Principal risks and uncertainties 
   The Board carried out a robust assessment of the principal risks and 
uncertainties facing the Group, including those that could threaten its 
strategic objectives, business operating model, future financial 
performance and regulatory compliance commitments. The principal risks 
and uncertainties are outlined below: 
   1      Strategic and business risk 
    The risk to the Group's earnings and profitability arising from its 
    strategic decisions, change in business conditions, improper implementation 
    of decisions or lack of responsiveness to industry changes. 
   Risk appetite statement 
    The Group's strategic and business              The Group adopts a long-term sustainable 
    risk appetite states that the Group             business model which, while focused 
    does not intend to undertake any medium         on niche sub-sectors, is capable 
    to long-term strategic actions that             of adapting to growth objectives 
    would put at risk its vision of being           and external developments. 
    a leading specialist lender, backed 
    by a strong and dependable saving franchise. 
Risk                                   Mitigation                                Direction 
-----------------------------------    --------------------------------------    -------------------------------- 
Performance against targets            Regular monitoring by the Board            Unchanged 
 Performance against strategic          and the Group Executive Committee          The benefits realised 
 and business targets does              of business and financial performance      from the integration 
 not meet stakeholder expectations.     against strategic agenda and               will support the 
 This has the potential                 risk appetite. The financial               Group in meeting 
 to damage the Group's                  plan is subject to regular                 the challenges posed 
 franchise value and reputation.        reforecasts. The balanced business         by increasing levels 
                                        scorecard is the primary mechanism         of competition in 
                                        to support the Board and assesses          our key market segments. 
                                        management performance against 
                                        key targets. Use of stress 
                                        testing to flex core business 
                                        planning assumptions to assess 
                                        potential performance under 
                                        stressed operating conditions. 
Economic environment                   The Group continued to utilise             Unchanged 
 The economic environment               and enhance its stress testing             The Group's strategic 
 is an important factor                 capabilities to assess and                 and business risk 
 impacting the strategic                minimise potential areas of                profile is impacted 
 and business risk profile.             macroeconomic vulnerabilities.             by the uncertainty 
 A macroeconomic downturn                                                          surrounding the 
 may impact the credit                                                             impact of trade 
 quality of the Group's                                                            negotiations following 
 existing loan portfolio                                                           Brexit. Economic 
 and may influence future                                                          risks to which the 
 business strategy as the                                                          Group is exposed 
 Group's new business proposition                                                  remain high but 
 becomes less attractive                                                           stable compared 
 due                                                                               with 2018. 
 to lower returns. 
Regulatory requirements                The Group continues to invest                  Increased 
 The potential for emerging             in its IT and data management                  Increased levels 
 regulatory requirements                capabilities to increase the                   of regulatory scrutiny 
 to increase the demands                ability to respond to regulatory               and increased regulatory 
 on the Group's operational             change.                                        expectations are 
 capacity and increase                  A structured approach to change                driven by the increased 
 the cost of compliance.                management and fully leveraging                size of the Group 
                                        internal and external expertise                post-Combination. 
                                        allows the Group to respond 
                                        effectively to regulatory change. 
Integration risk                       The Board will maintain oversight              Increased 
 The risk that the Combination          of the integration process                     Risk of an ineffective 
 with CCFS does not create              through the Board Integration                  integration or delays 
 operational and financial              Committee. A dedicated Integration             to integration may 
 benefits as planned.                   Management Office has been                     result in synergy 
                                        established to drive the integration           and cost targets 
                                        process forward.                               being missed, disruption 
                                        Independent second line and                    to business as usual 
                                        third line assessment, monitoring              activities, operating 
                                        and reporting will be undertaken               and financial performance 
                                        by the Risk function and Internal              falling below expectations 
                                        Audit function respectively.                   or damage 
                                                                                       to reputation. 
Risk                           Mitigation                                Direction 
Deterioration of reputation    Culture and commitment to treating             Increased 
 Potential loss of trust        customers fairly and being                     Expectations are 
 and confidence that our        open and transparent in communication          high to deliver 
 stakeholders place in          with key stakeholders. Established             the integration 
 us as a responsible and        processes to proactively identify              in a timely and 
 fair provider of financial     and manage potential sources                   effective manner 
 services.                      of reputational risk.                          while achieving 
                                                                               strategic objectives. 
                                                                               Expectations raised 
                                                                               across all stakeholders 
                                                                               including, employees, 
                                                                               customer, regulators 
                                                                               and shareholders. 
   2      Reputational risk 
 The potential risk of adverse effects that can arise from the Group's 
 reputation being sullied due to factors such as unethical practices, 
 adverse regulatory actions, customer dissatisfaction and complaints or 
 negative/adverse publicity. 
 Reputational risk can arise from a variety of sources and is a second 
 order risk -- the crystallisation of a credit risk or operational risk 
 can lead to a reputational risk impact. 
Risk appetite statement 
 The Group does not knowingly conduct business or organise its operations 
 to put its reputation and franchise value at risk. 
 Potential for loss due to the failure of a counterparty to meet its contractual 
 obligation to repay a debt in accordance with the agreed terms. 
Risk appetite statement 
 The Group seeks to maintain a high          The Group aims to continue to generate 
 quality lending portfolio that generates    sufficient income and control credit 
 adequate returns, under normal and          losses to a level such that it remains 
 stressed conditions. The portfolio          profitable even when subjected to a 
 is actively managed to operate within       credit portfolio stress of a 1 in 20 
 set criteria and limits based on profit     intensity stress scenario. 
 volatility, focusing on key sectors, 
 recoverable values, and affordability 
 and exposure levels. 
   3      Credit risk 
 Potential for loss due to the failure of a counterparty to meet its contractual 
 obligation to repay a debt in accordance with the agreed terms. 
Risk appetite statement 
 The Group seeks to maintain a high          The Group aims to continue to generate 
 quality lending portfolio that generates    sufficient income and control credit 
 adequate returns, under normal and          losses to a level such that it remains 
 stressed conditions. The portfolio          profitable even when subjected to a 
 is actively managed to operate within       credit portfolio stress of a 1 in 20 
 set criteria and limits based on profit     intensity stress scenario. 
 volatility, focusing on key sectors, 
 recoverable values, and affordability 
 and exposure levels. 
Risk                                Mitigation                                 Direction 
Individual borrower defaults        Across both OSB and CCFS a                  Unchanged 
 Borrowers may encounter             robust underwriting assessment              The Group continues 
 idiosyncratic problems              is undertaken to ensure a customer          to observe strong 
 in repaying their loans,            has the ability and propensity              and stable credit 
 for example loss of a               to repay and sufficient security            profile performance 
 job or execution problems           is available to support the                 but remains alert 
 with a development project.         new loan requested. At CCFS                 to potential macroeconomic 
 While in most cases of              an automated scorecard approach             uncertainty arising 
 default the Group's lending         is taken, whilst OSB utilises               from Brexit- related 
 is secured, some borrowers          a bespoke manual underwriting               negotiations. 
 may fail to maintain the            approach. 
 value of the security.              Should there be problems with 
                                     a loan, the Collections and 
                                     Recoveries team works with 
                                     customers unable to meet their 
                                     loan service obligations to 
                                     reach a satisfactory conclusion 
                                     while adhering to the principle 
                                     of treating customers fairly. 
                                     Our strategic focus on lending 
                                     to professional landlords means 
                                     that properties are likely 
                                     to be well-managed, with income 
                                     from a diversified portfolio 
                                     mitigating the impact of rental 
                                     voids or maintenance costs. 
                                     Lending to owner-occupiers 
                                     is subject to a detailed affordability 
                                     assessment, including the 
                                     borrower's ability to continue 
                                     payments if interest rates 
                                     increase. Lending on commercial 
                                     property is based more on security, 
                                     and is scrutinised by the Group's 
                                     independent Real Estate team 
                                     as well as by external valuers. 
                                     Development lending is extended 
                                     only after a deep investigation 
                                     of the borrower's track record 
                                     and stress testing the economics 
                                     of the specific project. 
