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Health Discovery Corporation (CE)

Health Discovery Corporation (CE) (HDVY)

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king oil king oil 2 hours ago
Nobody likes you. Be gone you cockroach.
sunspotter sunspotter 3 days ago
β€œI may be mistaken, but I believe that this happens in cases where the judge considers the lawsuit to have been frivolous.β€œ

You already know you’re not wrong, because that happened several times with VPLM who have been ordered to cover the defendants’ costs in several of their absurd patent troll cases recently.
sunspotter sunspotter 3 days ago
β€œ HDC has not seen the stars line up like this since the days of Dr. Barnhill.”

And look how well that ended. LOL.

Like most folk involved with HDVY Barnhill is a greedy grifter out for himself.
LocWolf LocWolf 2 weeks ago
LocWolf, once the stock takes off, your wife should let you keep enough of it to have another run at another spec. Just be sure to pocket some profits so that your wife will be happy.

You got me laughing and crying as the same time 😉
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ou71764 ou71764 2 weeks ago
Thank you, everyone, for the latest updates. The lawsuit was a shackle that we've now tossed aside. LocWolf, once the stock takes off, your wife should let you keep enough of it to have another run at another spec. Just be sure to pocket some profits so that your wife will be happy.
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buylow2 buylow2 2 weeks ago
Maybe this Venwest case was the last obstacle to get past before getting stock to trade again
LocWolf LocWolf 2 weeks ago
Excellent Good Sport....sure sounds good, do somewhat wonder why Alan didn't sign the 8-K but then again Colleen has had plenty of stress and responsibilities to deal with so....with her signature, she may feel much better and of course her Dad would be very proud of her to have stayed the course through all this so I must say Thank you very much Colleen Hutchinson
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Good Sport Good Sport 2 weeks ago
Colleen stated in 8k:

β€œWe are gratified by the decision of the Court in this matter. Now that this matter has been resolved, the Board looks forward to focusing on the development of the Company’s technology without the unnecessary distraction and cost that this lawsuit has caused over the previous four years.”
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Good Sport Good Sport 2 weeks ago

8K is just out. Pretty straight forward on dismissal...

"Item 8.01 Other Events

On September 13, 2024, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia granted Health Discovery Corporation’s (β€œHDC” or the β€œCompany”) motion for summary judgment in full and entered judgment in favor of all defendants on all counts in the shareholder derivative lawsuit brought by Vennwest Global Technologies, Inc. (β€œVennwest”). The Vennwest lawsuit, which was initially filed in September 2020, alleged misconduct by the Company and its board of directors (β€œBoard”) in connection with approving a series of loans to HDC by certain directors and shareholders of HDC. The Vennwest lawsuit contains virtually identical claims against HDC that shareholders William Quirk and Cindy Bear had alleged, which lawsuit was also dismissed. The loans at issue were sought by the Company to allow it to meet its financial obligations in connection with litigation that was ongoing at the time. The District Court found that the loans were presented to and approved by the Board, in all respects, in compliance with Georgia’s conflicting interest transaction statutes, requiring the dismissal of all claims asserted by the plaintiff. The judgment affords HDC the recovery of its costs associated with the lawsuit (which does not include the recovery of its legal fees).

The Court’s order and judgment represent a complete refutation of these baseless claims and a total vindication of the Company’s longstanding position that these claims were entirely without merit and served only to distract the Company and deplete its resources to the detriment of its shareholders.

Board member Colleen Hutchinson stated: β€œWe are gratified by the decision of the Court in this matter. Now that this matter has been resolved, the Board looks forward to focusing on the development of the Company’s technology without the unnecessary distraction and cost that this lawsuit has caused over the previous four years.”



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.


Dated: September 18, 2024 By: /s/ Colleen Hutchinson

Colleen Hutchinson
Board Member
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chazzy1 chazzy1 2 weeks ago
LocWolf, just be thankful that you have a money-wise wife. With any luck, you may have some play money again to fool around with.
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LocWolf LocWolf 2 weeks ago
😎In looking and my memory it appear Laurie Vennwest just didn't spend enough time in this case but did try to manipulate things in several areas. I did have a few other thoughts as to delays plus losing George also might favor one side or the other but it does seem to me that for some reason I always have under estimated HDC. I do relate to internal pain watching this for all these years as my wife has the smart money I have the dumb money penny stocks. This HDC is partly the last of my ROTH and I needed this to play penny stocks as SHE WON'T GIVE ME ANY MORE MONEY to play and have fun.🤠
chazzy1 chazzy1 2 weeks ago
Yes, thanks LocWolf for posting the full version as I only gave the summary. There is another clause in the ruling which stipulates that Venning is ordered to pay the defendants' legal expenses. I may be mistaken, but I believe that this happens in cases where the judge considers the lawsuit to have been frivolous.
LocWolf LocWolf 2 weeks ago
This court document #98 is 31 pages but I will post the conclusion of the court "prior to document 99" which has already been basically circulated.

