Organization and Business
Global Arena Holding, Inc. (formerly, “Global Arena Holding Subsidiary Corp.”) (“GAHI”), was formed in February 2009, in the state of Delaware. GAHI and its subsidiaries (the “Company”) was previously a financial services firm and currently is focusing on the following businesses through these subsidiaries:
On February 25, 2015, Global Election Services, Inc. (GES) formed on February 25, 2015, provides comprehensive technology-enabled paper absentee/mail ballot and internet election services to organizations such as craft and trade organizations, labor unions, political parties, co-operatives and housing organizations, associations and professional societies, universities, and political organizations. GES has developed proprietary election software for a data storage and retrieval registration system to determine voter eligibility and prevent duplicate votes with In-Person digital signature capture, as well as proprietary election software for scanning/tabulation utilizing advanced OMR/OCR/Barcode imaging software featuring de-skewing, de-speckling, and image correction. This system provides three types of audit capabilities. The hardware includes high speed optical scanners that are hard lined to a computer with all Wi-Fi disabled so the entire tabulation process occurs offline, eliminating the opportunity for hacking. GES is also working with multiple vendors and has made investments in company’s who are developing Blockchain Technology for a data storage and retrieval registration system; tabulation of paper Absentee/Mail Ballots; and internet voting.
On March 25, 2021, the Company entered into a second amended purchase agreement (APA) with Election Services Solutions. Under the second APA the Company entered into an amended asset purchase agreement with Election Services Solutions, LLC. Under the amended APA, the Company will purchase 100% of the assets of Election Services Solutions, LLC and the Company will pay $650,000, of which $511,150 has already been paid, and issue 40,000,000 common shares to purchase these assets under this second amended APA. This APA replaces the first amended purchase agreement signed on May 10, 2019 wherein the Company was to purchase 100% of the assets of Election Services Solutions, LLC. The Company was to pay $550,000, of which $511,150 has already been paid, and issue 20,000,000 common shares to purchase these assets under this first amended APA. GES derives over 80 % of its current business from Election Services Solutions. Management anticipates the closing of this transaction will occur in the third quarter of 2024.
On May 20, 2015, the Company incorporated a new wholly owned entity in the State of Delaware called “GAHI Acquisition Corp.” This entity was incorporated at the time to be the merger subsidiary for the acquisition of Blockchain Technologies Corp. (BTC) and other software system development.
On May 20, 2015, the Company entered into an agreement and plan of merger with BTC. Under this agreement, BTC would have merged with GAHI Acquisition, and GAHI Acquisition, would have been the surviving corporation. As consideration for the merger, the Company was to reserve a number of shares equal to 1/3 the total issued and outstanding of the Company to be issued to BTC shareholders at closing. On October 20, 2015, the parties agreed to extend the closing date of the merger to December 15, 2015. This agreement expired on December 15, 2015.
NOTE 1 - ORGANIZATION (continued)
Concurrently, on October 20, 2015, the Company paid $125,000 in cash to BTC and issued to Nikolaos Spanos 1,377,398 of its common shares and 1,993,911 warrants to purchase its common shares at the exercise price of $.10 per common share with an exercise period of three years. The warrants have expired. The common shares and warrants were issued for the purchase of 1,000,000 common shares of BTC. Said common shares of BTC represented ten percent (10%) of the outstanding equity in BTC on October 20, 2015. The securities issued by the Company were issued pursuant to an exemption from registration under Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933. There has been no further activity in GAHI Acquisition Corp.
On March 28, 2017, the United States Patent Office issued patents to BTC covering Election Intellectual Property, US Patent #9,608,829, Issued March 28, 2017. As an equity shareholder in BTC only, GAHC and GES have not used the BTC US Patent. Any use of the patent would require a new negotiation, and new contract with BTC.
The Company has determined that the initial investment of Blockchain Technologies Corp. will be written off. The Company’s Board of Directors cancelled all transactions previously proposed but never acted on concerning GAHI Acquisition. GAHI Acquisition will remain a subsidiary for the exclusive use of any future transactions involving Blockchain Technologies Corporation.
The Company, GAHI, and GES do not trade crypto currency, nor participate in Initial Coin Offerings.
On June 15, 2019, GES entered into a Term Sheet, and Common Stock Purchase Agreement to create a joint venture with TrueVote, Inc. Under the terms of the agreement GES was to invest $50,000 into a 24 Month Debenture and issue a 3 year warrant exercisable at $0.01 for 4,500,000 common shares of the Company. The Company will receive 3 million common shares of TrueVote, representing 30% of TrueVote Inc. The Company on December 17, 2019 paid $ 40,000 to True Vote. Under the terms of the agreement GES is to invest an additional $10,000 and the Company issue a 3 year warrant exercisable at $0.01 for 4,500,000 common shares of the Company. The transaction closed on February 27, 2023.
On November 19, 2019, the Company incorporated a new wholly owned entity in the State of Delaware called Tidewater Energy Group Inc. The Board of Directors appointed John S. Matthews and Jason Old as Board members. The Company was formed to explore opportunities in the oil, gas, mineral, and energy business. Tidewater Energy Group Inc. has 40,000,000 common shares authorized; par value $0.001. There are currently 10,000,000 common shares issued and outstanding of which the Company holds 5,100,000 common shares (51%). The Company invested $50,000 into Tidewater Energy Group Inc. for general capital and administrative expenses in January 2020.
Going Concern
The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, which contemplates the continuation of the Company as a going concern. The Company has generated recurring losses from operations and cash flow deficits from its operations since inception and has had to continually borrow to continue operating. In addition, certain of the Company’s debt is in default as of March 31, 2024. These factors raise substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. The continued operations of the Company are dependent upon its ability to raise additional capital, obtain additional financing and/or acquire or develop a business that generates sufficient positive cash flows from operations. The Company continues to raise funds from the issuance of additional convertible promissory note. Management is hopeful that with their ability to raise additional funds that the Company should be able to continue as a going concern.
The accompanying consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments relating to the recoverability and classification of recorded assets, or the amounts and classification of liabilities that might be necessary in the event the Company cannot continue as a going concern.