Macroeconomic downturn              The Group works within portfolio            Unchanged 
 A broad deterioration               limits on LTV, affordability,               The economic outlook 
 in the economy would adversely      name, sector and geographic                 is uncertain driven 
 impact both the ability             concentration that are approved             by the unknown impact 
 of borrowers to repay               by the Group Risk Committee                 of trade negotiations 
 loans and the value of              and the Board. These are reviewed           following Brexit. 
 the Group's security.               on a semi-annual basis. In                  Economic risks to 
 Credit losses would impact          addition, stress testing is                 which the Group 
 across the lending portfolio,       performed to ensure that the                is exposed remain 
 so even if individual               Group maintains sufficient                  high but stable 
 impacts were to be small,           capital to absorb losses in                 compared with the 
 the aggregate impact on             an economic downturn and continue           previous year. 
 the Group could be significant.     to meet its regulatory requirements. 
Wholesale credit risk               The Group transacts only with               Unchanged 
 The Group has wholesale             high quality wholesale counterparties.      The Group's wholesale 
 exposures both through              Derivative exposures include                credit risk exposure 
 call accounts used for              collateral agreements to mitigate           remains limited 
 transactional and liquidity         credit exposures.                           to high quality 
 purposes and through derivative                                                 counterparties, 
 exposures used for hedging.                                                     overnight exposures 
                                                                                 to clearing bank 
                                                                                 and swap counterparties. 
 Potential loss due to changes in market prices or values. 
Risk appetite statement 
 The Group actively manages market        The Group does not seek to take a significant 
 risk arising from structural interest    interest rate position or a directional 
 rate positions.                          view on rates and it limits its mismatched 
                                          and basis risk exposures. 
 The risk that the Group will be unable to meet its financial obligations 
 as they fall due. 
Risk appetite statement 
 The Group actively maintains stable             It also maintains an appropriate level 
 and efficient access to funding and             and quality of liquid asset buffer 
 liquidity to support its ongoing operations.    so as to withstand market and idiosyncratic 
                                                 liquidity-related stresses. 
   4      Market risk 
Risk                                Mitigation                             Direction 
Interest rate risk                  The Group's Treasury department         Unchanged 
 An adverse movement in              actively hedges to match the            The Group continues 
 the overall level of interest       timing of cash flows from assets        to assess interest 
 rates could lead to a               and liabilities.                        on a regular basis 
 loss in value due to mismatches                                             ensuring that interest 
 in the duration of assets                                                   rate risk exposure 
 and liabilities.                                                            is limited. The 
                                                                             profile of the asset 
                                                                             book has increased 
                                                                             but this is offset 
                                                                             by frequent hedging. 
Basis risk                          Due to the Group balance sheet          Unchanged 
 A divergence in market              structure no active management          Product design, 
 rates could lead to a               of basis risk was required              balance sheet structure 
 loss in value, as assets            by OSB in 2019.                         and replacing LIBOR 
 and liabilities are linked          CCFS actively replace back              swaps with SONIA 
 to different rates.                 book LIBOR asset swaps with             swaps has enabled 
                                     SONIA swaps to balance basis            the Group to maintain 
                                     risk across assets and liabilities      the overall level 
                                     and reduce possible exposure            of basis risk across 
                                     of dislocation of market rates          both Banks through 
                                     from base rate.                         the year. 
   5      Liquidity and funding 
Risk                            Mitigation                                 Direction 
Retail funding stress           The Group's funding strategy                Unchanged 
 As the Group is primarily       is focused on a highly stable               The Group's funding 
 funded by retail deposits,      retail deposit franchise. The               mix remained stable 
 a retail run could put          large number of depositors                  throughout the year. 
 it in a position where          provides diversification and 
 it could not meet its           a high proportion of balances 
 financial obligations.          are covered by the FSCS and 
 Increased competition           so there is no material risk 
 for retail savings driving      of a retail run. 
 up funding costs adversely      In addition, the Group performs 
 impacting retention levels.     in-depth liquidity stress testing 
                                 and maintains a liquid asset 
                                 portfolio sufficient to meet 
                                 obligations under stress. The 
                                 Group holds prudential liquidity 
                                 buffers to manage funding requirements 
                                 under normal and stressed conditions. 
                                 The Group proactively manages 
                                 its savings proposition through 
                                 both the Liquidity Working 
                                 Group and the Group Assets 
                                 and Liabilities Committee. 
                                 Finally, the Group has prepositioned 
                                 mortgage collateral with the 
                                 Bank of England which allows 
                                 it to consider other alternative 
                                 funding sources to ensure it 
                                 is not solely reliant on retail 
                                 savings. The Group also has 
                                 a mature RMBS programme and 
                                 access to warehouse facilities. 
 The potential inability of the Group to ensure that it maintains sufficient 
 capital levels for its business strategy and risk profile under both 
 the base and stress case financial forecasts. 
Risk appetite statement 
 The Group seeks to ensure that it                We manage our capital resources in 
 is able to meet its Board-level capital          a manner which avoids excessive leverage 
 buffer requirements under a severe               and allows us flexibility in raising 
 but plausible stress scenario. The               capital. 
 Group's solvency risk appetite is 
 constrained within the leverage ratio-related 
   5      Liquidity and funding risk continued 
Risk                             Mitigation                                Direction 
-----------------------------    --------------------------------------    --------------------------- 
Wholesale funding stress         The Group continuously monitors                Decreased 
 A market-wide stress could       wholesale funding markets for                  The combined Group 
 close securitisation markets     securitisation opportunities                   has a wider range 
 or make issuance costs           and will execute funding transactions          of wholesale funding 
 unattractive for the Group.      or sell additional residual                    options available, 
                                  positions in the securitisations               including repo or 
                                  when market conditions are                     sale of retained 
                                  advantageous.                                  notes, collateral 
                                  The strong retail franchise,                   upgrade trades and 
                                  access to pooled deposits,                     warehouse facilities. 
                                  Bank of England pre-positioned 
                                  collateral and warehouse funding 
                                  facilities through tier 1 investment 
                                  banks provide the Group with 
                                  a range 
                                  of funding options. 
Refinancing of Term Funding      The Group has fully factored               Unchanged 
 Scheme                           in repayment of TFS into the               The overall TFS 
 The Group has drawn a            funding plans of both Banks,               position for the 
 total GBP2.6bn of funding        with planned repayment prior               Group has increased 
 under the TFS creating           to the contractual date to                 but the combined 
 a refinancing concentration      minimise timing and concentration          Group has a wider 
 around the maturity of           risk. The combined Group has               range of funding 
 this scheme.                     a wider range of funding options           options. 
                                  to manage this process. 
   6      Solvency risk 
Risk                             Mitigation                              Direction 
Deterioration of capital         Currently the Group operates                 Increased 
 ratios                           from a strong capital position               The Group maintained 
 Key risks to solvency            and has a consistent record                  a prudent and stable 
 arise from balance sheet         of strong profitability.                     CET1 capital and 
 growth and unexpected            The Group actively monitors                  total capital position 
 losses which can result          its capital requirements and                 providing resilience 
 in the Bank's capital            resources against financial                  against unexpected 
 requirements increasing          forecasts and plans and undertakes           losses. The Group 
 or capital resources being       stress testing analysis to                   continued to fund 
 depleted such that it            subject its solvency ratios                  its balance sheet 
 no longer meets the solvency     to extreme but plausible scenarios.          growth using organic 
 ratios as mandated by            The Bank also holds prudent                  profit generation. 
 the PRA and Board risk           levels of capital buffers based              Following the integration, 
 appetite.                        on CRD IV requirements and                   the Group will be 
 The regulatory capital           expected balance sheet growth.               subject to minimum 
 regime is subject to change      The Group engages actively                   requirements for 
 and could lead to increases      with regulators, industry bodies,            own funds and eligible 
 in the level and quality         and advisers to keep abreast                 liabilities ('MREL') 
 of capital that the Group        of potential changes and provides            requirements and 
 needs to hold to meet            feedback through the consultation            will need to issue 
 regulatory requirements.         process.                                     MREL-qualifying 
                                                                               debt instruments 
                                                                               to meet 
                                                                               this requirement. 
 The risk of loss or negative impact to the Group resulting from inadequate 
 or failed internal processes, people or systems, or from external events. 
Risk appetite statement 
 The Group's operational processes,      The Bank actively promotes the continuous 
 systems and controls are designed       evolution of its operating environment 
 to minimise disruption to customers,    through the identification, evaluation 
 damage to the Bank's reputation and     and mitigation of risks, whilst recognising 
 any detrimental impact on financial     that the complete elimination of operational 
 performance.                            risk is not possible. 
