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Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 3 minutes ago
Cut Out The Doom And Gloom! This stock R*TE just ran from low 000's to over .0032 with over 4 BIllion shares outstanding and a slow OTC Market with not many players in it:

So you want us shaking in our knees because the CEO sold 120 Mill
FooBarAndGrill FooBarAndGrill 3 minutes ago
ALS drug failures and why COYA 302 is different
MightyX MightyX 3 minutes ago
Historically..yall jack-up-price trading to eachother so-as not-to lose controlling-stake
Aquahoya Aquahoya 4 minutes ago
Someone wants shares at that level. It will move back into the .04s soon.
William777 William777 4 minutes ago
Timing is right. An NNRX Coin would fly. It could be used to buy and sell mj worldwide in every market.
ramfan60 ramfan60 4 minutes ago
I hope somebody keeps digging because we need to know if these Social Security recipients that are way over 150 years old are taking Vascepa and what health care plan they are on.
t1215s t1215s 4 minutes ago
COOP 107.15 -.39 Have a great weekend people GOGOCOOP PEACE-Ts
surfer44 surfer44 4 minutes ago
In my mind there are always battles. Regionally and globally. The dollar vs gold vs crypto vs interest rates. We shall see.
ScottishTexan ScottishTexan 4 minutes ago
Of what? You trying to say this company does something other than sell shares?
m0n m0n 4 minutes ago
what Joint Venture? There is NO joint venture at this time. 

Saying there is a joint venture is a LIE and misleading new buyers so the $30k on the ASK can escape LoL.

No One is Fooled 
eastunder eastunder 5 minutes ago
Rig new gap 2.79 cpps 3.03 +.26 (9.5%)
sentiment_stocks sentiment_stocks 5 minutes ago
MHRA approval will give DCVax-L validation when they submit to the other regulators. Please do not discount the value this will bring to the treatment, and possibly to the stock price. And hey, the market itself may miss that validation, or the shorts may try to bury it by pulling another May 10, bu
fredscott36 fredscott36 5 minutes ago
....imo, both sides sent those last two sealed letters to NAOMI indicating that.............communications were underway between a plaintiff legal rep and a legal rep for the parties OPPOSING the settlement agreement...........specifically, the "fairness" of the settlement dollar amount............
govprs govprs 5 minutes ago
Pump and dump
Very sad 
dexprs dexprs 5 minutes ago
Yes, but we never had a Nero like president before.
firebag1 firebag1 5 minutes ago
this wasnt a penny stock back when it ran 330,000%!! thats what you are all forgetting....HMBL had a whopping 7 billion dollar market cap and was being shorted legally and illegally between $7.00 and $1.00 or less...those shares havent covered yet The Apostle Whale!! so please figure it out! this i
Gnarlyman Gnarlyman 5 minutes ago
Stino2 Stino2 6 minutes ago
here we go go go 🙃
m0n m0n 6 minutes ago
"PAID" biggest lie on the entire board LoL
Stonks444 Stonks444 6 minutes ago
Requires permission to access 
prototype_101 prototype_101 6 minutes ago
fear & greed game is what cause capitulations, when LWLG hit $20 I told everyone here it had gotten ahead of itself and was clearly a time to sell, and FACT is that I was the ONLY person to do that BTW, back then I used to post routinely that the fair value for Developments and IP to-date was in the
JJZander JJZander 7 minutes ago
Awesome buyback 
bluebird50 bluebird50 7 minutes ago
Jersey, I haven't the slightest clue! 

So I agree with the smart guys in the room. 

RocketingSentinel21 RocketingSentinel21 7 minutes ago
I am an investor but still have my doubts. I live a good distance from Sarasota (22 hours round trip) or else would have already visited the facility. Can you contact Dr. Holcomb and ask to do a stand alone hot plate test for a few hours using a battery, charger, and invertor in conjunction with