Nov. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The
holiday season is fast approaching, and gift purchasing is
happening sooner than ever before. As time spent with family
and friends, the holidays also tend to
trigger Parentamorphosis, a condition coined by Progressive in
its popular marketing campaign, where individuals begin to mimic
their parents' behaviors and habits. Mispronouncing the quinoa side
dish (it's KEEN-wah) or taking the family holiday photos on a
tablet are common symptoms of this condition.
But don't fear, the good doctor is here: Progressive Insurance's
Parenta-Life Coach Dr. Rick is expanding his "practice" by bringing
his advice to the masses with the release of his book, "Dr. Rick
Will See You Now."
"This book is the culmination of my life's work," said Dr. Rick.
"It's highly common to see Parentamorphosis this time of
year, especially for new and first-time homeowners. There's
something about the magic and mystery of gathering with family and
friends during the holidays that brings out the parent in people.
They lose themselves in the moment. One minute you're you, and the
next, you're obsessing over how the holidays will affect trash and
recycling pickup. The triggers are everywhere. If I can save just
one person from sliding into full Parentamorphosis this holiday
season … I've done my job."
Now in its third season, Progressive's creative campaign with
the support of Arnold Worldwide, continues to grow well beyond TV
"episodes" and digital and will soon be on coffee tables everywhere
with a guide to help homeowners everywhere revert back from their
parents to their own selves.
"The campaign's relevance and relatability is the driving force
behind its extendibility. The insight that we all eventually become
our parents is incredibly powerful and universally understood,
which is why Dr. Rick's appeal spans so many demographics," said
Jeff Charney, CMO of Progressive
Insurance. "Extending the campaign to include a retail element is
timely, knowing that one in four books are gifted during the
holidays. This just-in-time release is a 'release' to those that
find the 63 days between November 1
and the first Monday of the new year to be among the most
challenging. We hope the book's humor disarms some of the stress of
the holidays."
For those concerned, Progressive has outlined ten signs to help
identify if you or someone you know might be
experiencing Parentamorphosis:
- You stand by holding a trash bag when someone opens a holiday
- You ask everyone which way they drove to a gathering, then tell
them the route they should have taken.
- You have difficulty resisting the urge to adjust the thermostat
in someone else's home or asking about its owner's monthly
electricity bill.
- You exclaim loudly which food items upset your stomach.
- You constantly clean up other people's cups and glasses, even
though they aren't finished.
- While watching sports, you find yourself providing commentary
aloud on every play as though you were the announcer.
- When preparing to host guests at your home, you put out the
"nice soap," which just so happens to be shaped like a flower or
- When you tell stories, they are filled with unnecessary and
extraneous details.
- You utter grunts and odd noises when getting up from the couch
or sipping coffee.
- Napping at inappropriate times, no matter what's happening or
who is around.
The 119-page book published by Eleven Letter Press—the in-house
publishing arm created by the team at Progressive Insurance—comes
packed with advice, images, and illustrations to help individuals
recognize and regress from exhibiting behaviors and habits of their
parents. Progressive has published a limited number of copies,
available for a nominal shipping and handling cost.
"Dr. Rick Will See You Now" is available for pre-order now
at For more advice from
Progressive's Parenta-Life Coach, visit On Call with Dr.
"I wrote this book so you could pick it up and flip to a random
page when you need a therapeutic dose of Dr. Rick, especially
during the holiday season where parental behaviors are in full
swing," continues Dr. Rick. "And this isn't just a book, it's a
guide. If you were lost in the woods, you'd want a map. This is a
map for escaping Parentamorphosis."
About Progressive
The Progressive Group of
Insurance Companies makes it easy to understand, buy and
use car
insurance. Progressive offers choices so
consumers can reach us whenever, wherever and however it's most
convenient—online at, by phone
at 1-800-PROGRESSIVE, on a mobile device or in-person with a
local agent.
Progressive provides insurance for personal and commercial
autos and trucks, motorcycles, boats, recreational vehicles, and
homes; it is the third largest auto insurer in the country, a
leading seller of motorcycle and commercial auto
insurance, and one of the top 15 homeowners insurance
Founded in 1937, Progressive continues its long history of
offering shopping tools and services that save customers time and
money, like Name Your Price®, Snapshot®, and HomeQuote
The Common Shares of The Progressive Corporation,
the Mayfield Village, Ohio-based holding company, trade publicly at
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SOURCE Progressive Insurance