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climber18 climber18 1 year ago
Now it seems to be getting interesting ARA

Aclara agrees to REE Uno investment up to $79.1M(U.S.)

2024-03-13 09:15 ET - News Release!ARA-3523752/C/ARA

 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 1 year ago
Climber18,_I watch_Aclara every_day but_I still
just don't see the new spark of activity/exploration/permitting/cash-influx that encourages me to invest more in this stock. The Aclara PR trick last November to make it look like CORFO was "on board" with Aclara and a "good buddy-buddy" with Aclara really turned me off on RamΓ³n BarΓΊa and his ethics/integrity/vision and viable plan for becoming established in Chile.

I want to hope Aclara is going to be successful but it is not going to get a "break" in Chile (esp Penco) while Boric's thieving commies are running the government. Similarly in Brazil as long as Lula is running the government it will take a huge amount of under the table bribes/payoffs to the bureaucrats to get the proper mining permits and I am doubtful that will change until Bolsonaro can get back in the presidential office.

The Doctor
climber18 climber18 1 year ago
4 months have now passed.
The ARA share price has fallen in line with the market as a whole.

Do you have a new opinion on ARA?

And one more thing:
Thank you for your regular contributions on LTHHF / BRZ / LPI....
They have been instructive for the reader, often even entertaining.

 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 1 year ago
Climber18,_RamΓ³n BarΓΊa_is a_master at_PR, but_always "light"
on concrete "profit-making" hard results that you (as an investor) can actually "take to the bank" and personally prosper upon. His newest PR opportunity speaks of being promising, flashy and is professionally slick but does not really change anything even one peso
You need to be extremely conservative until these guys actually start turning shovelfuls of dirt on the new project in Brazil.

Unfortunately, Brazil is currently treading on dangerous ground today by loudly complicating/protesting/severing relations with Israel
In retaliation if Israel sends a message to the Jewish bankers in New York, London, Zurich, etal to cut-off/squeeze loans going to Brazil then in dominoes-falling collateral damage effect Aclara is going to have a hard time getting funding for this new project in Brazil. Also, Penco in Chile is virtually dead until at least 2026 and then only will have a chance to even start up if Jose Antonio Kast is elected president and reins in these phony environmentalist (and commie) extortionists.

The Doctor
climber18 climber18 1 year ago
After you recently mentioned AclaraResources ( ARA.TO ), I looked into this company ( thank you ).
It does not look bad.
I have already picked up some shares.

I also like:

As at June 30, 2023, the Company had a
cash balance of $52.186 million.
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 1 year ago
Dear_Penco Chileans_who voted_to screw_us, go_fock yourselves
Minera Aclara discovers rare earth deposit in Brazil 10 times larger than Penco's in Chile

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 1 year ago
Some new Aclara milestones for Penco

Presentation of EIA 1: first quarter of 2024
Expected approval of EIA 1: Q4 2025
Presentation of the feasibility study: third quarter of 2025
Construction: first quarter of 2026
Production: second quarter of 2027

It is hard to believe the short-sighted leftists/commies in this temporary Chilean government of communistas are so stupid that they are endorsing all these roadblocks/delays to Aclara over 6 focking scraggly orange trees which you could buy new superior-bred more-healthy in any nursery for $400 to $600 each as replacements re-positioned to any property in Penco the whining environmentalists wanted to preserve/block-off for their cherished tribal orange-sucking parties in lieu of having 900 new high-paying jobs in Penco on the Aclara mining works.

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
Aclara_wasting no_time on_setting up_link/dialogue to_Aurora Williams

Dear Aclara, when talking to Aurora you will need to get your mouth within 12 inches of her right side ear... then talk loudly to her using simple precise sentences... and with your left hand politely cover her left side ear hole preventing any air/sound from immediately escaping her vacuous head. This simple procedure will keep whatever you say into her right side ear hole will stay inside her head and simply not blow out her left side ear two seconds after you say it to her.

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
BiobΓ­o_SEA Director_Silvana Suanes_gets the_axe
as she rightly should... she should have also gotten 40 whacks with a leather belt across her backside

This is a clear violation of an abuse of power in the clandestine service of nearby rich/NIMBY landowners & Eco-extortionists. Silvana Suanes needs to be made the poster child of this type of petty bureaucratic corruption/abuse for future would-be perpetrators of such reprehensible behavior in the perverted name of environmentalism to see/remember.

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
Let's_expose all_the corrupt_politicians/bureaucrats in_Biobío

It's time to clean this rats nest out top to bottom... starting with their panties.

