (unheard of for a penny); 3) Patents; 4) they aren't directly competing with the Good Year's of the world currently since their target market is more equipment based.

Some of the metrics here remind me of $ALPP. Would love to hear more from mgmt. about their strategy etc.

Bought a starter here.
Timing101 Timing101 5 years ago
Shareholder meeting started today at 1000 PDT at plant ... some good hits coming in ... look for some positive news... they hold patents and trademarks in this niche business...
Timing101 Timing101 5 years ago
$AMTY.. shareholder meeting Dec 4, this coming WED , lets see
Message to our Shareholders from our Chief Executive Officer:

Dear Amerityre Shareholders:

Fiscal year 2019 saw the continued improvement in the company’s financial performance, with Amerityre achieving record full-year profitability (positive net income before preferred dividends). This is the second time in three years Amerityre has recorded a full year profit. When I joined Amerityre approximately 5 years ago, we developed and implemented a turnaround program that focused on increasing organizational efficiency, eliminating unprofitable business segments, and finding new ways to leverage our world class intellectual property. When we started this journey there were concerns as to our viability as a company; today we are financially stable and in much better position to take advantage of business opportunities. The magnitude of this achievement should not be underestimated, and I am proud of our employees who have worked very hard over this period to make Amerityre successful.

On many fronts one could say our turnaround is complete, as the immediate financial issues have been resolved. However, as a small company we recognize the need to maintain the operational vigilance and cost discipline that has fostered our improvement, and our focus on improving our efficiency will not change. However, the past year has highlighted the need for Amerityre to increase sales revenues by developing our product distribution channels. Our sales revenue this past year was almost identical to the level of the previous two fiscal years. This is an achievement when one considers the various headwinds we have encountered over the past year – continued depression in farm incomes, the implementation of tariffs, general business environment uncertainty due to inconsistent government policy, and a strong US dollar negatively impacting our export market opportunities. Our challenge this upcoming year is to develop relationships with larger tire distributors and OEMs to provide better platforms to sell our unique, market-leading, products.

Amerityre continues to represent the market’s best choice for Polyurethane foam and elastomer tires. About 1 year ago we launched our new Elastothane 500 TM formulation in several of our tire products, particularly in our lawn/garden tire portfolio. We continue to believe this formulation will gain popularity in those applications where higher abrasion and impact resistance are required, namely agricultural applications and industrial tire applications. We have taken our approach of elastomer segment tires and applied it to several pilot testing programs that could develop into new significant business. This validates our company belief that every commercial opportunity provides us a chance to increase our skill set and intellectual property. This enables us to continue the improvement of current products and the development of new ones.

Our ability to solve the customer problems in the flat free tire market using our superior technology places us apart from our competitors who compete mainly on pricing. Our challenge is to continue to leverage our technological advantages by creating relationships with manufacturers and end users who appreciate a quality, truly sustainable, tire product. I am confident that we have the product portfolio to greatly increase our market share, provided we can gain access to a larger and more efficient distribution network. The search and establishment of these sales relationships will be my top priority in the coming year, as it is my belief that it is the most important success factor to our long term success.

Our annual meeting will be held on December 4, 2019 at our Boulder City, NV facility. I welcome all shareholders to attend this meeting and see firsthand the improvements we have made to your business over the past 4 years. I am as puzzled and as frustrated as many of my fellow shareholders that the value of the company, as determined by the stock market, does not reflect the increase in value created by our recent efforts. As I have told shareholders at previous shareholder meetings, we do not manage our business to the whims of the stock market, but I do believe the value and potential of Amerityre will eventually be recognized.

As always, I appreciate the support of our shareholders during my tenure as CEO and your trust in our plan to improve Amerityre performance. Please continue your support by reviewing and completing your vote on the items we have put on this year’s proxy. I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming annual meeting.

