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Northwest Biotherapeutics Inc (QB)

Northwest Biotherapeutics Inc (QB) (NWBO)

Closed September 24 4:00PM

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XMaster2023 XMaster2023 12 minutes ago
If LP is so well known for taking investors for a ride, please cite some past examples. As for my observations, she has been an excellent CEO.
Investor082 Investor082 40 minutes ago
Don't cut LP & LG any slack for not delivering return on your investment like biosect does. They are well known to take folks on long rides to a point of no return.
XMaster2023 XMaster2023 53 minutes ago
In LP we trust. In you Investor082. NOT.
Investor082 Investor082 1 hour ago
I am afraid LP and LG will take you for a ride after UK approval too. LG loves to prey on folks like you
with his lies since you are unable to separate lies from facts. Another big booz show maybe on the horizon to find the next set of bag holders!

You cannot be complaining non stop about manipulation after UK approval if no big pharma or institutional investor show up.

Try to keep an open mind around return on investment. It’s not crazy to expect and demand that in a reasonable time frame even from a pre revenue biotech. You will have less reasons to feel like a victim and what others say then!
norisknorewards norisknorewards 1 hour ago
"Your frustration should be directed towards LP and LG"

When you say this you sound like a robot, it just keeps being restated in replys to longs.

flipper44 flipper44 1 hour ago
Thanks. Your document shows that the decision was on September 6, and it was published on the 10th.
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biosectinvestor biosectinvestor 1 hour ago
LOLz I’m not frustrated. I am only even here because you responded to my note with your nonsense, and rants and misinformation.

I was perfectly fine waiting out the approval process. Sure, it takes regulators a long time and they demand all kinds of ridiculously complex but necessary efforts to validate treatments. It’s why I am also comforted because so much validation and effort on their part has happened to this point. But yes, we are awaiting the regulators to figure out what they need to do given that they are not super experienced in this space and in fact have never approved any treatment quite like this one because it’s an actual first of a kind.

So they are going to typically take their time and take a while and though I had an opinion on when certain timing requirements were triggered, I honestly never thought one could look at other decisions and use them to estimate the approval here. Just unlikely.
But even so, I do think taking the regulations on timing and taking the regulators at their word on timing is not a useless activity either. Just that regulators are not always reliable on such things, and they seem adept at turning off the clock and working these processes so that technically, they have kept their word on timing, sort of…

No, we’ll run companies get their share prices run down just like this when they are microcaps, are aggressively being shorted and attacked and have zero revenue. Often they’ve gone a long time without revenue or validation, which is exactly why shorts target them.

You’re just the same version of those same attackers, pretending very superficially to be something else and really not even very good at that.

I’m not here for your benefit nor to justify myself, just ensuring that people see your B.S. and that you’re disingenuous.

As for your claims Les Lied, well, if you actually were a shareholder and believed that and had facts to prove it in a legally relevant manner, I am sure you’d have filed suit. Yet here you are, just a blowhard on bulletin boards, 24-7-365, never believably disclosing what your interest is…

My disclosure is in every post, but you make none.
Investor082 Investor082 2 hours ago
Your frustration should be directed towards LP and LG. They put you in this situation year after year where you have given up on the idea of making money or return on investment in a reasonable time frame. Feel sorry for you!

On the other hand, the share price of well run (pre revenue) biotech companies continue to climb as they raise money at increasing valuation. Maybe you, Doc Logic, d stock, and others can team up and help LP there?

You simply can not justify the UK approval imminent lies from LG from 4 years ago regardless of how hard you try to spin it. Makes you a liar too!

Why don’t you show all your purchases under 20 cents? ;) It’s only fair that you do that before asking others.
biosectinvestor biosectinvestor 2 hours ago
There is no other treatment like this one, and many of those other treatments are flawed and NO I did not "Lie", and your unbalanced nature makes you a great foil. Thanks.

This is a completely personalized treatment on multiple ends. 1) it uses the patient's actual cell draw to create the young dendritic cells; 2) It uses the patient's actual tumor tissue to create the lysate that reprograms the immune cells. There is no other treatment in the world like that. That you're so ignorant and think one thing is the same as the other, just further explains why you can waste your time here being so ridiculously strident when no one here anymore really cares what you say. I just answer so that poor newbies don't stumble on your nonsense and think you're an honest broker.