Conclusion For the above reasons, it is ORDERED that Plaintiff’s Motion for Discovery to Reopen for the Limited Purpose of Taking Depositions (Doc. 75) is DENIED. It is
12 The Court agrees with Defendants’ argument that the third loan was not
usurious for the reasons given on page 14 of Defendants’ Reply Brief (Doc. 92).

Case 1:20-cv-03386-VMC Document 98 Filed 09/13/24 Page 30 of 31
31 FURTHER ORDERED that Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment
(Doc. 76) is GRANTED. It is FURTHER ORDERED that Defendants’ Motion to Strike Parts of the
Declarations of Laurie Venning and Kevin Kowbel (Doc. 93) is DENIED AS UNNECESSARY.
The Clerk is directed to enter judgment in favor of Defendants and to close the case.
SO ORDERED this 13th day of September, 2024.
Victoria Marie Calvert
United States District Judge
Case 1:20-cv-03386-VMC Document 98 Filed 09/13/24 Page 31 of 31
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Zenos Arrow Zenos Arrow 2 weeks ago
It's only Monday, so my guess would be an 8K by the end of the week (4 days after the event). Hopefully this is a pivotal moment. But I'll settle for a moment.
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chazzy1 chazzy1 2 weeks ago
That's a good question, Good Sport. This should be considered a definitive material event so I would expect to see an 8-k filing, or at least an announcement from the company.
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Good Sport Good Sport 2 weeks ago
We should expect an HDC SEC filing update regarding the Vennwest "dismissal" case this week?
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Good Sport Good Sport 2 weeks ago
Thanks chazzy1.
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Good Sport Good Sport 2 weeks ago
Amen. Let's move on now 😀!
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chazzy1 chazzy1 2 weeks ago
The Vennwest case against HDC has been dismissed by the Georgia judge. The plaintiff, Laurie Venning, gets nothing. This case is over and the defendants, HDC, prevail.
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chazzy1 chazzy1 3 weeks ago
Excellent points, Zenos Arrow! And when you factor in those additional talents that Dr. Hauser brings to the table, HDC could realistically become the company that we all believed it had the potential to become.
Zenos Arrow Zenos Arrow 3 weeks ago
>>>Yes, and when you mention that Dr. Hauser also understands our techmology, well, HDC has not seen the stars line up like this since the days of Dr. Barnhill.>>>

Barnhill didn’t have the prospecting and licensing prowess of Dr. Hauser. Barnhill was a brilliant clinical laboratorian, but his early partnerships with Quest Diagnostics and SmithKline Beecham Clinical Laboratories (late 1980s/early 1990s) were driven by the need for Barnhill Laboratories’ laboratory-developed tests – and NOT his business development skills. This was never more evident in the way he Barnhill managed the later Quest Dx and Abbott partnerships.
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chazzy1 chazzy1 3 weeks ago
Yes, and when you mention that Dr. Hauser also understands our techmology, well, HDC has not seen the stars line up like this since the days of Dr. Barnhill. Let's not forget that HDC now definitively owns the exclusive rights to monetize SVM-RFE, which not even Intel can dispute.
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Good Sport Good Sport 3 weeks ago
The new CEO has a Ph.D. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley.
Not bad !
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LocWolf LocWolf 3 weeks ago
Charles...I can't post right now but I will txt or talk at you after my next appointment is completed. THINK !!!! HDC knows about all of this. Our CEO must be a VERY BUSY MAN
LocWolf LocWolf 3 weeks ago
Charles...I can't post right now but I will txt or talk at you after my next appointment is completed. THINK !!!! HDC knows about all of this. Our CEO must be a VERY BUSY MAN
Good Sport Good Sport 3 weeks ago
From /HDVY Reddit board, same subject a few years ago was posted:

3 Years ago

Can anyone answer why the SVM-RFE method is included in the opensource "scikit-learn" library? It seems kind of strange for a patented method to be given out freely? I heard it was also removed from scikit-learn at some point in the last year or so? Who added it in the first place?

The answer is in the comments over there...
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chazzy1 chazzy1 3 weeks ago
Yes, that is a very good point, Alan. It was obviously listed as open source in error, however, it is the responsibility of HDC to force them to remove the listing. I am 99.999% sure that the Board of HDC is not aware of this. