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RenovoRx Inc

RenovoRx Inc (RNXT)

Closed January 05 4:00PM
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fung_derf fung_derf 6 days ago
Ironically, lately the only stock that has been going up is $NVDA. Quite the conundrum you've put yourself in. Hey, I've left this place a few times, I get it.
You seem like a decent sort, but your word is all we can judge you on here.

but i stick to my word. In fact, if it's higher than even $100 by year end, i'll delete all of my accounts from every board. I'm sure some people will be thrilled with that :)

BTW, as far as penny stocks go, RNXT ain't the worst. It's actually trying to bust through resistance on increased trading volume. Which means, either someone is working a pump and dump, or this has a shot to go to $2.30 or so (currently $1.30). Almost worth the gamble....not for me, but for others I guess.
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 6 days ago
Today's news is a very bad sign for the company. Now they are trying to cover there butts for patent claims and procedures. The few years i owned this pos I was told by multiple people in the business that RNXT is not the only company do this procedure. Now they are trying to cell devices without the proper patents in place. This is the only reason for today's pr. Why else would they put this out today? Also phase III results are pushed out again? was going to be middle of 2024.. than 4th qtr of 2024. Then 1st qtr of 2025... now first half of This is a pos joke of a company who's business is selling shares... it is so thinly traded that they will finally give up and this will dump towards a quarter. Where it will reverse split and start the vague bs pumping all over again.
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 3 weeks ago
lol...I told you. The dump has started. Ask yourself this....if they presented yesterday and no one bought any only sells why? if they were going to make hundreds of millions selling there device and no one wants any only sells why? If phase III was so promising and no one wants any only sells why? ALL CURRENT SHAREHOLDERS OR ANYONE THAT BUYS SHARES BEFORE THEY REVERSE SPLIT WILL BE WIPED OUT ....THATS WHY!!!!! ONLY ONE'S THAT WILL MAKE MONEY ON THIS STOCK IS INSIDERS.... THEIR SHARES ARE FREE!
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 3 weeks ago
Looks like the one or two people who listened to all the vague bafoonery did not want any

Tomorrow could be a blood bath on the share price. They will give up soon.
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 3 weeks ago
Fireside chat with Shaun today at 4:30. More vague nonsense I will bet.. he needs to sell some shares.
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 3 weeks ago
Yikes.. not a good start.. not many trading days left this year.. thinly traded .. no one wants any.. insiders need to sell.. under a dollar by new year heading towards the reverse split that wipes out all current shareholders chances.
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 3 weeks ago
sell mode is on... no takers.. no new suckers.. this one is about to plummet
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 4 weeks ago
Lol... another pr about another location signing up for the trial... 45 minutes and only 217 shares bought....hahahahaha... no one cares or believes in this thinly traded scam.. soon they will give up and it will roll over... towards .50's
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 4 weeks ago
4 releases this morning on Etrade. They must need to dump some shares... 1 share traded.. no new suckers on this one.. they will have to dump soon.
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 4 weeks ago
Uh oh... new price target by some nobody analyst ... company must want to sell some shares.. so funny so obvious. These thinly traded non trusted companies need to try anything they can to sell shares. They will finally give up and the price will plummet to where it belongs...under .50 where they will reverse split and start the whole game over again.. wiping out all current shareholders.
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 4 weeks ago
You can buy some right now for 1.43 and be down .08 automatically ... sound good? Someone selling some share this morning... why? Because its going to be so great? Not for shareholders
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 1 month ago
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 1 month ago
glenn1919 glenn1919 1 month ago
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 1 month ago
ask yourself this question.... with all these bio stocks going up from 1-2.00 to 10-15.00 on way lesser (not as vague) news... why does no one want this one at a dollar? You know why... you can say it..
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 1 month ago
LOL.. more vague news about hundreds of millions in annual sales of some device.. with all that and a thinly traded (but lots of shares outstanding) stock nothing but a small buy and lots of sells.. it's ridiculous... they are trying to do anything they can to sell there shares without driving it to zero. Etrade made them put out a second pr right away saying this is all forward looking and vague. Soon they will give up and this will head towards zero and a massive reverse split.
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 1 month ago
This is ridiculous.. this site shows low of 1.15 etrade 1.15 yahoo 1.18
it traded 10k shares / sells at 1.10
more insider / market maker payoff crap... this will sell off way under a dollar then reverse split before any kind of bs run up... they need to wipe out current shareholders first so they don't sell for profits.
fung_derf fung_derf 1 month ago
NVDA up to $140 today. You have 29 days left. Gonna miss you when you finally grasp all the realities of penny stock buying.
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 1 month ago
Ok.. so what does that chart tell you? It tells me that after the two biggest volume days it sold off huge... look at all those red bars ladder down...

