Downing Planned Exit VCT 5 plc 
Half Yearly Report for the six months ended 31 May 2011 
                                   31 May   30 Nov   31 May 
                                     2011     2010     2010 
                                    pence    pence    pence 
 Net asset value per share           34.0     34.5     38.3 
 Cumulative dividends per  share     56.0     56.0     56.0 
 Total return per share *            90.0     90.5     94.3 
* Net asset value per share plus dividend paid to date 
The Company has declared the following dividend: 
 Date payable     Ex-div date      Amount per share 
 26 August 2011   10 August 2011        18.0p 
I present my report for the six months ended 31 May 2011. 
Portfolio review 
As Shareholders will be aware, the Company is now working towards realising the 
remainder of its investment portfolio in order to return funds to Shareholders. 
During the period to 31 May 2011 there was limited investment activity, but 
three major realisations have occurred since the period end. 
The  investments in West Tower Holdings Limited, Hoole Hall Country Club Limited 
and Hoole Hall Spa and Leisure Club Limited have each been disposed of at prices 
approximately equal to original cost and previous carrying value. Although these 
exits  took much  longer to  achieve than  had been  planned, the  fact that the 
Company  was  able  to  recover  full  value  on  investments  in leisure assets 
originally made prior to the major financial turmoil of the late 2000's, is seen 
as  a successful outcome. The  investment in Chapel Street  Hotel (2008) LLP was 
also realised in June, producing a small gain. 
The  Company now has two major investments remaining: Coast Constructors Limited 
and Heyford Contracting (South) Limited. 
Coast  Constructors Limited is building an  apartment and hotel resort, known as 
Gara  Rock, in  South Devon  on land  which is  owned by Aminghurst Limited. The 
project  has undergone a number  of changes from its  original plan and has been 
significantly delayed as a result.  However, the apartments are now complete and 
a  full marketing  effort is  underway. In  order to  fund the completion of the 
apartments,  the Company  had to  invest a  further  GBP636,000  in the  project in 
January   2011.  There  is  also  an  additional  funding  requirement  for  the 
completion  of the hotel and, as a result, a further investment of approximately 
 GBP500,000 is expected to be made by the Company shortly. 
The  hotel  is  expected  to  commence  operations  in early 2012.  Sales of the 
apartments are progressing, albeit at a slow rate.  With the main show apartment 
recently  opened, it  is hoped  that sales  momentum will  build over the summer 
months.  A full  exit from  the investment  will depend  on the  sale of all the 
apartments  and a transaction involving the hotel, so timing is not clear but we 
hope to see significant progress before the end of the year. 
Heyford  Contracting (South) Limited has been undertaking two contracts to build 
commercial  office units:  the North  Gate site  in Banbury, Oxfordshire and the 
Uppingham  Gate  site  in  Uppingham  in  the  East Midlands.  Both of the sites 
comprise seven units, of which two are unlet at North Gate and four are unlet at 
Uppingham  Gate. With  most of  the building  work complete,  the focus  has now 
shifted  to  marketing  the  remaining  units.  An  exit  from the investment is 
dependent on most of these remaining units being let or sold. 
Of  the other smaller investments  that the Company still  holds, it is expected 
that  the investment in Sanguine Hospitality Limited will be realised shortly at 
close  to original  cost and  negotiations are  ongoing in  seeking an exit from 
Future Films Production Services Limited. 
The  Board has reviewed the valuation of the remaining investments at the period 
end and made some adjustments to the previous carrying values.  The valuation of 
Heyford  Contracting (South) Limited has been reduced by  GBP200,000 in view of the 
uncertainty regarding the exit from the investment. 
A further provision of  GBP22,000 has been made against Coast Constructors Limited, 
based  on the latest estimates of the final outcome of the project.  A provision 
of   GBP64,000 has also been made against  the remaining investment in Future Films 
Limited,  as a result  of doubts about  the collectability of  a debt due from a 
third party. In total, valuations have been reduced by  GBP286,000. 
