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IonQ Inc (IONQ)

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Konaploinks Konaploinks 9 hours ago
IonQ Demonstrates Remote Ion-Ion Entanglement, a Significant Milestone in Developing Networked Quantum Systems at Scale
October 03 2024 - 4:00PM
Business Wire

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Breakthrough validates first-time entanglement in a commercial setting of two qubits in two separate ion traps

IonQ (NYSE: IONQ), a leader in the quantum computing industry, announced it has achieved the next milestone on the path towards scaling its quantum systems – demonstrating remote ion-ion entanglement. Building off the ion-photon entanglement achievement announced in February, this demonstration announced in September showcases the second out of four significant milestones required to develop photonic interconnects – a foundational step towards quantum networking and a core component of IonQ’s scaling strategy.

IonQ’s world-class R&D team entangled two trapped ion qubits from separate trap wells using entangled photons to achieve these results. The IonQ team achieved remote entanglement by developing a system to collect photons from two trap wells and routing them to a single detection hub. This critical “point-to-point” step established a quantum communication link – an essential piece in scaling quantum systems. While IonQ has always intended to implement photonic interconnects in its systems, never before has any company demonstrated the ability to bring this technology to an integration stage within a commercially available, enterprise-grade quantum computer. More details about IonQ’s latest milestone are available in the blog post here.

“IonQ’s north star remains scalability at high performance, and the progress we’ve made towards photonic interconnects ensures our customers will have access to large quantum systems capable of tackling the most complex problems,” said Peter Chapman, President & CEO, IonQ. “We’re consistently making significant headway on our technical roadmap, and customers across academia and business recognize the unique value IonQ’s systems bring as we near the point of commercial quantum advantage.”

“IonQ’s unique architecture and technology relies on scaling qubits within a single ion trap and then networking multiple traps together to achieve commercial quantum advantage,” said Dr. Bj?rn Flatt, Head of Emerging Technologies, IonQ. “With our latest achievements, we are now focused on the next phase for achieving scale – swapping ion-ion entanglement to the QPU. We are committed to pushing the boundaries on this technology and bringing photonic interconnects to a technical readiness where they can be integrated in commercially available quantum computers.”

IonQ is making rapid progress on its journey towards unlocking massive scale via modularity and photonic interconnects. IonQ has made technological and architectural choices by embracing a practical path that balances three core pillars required for commercial advantage: Performance, Scale, and Enterprise-Grade capabilities. Governments, global business enterprises, and academic institutions worldwide trust IonQ to deliver fast, accurate, and accessible quantum computers that open new opportunities for every industry.

To learn more about IonQ and its latest system news and business developments, visit

About IonQ

IonQ, Inc. is a leader in quantum computing that delivers high-performance systems capable of solving the world’s largest and most complex commercial and research use cases. IonQ’s current generation quantum computer, IonQ Forte, is the latest in a line of cutting-edge systems, boasting 36 algorithmic qubits. The company’s innovative technology and rapid growth were recognized in Fast Company’s 2023 Next Big Things in Tech List and Deloitte’s 2023 Technology Fast 500™ List, respectively. Available through all major cloud providers, IonQ is making quantum computing more accessible and impactful than ever before. Learn more at
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Konaploinks Konaploinks 9 hours ago
News out. I knew it. Lol
Mr. Hathaway Mr. Hathaway 11 hours ago
Mr. Hathaway Mr. Hathaway 11 hours ago
JJ8 JJ8 12 hours ago
What I find surprising is how the markets at this time are still able to take so many seriously bad geopolitical mini-wars and explosive international warlike activity relatively in calm. Almost close to alarm situation. The world seems to getting out of control and leaderless as geopolitics is almost close to chaos.

The potential escalation of any of these into full blown wars of WMD has become almost normal.

Several nations in our world have put all of us on the edge of the precipice.

The United Nations are no more an effective institution given the divisiveness among the big powers.

Where are and what are the powerful nations doing? Looks like in hibernation?
Oleblue Oleblue 14 hours ago
These clowns have probably ruined this country. I carry all the time now. In 1980 I was there doing a site survey for the FAA. The local telephone company was charging excessive fees for foreign exchange lines to the islands.