Yes, there are companies with technologies that large biotech firms have either previously helped fund the research for or that are preferred because they work more along the lines of a pharmaceutical. It does not make them better however. The drug companies have never really liked these cell therapies that require a lot of particular handling of patient materials and processing. They want something that basically comes straight from the factory. However, the most notable treatments you point to, many of them are floundering even WITH big pharma backing.... This company has gotten to this point with no thanks to any of those large Pharma companies, and that, in fact, suggests it is a stronger contender than they ever could have imagined. It may also be why there is so much opposition to their success by windbags on websites - despite the publications and results that are quite amazing and suggest a whole new modality of potential immunotherapy treatments that could transform oncology treatment.

I have no idea what you're ranting about LG "lying". He was just doing his best job to estimate what he thought was going to happen, and as I said, with brand new technologies like this, and small companies, often the executives are trying to estimate the inestimable time lines that people want to hear, but that inevitably get delayed.

No, not my job. Just sick of you doing this non-stop bashing for years on end without ever disclosing any position. You're disingenuous by the most obvious measure and you point at others to distract from your own problematic motivations and actions. Quite the arsonist you are... my young Padawan.
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Investor082 Investor082 2 hours ago
There are over 30 Cell and Gene Therapy companies approved by FDA over the years with the first one being in 2010. Some even more complex than DCVAX. You lied again!

Quite a few well run pre revenue (small) biotech companies continue to raise a ton of cash at increasing valuation as time goes by and milestones accumulate. So another lie from you debunked! LP is just unable to do that and therefore folks like you are deployed to play a victim card mentality rather to cover up for her!

LG lied knowing that neither PIP nor manufacturing was approved. And they were at least 2-3 years away from fulfilling those milestones. And he knew they couldnt even apply to UK before they were completed. Yet he lied UK approval imminent 4 years ago. Anyone who tries who justify LG’s lies has a specific purpose and job!
axelvento axelvento 2 hours ago
👌 2 👍️ 5
Doc logic Doc logic 3 hours ago

If you want to announce something that costs more money than might be expected, you want data to back up the rational. The longer the data matures, the stronger someone else may look and the more time given for an opportunity by others to intervene and break up an initiative might be given. Merck (their trial we are talking about) might have decided to set the tone for what other offers are supposed to look like. Let’s see if the attempt to keep the share price controlled by certain entities works to their benefit with a deal that includes shares or if the deal does not involve shares of NWBO so that they can remain clear of anything that might otherwise possibly link them to those involved with price manipulation. Probably best to have a good plan in case there were any close ties over the last few years especially. Best wishes.
dstock07734 dstock07734 3 hours ago
The longs are certain you are heading for dead-end. You know that too. Your agitation index is spiking dramatically. It should end for you soon. Probably in two or three weeks.

Clueless and illiterate minion has no chance to win.
norisknorewards norisknorewards 3 hours ago
Anyone? Why unblind early?
norisknorewards norisknorewards 4 hours ago
Astounding results in a 40-patient combo trial could warrant accelerated approval from a phase 2. they don’t think the results will support that?

Why unblind now
learningcurve2020 learningcurve2020 5 hours ago
More dead-end dot connecting. LOL.

I'm curious, that BBS "Investment banker" guy a while back told everyone NWBO was "De-risked" so why hasn't he bought in yet even at 30 cents?
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dstock07734 dstock07734 5 hours ago
Ever heard of a company called Natera. Most likely not. Your vision is completely trammeled by Fraudstein's brainwashing.

Ask your guide Fraudstein why Natera forged partnership deal with Merck and why Ark built position in Natera.
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learningcurve2020 learningcurve2020 5 hours ago
You don't sweat the small stuff because most of it never occurs to you. LOL. How long have you been doing this, a year?
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GoodGuyBill GoodGuyBill 6 hours ago
I invested my money in a company that I really believe in to the extent that I don't sweat the small stuff. I am here with NWBO to the end... win lose or draw.

You, on the other hand, hate LP and all things NWBO. If I were you, I'd call the company to discuss whatever issues I have. If I could not resolve my lack of trust, I'd move the fuck on. The fact that you hate management but are still here since 8/2016 (8 FREAKING YEARS!!!!), posting nonsense about relatively unimportant issues everyday is crazy... But I am delusional?