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
Strip_away all_the BS_from Boric's_leftists/commies and_just look_at
the facts. Chile clearly does not want Whitey/gringos mining in Chile making any kind of profit... clear and simple, end of story

Once Aclara leaves Penco then some leftist/commie beaner brand new rare-earth miner (most likely with an indian or lesbian/queer JV partner after a year or two if scheming Marcela Hernando is elected president in 2026) will suddenly come in to this project brand spanking new, amazingly discover rare earths in the ground, get the financing to start a project (using Mario Marcel's contacts) and begin mining Penco almost immediately with tonnes of approved permits happily coming out of thierass overnight from Marcela (including SEA) and making gobs of money for the leftists/commies. How Mario Marcel could travel up to Canada in June 2023 for Chile Day and invite honest hard-working capitalist Canadians to come down to Chile to invest their seed money in this corrupt extortion-happy backstabbingshithole Chile just boggles the mind.

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
Chile_says, "for_6 scrub_orange trees_let's cut_ourdick off_and drive
Aclara over to Brazil"

Dear Anti-Mining Minister Marcela Hernando, I would be willing to bet a million bucks that after you and your rabid thieving leftist/commie conspirators (and fellow half-breed indians) drive Aclara out of Chile (to Brazil) that one of your bloodsucking leftist/commie patrons buys the Penco land if you get elected president in 2026 and coincidentally opens up a rare earths mining/processing operation almost identical to the one Aclara was trying to start up. Let's hope your patron stupidly illegally tries to use an Aclara patented mining procedure in Penco and he gets hisass sued all the way back to hell.

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
Aclara_is alive_and still_kicking, trying_to push_forward in_Chile

Dear Aclara, it is impressive at how you do not give up easily to these two-bit extortionists/corrupt-bureaucrats/scammers/thieves in Chile. You definitely have enviable fortitude.

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
Aclara_will submit_a completely_new EIA_on the_Penco project
Hopefully the deal-killing NIMBY anti-mining Biobío bureaucrats will have higher echelon state overseers watching over their shoulders this time who will make sure real civil/mining engineers are given the responsibility to technically review this new SEA permit as opposed to having typical incompetent beaner seafood fishery inspectors review (and auto-kill) Aclara's SEA application again.

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
A_tale of_6 niggling orange_trees that_could be_replaced for_US$400 each

Chile has enabled every greedy little conniving Tom, Dick & Harry & Julio with a grudge against miners or looking for a bribe to kill any SEA study with the click of their fingers. For Penco a couple of self-important puffed up political hacks at the Biobío Environmental Assessment Service have taken aim at this Penco project and blown 6 scraggly orange out of perspective anointing them as sacred creations when they could easily be replaced or relocated for $400 each. Chile under Mommy's Boy Gabby Boric and ultra-communist Anti-Mining Marcela Hernando have declared war on miners... especially Canadian gringo miners.

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
SEA_decides to_crap on_Penco. RIP_dear Penco

Ahhhh, we knew ye well dear Penco.

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
Pres_Rodrigo Ceballos_resigns. Had_I been_president trying to_negotiate
endlessly with thesefocking numbskull thieving conniving extorting corrupt leftist/commie beaners in Chile I would have blown my brains out long before I could have resigned. Kudos to Rodrigo for lasting this long.

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
We_(Aclara) are_the saviors_of all_mankind... plus_you will_love
our new improved hemorrhoid jelly.
ACLARA exposed virtues of rare earths in 1st. International Lanthanide Symposium

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
Aclara_using recycled_water for_entire rare_earth project_in Penco
Rah-rah, hurray for us!

We're such good lovable Eco-friendly "potential" miners (see CEO Ramón Barúa) that we deserve a congratulatory collectivehandjob from everyone west of the Andes mountains.

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
Aclara_gets nice_Portal Minero_write-up on PDAC_exhibit

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
New_video from_CEO Ramón_Barúa... he_is definitely_"Green"
Click here for video

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
Test_drilling results_for Verónica_Norte are_published. We_could have_2
REE projects in Chile

Let's now hope President Boric boots Anti-Mining Minister Marcela Hernando out of office in March of this year in his next purge of his cabinet so we can get a fair chance to survive and one day file for exploitation mining permits (not repetitive "chase our tails round & round" exploration mining permits) on these 2 projects.