   7      Operational risk 
Risk                                    Mitigation                                   Direction 
IT security (including                  The Group invested significantly              Unchanged 
 cyber risk)                             in enhancing its protection                   Whilst IT security 
 The risks resulting from                against IT security threats,                  risks continue to 
 a failure to protect the                deploying a series of tools                   evolve, the level 
 Bank's systems and the                  designed to identify and prevent              of maturity of the 
 data within them. This                  network/system intrusions.                    Group's controls 
 includes both internal                  This is further supported by                  and defences have 
 and external threats.                   documented and tested procedures              significantly matured, 
                                         intended to ensure the effective              supported by dedicated 
                                         response to a security breach.                IT security experts. 
                                                                                       The Group's ongoing 
                                                                                       penetration testing 
                                                                                       continues to drive 
                                                                                       enhancements by 
                                                                                       identifying potential 
                                                                                       areas of risk. 
Data quality and completeness           The Group established a dedicated             Unchanged 
 The risks resulting from                Data Strategy Programme, designed             Whilst the Data 
 data being either inaccurate            to ensure a consistent approach               Strategy Programme 
 or incomplete.                          to the maintenance and use                    enjoyed some notable 
                                         of data. This includes both                   achievements, there 
                                         documented procedures and frameworks          remains significant 
                                         and also tools intended to                    work in 2020 in 
                                         improve the consistency of                    order to ensure 
                                         data use.                                     all data-related 
                                                                                       risks have been 
                                                                                       appropriately addressed. 
Change management                       The Group recognises that implementing            Increased 
 The risks resulting from                change introduces significant                     The Group continues 
 unsuccessful change management          operational risk and has therefore                to adopt an ambitious 
 implementations, including              implemented a series of control                   change agenda and 
 the failure to respond                  gateways designed to ensure                       recognises that 
 effectively to release-related          that each stage of the change                     it is entering a 
 incidents.                              management process has the                        period of significant 
                                         necessary level of oversight.                     change following 
                                                                                           the Combination 
                                                                                           and that risks of 
                                                                                           integration will 
                                                                                           be heightened during 
                                                                                           this period. 
IT failure                              The Group continues to invest                 Unchanged 
 The risks resulting from                in improving the resilience                   Whilst progress 
 a major IT application                  of its core infrastructure.                   was made 
 or infrastructure failure               It has identified its prioritised             in reducing both 
 impacting access to the                 business services and the infrastructure      the likelihood and 
 Bank's IT systems.                      that is required to support                   impact of an IT 
                                         them. Tests                                   failure, the Group 
                                         are performed regularly to                    has identified additional 
                                         validate its ability to recover               enhancements that 
                                         from an incident.                             it will look to 
                                                                                       implement in 2020. 
Organisational change                   There is a low risk integration                   Increased 
 and integration                         project plan (e.g. no large                       The Group is in 
 The risks resulting from                scale integration-related IT                      the early stages 
 the Group's ongoing integration         project change planned). Experienced              of the integration 
 activities, including                   and capable project management                    project, with no 
 systems, people and infrastructure.     office, with close oversight                      material issues 
                                         and direction provided by the                     identified with 
                                         Group Executive and Board Integration             respect to delivering 
                                         Committees.                                       agreed objectives 
                                                                                           within planned timelines 
                                                                                           to date. Close oversight 
                                                                                           of the integration 
                                                                                           risks will be carried 
                                                                                           out by the Group's 
                                                                                           Risk and Compliance 
 The risk that the Group's behaviours or actions result in customer detriment 
 or negative impact on the integrity of the markets in which it operates. 
Risk appetite statement 
 The Group aims to operate and conduct       However, where the Group identifies 
 its business to the highest standards       potential conduct risks it will proactively 
 which ensure integrity and trust with       intervene by managing, escalating and 
 respect to how the Group operates           mitigating them promptly to ensure 
 and manages its relationships with          a fair outcome is achieved. 
 key stakeholders. In this respect, 
 the Group has no appetite to knowingly 
 assume risks which may result in an 
 unfair outcome for customers and/or 
 cause disruptions in the market segments 
 in which it operates. 
   8      Conduct risk 
Risk                                 Mitigation                              Direction 
Product suitability                  The Group has a strategic commitment     Unchanged 
 Whilst the Group originates          to provide simple, customer-focused      Whilst this risk 
 relatively simple products,          products. In addition, a Product         remained low as 
 there remains a risk that            Governance framework is established      a result of increased 
 products (primarily legacy)          to oversee both the origination          awareness 
 may be deemed to be unfit            of new products and to revisit           and dedicated oversight, 
 for their original purpose           the ongoing suitability of               the Bank remains 
 in line with current regulatory      the existing product suite.              aware of the changes 
 definitions.                                                                  to the regulatory 
                                                                               environment and 
                                                                               their possible impact 
                                                                               on product suitability. 
Data protection                      In addition to a series of               Unchanged 
 The risk that customer               network/system controls, the             Despite a number 
 data is accessed inappropriately     Bank performs extensive root             of additional controls 
 either as a consequence              cause analysis of any data               introduced in 2019, 
 of network/ system intrusion         leaks in order to ensure that            the network/system 
 or through operational               the appropriate mitigating               threats continue 
 errors                               actions are taken.                       to evolve in both 
 in the management of the                                                      volume and sophistication. 
Integration risk                     During the integration process,              Increased 
 The risk that the integration        the Group is committed to adopting           The Group is in 
 programme directly or                a low-risk approach with a                   the early stages 
 indirectly causes poor               view to taking reasonable steps              of the integration 
 outcomes for customers               to                                           project, with no 
 and the market.                      avoid causing poor outcomes                  material issues 
                                      for our customers and the market.            identified with 
                                      The Group will conduct detailed              respect to poor 
                                      analysis of potential customer               customer outcomes. 
                                      harm associated with particular 
                                      integration steps. 
   9      Compliance/regulatory risk 
    The risk that a change in legislation or regulation or an interpretation 
    that differs from the Group's will adversely impact the Group. 
   Risk appetite statement 
    The Group views ongoing conformity             The Group will not tolerate any systemic 
    with regulatory rules and standards            failure to comply with applicable laws, 
    across all the jurisdictions in which          regulations or codes of conduct relevant 
    it operates as a critical facet of             given its business operating model. 
    its risk culture. The Group does not 
    knowingly accept compliance risk which 
    could result in regulatory sanctions, 
    financial loss or damage to its reputation. 
Risk                                 Mitigation                            Direction 
---------------------------------    ----------------------------------    ---------------------------------- 
Prudential regulatory                The Group has an effective                 Increased 
 changes                              horizon scanning process to                The Group has historically 
 The Group continues to               identify regulatory change.                responded effectively 
 see a high volume of key             All significant regulatory                 to all significant 
 compliance regulatory                initiatives are managed by                 regulatory 
 changes that impact its              structured programmes overseen             changes. However, 
 business activities. These           by the Project Management team             the level and sophistication 
 include; change                      and sponsored at Executive                 of emerging 
 in Standardised Approach             level.                                     regulation continues 
 capital rules and implementation     The Group has proactively sought           to increase. 
 of an IRB floor, implementation      external expert opinions to 
 of the European Standardised         support interpretation of the 
 Information Sheet, extending         requirements and validation 
 the Senior Managers and              of its response, where required. 
 Certification Regime to              The Group has initiated a study 
 all FCA regulated firms              into external wall cladding 
 and introduction of Strong           and is reviewing its own and 
 Customer Authentication              lent portfolio. 
 requirements. The focus 
 on external wall cladding 
 for high-rise buildings 
 has recently been extended 
 to cover 
 all buildings regardless 
 of height. 
