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AYTU BioPharma Inc

AYTU BioPharma Inc (AYTU)

At close: March 10 4:00PM
( 0.00% )
After Hours: 4:56PM

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BooDog BooDog 3 months ago
Guess I forgot about this one. Guess it was a good thing.

I haven't been following the courts so no idea how this puppy will end up.
BooDog BooDog 9 months ago
Just added this to my watchlist. Why? I'm not sure yet. mThey seem to be trying to get their finances straight but I'm not seeing the forward momentum. Lack of clinical progress?? Looks to crack the support trend line imo.

Still doing some dd here anyway. My first glance did not motivate me to dig much deeper though.
Monksdream Monksdream 10 months ago
AYTU under $3
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 1 year ago
What a huge earnings miss! Huge Losses as usual. But not to worry. CEO still took his huge salary and shares are flying out of the transfer agent. All they have to do is sell all the authorized and REVERSE SPLIT again, as always. One of the worst scams in the markets, but peeps still keep buying it, believing all the hype. Sad, so sad...
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 1 year ago
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 1 year ago
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 1 year ago
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 1 year ago
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 1 year ago
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 2 years ago
Yep, gotta get paid, dilution hits today!
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 2 years ago
But Josh got paid! Reverse split and huge losses as always, but not problem, huge salaries for insiders continue, stock dilution continues, and shareholder monies pays the insiders their huge salaries... sheesh...

Net loss for the second quarter of fiscal 2023 was $(6.7) million , or $(2.15) per share, compared to $(11.5) million , or $(8.74) per share for the same quarter last year.
TJG TJG 2 years ago
This analyst seems to be a bit over zealous dont you think..
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 2 years ago
$AYTU reports massive losses again, but pays the company officers again. Looks like the REVERSE SPLIT will happen again soon. What a joke of a company.
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 3 years ago
Yes time is running out for anyone to save at least 50% of their cash, because after the reverse split is announced, the price will likely be in single pennies, but the insiders don't care, they know they will be getting a fresh bunch of shares to dump on gullible new investors... WASH RINSE REPEAT... sigh
Dragon Lady Dragon Lady 3 years ago

Ah yes, the $AYTU scam hit .27 today... When is next REVERSE SPLIT?

What an EPIC con-job this one turned out to be WTF !!

ONLY thing now - is when do the Dick-brow brothers IMPLEMENT THE NEXT MASSIVE REVERSE SPLIT and how many splits is that in how many years, as I've lost track ????

AYTU = nothing but a scam and a scheme to pay the Dick-brow clowns their $200K or $300K annual salaries + "perks" like "company" cars and all the other goodies while pretending to be some legit "public traded company with a plan" blah blah

They scammed COVID and used it as a pure pump n scam - classic P&D dilution mill "by design" set-up to ONLY feed the insider beast.

I haven't read their financials aka toilet paper filings in a while - but if I remember correctly, the Dick-brow brothers and this con machine are being SUED and investigated by multiple entities.

Them boys might get their sorry asses SEC "Civil" busted down and worse, maybe a DOJ trip to CLUB FED lock down this time around - as they jacked with COVID fraud lies and pumps = the DOJ and FEDS have been "harsh" on any and all COVID scams to put it mildly :)

NOT IF a reverse split now - just WHEN !!

They're in the DE-LISTING window and NO WAY to these serial grifters lose their easy money NASDAQ crap n scam "free meal ticket" to their VERY luxury lifestyles - just cons doing what cons do = AYTU !
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 3 years ago
Ah yes, the $AYTU scam hit .27 today... When is next REVERSE SPLIT?
trendzone trendzone 3 years ago
Just might not be needed before this week is over, if you are short, might want to start thinking twice about it.
Dman3147 Dman3147 3 years ago
When's the 3rd reverse split coming? Or is it 4th
Shallup Shallup 3 years ago
Greatest trash stock of all time to ever exist on the NASDAQ!

Delist, delist... DELIST!
trendzone trendzone 3 years ago
Short manipulators trying everything in their tool box from getting squeezed over $1.45 today, today's news is a pretty big positive, anyone letting the short criminals manipulate them into selling at these levels are nuts.
Awl416 Awl416 3 years ago
Dragon Lady Dragon Lady 3 years ago
Good to see ya again Dragon Lady, and you nailed the $AYTU share selling scam!

You too - Doc.

Something out of the blue had just tickled my memory to "check in" on ole AYTU.

I saw that you were still dogging it a bit recently - pointing out the utter futility of ANOTHER Disbro brothers massive dilution feed the beast offering.... same old same old.

Just a dilution machine - a real con this one turned out to be.

I bumped your post up into the header with a PLUS-ONE - just to put a little RED ALERT NOTICE to anyone stopping buy thinking of buying this trash LOL !!

Hope all is well. Be well,

Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 3 years ago
Good to see ya again Dragon Lady, and you nailed the $AYTU share selling scam!
Dragon Lady Dragon Lady 3 years ago

Looks like juuuuuust about time for ole Josh aka The Dick-Brow Bros to RUN THE REVERSE SPLIT and then un-load that next MASSIVE S3 pile they registered - feed the insider Miller Hi Life beast they're running here...