We were going to dinner around 9 PM and walking through Constitution Park when I noticed three duds giving us the look over. When they started following us, I stopped and turned around putting my right hand inside my jacket as if ready to draw. They changed direction and we continued on.

Several weeks later, I was reading the WSJ and they noted that Constitution Park was a favorite place to rob the visiting Japanese since they carried cash.
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Jack Torrance Jack Torrance 15 hours ago
If you don't own shares, you literally cannot be long. You have to have a position in a company to be long. Otherwise you are a swing trader. Do whatever you want. I don't care.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 16 hours ago
Do u guys think major CEO’s are selling stock because they don’t believe in their corporations when they are all breaking records ? No! They don’t believe in the world.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 16 hours ago
I respectfully disagree Jack. I’m long Ionq. Short the world. Pretty simple concept. Why are u guys so mad. I actually thought u would agree with me . Oh well. To each his own.
Jack Torrance Jack Torrance 16 hours ago
You can't be long if you don't own shares. Sorry.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 16 hours ago
Ok. I will. But remember one very important pontification. A bird in hand, is better than two in the bush. Good luck to you my friend.
$5.95akadawson-m $5.95akadawson-m 16 hours ago
Why even bring it up? We are not here to read how many of your posts!
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$5.95akadawson-m $5.95akadawson-m 16 hours ago
Get lost. Stay away. Form your own board where you can pontificate.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 16 hours ago
I’m very long Ionq. Just a realist. Look around the world. Get real. I’ll be back as long as ever when the shit clears up in the world. That’s the only reason I sold. So I don’t want to hear it after the election when I very hopefully buy back in . Good luck jj. I mean it.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 16 hours ago
And what did I do? Where is the blame on me? Please explain. I’ve made an informed decision based on mkt. conditions. The mkt conditions aren’t great. Wouldn’t u agree? Or do you see peace , love and further prosperity in the U S and world? Nothing is wrong with Ionq. Get it? It’s the world. Look around and make an informed decision. That’s all I’m doing. If Israel attacks nuc facilities in Iran, then what? You gonna wait for that? Just sayin I’m not. U gonna wait for the dock strike to worsen? I’m not. I can go on and on. I just think all cash right now with a little profit is a much safer bet than buy and hold through several possible apocalypse’s. Imo. Not telling u to buy or sell. I’m just telling u to do your own d d and make an informed decision based on world events all around you. Not just Ionq events. Their events are just fine. The world is not. Good luck in whatever decision you make. Mine could very well be wrong and everything could be all peaches and cream soon.
Jack Torrance Jack Torrance 16 hours ago
What a joke, hey? People always say they're turbo longs, then they end up being paper hands.
$5.95akadawson-m $5.95akadawson-m 16 hours ago
What! Trash the board with your remarks and then poof! Blame it on everything except you.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 16 hours ago
Just woke up to way too much strife! Yikes! Going to all cash til this all shakes out. Dock strikes, hurrricane, Iran /Israel , Russia/ Ukraine , mkt top? , illegals, possible terrorists attack, inflation rising, election 33 days away. Nothing wrong with IonQ but, look around. Damn. What a mess. How did we get here in less than 4 years? In a word. Bidenomics. I’m out with a profit and stepping back til I see how all this is going to shake out. Go IONQ! QUANTUM IS COMING!
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Konaploinks Konaploinks 17 hours ago
Iff I could quit eatin. I could quit everything . Until then……. I’m hungry. 😩
JJ8 JJ8 1 day ago
Konaoloinks, yesterday the technical check clue was positive and still it's valid at this time.

It said "Long Tail Down". That was a positive signal. However, it was not an outright buy signal.

However, it may follow by a buy signal. No guaranties in chart reading/interpretations.

As you may know, the chart is based on what follows in the market activities that are all in the future.

There are too many activities that the chart has no idea about, lol. Like us humans.

Charts have no feelings and emotions like humans, neither ability to express a word of what's really going on.

Chartists study market action trying to identify recurrent price patterns.

