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Global Arena Holding Inc (PK)

Global Arena Holding Inc (PK) (GAHC)

( 0.00% )
Updated: 07:08:14

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bbee2 bbee2 2 weeks ago
Great question. I can only surmise that he took full advantage of an imperfect system and used it to his benefit. Most likely, the majority of revenue found its way into his personal bank account. We will never know for sure, but this saga is coming to a close very soon.

You were always a big proponent of John Matthews and this company for many years- I can only imagine how frustrated you must be with the inevitable outcome.
Mathews generated 600K per year? Maybe that is accurate and maybe it isn't but the point here is this:
600K or 6M - we, the investors, were not going to see a nickel.
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Nvragn4 Nvragn4 2 weeks ago
Bebe, if you dig deep in Bloomberg you will see that the company issued an average of $600,000 thousand per year in the last ten years. 6,000,000, where was it spent?
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Bsparks11 Bsparks11 2 weeks ago
Haha! Itโ€™s the only positive thing to come out of this disaster of a stock.
tmonkey tmonkey 2 weeks ago
wonder where crypto ninja found a rock to hide under-talk about a big plate of crow to chow down on while pondering his losses and pumps on this board!-----tmonkey
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Rockinboxers Rockinboxers 2 weeks ago
Things still cruising along here I see
bbee2 bbee2 3 weeks ago
John Matthews is a crooked, unscrupulous, businessman. He is no different than the sleazy internet hackers hiding in their basements, looking for every conceivable way to steal bank account information from vulnerable online users; just look at this CEO's track record for the past 10 years- How this guy flies under the SEC radar is a mystery.
bbee2 bbee2 4 weeks ago
Investigate this crooked company!
bbee2 bbee2 1 month ago
Yes, either D-listed or a profitable sale to a private entity.
Bsparks11 Bsparks11 1 month ago
Hey Bee. Itโ€™s only a matter of time before this is delisted. Bye-bye money, unfortunately. However, itโ€™s a great opportunity for ninja to buy buy buy!!
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bbee2 bbee2 1 month ago
Bsparks11 Bsparks11 1 month ago
Oh Ninja. Still havenโ€™t learned that this stock has nothing to do with crypto? You stated in your comment you might stop posting โ€“ I pray this is true. Just curious, how much are you up on this stock? How long have you waited for it to turn around? Buy Ninja, buy!
bbee2 bbee2 2 months ago
Little bees never gives up. I pause, then I sting. Truth be told, I have come to terms with the losses I have incurred. That said, I remain motivated and compelled to still โ€œPOKE THE BEARโ€ Those two circus performers (John Matthews and Kathryn Weisbeck) have been balancing on the tightrope for way too long, and my hope is they will soon fall.

Itโ€™s not the price of the stock that bothers me as much as their unethical and dishonest practices. If they were privately held, more power to them. When they took this company public, they robbed a lot of investors of hard earned money and hood winked the public into thinking they were in the crypto space.

Little bees says, buzz off, Ninja. You are as deceptive and dishonest as the aforementioned.
Patient Ninja Patient Ninja 2 months ago
The smart are accumulating in the confined zone under the 4's. You wait to see what happens as the crypto market moves into parabolic mode. It's coming, will start soon, and should run through August to November 2025. GAHC typically runs or moves in a delayed nature with it with other micro pennies. GAHC is multi generational, is a real business and deserves to run when it's time. Unlike many fakes out there. GAHC is a real business. This might be one of my last posts. I will continue to accumulate as this typically runs with the crypto and blockchain markets dispite what the ignorant here say. Ninja been here for what will be the third 4 year crypto cycle soon. Invest at your own peril. Remember timeframes to get out. Ninja has locked in his bets!
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Patient Ninja Patient Ninja 2 months ago
I thought the little Bees gave up???
Bsparks11 Bsparks11 2 months ago
Buy Ninja! Buy!
Patient Ninja Patient Ninja 2 months ago
GAHC pink current, good improved financials, aggressive stock action looking to bust out over next few months. Real company, real revenue.
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Bsparks11 Bsparks11 2 months ago
Buy Ninja, buy!!!
bbee2 bbee2 2 months ago
Once again, the 10Q didnโ€™t move the needle one bit. Fraud is the only undeniable truth here. Why it gets overlooked by the securities and exchange commission, is a mystery. They are getting sued by multiple shareholders with the exception of the investors on this site. That too remains a mystery. I guess if you stay in the game long enough, you get worn down and become unwilling to do anything about it.