Net Asset Value and results 
At 31 May 2011, the Net Asset Value per share ("NAV") of the Company stood at 
34.0p, a decrease of 0.5p (1.5%) since the year end of 30 November 2010.  Total 
return (NAV plus cumulative dividends paid to date) is now 90.0p. No provision 
has been made for any performance incentive as the relevant hurdles have not yet 
been met. Further details are given in note 8. 
The  loss on  ordinary activities  after taxation  for the  period was  GBP108,000, 
comprising a revenue gain of  GBP178,000 and a capital loss of  GBP286,000. 
As  a  result  of  the  realisations  mentioned  above,  the Company is now in a 
position to declare a further dividend. A dividend of 18p per share will be paid 
on  26 August 2011 to Shareholders on the  register at 12 August 2011. This will 
bring total dividends paid to Shareholder since launch to 74.0p per share. 
Winding up plans 
In  accordance with the Company's Articles  of Association, a resolution was put 
to  Shareholders at the AGM  in May proposing that  the Company discontinue as a 
Venture  Capital Trust.  The resolution  was passed  such that the Directors now 
need   to   put   formal   proposals  for  the  liquidation,  reorganisation  or 
reconstruction of the Company to Shareholders by February 2012. 
In  view of the small size of the  Company once the dividend described above has 
been  paid, the  Board is  proposing to  go into  members' voluntary liquidation 
shortly after its payment. This will involve the appointment of a liquidator who 
will  oversee the  exit from  the remaining  investments and  the return  of the 
further  funds to  Shareholders. Entering  members' voluntary liquidation allows 
the  VCT to benefit from  a relaxation of certain  VCT regulations which reduces 
running costs and avoids other difficulties that might be faced in realising the 
remaining portfolio.  It is planned that the existing investment management team 
will continue in their role throughout the liquidation process. 
A  circular with formal proposals for the  appointment of the liquidator will be 
prepared and circulated to Shareholders in the near future. 
Share buybacks 
In view of the fact that the Company is now in the later stages of unwinding its 
portfolio,  the Board  wishes to  have tight  control over  the Company's liquid 
funds  and  does  not  wish  to  expose  the  Company  to any unpredictable cash 
outflows.  The  Company  is  therefore  unlikely  to undertake any further share 
buybacks  and  the  Board  recommends  that  Shareholders continue to hold their 
shares  while the remaining  value is returned  to them by  way of dividends and 
No share buybacks were made in the six months to 31 May 2011. 
Risk and uncertainties 
Under  the Disclosure and  Transparency Directive, the  Board is required in the 
Company's  half-yearly results  to report  on principal  risks and uncertainties 
facing the Company over the remainder of the financial year. 
The Board has concluded that the key risks facing the Company over the remainder 
of the financial period are as follows: 
(i)  investment risk associated with investing in small and immature businesses; 
(ii) failure to maintain approval as a VCT. 
In  order to make VCT-qualifying investments,  the Company has invested in small 
businesses  which were  mostly immature.  The investments  have been structured, 
where  possible, to take a charge over  the assets of the business. In addition, 
investments  are  closely  monitored  by  the  Investment  Manager. The Board is 
satisfied  that this approach  reduces the investment  risk as far as reasonably 
The  Company's compliance with  the VCT regulations  is continually monitored by 
the  Administration Manager, who  reports regularly to  the Board on the current 
position.  The Company  also retains  PricewaterhouseCoopers to  provide regular 
reviews and advice in this area.  The Board considers that this approach reduces 
the  risk of a breach of  the VCT regulations to a  minimal level. The plans for 
the  Company to  take advantage  of the  VCT winding-up  regulations by entering 
members' voluntary liquidation will also further reduce the chance of a possible 
Going concern statement 
The  Company is now required to make  a statement about going concern within its 
half-yearly  report.  The  Board  considers  that  the  Company  has  sufficient 
financial  resources at the period end  and has limited and predictable expenses 
and  liabilities.  As a result,  the Directors believe that  the Company is well 
placed to manage its business risks successfully. 