Conduct regulation                   The Group has a programme of               Increased 
 Regulatory changes focused           regulatory horizon scanning                The regulatory environment 
 on the conduct of business           linking into a formal regulatory           has tightened and 
 could force changes in               change management programme.               this is likely to 
 the way the                          In addition, the focus on simple           continue, exposing 
 Group carries out business           products and customer oriented             the Group to increased 
 and impose substantial               culture means that current                 risk. 
 compliance costs.                    practice may not have to change 
                                      significantly to meet new conduct 
   The Group proactively scans for emerging risks which may have an impact 
on its ongoing operations and strategy. The Group considers its top 
emerging risks to be: 
Emerging risks    Description                          Mitigation action 
--------------    ---------------------------------    --------------------------------------- 
Integration       The risks resulting from             The Board is maintaining oversight 
risk               the Group's ongoing integration      of the integration process through 
                   activities, including systems,       the Board Integration Committee. 
                   people and infrastructure.           A dedicated Integration Management 
                                                        Office has been established to 
                                                        drive the integration process 
                                                        Independent second line and third 
                                                        line assessment, monitoring and 
                                                        reporting is being undertaken 
                                                        by the Risk function and Internal 
                                                        Audit function. 
Political and     As the outcome of trade              The Group implemented robust monitoring 
 macroeconomic     negotiations following               processes and via various stress 
 uncertainty       Brexit remains unclear,              testing activity (i.e. ad hoc, 
                   there is an increased likelihood     risk appetite and ICAAP) understands 
                   of a period of macroeconomic         how the Group performs over a 
                   uncertainty. The Group's             variety of macroeconomic stress 
                   lending activity is solely           scenarios and has subsequently 
                   focused in the United Kingdom        developed a suite of early warning 
                   and, as such, will be impacted       indicators, which are closely 
                   by any risks emerging from           monitored to identify changes 
                   changes in the macroeconomic         in the economic environment. The 
                   environment.                         Group produces and reviews monthly 
                                                        loan portfolio management information. 
Emerging risks        Description                            Mitigation action 
------------------    -----------------------------------    ------------------------------------------ 
Climate change        As the worldwide focus                 The Group developed an approach 
                       on climate change intensifies,         to addressing the increasing climate 
                       both the physical risks                risks within its Risk Management 
                       and the transitional risks             Framework. This includes scenario 
                       associated with climate                analysis, development of key risk 
                       change continue to grow.               indicators and inclusion of climate 
                       Physical risks can relate              risks within operational resilience 
                       to specific weather events,            activities. A cross-functional 
                       such as storms and flooding,           working 
                       or to longer-term shifts               group will drive the Group's climate 
                       in the climate, such as                change agenda with Board oversight 
                       rising sea levels. Transitional        ensuring climate change is considered 
                       risks may arise from the               in key business and strategic 
                       adjustment towards a 'low-             decision-making. To assess portfolio 
                       carbon' economy, such as               collateral sensitivities to climate 
                       tightening energy efficiency           change, the Group is engaging 
                       standards for domestic                 with a third party to assist with 
                       and commercial buildings.              modelling physical risks (flood, 
                                                              subsidence and coastal erosion) 
                                                              and transitional risks (Government 
                                                              policy) against a series of scenarios 
                                                              relating to 
                                                              global temperature change. 
Model risk            The risk of financial loss,            Both OSB and CCFS have well-defined 
                       adverse regulatory outcomes,           model governance frameworks and 
                       reputational damage or                 processes in place, including 
                       customer detriment resulting           Committees, frameworks, policies, 
                       from deficiencies in the               model inventories and independent 
                       development, application               validation processes. 
                       or ongoing operation of                In light of this emerging risk, 
                       models and ratings systems.            the Group implemented a Group 
                       Post the completion of                 Models and Ratings Committee to 
                       the Combination with CCFS,             ensure an appropriate level of 
                       the Group notes the increasing         oversight is provided in 2020 
                       usage of models to                     by the Board, in conjunction with 
                       conduct financial assessments          the Models and Ratings Management 
                       whilst informing business              Committee. 
                       decisions. The Group also              A key area of focus for 2020 will 
                       notes changes in industry              be further enhancing the Group's 
                       best practice with respect             model risk governance arrangements 
                       to managing model risk.                including developing and implementing 
                                                              Group-level frameworks and policies, 
                                                              whilst implementing the planned 
                                                              target operating model. 
LIBOR reform          The LIBOR benchmark may                The Group ALCO has set up a dedicated 
                       cease to be set after the              working group to focus on this 
                       end of 2021 due to the                 risk and transition away from 
                       low level of supporting                the LIBOR benchmark is underway. 
                       unsecured loans in the                 The priority is to remove the 
                       wholesale interbank loan               LIBOR component from all new loan 
                       market. The Group has exposure         products and new swap hedges. 
                       to the LIBOR benchmark                 With regard to existing loans 
                       within some of its customer            and derivative hedges it is planned 
                       lending products and wholesale         that they are transitioned onto 
                       derivative hedging transactions.       alternative benchmarks before 
                       If the benchmark were to               LIBOR ceases. 
                       cease or become unreliable, 
                       these loans and derivatives 
                       may reflect rates that 
                       do not accurately represent 
                       short- term funding costs, 
                       therefore having an adverse 
                       effect on returns. 
Coronavirus           The outbreak of Coronavirus            The Group has taken a considered 
                       (COVID-19) has now been                approach to minimising and managing 
                       labelled a global pandemic             the impact of a Coronavirus-related 
                       by the World Health Organization.      global pandemic. The Group approach 
                       If this continues to spread            represents a comprehensive response 
                       through contagion, it is               strategy covering both severity 
                       likely to further intensify            and consequences of a global pandemic. 
                       the disruptive                         The Group's response strategy 
                       impact on the global and               covers key aspects of an effective 
                       UK economy. This would                 pandemic response approach, including 
                       result in deteriorating                prevention, continuity, impact 
                       market sentiments, falling             assessment and stress testing. 
                       investment and consumer                Supporting the Group's response 
                       spending and diminishing               strategy are established underlying 
                       trade flows.                           capabilities to facilitate operational 
                       Government actions, both               and financial resilience testing 
                       fiscal and monetary, may               and planning, active monitoring 
                       prove to be slow to take               and reporting procedures, and 
                       effect and/or uncertain                active communications with all 
                       in their impact.                       staff (UK and India) and supervisory 
                       A spreading global pandemic            authorities. 
                       could adversely impact 
                       the Group across a number 
                       of key financial and operational 
                       areas (as described in 
                       Pandemic risk factors on 
                       page 54. 
Treating customers    The industry-wide and firm-specific    All Group entities operate under 
 fairly                practices in relation to               arrears, repossession, forbearance 
                       arrears, collections and               and vulnerable customer policies 
                       forbearance procedures                 which are designed to comply with 
                       resulting in poor customer             regulatory rules and expectations. 
                       outcomes and financial                 These policies articulate the 
                       distress continues to be               Group's commitment to ensuring 
                       an important area of regulatory        that all customers, including 
                       focus. The practices within            those that are vulnerable or experiencing 
                       the regulated residential              financial hardship, are treated 
                       mortgage markets, both                 fairly, consistently and in a 
                       first and second charge                way that considers their individual 
                       mortgages, have in particular          needs and circumstances. 
                       been subject to active                 The Group does not tolerate any 
                       supervisory monitoring                 systemic failure to deliver fair 
                       through market data analysis,          customer outcomes. On an isolated 
                       complaints to firms, notifications     basis, incidents can result in 
                       from firms and multi firm              detriment owing to human and/or 
                       thematic reviews.                      operational failures. Where such 
                       If the Group's arrears,                incidents occur they are thoroughly 
                       repossession, forbearance              investigated, and the appropriate 
                       and vulnerable customer                remedial actions are taken to 
                       policies and procedures                address any customer detriment 
                       are assessed to be misaligned          and to prevent recurrence. 
                       to the individual needs 
                       of the customers and regulatory 
                       expectations, the Group 
                       runs the risk of causing 
                       harm to its customers, 
                       particularly those experiencing 
                       financial hardship or vulnerable 
                       customers, with the potential 
                       for reputational 
                       damage, redress and other 
                       regulatory actions. 
   Risk profile performance overview 
   Credit risk 
   Throughout 2019 the credit quality of both Banks remained strong, driven 
by robust credit risk management, deep knowledge of the specialist 
sectors in which both OSB and CCFS operate, coupled with prudent risk 
   Strong organic loan book growth was underpinned by resilient new lending 
volumes across the Group's core lending segments including Buy-to-Let, 
residential owner-occupier, semi- commercial and commercial. The Group's 
asset finance and development finance businesses continued to operate in 
line with expectations. New business quality remained strong with 
broadly stable loan to value levels. Interest coverage ratios remained 
stable across both the OSB and CCFS segments. Loan to income multiples 
also remained stable across residential owner- 
   occupier lending. 
