4 months ago
I believe you, but it really is amazing to think how manipulated pink socks are, and I love the thrill, but I hate this part of it. Even down this far. I only lost $1,800 on this stock even though I made that money up on another stock. So it's a break-even day for me, and I'll probably hold through Monday just to see if there's any kind of give back, but I just would have thought after about 92%. It's got nowhere else to go but up, but I was definitely wrong.
5 months ago
CHINA Dump is common. Look at these charts IZM, RETO, PMEC, GDHG, WNW, SJ, LXEH, HOLO, HKIT, GGE, EJH, EZGO, CLEU, JZXN.
All CHINA stocks that lost over 90% overnight.
5 months ago
TWG: I was totally distracted by rampant LAPTOP problems --- no baloney, Sir!! (It took me all morning to REMOVE the "AVG" --- so-called "Anit-Virus" program, ironically --- which had surreptitiously entered by Acer Laptop. Even my great "UNLOCKER" app. could NOT remove it, even via its "UNLOCK-KILL-DELETE" function.) And then I finally checked to see what YOU were up to, which got me (belatedly) to TWG, & the Smack-Down-2024 insults between you & our pal TrendTrade!!
5 months ago
TWG: Hey, 'BRO' --- I know ya HATE when I say that --- I held some of my @JTAI over night from yesterday, and into the Open today, for a REASONABLE profit! However, then --- like an IDIOT --- I tossed a standard iHub 'Lotto Ticket' at TWG at $7.39 precisely!! Thinking it was gonna be a quasi-@HKD or Trump-like-@DWAC runner; but things then went badly (for me, anyway). But, I am still holding my TWG 'Lotto Ticket' at this writing. (No bullshit!!)