10 months ago
monomaterial, that was the claim for adopting HDPE Caps.
Wunderlich notes that in the case of small HDPE bottles, the benefit of an-all PE closure is clear, as the entire container is monomaterial and can be recycled in the same stream.
Published 10/1/2021
Future Caps & Closures: More HDPE, More PCR
Plastics Technology Magazine
Origin has the real mono material, all PET bottle and cap, and is introducing it at this year's NPE2024.
10 months ago
Big plastic convention in Orlando this week
Bissell will be a speaker Tues.
later, Aitor Henao Sotoof PackSys Global’s. Head of Marketing & Communications at the Swiss company, stated, “We are proud to have partners like Origin who have entrusted us with their project, relying on our experience and expertise in engineering. The tests conducted at our technology center, KREALAB, were highly successful, and we are excited to showcase the results on May 9th at NPE2024 in Orlando in our booth alongside the Origin team.”
"highly successful"
10 months ago
Got their duck in a row
* Origin Materials Partners with PackSys Global on World’s First PET Cap and Closure Manufacturing System
*Origin Materials Partners with IMDvista on World’s First PET Cap and Closure Manufacturing System (vision inspection)
Just in time;
Every three years, bold leaders, creative thinkers, and visionaries from every industry in the world gather at NPE® to advance their business through innovations in plastics. In just 5 days at NPE2024, you’ll build new partnerships, experience the latest technology, and unlock new opportunities to drive exponential growth for your organization. The website for all information about the event is
Date: May 6-10, 2024
Location: Orlando, Florida
11 months ago
The PET cap that will make recycling a step easier.
The industry has been trying but no succeeded in making an all PET cap. ro simplify recycling.
August 9th, 2023 Origin Materials announces;
Origin Materials has created PET bottle caps to allow manufacturers to develop monomaterial packaging that can be recycled without separation. The caps can be produced with any PET, from recycled PET (rPET) to Origin’s 100% bio-based, carbon-negative virgin PET.
Is there demand?
Q4 update
We successfully completed our third manufacturing development run on production-scale equipment producing thousands of caps per hour. Our initial product passed third-party tests validating that performance meets or exceeds industry standards and we have conducted preliminary consumer testing. Our partners have conducted extensive diligence and demonstrated strong organizational alignment across procurement, R&D, marketing, and sustainability to move forward with Origin’s solution, and we are now at the letter of intent phase with multiple leading CPG companies that collectively consume tens of billions of caps per year.
Management touting this as the path to profitability starting in 2025
11 months ago
some big partners don't think this is a scam.
Partners spent of $13 last quarter testing Origin product in their systems:
"We successfully completed our third manufacturing development run on production-scale equipment, producing thousands of caps per hour. Our initial product passed third-party tests, validating that performance meets or exceeds industry standards, and we have conducted preliminary consumer testing. Our partners have conducted extensive diligence and demonstrated strong organizational alignment across procurement, R&D, marketing, and sustainability to move forward with Origin's solution.
And we are now at the letter-of-intent phase with multiple leading CPG companies that collectively consume tens of billions of caps per year. "
12 years ago
Decent volume today
$1.6000 1,750 OTO 12:58:01
$1.6000 250 OTO 12:58:01
$1.6000 167 OTO 11:38:51
$1.6000 8,500 OTO 11:38:46
$1.6000 1,000 OTO 11:37:17
$1.5900 1,799 OTO 11:36:23
$1.5500 500 OTO 11:05:36
$1.5400 400 OTO 11:05:03
$1.5200 500 OTO 11:04:16
$1.5000 11,900 OTO 10:44:16
$1.5000 100 OTO 10:43:05
$1.5000 200 OTO 10:33:49
$1.5200 100 OTO 10:27:59
$1.5200 100 OTO 10:27:58
$1.5200 100 OTO 10:27:58
$1.5200 100 OTO 10:27:45
$1.5200 300 OTO 09:57:5