   Arrears levels remained low during 2019 across both Banks. Across the 
CCFS segment greater than three months in arrears balances remained low 
at 0.3% of total loans and advances (2018: 0.2%). This marginal increase 
was driven by the lending portfolios maturing and was in line with 
management's expectations. 
   Performance of both new and existing loans remained strong. 
   At OSB, the greater than three months in arrears ratio fell to a low of 
1.3% (2018: 1.5%). Falling arrears levels across the residential 
owner-occupier lending segment drove the overall Group trend. Buy-to-Let 
lending arrears levels remained stable year on year, but improved during 
the second half of 2019 as more focused collections activity took 
effect. As at 31 December 2019, legacy problem loan balances reduced to 
GBP3.0m from GBP5.6m at the 
   end of 2018. 
   The Group observed strong demand for semi-commercial 
   and commercial mortgage products originated via the InterBay commercial 
brand, where gross exposure grew to GBP888.0m with a weighted average 
loan to value of 67% and an average loan size of GBP375,000. 
   Gross exposure to residential development finance remained low at 
GBP146.1m with a weighted average LTV of 34%. 
   Expected Credit Losses ('ECL') 
   Low arrears and sensible loan to value levels resulted in strong loan 
loss performance during 2019. 
   On a statutory basis, impairment losses were GBP15.6m (2018: 
   GBP8.1m) representing 13bps on average gross loans and advances (2018: 
10bps). On a pro forma underlying basis, the loan loss ratio was 10bps1 
(2018: 7bps). 
   The increase in the total value of loan losses was primarily due to 
three non-recurring items: 
   i)           More focused collections activity across the Buy-to-Let 
portfolio within the OSB segment resulted in an increase in the number 
of LPA receivers appointed during the first half of 2019, where under 
the IFRS 9 provisioning approach higher provisions are held. 
   LPA receivers are appointed when a Buy-to-Let account falls into arrears, 
as an independent managing agent and 
   collector of rents. This ensures that rent payments are passed back to 
the lender to bring the account back up to date, or to oversee a sale of 
the property paying back the lender, whilst supplying the borrower with 
any excess funds. During the second half of 2019 OSB observed low and 
stable new LPA receiver appointments. 
   ii)         On 4 October 2019, OSB acquired the lending portfolios of 
   CCFS and consequently raised IFRS 9 provisions totalling GBP3.6m. This 
one-off charge was recognised in the Group's profit and loss, increasing 
the total quantum of losses recognised in 2019. 
   Importantly, the provisions raised do not reflect a change in the credit 
risk performance of the lending portfolios. 
   iii)       During the fourth quarter of 2019, OSB and CCFS aligned a 
number of IFRS 9 methodologies, including stage 2 and 3 transfer 
criteria and macroeconomic scenarios and probability weightings. The net 
impact of this alignment activity was 
   a one-off provision charge recognised in the 2019. 
   Removing the above one-off non-recurring items, the loan loss charge 
would have been broadly consistent with the underlying loan loss charge 
observed during 2018. 
   1.   The 2019 statutory results reflect 12 months of OSB results and 
CCFS' results from 4 October 2019, the date on which the Combination 
completed and became effective. The 2018 statutory results include OSB 
results only. The pro forma underlying results reflect what 
   the results would have been had the Combination occurred on 1 January 
   The Group continues to closely monitor impairment coverage levels: 
                           Gross carrying       Credit       Incurred 
                               amount           Losses    loss remaining1    Coverage 
  As at 31 December 2019        GBPm             GBPm          GBPm           ratio2 
Stage 1                          17,286.9           5.6                --       0.03% 
Stage 2                             749.5           5.6                --       0.75% 
Stage 3 (+ POCI)                    431.2          31.7                --       7.35% 
Undrawn loan facilities                --            --                --          -- 
Total                            18,467.6          42.9                --       0.23% 
As at 31 December 2018 
Stage 1                           8,286.8           4.3                --       0.05% 
Stage 2                             436.8           5.6                --       1.28% 
Stage 3 (+ POCI)                    281.6          11.8               7.2       6.75% 
Undrawn loan facilities                --           0.2                --          -- 
Total                             9,005.2          21.9               7.2       0.32% 
   The Group's Risk and Audit Committees closely monitor the ongoing 
appropriateness of the provision coverage levels versus expected losses 
and peer institutions. 
   As at 31 December 2019, provision coverage levels remained appropriate. 
   The Group's total coverage ratio fell slightly to 0.23% as at 31 
December 2019 (2018: 0.32%). The fall was driven by the loan to value 
profile and low arrears performance of newly-originated mortgages and 
the CCFS lending portfolios acquired, resulting in balances growing 
faster than ECL provisions raised, resulting in the ratio falling. 
   Macroeconomic scenarios 
   The measurement of ECL under the IFRS 9 approach is complex and requires 
a high level of judgement. The approach includes the estimation of 
probability of default ('PD'), loss given default ('LGD') and likely 
exposure at default ('EAD'). An assessment of the maximum contractual 
period with which the Group is exposed 
   to the credit risk of the asset is also undertaken. 
   IFRS 9 requires firms to calculate ECL allowances simulating 
   the effect of a range of possible economic outcomes, calculated on a 
probability weighted basis. This requires firms to formulate 
forward-looking macroeconomic forecasts and incorporate them in ECL 
   i. How macroeconomic variables and scenarios are selected During the 
IFRS 9 modelling process the relationship between macroeconomic drivers 
and arrears, default rates and collateral values is established. For 
example, if unemployment levels increase the Group would observe an 
increasing number of accounts moving into arrears. If residential or 
commercial property prices fall the risk of losses being realised on the 
   sale of a property would increase. 
   The Group has adopted an approach which utilises four macroeconomic 
   Scenarios are provided by an industry leading economics advisory firm, 
who provide Management and the Board with advice on which scenarios to 
utilise and the probability weightings to attach to each scenario. 
   A base case forecast is provided which broadly aligns with 
   wider consensus forecasts, along with a plausible upside scenario. 
   Two downside scenarios are also provided (downside and a severe 
   1.   Incurred loss is the expected loss of the portfolio at the point of 
acquisition and is offset against the modelled future cash flows to 
derive the effective interest rate for the book. The incurred loss 
protection is therefore recognised over the life of the book against the 
unwind of any purchase discount or premium through interest income. 
Incurred loss remaining is this protection reduced by the cumulative 
losses observed since acquisition. 
   In 2019, the Group reclassified incurred loss protection on acquired 
portfolios from loans and advances to ECL to reflect the Group's total 
ECL position. 
   2.   Coverage ratio is the total provisions plus incurred losses 
remaining divided by gross loans and advances. 
   ii.How macroeconomic scenarios are utilised within ECL calculations 
   Probability of default estimates are either scaled up or down based on 
the macroeconomic scenarios utilised. 
   Loss given default estimates are impacted by property price forecasts 
which are utilised within loss estimates should 
   an account be possessed and sold. 
   Exposure at default estimates are not impacted by the macroeconomic 
scenarios utilised. 
   Each of the above components are then directly utilised within the ECL 
calculation process. 
   iii.              Macroeconomic scenario governance 
   The Group has a robust governance process to oversee macroeconomic 
scenarios and probability weightings used within ECL calculations. 
Updated scenarios are provided on a monthly basis where an assessment is 
carried out by the Group's Risk function to determine whether an update 
is required. 
   On a quarterly basis the Group's Risk function and economic adviser 
provide the Asset and Liabilities Committee with an overview of recent 
economic performance, along with updated base, upside and two downside 
   The Risk function will then propose a course of action, which once 
approved will be implemented. Regular updates are provided 
   to the Group's Risk and Audit Committees, where the ongoing 
appropriateness of the macroeconomic scenarios and probability 
weightings are discussed. 
   iv. Changes made during 2019 
   In December 2018, OSB implemented a fourth severe downside no-deal 
disorderly Brexit scenario, which increased the Group's provision 
requirements. During the first half of 2019, the Group did not make any 
changes to the macroeconomic scenarios utilised or the probability 
weightings assigned. 