OK I am delusion, thank you! Move on....
👍️ 7 💥 2
beartrap12 beartrap12 7 hours ago
Thanks, Brooktrail. I'm perfectly ok looking like the dumb one by asking a quesstion, particularly if I get an answer to a situation that I, and likely others, didn't understand. That's how you learn.

I am aware of that. But she was not. Hairsplitting to preserve intellectual superiority is a waste of time.
👍️ 2
manibiotech manibiotech 7 hours ago
1M/day on average
ccie1024 ccie1024 7 hours ago
I’ll bite.

Are you suggesting it was time to give Merck a peek at what a partnership is going to get them?
Lykiri Lykiri 7 hours ago
Outstanding shares between 11th and 23rd

09/18/24 - 1,276,923,405
09/17/24 - 1,272,944,339
09/13/24 - 1,271,462,857
09/12/24 - 1,270,362,857
09/11/24 - 1,269,071,031
👍️ 5
flipper44 flipper44 7 hours ago
Hope he gets better. They should display correct recording date of interviews on their replays.
ccie1024 ccie1024 7 hours ago
Big biz big guy is missing shows for health reasons, eye(s) I believe. They’ve been airing reruns (changing their “air” date to make it look like fresh content) and big biz second in command has been running other shows.
dstock07734 dstock07734 7 hours ago
Congrats on your latest loading! You will feel very happy about what you have been doing soon.
👍️ 1
GPha GPha 7 hours ago
Legend431 Legend431 7 hours ago
Well they have to apply to Canada first. Who knows?? Stock is “spoofed and manipulated” quotes because I don’t believe that to be true. I think everyone is banking on no MTD but then even if the mtd is denied they still have to prove all these allegations (All they are currently are allegations)

All the cheerleaders that believe this to be true have to remember that even if approval happens, the “spoofing” doesn’t stop.

Even in a stock that isn’t “spoofed” FDA approval only sees a 15-20% bump in stock price. This is UK so probably even less. But with uk and Canada approval I still think the stock stays under $1 do t forget that everyone thought average of $12 after journal. We are now talking approval and still under $1
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Steady_T Steady_T 7 hours ago
You make a good point. I hope the NWBO shares you hold pay off handsomely for you and an annual subscription becomes a drop in your financial bucket.

I have to slap my hand sometimes to keep me from buying more NWBO than a reasonable allocation permits. Oh wait... I have already done that and I have the calluses on the top of my hand to prove it.
👍️ 1
flipper44 flipper44 7 hours ago
Outstanding Shares

9/23/2024 1,276,923,405

(not certain what happened on each day between 11th and 23rd)

09/10/24 - 1,268,466,946
09/09/24 - 1,267,466,946
09/04/24 - 1,265,305,732
08/31/24 - 1,262,453,507
08/30/24 - 1,261,586,840
08/24/24 - 1,259,357,313
08/22/24 - 1,258,991,738
08/21/24 - 1,253,573,555
08/20/24 - 1,252,023,238
08/17/24 - 1,251,323,238
08/15/24 - 1,249,656,571
08/13/24 - 1,249,179,758
08/07/24 - 1,248,237,358
08/01/24 - 1,246,675,355
07/30/24 - 1,246,275,355
07/26/24 - 1,245,699,314
07/20/24 - 1,236,477,167
07/17/24 - 1,233,314,821
07/13/24 - 1,232,214,821
07/11/24 - 1,231,614,821
07/10/24 - 1,230,455,122
06/29/24 - 1,229,682,280
06/19/24 - 1,229,013,505
06/13/24 - 1,226,621,118
06/11/24 - 1,226,070,527
06/06/24 - 1,224,429,027
06/05/24 - 1,216,304,027
06/03/24 - 1,213,231,632
05/30/24 - 1,212,733,785
05/24/24 - 1,212,558,785
05/20/24 - 1,211,119,735
05/10/24 - 1,210,879,427
05/09/24 - 1,208,747,616
05/03/24 - 1,208,177,416
05/02/24 - 1,207,516,291
05/01/24 - 1,206,257,975
04/27/24 - 1,205,420,320
04/26/24 - 1,205,197,045
04/23/24 - 1,204,236,917
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Red_Right_Hand Red_Right_Hand 8 hours ago
It would be misleading if the axis labels were incorrect, or if they were not labeled at all. But the axes are labeled and the axis labels are not inccorrect. You may have made misunderstood the chart, but that does make the chart misleading.
learningcurve2020 learningcurve2020 8 hours ago
You mean to say the pumping disciple leading the flock can't afford an iHub membership? Did I read that right?
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dstock07734 dstock07734 8 hours ago
Yes, you are fortunate to have financial resources to cover the membership.
I don't have the luxury. I don't feel sad too much since I cheer up myself sometimes in the thought I could use the annual fee to buy hundreds of NWBO shares which will become gold bar later.
👍️ 2
flipper44 flipper44 8 hours ago
On September 10, Advent received Human MIA for commercial manufacturing. This seemed to complete one of the major hurdles.