What do you see?
glenn1919 glenn1919 1 month ago
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 1 month ago
The pumpers will be gone today... Bagai and buddies will continue to sell. Back down this fake pump goes...
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 1 month ago
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 1 month ago
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 1 month ago
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 1 month ago
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 1 month ago
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 2 months ago
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 2 months ago
More selling today... fake market maker open at 1.15 -1.16 then dumping down to 1.06 all sells. Thinly traded garbage that the scammers can't get rid of. They will get frustrated soon and get what they can = huge plunge to .50 range.
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 2 months ago
Looks like someone did not like the RNXTfiling... this one has no catalyst left to hold it over a dollar much longer. Shady insiders will sell some shares for the holiday' waiting on a read out that may never come.. going under a dollar soon the the sp they plan to reverse split it from.
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 2 months ago
Bigger chunks of selling today.. (for this thinly traded scam) Raj must need to buy something... xmas shopping? 20k shares just flew through.. they pump it up on light volume and dump it on bigger volume.
fung_derf fung_derf 2 months ago
How's that short on NVDA working out for ya? Man, those 8 followers of yours will really miss you (especially since 3 are probably you).

not your fault though - you're just another typical retail clown. betting against someone like you is the proverbial taking candy from a baby.

Some clowns are better than others. You really should open your mind a tad. You don't seem like the typical penny stock douche. You just seem to be listening to the wrong people.
In fact, you should probably post less, but follow my board stock picks.
fung_derf fung_derf 3 months ago
In fact, if it's higher than even $100 by year end, i'll delete all of my accounts from every board. I'm sure some people will be thrilled with that :)

I know we are all going to miss you. How many accounts do you have?
So, what will your new alias name be?
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 3 months ago
Some selling today.. 25k shares dumped in last few minutes.. .99 heading towards .50's where it will reverse split and start the share churning over again... Thinly traded is making it hard on them... no new suckers... should change some of the last names involved... don't be so obvious... lol
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 3 months ago
Some selling today.. 25k shares dumped in last few minutes.. .99 heading towards .50's where it will reverse split and start the share churning over again... Thinly traded is making it hard on them... no new suckers... should change some of the last names involved... don't be so obvious... lol
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 3 months ago
wow... really taking off with this big 4 or 5 Biotech stocks go up hundreds % a day on way lesser/but probably REAL news. Not this stock selling scam from India.. sad
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 3 months ago
Wow.. big news this morning.. lol is it? All it is is more dilution heading towards the reverse split. They got a few new suckers to buy in the 1.20's pre market... Why does no one buy any? Everyone knows this is a stock selling scam from India.
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 3 months ago
Uh Oh.... looks like they did not like what they saw on Saturday's vague bs presentation. Little volume of some fomo on Friday afternoon.. they found another sucker investor. Reality sets back in today... they have nothing... they are nothing.. back under a dollar... most likely for good... until the reverse split to wipe out all current investors.
fung_derf fung_derf 3 months ago
That's awesome! You keep paying interest on your short of NVDA. Pretty soon you'll have paid more in interest than the stock price. Then betting on your penny stocks. I think you invest backwards, but who cares?
I think you give yourself way too much credit that anyone cares whether or not you stay on IHUB. Based on what I've read of your posts, you're pretty vanilla.
And once again you try to put words in my mouth. I have no opinion on this stock and don't care. I said buying all penny stocks is stupid.

