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FTSEurofirst 300 Utilities Index

FTSEurofirst 300 Utilities Index (E3X65)

Closed March 22 12:30PM


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igotthemojo igotthemojo 5 minutes ago
"As long as they don't update it from 2023, it will stay the same."

as long as they dont HAVE to update it, it will remain the same...
blackcat blackcat 6 minutes ago
Much more creative than setting a car on fire...................
EclipseProphet62 EclipseProphet62 8 minutes ago
what do you mean the gov would take 90% ? Purchase from existing shareholders? Thx
Zorax Zorax 9 minutes ago
Well, not any more. EU and UN are committing much more. Between trying to strongarm Zelenskyy in favor of pukey, demanding bribes of total ownership of 100's of billions of resources, cutting all his intelligence connections with US, then restoring some of it, the US doesn't hold much any more. Zele
janice shell janice shell 9 minutes ago
sam1933 sam1933 10 minutes ago
just keep Rolin
AI Overview

EQTY Labs, NVIDIA, and Intel have unveiled "Verifiable Compute," a hardware-based solution that leverages the Hedera Consensus Service (HCS) to create an immutab
PegnVA PegnVA 11 minutes ago
There ya go!
boomer0921 boomer0921 12 minutes ago
I see you signed off on your statement. $ASII
B402 B402 13 minutes ago
Well I did like the Goldman piece,,,,,,,true blue dem ;)

Anyway, have a good night Marie, Keep up the practicality with abuse......You only need to save so many babies to clear the conscious, then who cares where the rest of the money goes....
boomer0921 boomer0921 15 minutes ago
You have been exposed for who and what you are and the agenda that comes with. Best to just slip off into the sunset. For any newbies, just learn to ascertain those that have motivation to be your savior. More importantly, do your own due dilligence and only invest what you can afford to lose.
janice shell janice shell 16 minutes ago
He's been presenting his ideas. He doesn't whine. YOU whine. And it is VERY VERY ANNOYING.

If Bernie whined the way you do, he'd never have been elected to ANY office.
Extremist223 Extremist223 17 minutes ago
Any market makers that didn't spoof, how much business did those market makers generate?

And so... if spoofing did really well in a particular flag wouldn't they generate more proceeds to potentially give to their highest institutions?....

If market makers did not do sp
janice shell janice shell 18 minutes ago
Oh ffs. For all I know, he no longer has any interest in the business. And he's a good congressman.

Wow can you build a New Resentment quickly! Maybe you could develop that gift into a consulting business.
Acme Investments Acme Investments 19 minutes ago
🐜 Raidddd!! Lol 😂
shotsky shotsky 19 minutes ago
Ordinarily, I would not respond to a basher. But this time, you have actually shown your ignorance, so I shall school you.
Of course people will dump after this RS. They almost always do. But that's not the point. In the pinks, it is almost always about reducing the OS so they can sell more s
B402 B402 20 minutes ago
Thanks for playing, the dem go-to has worked well for them hasn't it,,,,,,

I don't think Bernie is a whiner. And you are a world champion.

He been whining at the dems to wake up his whole career, alas :(
lodas lodas 20 minutes ago
Significant Features of the Seventh Amended Plan

The following is a brief overview of certain provisions of the Seventh Amended Plan and is qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of the Seventh Amended Plan, a copy of which is annexed hereto as Exhibit A, as well as
janice shell janice shell 21 minutes ago
Oh, I see. I thought you'd decided to try some video games after all.
Acme Investments Acme Investments 22 minutes ago
Reasonable answer!! I'm thinking of getting in!! I'll be watching next week to see how it holds Up!!
janice shell janice shell 23 minutes ago
No. I do not think you and Bernie would have much of anything in common. I don't think Bernie is a whiner. And you are a world champion.
Nukemtiltheyglow Nukemtiltheyglow 23 minutes ago
Sleven, I don’t think SCOTUS has any desire to take the case. There was already precedent determined by GSK vs Teva. This is all delay tactics by Hikma, plain and simple. It’s really unfortunate that the US court systems no longer live up to their own doctrine of a fair and speedy trial.
B402 B402 24 minutes ago
Bernie and I would agree on a lot that you haven't, especially your attitude towards half the country which includes working americans

If dems hadn't found people like myself and Bernie tiresome, what a different world it might be, we wouldn't even need a Bernie to stand alone in the
Panzer Panzer 25 minutes ago
Quite the contrary Pocahontas RITE is a rich maker and you will be on the sidelines watching