2 months ago
It is a chance of a lifetime. It was 3M shares first 3 hours. Then 12pm, the volume is 11M shares. It was then down $0.0001. 12:50pm, someone bought it back up. Thank You. However, it dropped down by $0.0001. I issued $30 to buy 30K shares at 12:59pm to bring back up $0.0001, back to zero.
It is all faked short sell shares.
It is a chance of a lifetime. Our time will come unstoppably.
They have no more shares to borrow!
The short sellers is faking to fake shares. Claiming the settlement days. Just check on the Y portal.
Still faking the shorted shares. Now, they faked the short sell shares volume. Ir was more than 100% for two days. Now. It. Is around 46%.
They are watching our posts.
Be sure to keep the two steps:
1. SET SELL HIGH our shares.
2. SET BUY HIGHssssssss with last minute and price limit.
We should be going up EVERYDAY.
We should be going up EVERYDAY.
We should be going up EVERYDAY.
MJNA is a good company. Best to us longs.
2 months ago
Thanks. Thanks. Thanks.
More and more share holders know about last minute high before close. The set sell high with stop short sellers from borrowing your shares.
Right now, they have no more shares to borrow. Before, no one lock their shares up, now and more shares locked up by actual sharesholders. And locked more shares than what the short sellers own. Now, they fake the short selling shares from settlement days, usually 3 days.
We must keep doing the 2 steps
1. SET SELL HIGH our shares
2. SET BUY HIGHssssssss with last minute and price limit.
Our time will come unstoppable.
MJNA is a good company. Best to us longs.
2 months ago
Thanks. Thanks. Thanks.
More and more share holders know about last minute high before close. The set sell high with stop short sellers from borrowing your shares.
Right now, they have no more shares to borrow. Before, no one lock their shares up, now and more shares locked up by actual sharesholders. And locked more shares than what the short sellers own. Now, they fake the short selling shares from settlement days, usually 3 days.
We must keep doing the 2 steps
1. SET SELL HIGH our shares
2. SET BUY HIGHssssssss with last minute and price limit.
Our time will come unstoppable.
MJNA is a good company. Best to us longs.
2 months ago
The set sell high with stop short sellers from borrowing your shares.
Right now, they have no more shares to borrow. Before, no one lock their shares up, now and more shares locked up by actual sharesholders. And locked more shares than what the short sellers own. Now, they fake the short selling shares from contribution days, usually 3 days.
We must keep doing the 2 steps
1. SET SELL HIGH our shares
2. SET BUY HIGHssssssss with last minute and price limit.
Our time will come unstoppable.
MJNA is a good company. Best to us longs.
2 months ago
They are doing the opposite with the H name. They try to trade up the price with fake buy high orders among themselves. It never got up to $0.0003. Last, it is at $0.000001! It was all talk up.
With MJNA, They fake trade low among themselves to trade the price down.
Just bought 50K shares costed $50. Moved the price up by $0.0001. Bought the price to $0.0009 from $0.0008 with time of 12:58pm. Obviously, no one is selling or set buy high. The shares is good 17M at the last minute.
Keep doing the 2 steps
1. SET SELL HIGH our shares.
2. SET BUY HIGH at last minute orders with price limit with MANY BUYS HIGH, MANY BUYS HIGH, MANY BUYS HIGH. BESURE TO SET PRICE LIMIT.
WE GOT TO SET BUY HIGH at last minute. Our time will come. MJNA is a good company. Best to us longs
8 months ago
HEMP is now in purgatory (expert market), and you are bullish on this stock?? Does Bruce Perlowin have any plan to get up-to-date on his financial reports, and get restored to full reporting status? If he does, has he announced his plans to the public? Today's volume is 1,063,000 shares at $0.000001 per share for a total value of $1.06 !! What are you smoking, man?