but i stick to my word. In fact, if it's higher than even $100 by year end
let's see where we are at year end / early next year

I notice you're hedging your bet already. LOL!
Blueheel1 Blueheel1 3 months ago
my short on NVDA isn't a day trade - i will hold for another year or so - as long as it takes. I'll cover at maybe $20 or $25 - even though i think it will eventually bottom at $15 or lower. But i don't want to argue about it - life is too short. you don't have to join, but i stick to my word. In fact, if it's higher than even $100 by year end, i'll delete all of my accounts from every board. I'm sure some people will be thrilled with that :)

RNXT is a call option. It could succeed, or it could fail. But.....their current, well-enrolled trial is playing out as we speak - and nothing we say or do on an anonymous chatboard here can change the results by even 1% - isn't that great?

So, let's see where we are at year end / early next year. you say it will fail - well, there's another bet i'll take anytime.
Sweetleaf Sweetleaf 4 months ago
Starting to have sells after hours.. this one is under a dollar for good I believe.. they will reverse split and then run another one day scam like a lot of the bio's are doing every day now. IT'S TOAST
fung_derf fung_derf 4 months ago
Considering I'm diversified I'm just dandy. My accounts have been up as late.
Of course, if you took the time to actual look at my posts, I've been advising people to wait to buy SMCI in the low $300's, so not really sure who you think you're schooling? Go back and look at my board as I post most buys and sells. I made over 1200% on SMCI by buying it at $37.
You see, if you were a big time investor, you wouldn't need to day trade.
P.S NVDA is very close to its support level and probably an add here....but you keep shorting.
Blueheel1 Blueheel1 4 months ago
how's that long NVDA and SMCI position taste? i am printing money on the short side. may close SMCI for 70% over just a few months. But on NVDA, there is a loooooong way to go :)

not your fault though - you're just another typical retail clown. betting against someone like you is the proverbial taking candy from a baby.
fung_derf fung_derf 4 months ago
So, basically, you're a moron.
I don't care if I leave here or not. I've left for 3 years at a time.
If you choose not to learn how to invest, that's on you.
In fact, you should load up on this penny stock. Take out a second mortgage.
Blueheel1 Blueheel1 4 months ago
hey look - if you're too chicken to take the bet, that's fine. you can write 3 paragraphs, but either put up or shut up.
fung_derf fung_derf 4 months ago
OK, so with a little time to kill, I just read most of your posts on the CYDY board.
The good news is, I don't believe you to be one of the scammers (like monroe and a couple others)...
however, I'm not quite convinced that 7 years is enough education for you...for instance...tell me the post below was before you came to your senses and and at the very least, sold off your cost basis??


Re: None

Tuesday, June 30, 2020 8:56:01 PM

of 233356
So, sitting out on my back porch having a glass of wine with my wife, and I told her that we “lost more money today than I have made in my five best years of working“. And then I just started laughing. I think maybe she thinks I have lost it :)

This has been a crazy journey for sure. Never thought I would be in a position to lose as much money as I did today. At the same time, I firmly believe that we will surpass the $10 mark before we see August - and up from there. When you have something great, you attract attention and become a target – – which is what we became today. But what we own as shareholders is beyond what any two bit short seller can touch.

No, it didn’t feel great losing that much money today – – but I continue to try to enjoy this journey. I think this will be a once-in-a-lifetime run for me – – never before have I seen anything with this much potential, and I don’t think I will ever see it again. These are twists and turns in a world class drama that will have an ending that beats anything we’ve seen - saving and improving many lives, and making a lot of millionaires and multi millionaires along the way!

Now, time to pour another glass....