Michael Sullivan

Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors
Timing101 Timing101 5 years ago
$AMTY..... next week will be good.. once folks start doing the DD and see
Real Company
Real Revenue
Current On OTC Market
Real Products
Patents owned and Trademarks owned
This has all the basics... and once out , plus some one knew something with that large block purchase... .and today the MM's are NOT lowering the ASK at all , ALL DAY..
When all the volume comes back and people from short week.. this will be a Target Stock ....
Timing101 Timing101 5 years ago
$AMTY .. Current, Revenue Producing , Profitable, Niche Business and most of all the HOLD the Patents to these products...
More coming
Set forth in the schedule below are the issued patents that we have received.
Description of Patent
U.S. Patent
App/Serial No.
Issued Date or
Date Filed Brief Description/Purpose
Improved Method and Apparatus for Making
Tires and the Like
6,165,397 12/26/2000 Applies to pouring the material at the inside diameter (where the
tire starts) during the manufacturing process.
Run-Flat Tire with Elastomeric Inner Support 6,679,306 1/20/2004 Applies to a polyurethane insert within a tire to create a “run-flat”
Method and Apparatus for Vacuum Forming a
Wheel from a Urethane Material
7,377,596 5/27/2008 Applies to the method we employ to coat a light gauge steel or
aluminum wheel by evacuating air from the mold while moving
material through the mold utilizing a vacuum process to eliminate
pockets of air within the matrix of the material. The resulting
product becomes a “Composite” wheel.
Elastomeric Tire with Arch Shaped Shoulders 6,971,426 12/06/2005 Applies the design of the Arcus® run-flat tire (the first
polyurethane elastomer tire to run with or without air).
Method for Manufacturing a Tire with Belts,
Plies and Beads Using a Pre-cured Elastomer
and Cold Rolling Method
6,974,519 12/13/2005 Applies to how we put the plies, beads and belts on a mandrel or
bladder to be placed inside a mold for manufacturing a tire.
Improved Vacuum Forming Apparatus for
Vacuum Forming a Tire, Wheel or Other Item
from an Elastomeric Material
7,527,489 5/5/2009 Applies to an improvement in the vacuum forming equipment
used to manufacture a tire and other items.
Method for Vacuum Forming an Elastomeric
8,114,330 2/14/2012 Applies to polyurethane tires and methods we employ to
evacuate air from mold while moving material through the mold.
Run Flat Tire Insert System 7,398,809 7/15/2008 Applies to how to utilize an insert on a wheel within a
corresponding pneumatic tire.
Method and Apparatus for Vacuum Forming
an Elastomeric Tire
7,399,172 7/15/2008 Applies to polyurethane tires and the method we employ to
evacuate air from the mold while moving material through the
mold utilizing a vacuum process to eliminate air pockets within the
matrix of the material.
System for Retreading a Transport Tire with
Polyurethane Tread
8,206,141 6/26/2012 Applies to apparatus we used to retread transport tires with
polyurethane tread.
Method for Retreading a Heavy Duty Tire
with a Polyurethane Tread
8,603,377 12/10/2013 Applies to the method we employ for applying a polyurethane
tread to a rubber tire casing.
Pivot Wheel Segment D710,913 8/12/2014 Applies to irrigation wheels used in special soil conditions.
Set forth in the schedule below are the United States trademarks that have been registered.
Trademarks Registration/Serial # Issued
Amerityre® 2,401,989 8/14/2001
Elastothane® 3,139,489 9/5/2006
Elastothane® 3,497,302 9/2/2008
Arcus® 2,908,077 4/24/2004
Atmospheric® 3,089,313 5/9/2006
Logo® 4,404,548 9/17/2013
Kik® 3,608,633 4/21/2009
We also own certain trademark applications and/or trademark registrations relating to the Arcus® trademark in several foreign jurisdictions
Timing101 Timing101 5 years ago
Picked up the dip , once the bagholders got out...
Timing101 Timing101 5 years ago
and for that matter , they are for sure not letting it run like it can , it will though .. slow day today before Thanks giving ..
StockityStock2020 StockityStock2020 5 years ago
This is definitely primed for a run. Someone didn't take out a $10,000 wall for nothing.
Timing101 Timing101 5 years ago
$AMTY .... watch this , great set up SS and Products , coming alive
sleddy sleddy 5 years ago
Share Structure

Market Cap Market Cap
Authorized Shares
Outstanding Shares
Held at DTC
Par Value
Market Value calculated only for respective security
Transfer Agent

Direct Transfer, LLC.

Shareholders of Record 483
Corporate Actions

Symbol Changes
Symbol Change 03/21/2006 AMTY Symbol change from 3AMTY to AMTY
Displaying 1 of 1 Actions
Dividends & Splits
No dividends
Short Selling Data

Short Interest
Significant Failures to Deliver
New Issue=7-96 550,000 shs at $6.00 by the company
T4KingOff T4KingOff 5 years ago
ah thanks
Tha Part Time Er Tha Part Time Er 5 years ago
Promo pump out. Received it this morning
T4KingOff T4KingOff 5 years ago
any reason for the move?
makinezmoney makinezmoney 5 years ago
$AMTY: BLowwwwwwwwwwingggggggg UP !!!!!!!!!!!!


Hitting $0.042


Loving it.

$RITT is next

They are Back !

sleddy sleddy 6 years ago
sleddy sleddy 6 years ago
AMTY Security Details
Share Structure
Market Cap
Authorized Shares
Outstanding Shares
Not Available

Not Available

Held at DTC
Not Available

Par Value

Market Value calculated only for respective security

Transfer Agent
Direct Transfer, LLC.
Shareholders of Record 483
Elcappy1 Elcappy1 6 years ago
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Most boring stock ever. Dilution would actually give someone something to talk about at least.
Operationprofits Operationprofits 6 years ago
How much dilution here
2times2 2times2 6 years ago
AS increase and slight dilution to cover costs coming up EOY...on watch now for me