4 weeks ago
$SYIN - 53 trades today for a total of 1,027,303 and majority at .0028 or .0029 - the last 4 trading days have seen
+7.69% (2.19), - vol 1,027,303
+8.33% (2/18), - vol 274,500
33.33% (2/14), - vol 690,000
80% (2/13), - volume 1,865,300
2 months ago
I agree...the only question I have is this. Global is the driver, we don't know all of the conditions they imposed on SYIN.
For example, did they say, "both S1 Registrations" had to be completed along with an OTCQB listing? We don't know the terms of their funding.
What we know is: "With a focus on revenue generation, the Company plans to allocate the initial funds primarily to the commercial launch of its nutraceutical products. A comprehensive marketing and sales strategy, including television and social media content, is in the advanced stages of planning. Initially, the Company’s focus will be on e-commerce in order to minimize costs and maximize market reach".
There is another part to the timing issue and that's the 2 funding sources. 1) Global is a dream-come-true for any OTC. They get to draw (I'm guessing with Globals approval) funds with shares being issued at a 9% discount. NO ONE offers that kind of loan to an OTC pink stock.
The 2nd funding is a little different. again from the fillings: Good to see that someone can read and do basic math! GL2U
On April 22, 2024, we issued a convertible promissory note to Quick Capital, LLC in an amount up to $555,555.55 which
bears interest at a rate of 12% and matures 9 months after the issue date. In conjunction with the issuance of the note, we issued Quick
Capital, LLC a common stock purchase warrant exercisable into shares of Common Stock equal to 50% of the amount funded under the
note and 7,000,000 shares of Common Stock as a commitment fee for entering into the transaction. As at December 31, 2023 the
Company had not drawn down on the convertible Promissory Note Agreement with Quick Capital LLC. On May 29, 2024 the Company
drew down $50,000 from Quick Capital Inc as part of the convertible promissory note facility.
The key, 3 words in that statement in the June 30th quarterly report is: "matures 9 months" - January 22nd (approx) I could comment on why they got 7 million shares or why there was a token loan of $50k...but I'm guessing we'll find out soon enough.
If OTCQB was part of Global's terms, then we wait for that. Time will tell.
2 months ago
Should be good news on a macro scale. Here's a few important paragraphs from.the article.
Trump has signaled a wide-ranging approach to ensure US leadership in AI, with pledges to spur private-sector investment by accelerating the permit process and easing other regulations. Those efforts will be steered by tech industry leaders who’ve joined his administration, including incoming AI-crypto czar David Sacks and Elon Musk, who has emerged as one of the president’s closest advisers.
The president said he would use emergency declarations and executive action to help ease construction projects, including through easier access to energy. During their remarks, Trump and the executives highlighted potential applications for AI in health and other fields that would fuel US economic growth.
3 months ago
so what you're saying is that "big" boards with their required transparency vs the "Pinks" limited requirements is the way to go?
Out of curiosity why do you think that just about everyone has abandoned the OTC scams?
I bought Amazon over a year ago when it was in the $90's - and it's now at $220 per share. Name the OTC stocks that you owned and had those kind of gains. And Amazon had liquidity, i.e. easy to get in and easy to get out. Same with Dell, TSLA, etc. they have VOLUME and name the big volume OTCs you prefer?
And somehow you want to blame the government? Wake up!!! You're living in an imaginary world.
The good news is that this one will move, not because the government approved it, but because it has something real. Quit picking "stories" and try picking substance, this one will be good for you if you have any shares.
3 months ago
LOL, with all due respect...this shouldn't be trading at all. NOT 1 mil volumes per day. On the plus side, they are not trying to pump this by putting out superfluous PRs.
Based on what they've said to us, we need a S-1 Registration for Global (putting up the $5mil vehicle) - why would it trade millions per day without seeing that completed?
I'm going to guess on this but the big dogs putting up $5 million would also like to see OTCQB. The reason? Because that requires greater transparency.
I called a SEC attorney that I've known for some time, I did not mention the symbol. He said a S-1 registration takes, on average, 2 months. of preparation. Then it goes to the SEC. The last S-1 took 3 months. Again just guessing, that would put us at the end of January on this one for Global.
And for the last 40 years, that I've been involved in startups. Anyone putting up $5 mil (Global) wants OTCQB as a minimum, anything less allows the company to hide from the lender that is happening.
If any one wants to put up $5 mil with NO the company.
3 months ago
When a person with influence (number of followers) tells you to ignore the warning signs and has Tier One followers which he brought in before you - saying that this is the real deal - exactly how does the newbie figure that it's a scam?
I, for one, know how to dig into the filings to figure that out and I know that you have to dig deep to see if it's real or just smoke and mirrors. The newbie doesn't know how to do that because they've been told they are on the road to easy money. They've bought into your dream world. The SEC was formed to protect the weakest among us from scams. It's why we warn people to be careful about providing info the scammers on the phone trying to steal your information.
And you argue that there should be no protections...I think there should be protections and that we should keep scams away. Look at what happened when regulations were abandoned on Banks in the early 2000's, with the argument that it would unleash our entrepreneurial tendencies. The result was what happened in 2008 when the US Banking system nearly brought down the entire World banking system. You have road blocks to protect the vultures from killing everyone else.
When you have curbs, then the big dogs with their 10's of thousands of followers would have to learn how to find REAL investments and be real investors instead of scaming someone else. Your argument is that scammers should be free to scam and then blame their followers.
I hope we don't back to that day, you seem to think it would be a revival. I hope it doesn't happen.
3 months ago
Ok, so you don't think that those with 1,000s of followers were part of the problem? They knew that they were going to take the gullible investors' money but the problem, in your mind, is that the newbie has to accept all the responsibility. Did I get that right?
Because the markets have rules, i.e. NYSE and Nasdaq - the OTC should be labeled as a rogue market? Maybe with warnings for anyone who tried to place a trade? I.e. "you are about to buy a myth?" I'm guessing you are against warning newbies with dreams of gains promoted by those with 1ks of followers that this might not be good?
We should have no protections so that we can take their money? I think that's what you want?
It's why we have "regulated" markets, whether here or in Europe/Asia. I've had experience with foreign investors and they want NO PART with the OTC. they see it as a casino.
Maybe we should do away with warnings at street lights? Just take your chance and see how it works out? Or do you have a line you draw at some point to warn people they are making a bad decision? Like all scams, do you want to return to a day when a poster can promise or allude to huge profits?
With the caveat, of course, that they are not a financial advisor so that they can claim....innocence. And in your mind that's what would mean a resurgence of the OTC Pink boom? I've been watching some of the big dogs and the market has figured them out.
I don't think you can find enough gullible newbies to fill your coffers with ill-gotten gains. JMOP