   The CCFS business implemented a Brexit overlay in December 2018 to 
reflect the increasing risk of a no-deal Brexit. As at 30 June 2019, 
this overlay was adjusted with further provision raised. 
   Following the Combination completing on 4 October 2019, the Group's Risk 
function recommended aligning the macroeconomic scenarios and 
probability weightings utilised across both the individual OSB and CCFS 
businesses. This entailed moving to 
   one service provider for economic modelling, aligning scenarios utilised 
and probability weightings. 
   Forecasted macroeconomic variables over a five-year period (includes 
average over five years and the peak to trough projections) 
                                                                         Upside     Downside        downside 
  As at 31 December                                        Base case    scenario    scenario        scenario 
  2019                                                         %           %           %               % 
Weighting applied                                                 40          10          35              15 
Economic driver            Measure 
Gross Domestic Product     5 year average (yearly GDP 
 ('GDP')                    growth %)                            1.2         1.7         0.5            -0.3 
   Cumulative growth/(fall) to 
    peak/(trough) (%)                                            6.4         8.5        -3.6            -5.8 
House Price Index          5 year average (yearly HPI 
 ('HPI')                    growth %)                            1.3         3.2        -1.5            -3.2 
   Cumulative growth/(fall) to 
    peak/(trough) (%)                                           +5.6       +14.8       -13.4           -21.1 
Bank Base Rate ('BBR')     5 year average (%)                   1.31        1.45        0.19            0.08 
   Cumulative growth/(fall) to 
    peak/(trough) (%)                                           +1.5        +1.7        -0.7            -0.6 
Unemployment Rate 
 ('UR')                    5 year average (%)                   4.49        3.41        6.26            7.15 
   Cumulative growth/(fall) to 
    peak/(trough) (%)                                           +0.7        -1.0        +2.9            +4.1 
Commercial Real Estate     5 year average (yearly HPI 
 Index ('CRE')              growth %)                            1.3         3.2        -1.5            -5.8 
   Cumulative growth/(fall) to 
    peak/(trough) (%)                                           +5.6       +14.8       -13.4           -40.0 
 ------------------------------------------------------                           ---------- 
                                                                         Upside     Downside        downside 
  As at 31 December                                        Base case    scenario    scenario        scenario 
  2018                                                         %           %           %               % 
Weighting applied                                                 50           0          40              10 
Economic driver            Measure 
House Price Index          5 year average (yearly HPI 
 ('HPI')                    growth %)                            2.6         3.3        -1.7            -3.6 
   Cumulative growth/(fall) to 
    peak/(trough) (%)                                          +13.0       +16.1       -10.5           -30.0 
Bank Base Rate ('BBR')     5 year average (%)                    1.6         2.0         1.6             3.4 
   Cumulative growth/(fall) to 
    peak/(trough) (%)                                           +1.5        +1.8        +1.4            +4.5 
Unemployment Rate 
 ('UR')                    5 year average (%)                    4.3         3.8         5.7             6.4 
   Cumulative growth/(fall) to 
    peak/(trough) (%)                                           +0.5        -0.4        +2.4            +3.3 
Commercial Real Estate     5 year average (yearly HPI 
 Index ('CRE')              growth %)                            0.3         1.4        -5.5            -7.8 
   Cumulative growth/(fall) to 
    peak/(trough) (%)                                           +2.6        +8.0       -27.0           -48.4 
 ------------------------------------------------------                           ---------- 
   Where borrowers experience financial difficulties, which impacts their 
ability to service their financial commitments under the loan agreement, 
forbearance may be used to achieve an outcome which is mutually 
beneficial to both the borrower and the Bank. 
   By identifying borrowers who are experiencing financial difficulties 
pre-arrears or in arrears, a consultative process is initiated to 
ascertain the underlying reasons and to establish the best course of 
action to enable the borrower to develop credible repayment plans and to 
see them through the period of financial stress. 
   The specific tools available to assist customers vary by product and the 
customers' status. The various treatments considered for customers are 
as follows: 
   -- Temporary switch to interest only: a temporary account change to assist 
      customers through periods of financial difficulty where arrears do not 
      accrue at the original contractual payment. Any arrears existing at the 
      commencement of the arrangement are retained. 
   -- Interest rate reduction: the Group may, in certain circumstances, where 
      the borrower meets the required eligibility criteria, transfer the 
      mortgages to a lower contractual rate. Where this is a formal contractual 
      change the borrower will be requested to obtain independent financial 
      advice as part of the process. 
   -- Loan term extension: a permanent account change for customers in 
      financial distress where the overall term of the mortgage is extended, 
      resulting in a lower contractual monthly payment. 
   -- Payment holiday: a temporary account change to assist customers through 
      periods of financial difficulty where arrears accrue at the original 
      contractual payment. Any arrears existing at the commencement of the 
      arrangement are retained. 
   -- Voluntary-assisted sale: a period of time is given to allow borrowers to 
      sell the property and arrears accrue based on the contractual payment. 
   -- Reduced monthly payments: a temporary arrangement for customers in 
      financial distress. For example, a short-term arrangement to pay less 
      than the contractual payment. 
   Arrears continue to accrue based on the contractual payment. 
   -- Capitalisation of interest: arrears are added to the loan balance and are 
      repaid over the remaining term of the facility or at maturity for 
      interest only products. A new payment is calculated, which will be higher 
      than the previous payment. 
   -- Full or partial debt forgiveness: where considered appropriate, the Group 
      will consider writing off part of the debt. This may occur where the 
      borrower has an agreed sale and there will be a shortfall in the amount 
      required to redeem the Group's charge, in which case repayment of the 
      shortfall may be agreed over a period of time, subject to an 
      affordability assessment or where possession has been taken by the Group; 
      and on the subsequent sale where there has been 
   a shortfall loss. 
   } Arrangement to Pay (CCFS only): where an arrangement is made with the 
borrower to repay an amount above the contractual monthly instalment, 
which will repay arrears over a period of time. 
   -- Promise to Pay (CCFS only): where an arrangement is made with the 
      borrower to defer payment or pay a lump sum at a later date. 
   -- Bridging loans more than 30 days past due (CCFS only):  Bridging loans 
      which are more than 30 days past their maturity date. Repayment is 
      rescheduled to receive a balloon or 
   bullet payment at the end of the term extension where the institution 
can duly demonstrate future cash flow availability. 
   The Group aims to proactively identify and manage forborne accounts, 
utilising external credit reference bureau information to analyse 
probability of default and customer indebtedness trends over time, 
feeding pre-arrears watch list reports. Watch list cases are in turn 
carefully monitored and managed as appropriate. 
   Further information regarding forbearance can be found in note 45 to the 
Financial statements. 
   Fair value of collateral methodology 
   The Group ensures that security valuations are reviewed on an ongoing 
basis for accuracy and appropriateness. Commercial properties are 
subject to annual indexing, whereas residential properties are indexed 
against monthly House Price Index data. Where the Group identifies that 
an index is not representative, a formal review is carried out by the 
Group Real Estate function to ensure that property valuations remain 
   The Group Real Estate function ensures that newly underwritten lending 
cases are written to appropriate valuations, where an independent 
assessment is carried out by an appointed, qualified surveyor accredited 
by RICS. 
   Solvency risk 
   The Group has maintained an appropriate level and quality of capital to 
support its prudential requirements with sufficient contingency to 
withstand a severe but plausible stress scenario. The solvency risk 
appetite is based on a stacking approach, whereby the various capital 
requirements (Pillar 1, ICG, CRD IV buffers, Board and management 
buffers) are incrementally aggregated as a percentage of available 
capital (CET1 and 
   total capital). 
   Solvency risk is a function of balance sheet growth, profitability, 
access to capital markets and regulatory changes. The Bank actively 
monitors all key drivers of solvency risk and takes prompt action to 
maintain its solvency ratios at acceptable levels. The Board and 
management also assess solvency when reviewing the Group's business 
plans and inorganic growth opportunities. 
   The Group's fully-loaded CET1 capital ratio under CRD IV increased to 
16.0% as at 31 December 2019 (31 December 2018: 13.3%) demonstrating the 
strong organic capital generation capability 
   of the business and the beneficial impact of the fair value uplift on 
CCFS' assets. The Group had a total capital ratio of 17.3% and a 
leverage ratio of 6.5% as at 31 December 2019 (31 December 
   2018: 15.8% and 5.9% respectively). 