The Directors confirm that they are satisfied that the Company has adequate 
resources to continue in business for the foreseeable future.  For this reason 
they believe that the Company continues to be a going concern and that it is 
appropriate to apply the going concern basis in preparing the financial 
Although  the  Board  has  plans  for  the  Company  to enter members' voluntary 
liquidation  in due course, the Directors do  not believe this has any impact on 
the  ongoing valuations of the investments as they will continue to be stated at 
fair value until they are realised. 
It  has taken longer  than expected for  the Company to  achieve its most recent 
realisations,  primarily due  to the  continued difficulties  in the banking and 
property  sectors and the  time and effort  that has been  needed to secure bank 
funding to allow exits from certain investee companies. 
The  remaining  investments,  namely  Coast  Constructors  Limited  and  Heyford 
Contracting  (South)  Limited,  face  different  challenges  before exits can be 
achieved.  The timetable for  the next significant  distribution to Shareholders 
will  be determined by the progress of sales  of the apartments at Gara Rock and 
the sales or lettings of the commercial units at Uppingham and Banbury. 
The  plans to enter members' voluntary liquidation will produce cost savings for 
Shareholders  while these final realisations are pursued and should not have any 
significant  negative impact on Shareholders. Formal  proposals will be sent out 
soon seeking Shareholder approval for these plans. 
Hugh Gillespie 
for the six months ended 31 May 2011 
                                                        Six months ended 
                                                          31 May 2011 
                                                     Revenue Capital  Total 
                                                        GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
Income                                                   315       -    315 
Gain/(losses) on investments                               -   (286)  (286) 
                                                         315   (286)     29 
Investment management fees                              (30)       -   (30) 
Other expenses                                          (60)       -   (60) 
Return/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation     225   (286)   (61) 
Taxation                                                (47)       -   (47) 
Return/(loss) attributable to equity shareholders        178   (286)  (108) 
Return/(loss) per share                                 0.9p  (1.4p) (0.5p) 
                                                Six months ended      Year ended 
                                                   31 May 2010          November 
                                              Revenue Capital Total        Total 
                                                 GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000         GBP'000 
Income                                            131       -   131          203 
Gain/(losses) on investments                        -     186   186        (590) 
                                             ----------------------- ----------- 
                                                  131     186   317        (387) 
Investment management fees                       (61)       -  (61)        (100) 
Other expenses                                   (72)       -  (72)        (134) 
                                             ----------------------- ----------- 
Return/(loss)  on ordinary  activities before     (2)     186   184        (621) 
Taxation                                          (2)       -   (2)            - 
                                             ----------------------- ----------- 
Return/(loss)    attributable    to    equity     (4)     186   182        (621) 
Return/(loss) per share                        (0.1p)    0.9p  0.8p       (3.0p) 
A  Statement of Total Recognised  Gains and Losses has  not been prepared as all 
gains and losses are recognised in the Income Statement as noted above. 
as at 31 May 2011 
                                                         31 May  31 May  30 Nov 
                                                           2011    2010    2010 
                                                           GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                               6,362   8,071   6,026 
Current assets 
Debtors                                                     367      88     133 
Cash at bank and in hand                                    534      37   1,194 
                                                            901     125   1,327 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year             (99)   (121)    (81) 
Net assets less current liabilities                         802   8,075   7,272 
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year 
                                                           (21)    (21)    (21) 
Net assets                                                7,143   8,054   7,251 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                                     210     210     210 
Capital redemption reserve                                    7       7       7 
Special reserve                                           9,785   9,785   9,785 
Capital reserve - realised                                    2       2       2 
Revaluation reserve                                     (2,999) (1,937) (2,713) 
Revenue reserve                                             138    (13)    (40) 
Equity shareholders' funds                                7,143   8,054   7,251 
Net asset value per share                                 34.0p   38.3p   34.5p 
                                               31 May     31 May     30 Nov 
                                                 2011       2010       2010 
                                                 GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Opening shareholders' funds                    7,251     18,384     18,384 