The biggest problem in charting is wishful thinking. In general each person sees what's on his mind.

They project their hopes, fears, and fantasies onto the charts.

Such is life with Chartists.

Mais, C'est La Vie, mon ami.
JJ8 JJ8 1 day ago
Let me put it this way,

You know what's important. And you get the important info and data together for enabling many folks to make their choice.

Your crystal ball seems made of plain glass ... lol.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 1 day ago
I wonder if someone knows something we don’t? Someone had a heads up before latest news the other day. It was pretty obvious imo Let’s see what tomorrow brings.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 1 day ago
lol. I told u I was always wrong.
JJ8 JJ8 1 day ago
Already in 11% profits. Looking for more.

What kind of crystal ball are you using?

Cheers and GLTY
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Konaploinks Konaploinks 2 days ago
Unless huge news comes out with huge $$$. I think this will drop back to around 7.80 ? But what do I know. My crystal ball is always wrong.
JJ8 JJ8 2 days ago
Not to hurry.

May be we could buy even cheaper?

My average cost is close to current price.

Cheers and GLTY & GLTA
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Jack Torrance Jack Torrance 3 days ago
$7.80 was the previous level indeed. My guess is we drift back to thereabouts over the next day or few, and then hopefully we drift back up to about $8.50 by end of next week. That would be a good outcome in my opinion.
mtsr mtsr 3 days ago
I will put more if we hit 7.80
Konaploinks Konaploinks 3 days ago
Jack. I agree. Keeping some powder dry for the 7’s possibly? Looks like some good support around 7.80. We shall see. Nothing wrong with the corp. Just the world. Lol
Jack Torrance Jack Torrance 3 days ago
It's coming right back to previous levels. The news was great, but not enough to hold gains long enough for consolidation. And the news came pre-market, so there was a mighty gap that needs to fill.
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Jack Torrance Jack Torrance 3 days ago
As was expected. Kind of funny to see all the newbies freaking. Happens every time there is good news and a decent spike. Bunch of tards chase the spike and then sell when the pump dies. Then the shorts take over. Rinse, repeat. There will be a time when this will jump 200% or 300% and then slowly rise from there, obliterating the shorts. Only a waiting game.
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mtsr mtsr 3 days ago
I say hold off of buying shares with all the turmoil in the Middle East. I still think we will go back into the sevens.
Mr. Hathaway Mr. Hathaway 3 days ago
Additional 201 shares placed @ $8.51
Konaploinks Konaploinks 3 days ago
Looks like time to buy more? The shorts are having a field day.
JJ8 JJ8 3 days ago
My day order to buy IonQ shares at $8.60 was filled. GLTA

PS This second buy was double the amount of shares of my first buying, few weeks ago
JJ8 JJ8 4 days ago
IonQ share price is in Long Tail Up mode at this time as it went up more than 20% in a short time.

That means price is vulnerable for a likely decline. Though that assumption is not a sure thing. The volume was quite high suggesting that the up-move could continue for sometime.

It will be dependent on the trading Supply/Demand dynamic and which group may dominate in the short time. Say, at tomorrow's market closing time.

I have a day order to buy in case the Bears cause a decline should that decline exceed the level I set. I am bullish for the intermediate and long term.

Interesting and exciting. We shall see.