   Liquidity and funding risk 
   The Group has a prudent approach to liquidity management through 
maintaining sufficient liquidity resources to cover cash flow imbalances 
and fluctuations in funding under both normal and stressed conditions 
arising from market-wide and Bank- specific events. OSB and CCFS' 
liquidity risk appetites have been calibrated to ensure that both Banks 
always operate above the minimum prudential requirements with sufficient 
contingency for unexpected stresses, whilst actively minimising the risk 
of holding excessive liquidity which would adversely impact the 
financial efficiency of the business model. 
   The Group continues to attract new retail savers and has high retention 
levels with existing customers. In addition, the 
   Combination allows the Group a wider range of wholesale funding options 
including securitisation issuances and use of retained notes from both 
   In 2019, both Banks actively managed their liquidity and funding 
profiles within the confines of their risk appetite as set out in each 
Bank's Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process ('ILAAP'). Each 
Bank's risk appetite is based on internal stress tests that cover a 
range of scenarios and time periods and therefore are a more severe 
measure of resilience to a liquidity event than the standalone liquidity 
coverage ratio ('LCR'). Both OSB and CCFS' LCR at 199% and 145% 
respectively remain above risk appetite and well above regulatory 
   Market risk 
   The Group proactively manages its risk profile in respect of adverse 
movements in interest rates, foreign exchange rates and counterparty 
exposures. The Group accepts interest rate risk and basis risk as a 
consequence of structural mismatches between fixed rate mortgage lending, 
sight and fixed term savings and the maintenance of a portfolio of high 
quality liquid assets. 
   Interest rate exposure is mitigated on a continuous basis through 
portfolio diversification, reserve allocation and the use of financial 
derivatives within limits set by the Group ALCO and approved by the 
   The Group's balance sheet is completely GBP denominated. The Group has 
some minor foreign exchange risk from funding the OSBI business. This is 
minimised by prefunding a number of months in advance and regularly 
monitoring GBP/INR rates. Wholesale counterparty risk is measured on a 
daily basis and constrained by counterparty risk limits. 
   Transition away from LIBOR 
   The PRA and FCA have continued to encourage banks to transition away 
from using LIBOR as a benchmark in all operations before the end of 
2021. Throughout the UK banking sector LIBOR remains a key benchmark and, 
for each market impacted, solutions to this issue are progressing 
through various industry bodies. 
   In 2018, OSB set up an internal working group comprised of all of the 
key business lines that are involved with this change with strong 
oversight from the Compliance and Risk departments. Risk assessments 
have been completed to ensure this process is managed in a measured and 
controlled manner. CCFS no longer write any LIBOR-linked business and 
have started to transition back book swaps from a LIBOR to a SONIA 
basis. The OSB and CCFS projects have been aligned following the 
   Interest rate risk 
   The Group does not actively assume interest rate risk, does not execute 
client or speculative securities transactions for its own account, and 
does not seek to take a significant directional interest rate position. 
Limits have been set to allow management to run occasional unhedged 
positions in response to balance sheet dynamics and capital has been 
allocated for this. Exposure limits are calibrated in proportion to 
available CET1 capital 
   in order to accommodate balance sheet growth. 
   The Group sets limits on the tenor and rate reset mismatches between 
fixed rate assets and liabilities, including derivatives hedges, with 
exposure and risk appetite assessed by reference to historic and 
potential stress scenarios cast at consistent levels of modelled 
   Throughout 2019, both Banks managed their interest rate risk exposures 
within risk appetite limits. 
   Basis risk 
   Basis risk arises from assets and liabilities repricing with reference 
to different interest rate indices, including positions which reference 
variable market, policy and managed rates. As with structural interest 
rate risk, the Bank does not seek to take a significant basis risk 
position, but maintains defined limits to allow operational flexibility. 
   For both OSB and CCFS exposure is assessed and monitored regularly 
across a range of 'business as usual' and stressed scenarios. 
   Throughout 2019, both Banks managed their basis risk exposure within 
their risk appetite limits. 
   Operational risk 
   The Group continues to adopt a proactive approach to the management of 
operational risks. The operational risk management framework has been 
designed to ensure a robust approach to the identification, measurement 
and mitigation of operational risks, utilising a combination of both 
qualitative and quantitative evaluations in order to promote an 
environment of progressive operational risk management. The Group's 
operational processes, systems and controls are designed to minimise 
disruption to customers, damage to the Group's reputation and any 
detrimental impact on financial performance. The Group actively promotes 
the continual evolution of its operating environment through the 
identification, evaluation and mitigation of risks, whilst recognising 
that the complete elimination of operational risk is not possible. 
   Where risks continue to exist, there are established processes to 
provide the appropriate levels of governance and oversight, together 
with an alignment to the level of risk appetite stated by the Board. 
   A strong culture of transparency and escalation has been cultivated 
throughout the organisation, with the Operational Risk function having a 
Group-wide remit, ensuring a risk management model that is well embedded 
and consistently applied. In addition, a community of Risk Champions 
representing each business line and location has been identified. 
Operational Risk Champions ensure that the operational risk 
identification and assessment processes are established across the Group 
in a consistent manner. Risk Champions are provided with appropriate 
support and training by the Operational Risk function. 
   Regulatory and compliance risk 
   The Group is committed to the highest standards of regulatory conduct 
and aims to minimise breaches, financial costs and reputational damage 
associated with non-compliance. 
   The Group has an established Compliance function which actively 
identifies, assesses and monitors adherence with current regulation and 
the impact of emerging regulation. 
   In order to minimise regulatory risk, the Group maintains a proactive 
relationship with key regulators, engages with industry bodies such as 
UK Finance, and seeks external expert advice. 
   The Group also assesses the impact of upstream regulation on itself and 
the wider market in which it operates, and undertakes robust assurance 
assessments from within the Risk and Compliance functions. 
   Conduct risk 
   The Group considers its culture and behaviour in ensuring the fair 
treatment of customers and in maintaining the integrity of the market 
segments in which it operates to be a fundamental part of its strategy 
and a key driver to sustainable profitability and growth. The Group does 
not tolerate any systemic failure to deliver fair customer outcomes. 
   On an isolated basis, incidents can result in detriment owing to human 
and/or operational failures. Where such incidents occur they are 
thoroughly investigated, and the appropriate remedial actions are taken 
to address any customer detriment and to prevent recurrence. 
   The Group considers effective conduct risk management to be a product of 
the positive behaviour of all employees, influenced by the culture 
throughout the organisation and therefore continues to promote a strong 
sense of awareness and accountability. 
   Strategic and business risk 
   The Board has clearly articulated the Group's strategic vision and 
business objectives supported by performance targets. The Group does not 
intend to undertake any medium to long-term strategic actions, which 
would put at risk the Group's vision to become 
   our customers' favourite bank; one that delivers its very best, 
challenges convention and opens doors that others can't. 
   To deliver against its strategic objectives and business plan, the Group 
has adopted a sustainable business model based on a focused approach to 
core niche market segments where its 
   experience and capabilities give it a clear competitive advantage. 
   The Group remains highly focused on delivering against its core 
strategic objectives and strengthening its position further through 
strong and sustainable financial performance. 
   Reputational risk 
   Reputational risk can arise from a variety of sources and is a second 
order risk -- the crystallisation of a credit risk or operational risk 
can lead to a reputational risk impact. 
   The Group monitors reputational risk through tracking media coverage, 
customer satisfaction scores, the share price and net promoter scores 
provided by brokers. 
   Viability statement 
   In accordance with Provision 31 of the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code, 
the Group Board is required to assess the viability of the Group over a 
stated time horizon with a supporting statement in the Annual Report. 
   The viability statement is required to include an explanation of how the 
prospects of the Group have been assessed, the time horizon over which 
the assessment has been performed and why the assessment period is 
deemed appropriate. The viability statement needs to be supported by an 
assessment of the principal risks and uncertainties to which the Group 
is exposed and based on reasonable expectations to conclude that the 
Group will be able to continue to operate and meet its liabilities as 
they fall due over that period. 