 Purchase of own shares                             -          -          - 
 Dividends paid                                     -   (10,512)   (10,512) 
 Total recognised (loss)/gain for the period    (108)        182      (621) 
 Closing shareholders' funds                    7,143      8,054      7,251 
for the six months ended 31 May 2011 
                                        31 May 2011   31 May 2010   30 Nov  2010 
                                   Note        GBP'000          GBP'000           GBP'000 
Cash inflow from operating 
activities and returns on           1 
investments                                    (38)           117            (9) 
                                       ------------- ------------- ------------- 
Corporation tax paid                              -          (68)           (54) 
                                       ------------- ------------- ------------- 
Capital expenditure 
Purchase of investments                       (636)         (170)          (169) 
Proceeds from disposal of                        14         1,677          2,945 
                                       ------------- ------------- ------------- 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from 
capital expenditure                           (622)         1,507          2,776 
                                       ------------- ------------- ------------- 
Equity dividends paid                             -      (10,512)       (10,512) 
                                       ------------- ------------- ------------- 
Net cash outflow before financing             (660)       (8,956)        (7,799) 
Shares repurchased                                -             -              - 
                                       ------------- ------------- ------------- 
Net cash outflow from financing                   -             -              - 
                                       ------------- ------------- ------------- 
Decrease  in cash                   2         (660)       (8,956)        (7,799) 
Notes to the cash flow statement: 
1 Cash inflow from operating activities and returns on investments 
Net (loss)/gain before taxation                        (61)       184     (621) 
Losses/(gains) on investments                           286     (186)       590 
(Increase)/decrease in other debtors                  (234)       117        72 
(Decrease)/increase in other creditors                 (29)         2      (22) 
Decrease in amount due to subsidiary undertaking 
                                                          -         -      (28) 
                                                     ------- --------- -------- 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities 
                                                       (38)       117       (9) 
2 Analysis of net funds 
Beginning of period                                   1,194     8,993     8,993 
Net cash outflow                                      (660)   (8,956)   (7,799) 
                                                     ------- --------- -------- 
End of period                                           534        37     1,194 
as at 31 May 2011 
                                                            Unrealised      % of 
                                                           gain/(loss) portfolio 
                                          Cost Valuation in the period  by value 
Venture Capital Investments               GBP'000      GBP'000          GBP'000      GBP'000 
VCT qualifying 
West Tower Holdings Limited              1,750     1,750             -     25.4% 
Coast Constructors Limited               1,755     1,257          (22)     18.2% 
Hoole Hall Spa and Leisure Club Limited  1,000     1,000             -     14.5% 
Heyford Contracting (South) Limited      1,500       875         (175)     12.7% 
Hoole Hall Country Club Holdings Limited   875       875             -     12.7% 
Future Films Production Services Limited   128        64          (64)      0.9% 
                                         7,008     5,821         (261)     84.4% 
Non-VCT qualifying 
Sanguine Hospitality Limited               243       237             -      3.5% 
Chapel Street Hotel (2008) LLP              63       126             -      1.8% 
Heyford Contracting (South) Limited        150       125          (25)      1.8% 
Vermont Developments Limited               902        50             -      0.7% 
Chapel Street Hotel Limited                  3         3             -      0.0% 
Aminghurst Limited                         992         -             -      0.0% 
                                         2,353       541          (25)      7.8% 
Total                                    9,361     6,362         (286)     92.2% 
Cash at bank                                         534                    7.8% 
                                              -----------             ---------- 
Total investments                                  6,896                  100.0% 
for the six months ended 31 May 2011 
 VCT qualifying investment 
 Coast Constructors Limited     636 
                                             Cost   Proceeds    (loss) 
                                             GBP'000       GBP'000      GBP'000 
 VCT qualifying investment 
 Future Films Production Services Limited      14         14         - 
1. The  unaudited half yearly  financial results cover  the six months to 31 May 
2011 and  have been prepared in accordance  with the accounting policies set out 
in  the  statutory  accounts  for  the  year  ended 30 November 2010, which were 
prepared  under UK  Generally Accepted  Accounting Practice  ("UK GAAP")  and in 
accordance  with the Statement of  Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of 
Investment  Trust Companies  and Venture  Capital Trusts"  revised January 2009 
2. All  revenue and capital items in the Income Statement derive from continuing 
3. The  Company  has  only  one  class  of  business and derives its income from 
investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits. 