What a shit-show scam this one turned out to be - just a COVID hype n pump and the "brothers" running a perpetual share printing dilution mill to feed themselves the coin via massive salaries, perks and bonuses.

This POS has ZERO possibility of being a "legit business" as in self-sustaining with any products anyone really wants or even needs - just a milk-run money feeders to the brothers Dick-brow :)
abracky abracky 3 years ago
abracky abracky 3 years ago
abracky abracky 3 years ago
Lakersrback Lakersrback 3 years ago
Promotional strategy for AYTU. Did they buy a SELL from Zacks?

I sure hope they did. I woul load up like there is no tomorrow!

ShawnP123 ShawnP123 3 years ago
Look again. Company needs to show profits or something great.
SirBika SirBika 3 years ago
This finally closed above $2.00 yesterday after getting FDA Orphan Drug status designation yesterday …should see a run up from here. Once this crosses $2.65 we will be on a tear north bound!
Shallup Shallup 3 years ago
This company is a scam, down nearly 90% in the last 5 years. Total trash dilution machine.
ShawnP123 ShawnP123 3 years ago
Most of you should know how I felt about INNV and Dr. Damage. However, the management of AYTU haven't gone to the extremes Dr. Damage did. The only thing I'm curious about is what did AYTU gain by buying a POS like INNV. I think Dragon Lady/one of the board members had something up their sleeve.

Anyhow, I don't believe this potential lawsuit has any merit and won't proceed.
ShawnP123 ShawnP123 3 years ago
Headlight will probably won't be covered by Medicare and most likely get FDA approval. I can see Healight being scraped within 1-1.5 years. The above is my opinion. Company must do another RS and will either be sold. Forget about the buy reccomdations since they are mostlikely paid for. JMO

Your comments are fairly accurate. JMO
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 3 years ago
Massive $100,000,000 S3 filing made... Josh going to-dump as many shares as possible before the reverse split. Gotta pay the bills someway, why not with shareholder monies? Sheesh..
jbdiver jbdiver 3 years ago
lol…. Looking good.
Anyone ready for another RS! Told all of
you 2 years agonto run. Here you have it.
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 3 years ago

Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 3 years ago
.81/share losses... and $3.48/share loss for the year!! What a POS!!
ShawnP123 ShawnP123 3 years ago
First of all one must consider whether or not the recommendation was paid for or not.

Next understand they haven't shown a profit and most likely won't for at least the next two quarters.

They are burning threw cash

Healight is a bust and most likely will never receive FDA approval.

Finally they will probably have another RS within two years.
Rdcrob Rdcrob 3 years ago
Macroaxis shows undervalued, real value at $6.48, could be true or bs, but nearly every analytical site shows positives yet the stock dumps, can't figure that one out! Need volume to pick up.
Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 4 years ago
Well, they will just keep buying things with shares and cash they raise from investors, and reverse splitting, until they acquire something some other company wants, then they will sell out and be millionaires, as their investors will be broke... Wash, rinse, repeat! sigh
jbdiver jbdiver 4 years ago
Hey old innv people! Get ready for your second reverse split! hahaaaaa

Just keep hanging on. im sure things will get better.. lol
ShawnP123 ShawnP123 4 years ago
You'll like it better @ $2.80.
presidentsclub presidentsclub 4 years ago
I like the chart down here
HealightEndsCovid HealightEndsCovid 4 years ago
Just saw 9 more institutions bought this week. None sold. Buy low sell high.
ShawnP123 ShawnP123 4 years ago
AYTU has 1 pumper on Ya's conversation board pushing Healidht. Now that's a joke and laughable.
jbdiver jbdiver 4 years ago
Hey all! lol

Just checking in. I see that leople wised up and moved on from this stagnant POS.

The pps and the activity on this board tells me everything i need to know.

Glad to see some accepted my advice.

BottomBounce BottomBounce 4 years ago
Coronavirus $AYTU
Paulness Paulness 4 years ago
NEWS -- Aytu BioPharma Announces Peer-Reviewed Publication of Clinical Results from Healight(TM) Pilot StudyResults Indicate That Endotracheal UVA Light Catheter Therapy is Associated with Significant Reduction in SARS-CoV-2 Viral Load and Improvement in Clinical Outcomes in Mechanically Ventilated COVID-19 PatientsENGLEWOOD, CO / ACCESSWIRE / June 28, 2021 / Aytu BioPharma, Inc. (NASDAQ:AYTU), a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on commercializing novel products that address significant patient needs, announced today that data from the first in-human, open label, clinical trial studying the safety and effectiveness of ultraviolet A (UVA) light endotracheal catheter therapy was published online on June 26, 2021 in the peer-reviewed journal Advances In Therapy. The UVA light catheter technology utilized in this study is the basis of Aytu BioPharma's Healightβ„’ medical device which has been exclusively licensed worldwide for all endotracheal and nasopharyngeal applications.