   The Group uses a five-year time frame in its business and financial 
planning and for internal stress test scenarios. The long-term direction 
is informed by business and strategic plans which 
   are reviewed on, at least, an annual basis and which include multi-year 
financial statements. The operating and financial plans consider, among 
other matters, the Board's risk appetite, macroeconomic outlook, market 
opportunity, the competitive landscape, and sensitivity of the financial 
plans to volumes, margin pressures and capital requirements. 
   While a five-year time frame is used internally, levels of uncertainty 
increase as the planning horizon extends and the Group's operating and 
financial plans focus more closely on the next three years. The Board 
therefore considers a period of three years to be an appropriate period 
for the assessment to be made. 
   The Company is authorised by the PRA, and regulated by the FCA and the 
PRA, and undertakes regular analysis of its risk profile and 
assumptions. It has a robust set of policies, procedures 
   and systems to undertake a comprehensive assessment of all the principal 
risks and uncertainties to which it is exposed on a current and 
forward-looking basis (as described in Principal risks and 
   The Group identifies, assesses, manages and monitors its risk profile 
based on the disciplines outlined within the Risk Management Framework, 
in particular through leveraging its risk appetite framework (as 
described in the Risk review). 
   Potential changes in the aggregated risk profile are assessed across the 
business planning horizon by subjecting the operating and financial 
plans to severe but plausible macroeconomic 
   and idiosyncratic stress scenarios. 
   The viability of the Group is assessed at both the Group and the 
underlying regulated Bank levels, through leveraging the risk management 
frameworks and stress testing capabilities of both regulated banks. Post 
Combination, the risk assessment and stress testing capabilities of OSB 
and CCFS will be progressively aligned, however, the strength of the 
capital and funding profiles of both Banks provides an appropriate level 
of assurance that the Group and its entities can withstand a severe but 
plausible stress scenario. 
   Stress testing is an integral risk management discipline, used to assess 
the financial and operational resilience of the Group. 
   The Group developed bespoke stress testing capabilities to assess the 
impact of extreme but plausible scenarios in the context of its 
principal risks impacting the primary strategic, financial and 
regulatory objectives. Stress test scenarios are identified in the 
context of the Group's operating model, identified risks, business and 
economic outlook. The Group actively engages external experts to inform 
the process by which it develops business and economic stress scenarios. 
A broad range of stress scenarios are analysed, including the economic 
impact of differing outcomes for the UK leaving the European Union, 
regulatory changes relating to lending into the UK housing sector, 
governmental housing policy shifts and scenarios prescribed by the Bank 
   of England. In addition COVID-19 pandemic scenarios have been 
   Stresses are applied to lending volumes, capital requirements, liquidity 
and funding mix, interest margins and credit and operational losses. 
Stress testing also supports key regulatory submissions such as the 
ICAAP, ILAAP and the Recovery Plan. ICAAP stress testing assesses 
capital resources and requirements over a five-year period. 
   The Group has identified a broad suite of credible management actions 
which can be implemented to manage and mitigate the impact of stress 
scenarios. These management actions 
   are assessed under a range of scenarios varying in severity and 
duration. Management actions are evaluated based on speed 
   of implementation, second order consequences and dependency on market 
conditions and counterparties. Management actions are used to inform 
capital, liquidity and recovery planning under stress conditions. 
   In addition, the Group identifies a range of catastrophic scenarios, 
which could result in the failure of its current business model. 
   Business model failure scenarios (Reverse Stress Tests or 'RSTs') are 
primarily used to inform the Board and Executives of the outer limits of 
the Group's risk profile. RSTs play an important role in helping the 
Board and Executives to assess the available recovery options to revive 
a failing business model. The RSTs exercise is based on analysing a 
range of scenarios, including an extreme macroeconomic downturn (1 in 
200 severity), a cyber-attack leading to a loss of customer data which 
is used for fraudulent activities, extreme regulatory and taxation 
changes impacting Buy-to-Let lending volumes and a liquidity crisis 
caused by severe market conditions combined with idiosyncratic 
   The Group has established a comprehensive operational resilience 
framework to actively assess the vulnerabilities and recoverability of 
its critical services. The Group also conducts regular business 
continuity and disaster recovery exercises. 
   The ongoing monitoring of all principal risks and uncertainties that 
could impact the operating and financial plan, together with the use of 
stress testing to ensure that the Group could survive a 
   severe but plausible stress, enables the Board to reasonably assess the 
viability of the business model over a three-year period. 
   Viability statement continued 
   The UK's departure from the European Union without defined and agreed 
terms could have a significant impact on the economic and business 
outlook for the Group. To address this uncertainty, the Group has 
developed a range of Brexit-related scenarios of varying severities and 
probabilities to inform its IFRS 9 and capital planning processes 
   The Board has also considered the potential implications of the COVID-19 
pandemic in its assessment of the financial and operational viability of 
the Group and has a reasonable belief that the Group retains adequate 
levels of financial resources 
   (capital and liquidity) and operational contingency. In assessing the 
viability of the Group, the Board has considered the potential impact 
and risks facing the Group with respect to the virus as set out in the 
Risk review on page 54 and the Principal risks 
   and uncertainties on page 66. 
   The Group has recently undertaken a comparative review of the 
macroeconomic stress scenarios used to assess the Group's ongoing 
viability relative to the COVID 19 pandemic scenarios, as obtained from 
the Group's third-party economic advisors. 
   Given the evolving nature of the COVID 19 pandemic crisis, the Group 
will continue to refine and update the scenarios in consultation with 
its economic advisors. 
   This exercise was undertaken to ensure that the shape and severity of 
the scenarios used to assess the Group's financial viability are 
sufficiently severe to accommodate for the latest assessment 
   of the potential economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
   In particular, the Group has assessed the pandemic scenarios relative to 
the Bank of England 'Rates-down scenario', which is used to support the 
Group's viability assessment. The Rates- down Scenario is deemed to be 
more severe relative to the 
   current COVID-19 pandemic scenarios across all the key macro- economic 
variables. This gives the Board reasonable comfort that the Group's 
viability positions have been assessed to a severity level which 
accommodates for the current assessment of the economic impact of the 
COVID-19 pandemic. 
   The COVID-19 scenarios take into consideration the following drivers and 
implications relevant to a pandemic crisis: 
   } Government guidance and policy response to the crisis 
   -- Lost output and productivity as a consequence of travel restrictions, 
      social distancing, self-isolation and sickness 
   -- Impact on employment levels, particularly for self-employed and flexible 
      working segments of the labour force 
   } Implication for consumer spending and business investment 
   } Impact on other relevant economic variables, including residential and 
commercial property prices, Bank of England base rate, national output 
and lending volumes. 
   The COVID-19 scenarios are designed to be extreme, but plausible, based 
on the assumption that the impact on the UK economy is immediate and 
quickly feeds through into rising unemployment rates, declining 
residential and commercial property prices and 
   a rapid slowdown in lending volumes. The Treasury and Bank of England 
take proactive fiscal and monetary stimulatory actions, but given the 
invasive nature of the pandemic, the UK economy does not show signs of 
recovery until 2022. 
   The potential impact of a COVID-19 pandemic on the economy and the 
Group's operations is subject to continuous monitoring through the 
Group's management committees, operational resilience and business 
continuity planning working group, with appropriate escalation to the 
Board and supervisory authorities. 
   The Group has progressively continued to enhance its approach to 
assessing the viability of its strategy and business operating model, in 
particular the Group has enhanced its capabilities by: 
   } Enhancing stress testing capabilities through more focused assessment 
of more vulnerable cohorts of its lending portfolio supported by 
increased granularity of monitoring and 
   risk reporting 
   -- Increasing the diversification of its funding profile, supported by 
      enhanced assessment of funding and liquidity risk profiles 
   -- Continued improvements to the risk and controls self- assessment 
      procedures across key areas of operational risk, including operations and 
   -- Enhancing the assessment of operational resilience through the ongoing 
      review of priority business functions, including supporting 
      infrastructure and dependencies through 
   a simulated business continuity exercise 
   } Undertaking a war-gaming exercise involving Board and senior 
management to review, practice and improve disaster recovery readiness. 
   Based on the current financial forecasts, risk profile characteristics 
and stress test analysis, the Group's capital, funding and operational 
capabilities support the Board's assessment that they have a reasonable 
expectation that the Group will remain viable over the three-year 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 31, 2020 13:01 ET (17:01 GMT)

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