4 years ago
Hey RC... "Totally Off Topic"
I'm loving (still buying on) G*O*R*O right now, before the Spin-off record date: 28 DEC 2020. Spin-off company will be Fortitude Gold, and you get one (1) share of it for every 3.5 shares of the above symbol that you own.
EQX is buying P*I*R*G*F, and creating i-80.... Buying shares of Prime Gold will get you shares of EQX and the newly created company.
I like the consolidation plays in Junior mining companies, right now, and going forward. Plenty of cash out there for select Smalls & Micros to get bought or merge before inflation becomes hyper, and before the dollar tanks on further, extremely irresponsible monetary policy and dilution.
***Selling 3 days into an above 80 (RSI) push on the 1-month chart, because the S/P's retract with the P.O.G., and then repeat, REPEAT on the drop.
4 years ago
Alright, it's high time to get this thread going... Surely I'm not the only investor buying on MMX!?
Go to their website, listen to the latest interview. Four (4) things:
- Focused on gold and silver only.
- Pays a dividend
- MMX executive officers are buying the stock.
- Well diversified, continuously adding value, and willing to get bought out by a larger royalty company if the deal is good for shareholders!!!
Hello! As gold runs up higher & higher, royalty company profits surge for the big three royalty companies, and others (A targeted $4,500.00 per troy ounce price possibility by 2025 according to some gold bugs).... That makes MMX a take-over target.
Inflation, devaluation of the U.S. dollar due to continued liquidity by the Fed, probable hyper-inflation in the future, and a possible return to the gold standard are realistic scenarios to cause growth, one way or another.