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Okta Inc

Okta Inc (O1KT34)

Closed March 16 4:55PM

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ksquared ksquared 9 minutes ago
Morning, Bull. Excellent observation. I missed that. I knew there were at least three because they keep showing the video of the two with a third guy to whom they pass a microphone. It never occurred to me that there was someone holding the camera either. I just assumed they were horsing
StayHumble StayHumble 10 minutes ago
wow! $5.3 BILLION💹✅Xplains the interest here💹 ✅ 💹 ✅
StayHumble StayHumble 10 minutes ago
wow🇺🇸Incoming MOASS takes $DJT to MARS🇺🇸wow🇺🇸🇺🇸 🇺🇸 yes
StayHumble StayHumble 11 minutes ago
Full Year Sales $55M+Up 90%💹 ✅GrossProfit $20M+Up 99%✅ 💹
sharkey1 sharkey1 13 minutes ago
So here we go again, approaching March 31st, end of Quarter
, from last transcript

Our revenue is recorded when it's earned, and when it's earned is with regards to most of our products is when we deliver to the customer

Old E.45 The race is on, I do
StayHumble StayHumble 14 minutes ago
💹Major US Xchange✅$HCWC InfoDeck💹✅💹
Bull_Dolphin Bull_Dolphin 14 minutes ago
I was surprised, as well. I knew there were at least three because they keep showing the video of the two with a third guy to whom they pass a microphone. I sure didn't realize it was a village.
imanjen13 imanjen13 19 minutes ago
The labor force at Elite has increased 20 % during the last fiscal year to accommodate the increased production and storage requirements as the new revenue products have been launched. This is occurring while many public companies and government workers are being downsized. In approximately 12-14 we
capgain capgain 20 minutes ago
GM all...Scuttled CDC Pick Slams Big Pharma And Senators On Its Payroll

In a statement released on the day of his abruptly canceled confirmation hearing, Dr. Dave Weldon, President Trump’s initial nominee to lead the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said concerns that Big P
StayHumble StayHumble 24 minutes ago
💹wow!✅ a $5M $HCMC✅💹 BUYBACK💹 💹 💹

-A buyback of up to $5M of $HCMC common stock.

-A spinoff of certain HCMC assets into a new publicly traded company

-A stock dividend to $HCMC shareholders of the stoc
StayHumble StayHumble 25 minutes ago
✅Facts Matter Sometimes✅💹💹6Digit .000001 XPERT BUYS
StayHumble StayHumble 29 minutes ago
$AMC Silver investments Golden💹ShortFilm Xplosion incoming✅💹 huzzah
capgain capgain 29 minutes ago
Going with 24 22 5 1

hd3500 hd3500 30 minutes ago
Hitman what's the target
capgain capgain 32 minutes ago
GM, The King must not be considered in the modern era. I think it was in '67 when he won 10 in a row.
StayHumble StayHumble 32 minutes ago
Yes!💹Great Company Potential $UBQU✅iO does $5M🎃Revenue Annually+Growing✅💹
w/ Facilities already in place to help make it happen. Just watch what we do
ksquared ksquared 33 minutes ago
Thank you, Larry. I don't feel so ignorant now.
It was a relief to know it wasn't just the two of them floating in space.
Now I blame it on the way the story has been reported.
The other astronauts were well-hidden.
StayHumble StayHumble 37 minutes ago
Long StoryShort✅Kramers NakedShorted 100+BillionShares💹✅
CONverted the securities into more than 100 newly-issued shares of commo
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 40 minutes ago
BMXI is garbage, there’s no gold junior market, especially on the otc side. Only top tier gold producers will benefit from the gold boom
SkeBallLarry SkeBallLarry 44 minutes ago
" Gotta confess ~ I thot there was only 2 also " .. !!
ksquared ksquared 51 minutes ago
Thanks, Larry. A friendly alien. Good news to start the day...,442&w=700
Hague sits in the port near where the SpaceX Dragon Capsule docks with the s
DBCooper55 DBCooper55 54 minutes ago
Of course they don't listen to me, they are too busy making bank with LWLG, right?
DBCooper55 DBCooper55 55 minutes ago
I invest based on facts, not on hope. It's also the reason why you didn't make money on LWLG and I did
DBCooper55 DBCooper55 56 minutes ago
'I was wrong but the people that were right shouldn't say anything. I've lost money and they made money therefor I'm a genius and they are stupid'

Cope harder mate