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Plaintree Systems Inc (PK)

Plaintree Systems Inc (PK) (PTEEF)

Closed March 01 4:00PM

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Special Situations Special Situations 6 months ago
Plaintree Systems Inc. Announces First Quarter Fiscal 2025 Results

* * *

Plaintree Systems Inc.:

Summit Aerospace USA Inc.

Hypernetics Ltd.

Spotton Corp.

Triodetic Ltd.

Multipoint Foundations

Elmira Stove Works Inc.

* * *

Canadian Securities Exchange: NPT
PithicusKong PithicusKong 5 years ago
Awkward time of year to come out with very good loss season.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 5 years ago
Posting on this board kinda feels like I am a grain of sand in the Mojave dessert.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 5 years ago
Excellent 2nd quarter.......1.4 Million rev.....Hypernetics not on selling block any more. Hopefully in the near future....need to concentrate on the core businesses.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 6 years ago
Selling off Hypernetics division......should provide some cash to build up their other divisions like Summit Aerospace and Triodetic. FSO seems to be lost in the forest of optics.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 6 years ago
Another profitable quarter......not quite as good as same period last year...but as CEO Watson indicates: revenue will fluctuate with specialty structures division because most sales come from mining industry......Still considering the price of the stock compared to the revenue and appears to be a very large "diamond" that has not been discovered as of yet.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 6 years ago
Latest quarter is out and as anticipated it is excellent......compared to other stocks in my portfolio...this is definitely one that should be much higher in value...somewhere around a buck a share would be very acceptable. Just a matter of time.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 6 years ago
Waiting for the highly anticipated 2nd quarter....if previous indications from the company pan out, it should be excellent.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 7 years ago
Quarter one less than last comparative period....but almost $ 300,000 to the plus side none the less. Next two quarters should be spectacular. Such a cheap stock...amazing how it is being overlooked.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 7 years ago
2.5 Million After tax profit on revenue of 19 million.....Financials out earlier than expected. All of this with a company of 12.5 Mil shares with a float of 6 Mil. It cannot possibly remain at .18c US.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 7 years ago
Just learned that financials will be out in August......considering the last three quarters income in relation to the stock price.....this company is trading at slightly over 1X earnings. Unbelievable.....that will be corrected when the financials are out. Now is the time to get in.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 7 years ago
Financials could be any day now.....and I believe they will be excellent.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 7 years ago
If company guidance is any indication the next set of financials should be very good.....if not spectacular, considering the low O/S and float.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 7 years ago
Very strong in mining infrastructure, aerospace, and foundations for unstable and flood prone areas......the latter the company expects will triple in sales if not more because of the threat from more frequent and more severe hurricanes in southern areas of the US ( GOM, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and certainly up the intra coastal waterway in the South East ). This company is truly well diversified.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 7 years ago
Excellent results posted yesterday.....Positive earnings of + $ 1,746,354 compared to loss of ($ 1,039,871) and Net income of $ 1,203,792 compared to loss of ($ 680,911) for equivalent periods last year. This company is booming and it is only going to get better.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 7 years ago
Looking back at my previous appears that I am preaching to the choir. I am a good listener.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 7 years ago
The long holding shareholders will be amply rewarded this year.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 7 years ago
Now that tax loss selling has taken its course.....we should see a steady rise in the stock a value more fitting for a company so well diversified and on the come back road. US tax policy will have a positive effect on their US operations.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 7 years ago
Quarter and six months earnings out......Positive earnings of $ 929,079.00 and net income of $ 677,87.00 over the first half of their fiscal year. Considerably better than the same period last year. This should improve exponentially with the generally upbeat outlook for resource prices and processing in Canada and the USA next year. A well diversified company that appears to finally in a turnaround position. TOTAL O/S shares a little over 12 million with a float of appx 6 Million. This should move up quickly to it's appreciated level.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 7 years ago
Looks like more loose hands selling today.....nice to see fools throw their money away. People should not be using rent or grocery money to buy eventually leads to forced selling in order to survive. This company makes specialty structures like the kind all those weed ( marijuana ) companies will require to grow their "product" say nothing of their other interests in Aerospace. communications, foundations for flood and unstable ground, hydraulics, solid entrance doors ( many of which are owned by wealthy individuals ),etc.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 7 years ago
Dump at days end......could be some of the high rollers that bought in the high twenties and thirties taking their tax loss early. No bad information was released today pre or after far. Too bad...they are not going to get to buy it back at the price it was sold at.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 7 years ago
Plaintree listed as "Key company" ......Telecommunication Research News. Article is titled " Explore Global visible light communication ( LI-Fi) market comparison by types, application, and by region. Initial site: " WhaTech" Date: Nov 2 2017. There are a couple of websites shown where further access to complete reports are shown.....don't know if these are pay to access or not, but Plaintree is listed as a Key company along with several others including General electric, Panasonic, Lightpoints etc. The latter are definitely some of the BIG GUYS, so to have Plaintree's name mentioned in their company is pretty god.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 7 years ago
Looks like manipulators and shorts getting a grip on this.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 7 years ago many decimal places does one need to buy a chunk of this company....that's ridiculous. Three decimal places is more than enough. The KISS principle...Keep It Simple Stupid
PithicusKong PithicusKong 7 years ago
Major breakout for this company....highest stock price I have seen in years.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 8 years ago
Plaintrees's Triodetic division has already done major work in Houston concerning buildings......but their "Multipoint Foundation" division might prove to be the more valuable asset considering the horrific flooding situation from hurricane Harvey. This system specializes in foundations for flood prone areas. Our hearts and prayers as well as donation funds are with the people of Houston, and other areas in this time of loss and suffering. God Bless America, from north of the US border.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 8 years ago
Stock just doubled north of the border this AM.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 8 years ago
Positive reversal of fortune for Plaintree as reported in Newsprint. Stock price headed to the upside. Would be nice to see a triple or more, especially considering the extremely low float and total O/S shares.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 8 years ago
Have no idea why the double up on the previous two was supposed to be just updated.
PithicusKong PithicusKong 8 years ago
So, "makinezmoney"....... Care to explain the incredibly erratic movement in this companies' stock? Up 60% one day...down 66% the next.....WTF!
PithicusKong PithicusKong 8 years ago
Ok "makinezmoney". Care to explain the incredibly erratic movement in this companies' stock? Up 60% one day...down 66% the next.....WTF!
PithicusKong PithicusKong 8 years ago
Thanks for the response...or are you just a pumper/interloper?
PithicusKong PithicusKong 8 years ago
Is there any market for these products.......completely unfamiliar with this. What is it used for. Commercial, personal, military?
makinezmoney makinezmoney 8 years ago
$PTEEF: Wireless Security Product Offerings.

Technopoly Technopoly 9 years ago
Crackheads should not be permitted to trade stocks......and there appears to be some sort of interaction between trades on the OTC and the CSX. It is strange that on both exchanges and at pretty much the same time....a trade goes through that is not worth the value of the sale...yet pulls the stock down 50% or more.
Technopoly Technopoly 9 years ago
Increase in volume......pullback on OTC.....but not on CSX. This will move up as more investors realize the O/S is merely 12 Mil with 6 Mil in company hands.
Technopoly Technopoly 9 years ago
Nice quantum leap yesterday......more rises like that will get this stock to the level it should be at. This company makes stuff.....not dreams....actual physical stuff.
Technopoly Technopoly 9 years ago
What fool does that....sells 380 shares for .036c and reaps the huge sum of $13.68 less commission? That's nonsensical.
Technopoly Technopoly 9 years ago
Can't quite get a handle on OTC trades......a "trade" in Plaintree today worth $ 7.20 before commission....assuming there was one. Where is the logic in that?
Technopoly Technopoly 10 years ago
2015 loss is down to one quarter of last years (2014)....opens possibility for a profitable 2016.
Technopoly Technopoly 10 years ago
Announcement of acquisition of prestige door manufacturer.....more diversification. This is great.
Technopoly Technopoly 10 years ago
It appears that someone is accumulating in small volumes.
Technopoly Technopoly 10 years ago
This equity trades like it's on Crack.
Technopoly Technopoly 10 years ago
Profitable 2015 Third Quarter results posted.
Technopoly Technopoly 10 years ago
I know I will not get a response to this question because no one reads this board....but here goes anyway. Yesterdays bid was .061c appx...and the ask was .30c, if I remember correctly. So how is it that 100 shares get "traded" at .185c or thereabouts? How is that explained? No one I have put that question to, including brokers, have been able to give me an answer, yet the Hubble telescope has peered into the vast ranges of space and found exoplanets that could support life like our Earth. I guess that indicates that the "Market" really is a dumb place.
Technopoly Technopoly 10 years ago
Now that oil is off the Canadian governments agenda ( due to its rapid drop ) it appears that said government is going to focus on assisting the manufacturing sector. I guess a lesson has been learned in not keeping all the eggs in one basket. Plaintree could benefit from any Government incentives or tax breaks aimed at Canadian manufacturing companies.
Technopoly Technopoly 10 years ago
Such miniscule does one justify a trade of $18.00, but it seem to happen frequently with this stock.
Technopoly Technopoly 10 years ago
Wow....there's a big tax loss sale....$ 18.00. A Case of really cheap watery beer.
Technopoly Technopoly 10 years ago
Profitable 2nd quarter......Rev 6.7Mil...Net income 1.04Mil. Net income is up 240K over same period last year. Don't know why this info is not shown under news at top. It doesn't show up on the useless FINRA ( old OTC ) site either. It was released this morning pre market opening. It is listed on Stockwatch site, but doesn't even show up on the Canadian National Exchange (CNSX).....the exchange that this company trades on in Canada.
Technopoly Technopoly 10 years ago
Today's trade value was $4.40 Now that's what I call a major investment. What individual or broker would do that? What is the point?

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