The study titled, "Endotracheal application of ultraviolet A light in critically ill patients infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2: A first-in-human study of internal ultraviolet A therapy" concluded that endotracheal UVA light treatment was associated with a significant reduction of SARS-CoV-2 viral load and improvement in WHO clinical severity scores. Additionally, the endotracheal UVA light treatment did not result in any serious adverse device effects and was well tolerated.

A total of five critically ill, mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients underwent daily UVA light therapy for five consecutive days at a single U.S. center. The UVA light catheter was inserted into the patients' endotracheal tube (ETT) and illuminated for 20 minutes with each treatment. The endotracheal (ET) treatment resulted in significant logarithmic reduction of the SARS-CoV-2 viral load of the ET aspirate, which was the study's primary endpoint. Average log changes from baseline to day five and day six were -2.41 (>99%, p=0.0018) and -3.2 (>99.9%, p=0.0005), respectively. WHO 10-point clinical severity scores improved by an average of 1.6 and 3.6 points on day 15 and day 30, respectively. Excluding subject two who had undetectable viral load, WHO severity scores improved by 4.75 points on day 30. Importantly, no serious adverse device effects or early treatment discontinuation was observed in the study.

Josh Disbrow, Chief Executive Officer of Aytu BioPharma, commented, "These important proof-of-concept first-in-human clinical trial data for the technology underpinning the Healight technology have now been peer-reviewed and published. This pilot study shows the potential clinical utility in treating mechanically ventilated SARS-CoV-2 patients and sets the stage for a larger, sham-controlled clinical study soon to be underway in Europe. That study will include significantly more patients in a well-controlled, randomized clinical trial, and we expect that study to begin in the first quarter of fiscal 2022."

Aside from coronavirus, utilization of internal UVA light may have numerous other clinical applications. Aytu BioPharma will continue to engage with researchers in all therapeutic areas to continue to build on this technology platform.

The peer-reviewed publication can be accessed via the link below:

About Aytu BioPharma, Inc.

Aytu BioPharma is a specialty pharmaceutical company with a growing commercial portfolio of prescription therapeutics and consumer health products. The company's primary prescription products treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other common pediatric conditions. Aytu markets ADHD products Adzenys XR-ODT® (amphetamine) extended-release orally disintegrating tablets (see Full Prescribing Information, including Boxed WARNING), Cotempla XR-ODT® (methylphenidate) extended-release orally disintegrating tablets (see Full Prescribing Information, including Boxed WARNING), and Adzenys-ER® (amphetamine) extended-release oral suspension (see Full Prescribing Information, including Boxed WARNING). The company's other pediatric products include Karbinal® ER (carbinoxamine maleate), an extended-release carbinoxamine (antihistamine) suspension indicated to treat numerous allergic conditions, and Poly-Vi-Flor® and Tri-Vi-Flor®, two complementary fluoride-based prescription vitamin product lines containing combinations of fluoride and vitamins in various formulations for infants and children with fluoride deficiency. The company's evolution has been driven by strategic in-licensing, acquisition-based transactions and organic product growth. Aytu is building a complimentary therapeutic development pipeline including a prospective treatment (AR101/enzastaurin) for vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (vEDS), a rare genetic disease resulting in high morbidity and a significantly shortened lifespan. There are no currently approved treatments for vEDS. To learn more, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or the Exchange Act. All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this press release, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are generally written in the future tense and/or are preceded by words such as ''may,'' ''will,'' ''should,'' ''forecast,'' ''could,'' ''expect,'' ''suggest,'' ''believe,'' ''estimate,'' ''continue,'' ''anticipate,'' ''intend,'' ''plan,'' or similar words, or the negatives of such terms or other variations on such terms or comparable terminology. All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this presentation, are forward-looking statements, including but not limited to any statements regarding the financial results and statements presented in this press release and during the business update call following its release. These statements are just predictions and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual events or results to differ materially. These risks and uncertainties include, among others: the anticipated start dates, durations and completion dates and the potential future results of ongoing and future Healight clinical trials, the effectiveness of Healight on treating COVID-19, the accuracy of the results of the study, Healight's potential uses for ventilator assisted patients, potential other clinical uses for Healight and the anticipated future regulatory submissions and events related to Healight. We also refer you to (i) the risks described in ''Risk Factors'' in Part I, Item 1A of Aytu's Annual Report on Form 10-K and in the other reports and documents it files with the Securities and Exchange Commission and (ii) the Risk Factors set forth in Aytu's Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q filed with the SEC.

Contact for Media and Investors:

Sarah McCabe
Stern Investor Relations

SOURCE: Aytu BioPharma, Inc.

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Drugdoctor Drugdoctor 4 years ago
CEO is a diluting fool and keeps losing money and acquiring failed companies.... How is that?
KeepOn KeepOn 4 years ago
Why not more chatter, here. This one seems to be bottoming out, with some nice volume spikes. That is a nice looking chart. Any insight?

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