7 years ago
$12 next month 20,,,,,,,,
7 years ago
Cbsr was mentioned by Seeking Alpha..
When You're Knocked Off The Horseβ¦Get Back On! The Mantra Of A Biotech Investorβ¦A Look Back On The Last 12 Months
Oct. 18, 2017 1:36 AM
When You're Knocked Off the Horse! Get Back On!
The Mantra of a Biotech Investor...A Look Back on the Last 12 Months
I realize it's been nearly six months since my last update. My absence has not been due to lack of activity in my biotech picks. It's been 1 year since my first "Knocked Off the Horse" article. I'm taking the one-year anniversary as an opportunity to see how the last year treated my stable. The performance of a couple of my thoroughbreds had me cashing in at the ticket window and a couple of nags needed to be sent out to pasture. I'll provide a brief update on the last few months and do my best at looking forward.
First, the original 5 stocks that were written about in October 2016
CSBR, Champions Oncology - October 2016 pps - $1.67, October 2017 pps $3.31. Yep, we got a double out of this one and the opportunity for a little trading along the way. This company is starting to mature into a real biotech. If you've not done your research on this one, then do it now. It is still underfollowed and I believe still has plenty of opportunity ahead of it. CSBR is still solidly in my stable.
PKTX, ProtoKinetix - October 2016 pps - .07, October 2017 pps - .07. Don't be fooled by the price being the same in now as it was in October 2016. This company has made far greater strides than what I had even imagined. The company began its first human trials this year and the stock got as high as $.15 on the news. I would anticipate data from these trials to begin coming out early in 2018. The trials that are currently underway are for Diabetes, that in and of itself is enough for me to own the stock, but the company put press out on 10.17.2017 and informed us that they will also be using their molecule for Kidney Ischemia, Normothermic Liver Perfusion, Retinal Cell Replacement and Monocional antibody production. This company is no one trick pony! The stock doesn't get the attention it should, this is in large part due to the fact it is trading at $.07, many biotech investors don't take a penny stock too seriously. A little due diligence shows that this company was resurrected from the dead by current management and now has an entirely clean cap table with no debt whatsoever and as evidenced by the recent press, they're really getting things done. It's not often I get this fired up about a penny stock biotech, but PKTX is a penny stock in price only. The cap table and technology are deserving of a market cap far greater than what the market is currently giving it. Once they begin to release study data the market will realize this is Secretariat and not some also ran. I'm loading up on this one while she's still priced like a longshot.