You watched a stock get pumped and dumped badly, even to the point the CEO was prosecuted for fraud, and yet you still believe penny stocks are a viable way to make money?
I've had people on IHUB who were able to admit to me later they should have listened, but most are too stubborn to admit it. I wonder which you will be?
👍️ 1
fung_derf fung_derf 4 months ago
First off, I couldn't care less if you delete your account or not. Delete, don't, post under 10 aliases....makes no matter to me.

just so that i'm clear, you're saying that RNXT will tank before their 60% readout in 4 months?

Show me where I said this.... I absolutely abhor when someone takes something I've never said and applies the quote to me. So I'll make it simple....
ALL penny stocks are garbage!! I've been posting on IHUB for well over 20 years and investigated hundreds. With that said, if you insist on playing them, you should NEVER hold one for over 3 weeks, because this is the typical length of a pump and dump....this IS NOT investing. This is betting that someone is more stupid than you and will take over at a higher price that which you are disposing.....Either that or you're an accomplice on a pump and dump.
I don't think I've ever had the need to research you so I offer no opinion.
However, what I did say is, IF Aegis is the lender for your penny stock, you can be assured, they plan to toxic finance your stock into the dumpster. Just go look back on ALL the other companies, they've "aided".

And lastly...
To compare NVDA to a penny stock is idiocy. However, to pick a single day and time to say, THIS is when you must compare is ridiculous. It so happens I own some NVDA. I also own another 80 stocks or so..(maybe more). Not to mention mutual funds, annuities and muni bonds. I support myself through my investments and certainly don't live or die on NVDA's success. I will say, since I bought it, I bought some in 4/24..sold off a third in July for a 39% gain, and currently have a 48% gain on the rest that I hold. That's 48% in 5 months which works out to around 115% if annualized. Now, tell me why you are screwing around with penny stocks.
BTW, the fact that you are defending a stock that is down 90% in the last 3 years speaks volumes.
Blueheel1 Blueheel1 4 months ago
well, it comes down to sizing. these pre-revenue biotechs are small relative to my other holdings, so i've sized them correctly. But in terms of missing the point - just so that i'm clear, you're saying that RNXT will tank before their 60% readout in 4 months?

Tell you what. Let's check back in 3 months - beginning of November. Let's see:

1. What the price of NVDA is relative to 128.6, where i went short.

2. If RNXT is still in business.

If either NVDA is higher, or RNXT has tanked, I will delete all of my accounts and never post again. But, if NVDA is down and RNXT is still kicking, you have to do the same. Up for the wager?
fung_derf fung_derf 4 months ago
You're missing the point. Any company using Aegis as a lender will tank. Their toxic finance deals leave no way out.
SMCI may pull back further in the short term, however, they have a future P/E of 17 currently.
Considering how quickly it can rise, not sure I'd want to trying to guess how far it will fall.
You're buying penny stocks and shorting stocks with strong earnings....not sure I'd consider this investing. Better off playing red/black on the roulette wheel in Vegas and get free drinks.
Blueheel1 Blueheel1 4 months ago
well, the good news is we'll know one way or the other by year end, when trial results come out. not much need to discuss before then - it'll either be good or bad, and nothing else said will affect that. I have never claimed to know for sure. But, here we have a tangible milestone within months - it's coming. CytoDyn doesn't have such a milestone, which is why i'm concerned about that one.

I just re-loaded my short on NVDA and SMCI. I guess we'll find out who's right :)
fung_derf fung_derf 4 months ago
I thought I'd check out your other investments. I only get 1 post per day on CYDY.
However, often times I am surprised that a poster makes a perfectly rational post on one penny stock board, but then is sucked in by another.
I spent about 3 minutes investigating this stock before noticing they are attached to Aegis Capital, who is a known toxic spiral finance company.
Any company using them WILL tank, and I notice this one is falling. If they are in any way legit, they will have to do a reverse split to get the share price back above $5, them's just the facts.
You state you've never shorted a stock. Me neither. Although I've seen so many stocks I should be. ALL stocks tend to drop twice as quickly as they rise, but I would rather stay conservative.
Why not invest in real companies with real earnings? I made 16% in SMCI just last week! There is so much money to be made right now in the stock market and you're attaching yourself to this anchor?

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