1 month ago
Something "interesting" catches my attention. Usually WWW.CNBC.COM gives the Futures report at 6 p.m.; Monday through Thursdays evenings. Then on Sunday evenings it gives the Futures report at 6 p.m. or a little later for Monday.
Now what catches my attention is that it is presently 1.42 EST and there STILL is no Futures report being given.
Secondly - usually there is some news on the Major watched/read financial news networks (etc., CNBC, Marketwatch, Bloomberg, Reuters, The STREET). NONE of these networks is saying ANYTHING about the Indexes dropping OR climbing starting out this week. Absolute SILENCE in fact.
What this strongly hints to me is that the "big boys" are expecting a market selloff this coming week of various degrees UNLESS the FED jumps in and manipulates the Three indexes to STOP a major selloff. So these major news networks are holding off saying ANYTHING until they see what the FED is secretly going to do with the Indexes: PREVENTING a selloff .... or letting it only be a slow, trickling selloff going into the fall before manipulating the indexes UP right up to the November Presidential election.