(Also interesting, the day of and the day after clinical combination trial masking change to patient only was submitted (September 11), the FINRA short volume ratio spiked to 61.34 and 59.89. The masking change was not posted by clinical trials for eight more days. The Sept 13th short interest in shares and dollars will both be interesting.)
👍️ 8 🚀 5
brooktrail1933 brooktrail1933 8 hours ago
I am aware of that. But she was not. Hairsplitting to preserve intellectual superiority is a waste of time.
👍️ 1
underpar71 underpar71 8 hours ago
They are not diluting every day. OS count is reflective of conversions to common from warrants as well as anything else. Every 10Q shows fewer outstanding warrants. They do pay some people in shares but I doubt those go directly to market to sell.
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flipper44 flipper44 8 hours ago
It states dollars on the chart.
learningcurve2020 learningcurve2020 8 hours ago
Yes, and that "NWBO rep guy / Investment banker guy" does PIPE's.
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dstock07734 dstock07734 9 hours ago
See the update of the two trials on dendritic cells. One is the combo trial and the other run by Roswell Park.

Would it be fair to say that someone or some government sector is watching this two trials closely?

Recall when LP started negotiation with Roswell Park, was it over two years ago? Guess what? Coincidentally over two years ago, the clinical trial on dendritic cells run by Roswell was switched to the program funded by DoD. But you don't believe coincidence, do you? Did you mock me when I listed all the dendritic cell trials funded by DoD?

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brooktrail1933 brooktrail1933 9 hours ago
Most folks measure short interest in shares. That is why it's misleading and that's why it was misleading for Beartrap.
👍️ 2
flipper44 flipper44 9 hours ago
The chart is not misleading. It is short interest in dollars. As of the last dissemination, it was about as cheap as can be for shorts to completely cover their old positions. Let’s see how much was left of their dollar interest on September 13.

Prior to that, you’d have to go back to the end of 2021 to see such a low short interest in dollars.
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manibiotech manibiotech 9 hours ago
They don’t need to . They have been diluting enough every day .
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flipper44 flipper44 9 hours ago
I think they were talking about their theory of financiers motivated to get the price down before financings.
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learningcurve2020 learningcurve2020 9 hours ago
They already said on the BBS that they'd try to crater the stock pre PIPE financing.

>>Our deep dip in price
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cptbac cptbac 9 hours ago
Tomorrow marks 6 years post AMRN announcement. Will 9-24-24 hold the same fate for NWBO?
CaptainObvious CaptainObvious 9 hours ago
That and $DJT are just another grift, imo.
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XMaster2023 XMaster2023 9 hours ago
I don’t think the longs are going to sell 50,419,205 shares at .3333333333 or .3333333334. The MM better get out of the 6th decimal position.
Grey_Ghost Grey_Ghost 9 hours ago
Today's OS is 1,276,923,405. The company has been diluting 1 million shares every business day so far in the month of September.

Lots of big lots... 20,000, 50,000, 100,000, 200,000... have been going on this past week or so with little movement in price.
🤥 1
Steady_T Steady_T 9 hours ago
I can understand that. I find the cost on the annual subscription to be worth in reduced aggravation since I can see 50 posts on one page and don't have to deal with the ads. There is the index of posts page so you can see all the posts and the emoji ratings as a single line entry per post. Also being able to use the search function is helpful even if it is pretty rudimentary. The ability to PM is an added bonus.

I guess I'm fortunate that I can afford the indulgence.
beartrap12 beartrap12 9 hours ago
Thanks, brooktrail. Shares vs. dollars. Our deep dip in price is part of the decline we see in short interest.
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