NRG Energy Inc. (NRG) announced plans to sell $700 million in 10-year senior unsecured notes, using the proceeds to end credit sleeves supporting the retail business one year earlier than planned.

Under sleeves, an energy company in essence rents a highly rated balance sheet. The higher-rated entity then buys or sells commodities for the energy company, or hedges with or gets hedging for that company. NRG said Tuesday if a deal to end the sleeves early with either Merrill Lynch or other counterparties does go through, the sale's proceeds will go toward "general corporate purposes."

NRG's sale comes as it continues its fight to fend off a hostile-takeover bid from Exelon Corp. (EXC). The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission cleared the deal if one is reached for the power-plant operator.

A slim majority of NRG shareholders have tendered their stakes in support of Exelon's $5.15 billion bid. Exelon still has to get additional federal and state approvals, including from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and state utility commissions such as those in Texas and California.

Shares of both companies were inactive premarket.

-By Kevin Kingsbury, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-2136;