John Matthews is essentially a small time business man with little or no influence. He has a mediocre education, he basically lives off the back of his familyโ€™s limited reputation in the election space. The bottom line is that John Mathews lacks integrity and he continues to cheat his investors out of their fair share. Going forward, he will stick to the playbook- Fly below the radar, just enough to stay out of harms way.
Newbies? Stay way, donโ€™t play! You will lose your hard money. Take it from me - I took a big hit on this fake stock.
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Patient Ninja Patient Ninja 2 months ago
Ninja has never seen GAHC this active in any price band as this year. Whatever makes it break out soon will send it rocketing to the sky. I'm tipping sometime in the next few months.
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Bsparks11 Bsparks11 2 months ago
Good to see you back bbee2 - keeping it real and telling it like it is. 👍. Sad to say it, but you are correct sir
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bbee2 bbee2 2 months ago
Ahhh, I see we still have a few diehard GAHC fans pitching for those two sleaze-buckets John Matthews and Kathryn Weisbeck. To what end? If itโ€™s not clear by now that those two partners in crime are going to burn every single shareholder, when will it be clear? Maybe when we wake up one morning, read the news that they sold out to cover their own butts. I can still envision the Ninja making a pitch for this fraudulent company even when they annouce a privately owned buyer.
Well, I hope newcomers donโ€™t get fooled by the likes of the Patient Ninja, He is just an immature games player who wants to take as many suckers as he can down with him.
Yes, I was correct from the start but it didnโ€™t save me from big losses. Pipe dreams are just that and nothing more. The only way to win this game is not to play.
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Nvragn4 Nvragn4 3 months ago
Here is a stock to look at SEQP, they convert horse manure to fertilizer. So no bull shit it is horse shit!
Nvragn4 Nvragn4 3 months ago
You are correct, the confusion is from the early days this company was using blockchain technology in building voting software.
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Bsparks11 Bsparks11 3 months ago
That seems to make sense to me.
Bsparks11 Bsparks11 3 months ago
For the hundredth time, this stock is not a BTC play, has no correlation to BTC and therefore does not follow the BTC cycles. If it did, it would be up over 150% within the last year.
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Bsparks11 Bsparks11 3 months ago
IMO - this stock will hover at the same price and eventually one day the company will be delisted. One thing I will not do is make ridiculous, delusional predictions of a sky-high price, based on no facts, evidence, or logic. I would argue the last several years support my theory.
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Rockinboxers Rockinboxers 3 months ago
One more time

All outstanding/convertible shares just signatures closer to being sold to a private Canadian company
No more will be available on OTC if all sold to private co who doesn't trade

Just to clue you in on LOI they are in a legal agreement to sell shares to private company. If private DD says yes it's done. Get it? GES would be private and no longer trading unless someone can tell me different

JM KB Get a check from private co for $5.5 or so million

There's my money were my mouth is from what I see. Anything smart to say other than why would they do that because it doesn't work for you?? They own more voting shares is why. Bring it
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Patient Ninja Patient Ninja 3 months ago
Monkey, Sparky and Boxer. Put your money where your mouths are and tell everyone what's happening and going to happen with GAHC and GES. Ninja and everyone else here and other forums waiting to hear what you have. Let's go, let's hear it!
Patient Ninja Patient Ninja 3 months ago
Accumulaters of GES stock make more when gahc takes off with crypto market over next year without investing any more capital. Less shares equals more demand and higher prices. Developing app for federal approval can be done without GES. They want experience of Johnnie boy. There's no money taking GES private away from gahc. That's how I see it.