Konaploinks Konaploinks 4 days ago
Hey Doc! Ya think Jensen needs VCSY patents and ionq? I can see Elizabeth blowing her top! Great day in the morning. LOL 😄😂🤣Crush her Jensen.
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Konaploinks Konaploinks 4 days ago
The more I think of it Jensen makes the most sense for a buyout offer. Do a j v first then kinda roll it into nvda as a subsidiary to keep Elizabeth and Bernie at bay, then go whole hog and rename the corp after a buyout as something new like JenQ. Or ??? Elon , Sam, Billy , Mark and or Mark ( the funky bunch lol) Larry, Jeff, etc etc are gonna do it. Who’s on first?
Konaploinks Konaploinks 4 days ago
I think once the word is out about quantum working at the molecular level, silicon chip stocks for classical computing will take a major hit. Quantum is coming. Get in.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 4 days ago
Qualcomm makes sense. But they too need to diversify. Imo Get more into quantum or be left in the dust of a mountain of silicon chips .
mtsr mtsr 4 days ago
It was QUALCOMM that was looking into it last week. The CEO was even involved.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 5 days ago
Yeah. Intel is in no position to buy us. But they need to diversify quickly. The “ 1 chip wonders” will soon all die if they don’t diversify. Jensen has and is in the lead. Imo. He would be very wise to scoop up Ionq as he already has Cuda-Q up and running. But does he have the cash? Answer. He just sold a ton of Nvda for something. I’m sure he didn’t just bank it. lol. Maybe he will make Ionq an offer soon. That would be a hoot!
Konaploinks Konaploinks 5 days ago
Here ya go.
Troubled chipmaker Intel has rejected a bid by chip designer Arm Holdings for its product division, Bloomberg reported late Thursday.
It was the latest of several Intel-related rumors. Earlier this week, the news outlet reported that Apollo Global Management had offered to invest as much as $5 billion in Intel, days after The Wall Street Journal said that Qualcomm had made a "takeover approach" for it.
Intel shares have lost more than half their value since the start of the year amid concerns about the chipmaker's ability to turn around its business.
Yet another Intel (INTC) rumor is out there—this time, about a deal that appears not to be happening.

The embattled chipmaker, shares of which are down more than 50% this year, rejected a bid by chip designer Arm Holdings (ARM) for its product division, Bloomberg reported late Thursday.

Intel's woes have attracted deal activity, as well as deal chatter. Earlier this week, the news outlet reported that Apollo Global Management had offered to invest as much as $5 billion in Intel,. Days earlier,The Wall Street Journal said that Qualcomm (QCOM) had made a "takeover approach" for the company.

Apart from its product division, which sells chips for personal computers, servers and networking equipment, Intel's other main unit is one that operates its factories. Both Arm and Intel declined to comment.

Intel, which is struggling with high debt levels and trying to stem losses, earlier this month updated investors about its strategic plans, which include separating the chip product division from its manufacturing operations.

Intel shares finished Friday—and the week—little changed. Investor concerns that the chipmaker will struggle to turn around its business have weight on the stock this year.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 5 days ago
No. I don’t listen. And I haven’t heard anything about an Intel buyout. I’ll go check.
mtsr mtsr 5 days ago
Do you ever listen to coast to Coast with George Nori? He has some interesting people on his show that you don’t hear in the mainstream TV or media
mtsr mtsr 5 days ago
I thought I saw sometime this week that there was a buyout on Intel or somebody was taking them over ?
Konaploinks Konaploinks 5 days ago
What if they’re a rogue race of robots? Quantum out of control as we fear could have happened on another planet thousands of years ago. Spooky stuff for sure. Einstein was right when he described it as “ Spooky action at a distance “
Konaploinks Konaploinks 5 days ago
I left out 1 other possibilitie. A merger with 1 of the Mag 7 or another quantum start up? Or someone like Intel , Broadcom or AMD etc etc ? It’s going to get very interesting soon. I can’t see these big corporations sitting on their hands much longer while Ionq’s price shoots up with each new benchmark. Somebody is going to make a move on them. They may have already. Fridays vol was huge! I think it was something like 10 times 10 day avg vol. The word is getting out. Quantum is coming. Get in or be shut out if one of the big boys busts a move.
mtsr mtsr 5 days ago
If you believe in life outside, our planet would’ve, this is like when we discovered nuclear weapons people say they watch our nuclear silos, sometimes even disarm nuclear rockets of this quantum Leap and computing is another step to their or our evolution to someday meeting or could we be meeting in area 51?
Konaploinks Konaploinks 5 days ago
This came out around the time Elon raised the alarm for everyone to stop and form a huddle. Then he goes off and starts his own. Lol. I guess that meeting/huddle didn’t go so well. Maybe nasa was contacted by extraterrestrial life? Who knows. But they stopped because something freaked them out. Maybe extraterrestrial life is quantum life? They’re all just robots that got loose from some other far away galaxy? They’re here studying us. Creepy ey?

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