4. The  comparative figures were in respect of the six-month period ended 31 May 
2010 and the year ended 30 November 2010 respectively. 
5. Net Asset Value per share has been calculated on 21,024,816 shares, being the 
number of shares in issue at the period end. 
6. Return  per share  for the  period has  been calculated on 21,024,816 shares, 
being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period. 
7. Dividends paid 
                                                       31 May 2010   30 Nov 2010 
                                  31 May 2011 
                           Revenue   Capital   Total         Total         Total 
                              GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Paid in period/year 
2010 Interim                     -         -       -         8,410         8,410 
 (40.0p paid 1 March 2010) 
2009 Final                       -         -       -         2,102         2,102 
 (10.0p paid 6 January 
                          --------- --------- ------- ------------- ------------ 
                                 -         -       -        10,512        10,512 
8. Reserves 
                     Capital             Capital 
                  redemption Special     reserve    Revaluation    Revenue 
                     reserve reserve  - realised        reserve    reserve Total 
                        GBP'000    GBP'000        GBP'000           GBP'000       GBP'000  GBP'000 
At  1 December             7   9,785           2        (2,713)       (40) 7,041 
Losses      on             -       -           -          (286)          - (286) 
Dividends paid             -       -           -              -          -     - 
Share buybacks             -       -           -              -          -     - 
Retained                   -       -           -              -        178   178 
Transfer                   -       -           -              -          -     - 
At 31 May 2011             7   9,785           2        (2,999)        138 6,933 
The  Special Reserve is available  to the Company to  enable the purchase of its 
own  shares  in  the  market  without  affecting  its  ability  to  pay  capital 
distributions.   The Special Reserve and  Revenue Reserve are both distributable 
9. Contingent liability re. performance incentive fees 
The Company may be liable to pay performance incentive fees by way of additional 
interest  on the loan  notes issued to  the Management Team  and Directors.  The 
amount   of   additional  interest,  if  any,  is  dependent  on  the  level  of 
distributions  made  to  Shareholders  before  5 April 2012.  The maximum amount 
payable under these arrangements is summarised as follows: 
(i)   10% of the net proceeds paid to Shareholders before 5 April 2010; 
(ii)   5% of the net  proceeds paid to Shareholders  between 6 April 2010 and 5 
April 2011; and 
(iii)  2.5% of the net proceeds paid to Shareholders between 6 April 2011 and 5 
April 2012. 
No performance fee is payable unless Shareholders (who invested at the launch of 
the  Company) have received  proceeds of at  least 80p per share  and achieved a 
compound return on their investment in excess of 8% per annum. 
If  the Company's assets  and liabilities were  realised at the current carrying 
values  and the  compound return  and other  targets met,  the maximum  level of 
performance fees payable would be approximately  GBP720,000 (equivalent to 3.4p per 
share).   In view of the significant uncertainties as to what extent the targets 
will  actually be met, the  Directors are unable to  make a reliable estimate of 
the performance fees (if any) that will ultimately be payable. 
Other than as described above, at 31 May 2011, the Company had no contingencies, 
guarantees or financial commitments. 
10. The  unaudited  financial  statements  set  out  herein  do  not  constitute 
statutory  accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 
and have not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 
11. The  Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge, the half-yearly 
financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the "Statement: Half- 
Yearly  Financial Reports" issued  by the UK  Accounting Standards Board and the 
half-yearly  financial report includes a fair review of the information required 
a.  DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and  Transparency Rules, being an indication of 
important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial 
year  and  their  impact  on  the  condensed  set of financial statements, and a 
description  of  the  principal  risks  and  uncertainties for the remaining six 
months of the year; and 
b.  DTR 4.2.8R of  the Disclosure  and Transparency  Rules, being  related party 
transactions  that  have  taken  place  in  the  first six months of the current 
financial  year  and  that  have  materially  affected the financial position or 
performance  of the entity  during that period,  and any changes  in the related 
party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so. 
12. Copies  of  the  half  yearly  report  will be sent to Shareholders shortly. 
Further  copies can be obtained  from the Company's registered  office or can be 
downloaded from www.downing.co.uk. 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Downing Planned Exit VCT 5 PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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