Thus looking at GAHC price action it's been looking to break out above the 4's for weeks now. Crypto did the typical pull back this week ahead of the parabolic run to occur over the next year. The cycles are 4 year cycles. We are in the 2024 halving cycle now. The peak will be September to November 2025.
Patient Ninja Patient Ninja 3 months ago
Ninja, cannot see why the investor in GES would take GAHC private and miss out on the gains as the crypto market is soon to go parabolic. They will gain a lot more with less GAHC shares in circulation since they've been accumulating large amounts. Larger demand for less shares in circulation means higher demand and higher prices. This is logic.
Patient Ninja Patient Ninja 3 months ago
Someone explain to ninja why gahc us about to break out of the resistance of the 4's. This thing is bubbling and about to explode as it's been hitting that threshold for weeks now. As soon as the crypto market turns up from this pre parabolic downturn and the 4 year parabolic cycle commences I think gahc will break through and not look back.
tmonkey tmonkey 3 months ago
yea crypto ninja still gettin laughs here----he has been getting screwed over years now with this one!!-------tmonkey
Bsparks11 Bsparks11 3 months ago
Bsparks11 Bsparks11 3 months ago
Ninja, singing the same old tune. Youโ€™re right itโ€™s not a sub cent pennystock. Itโ€™s a sub sub cent pennystock. Buy ninja! Buy!
Rockinboxers Rockinboxers 3 months ago
All outstanding/convertible shares signatures closer to sale to a private Canadian company
What use would scarcity of shares have on OTC if all sold to private co who doesn't trade?
Seems all sold will be traded for private shares and will be gone in vapor unless Canadian co goes public whenever but they split it into 8-9? co's so who gets what?
JM KB off to beach with their $5.5 mil or so imo. GES goes private and does fine with what they have if they've maintained the rights to do so but who knows what future holds.
They've always had shareholders on minds when they wake I'm sure🤣
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Rockinboxers Rockinboxers 3 months ago
Q was a**. They have LOI with Canadian CO already. Sign and done. Last deal I saw them do everyone got shares in 8-9? private companies set to buy that won't be listed to trade. Seems GES takes 5.5 mil and goes private. Gave up salaries oughta kindness??
save you a little DD
Rockinboxers Rockinboxers 3 months ago
No shares won't hear from them
Rockinboxers Rockinboxers 3 months ago
And no to your scenario
Rockinboxers Rockinboxers 3 months ago
Rockinboxers my man. Say it right or not at all
Patient Ninja Patient Ninja 3 months ago
Good Q Rock in NickerBockers. Told you guys this is not a sub cent penny stock.

What I hope this does is remove the amount of active shares off the board creating more scarcity and demand when the crypto sector goes parabolic second half 2024 into 2025, and we remain shareholders and benefit. That has to be one scenario. Yes!!

I couldn't see someone else coming in unless it's like a truevote that already has an app for voting or a voting program already.

I would like to do some more digging....
Rockinboxers Rockinboxers 3 months ago
Anyone able to explain what happens if this acquisition of all outstanding shares to a Canadian company goes through? The amended LOI removed the GES assets solely from what's written in Q. Haven't seen LOI obviously.
Why not sell any IP and anything else they own unless going private is GES plan
1329291 B.C. Ltd. (the company looking to make acquisition) appears to be a private Canadian Co with 8 spinoffs all with similar names with a number changed??
Shares would go private within their fold? This is at minimum $5.5 mil deal. Where does that leave a current GAHC shareholder?
Got a clue Ninja??
Rockinboxers Rockinboxers 3 months ago
Many people get to call you boy or is he special? Keyboard bravery
Turnaround coming any year now
Patient Ninja Patient Ninja 3 months ago
Sparky boy! Hey boy! Ninja has already loaded pal, just waiting now as this thing is bubbling and will take off as the crypto sector does in second half of the year and into 2025. I will buy more at This price because from the price action this thing is going to really take off once it breaks out of the 4's which is the resistance level for now.
Bsparks11 Bsparks11 4 months ago
Buy more Ninja!!!! Go!
What colour is the sky in your world?
miles2go miles2go 4 months ago
Volume still low.
Asahi2017 Asahi2017 4 months ago
Buying 10m tomorrow.
Patient Ninja Patient Ninja 4 months ago
GAHC price action looks to be building for a breakout out if the 4's range as bitcoin is moving higher.

It keeps hitting the 4 level and is showing great strength. A break out may finally set the stock on a long awaited upward trajectory.

A pink sheet with a real company with real revenue and a real business operation should not be anywhere down here. It doesn't make sense to me.

0.0004 does not make sense. This is not a shell company. I will not say what it should be, but I don't believe it should be a sub sub penny. Just saying...
DigitalD91 DigitalD91 4 months ago
Bid is building!
Patient Ninja Patient Ninja 4 months ago
GAHC price action is really great to see. It's looking positive to break out with the blockchain crypto market from what I can tell.

No predictions or anything, just saying for some reason this cycle is looking a lot more active and alive than the last cycle after April 2020.
Rockinboxers Rockinboxers 4 months ago
Nobody getting paid to bash a stock that has set up residence in the low trips forever now. What's the point? It's adequately bashed
I know you have that fantasy but makes more sense you're getting paid to pump it imo...
Finished day my favorite color for once at least. Up .00006 on 250k shares.
Bought to jump out of my flip flops

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