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
Aclara_Appoints New_Director... to_"direct" schmoozing in_Chile

This is a good move for Aclara. If there is one South American country that really loves plenty of good old-fashionass-kissing/kowtowing from their miners more than any other... it is certainly Chile.

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
Aclara_looking to_produce EIA_in Q2_of 2023
EIA = Environmental Impact Assessment

CEO Ramón Barúa schmoozing 3 Chilean senators in person... well, it is a start.

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
Eduardo_Hochschild's attempt_to resurrect_share price_over last few_days
with a pitiful 142,000 overpriced shares pretty much falls flat on its face

Dear Eduardo, you need to get all the beaners living in their hovels around the Penco project to sign a petition inviting you to mine the Penco Module... that is the way things work in thisshithole banana republic Chile... and remember to bring an extra fat wallet (or two or three) as you drive that petition around in your US$150,000 air-conditioned deluxe SUV for signatures.

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
Aclara's_Ramón Barúa_goes on_new charm_offensive in_Chile to_convince
leftists/commies/naysayers/Penco-homeowners/politicians to support future new project in Penco Module

We are certainly impressed by Ramón Barúa's new efforts but we would like to see some reassuring endorsements for the project from these leftists/commies/naysayers/Penco-homeowners/politicians now. President Gabriel Boric's juvenile leftist effeminate government has been cutting the balls off every junior miner in Chile for the past year and we investors need to see some tangible proof that the same won't happen to Aclara next.

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
Interesting video on Penco Module

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
Aclara_Provides 2022_Review and 2023_Outlook

On paper this all sounds reasonable, logical, and pragmatic for developing this project along fundamentally good ESG (Environmental, Social, & Governance) guidelines in an ideal capitalist-loving free-enterprise country but I have spent the last 10 years invested in a Chilean lithium mine near corrupt slimy leftist-controlled Copiapo (reference stab-us-in-the-back ladies-man beaner Governor Miguel Vargas) in Maricunga Chile that has yet to sell even one kilogram of lithium and to think Chileans are anywhere even near being reasonable, logical, and pragmatic is a total freaking waste of time. If you are not fighting right wing fascists in the real & shadow government dead set on killing your project through government regulation/bureaucracy to protect the existing old world upper 1% ultra-wealthy elites/class of white Spanish descent who control powerful existing claim-jumping mining companies then you are fighting left-wing commies intent on nationalizing your new mine a few minutes after you have spent all your seed/start-up money perfecting the research/engineering/pilot-plants plus corralling all the free-loading eco-terrorist flat-out extorting cocaine snorting indians (Mapuche, Colla, Camar etal ad nauseam) to get their sign-offs after they have been fully 110% satiated through bribery/kickbacks.

If the Aclara "Outlook" writers could next address in their Penco plan how they actually intend to satisfy all the corrupt conniving thieving foot-dragging government bureaucrats in the current leftist/commie anti-mining government led by commie-loving Mommy's Boy Gabby Boric and Anti-Mining Minister Marcela Hernando along with their plan for getting the locals (eg bloodsuckers, freeloaders, moochers, dopers, part-time eco-terroist indians descendant from Russian Inuit/Eskimos hundreds of years ago) to even allow this project to begin to go forward on their "tribal lands" (aka sacred junkyards/landfills) then we potential/future shareholders would indeed greatly appreciate this additional "direction/input" also. (see last paragraph).

The Doctor

PS, and what is the timetable for securing a nearly-impossible-in-this-sheethole-country SEA approval?
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
A_bit of_history on_Aclara as_born from_Hochschild Mining
in 2021

Going back to 2019 we can see Peruvian miner Hochschild's reasoning for initially buying (US$56M) this project in Chile
which appears to be sound/logical.

The Doctor
 Dr_Vonschellan Dr_Vonschellan 2 years ago
OK,_here we_go. Let's_ get ourselves_up to date_rapido on Aclara.
Aclara website

February 2022, 99% of the locals in Chile are not in favor of this Penco project being built in Chile so this is a huge ballbuster right from the git go.

December 1, 2022, Aclara provides an update on the mineral resource estimate at the Penco module project

December 13, 2022, Aclara provides an update on its Greenfield exploration plan

December 27, 2022, Tesla, Toyota interested in Chilean REEs

Now we start our due diligence... unfortunately we know all about Chile and the associated graft/corruption/bureaucratic-thievery/extortion in this two-bitshithole banana-republic having previously invested in Maricunga lithium (NewCo/LPI/Bearing) already so let's check that box off right now on our DD list first. .

The Doctor

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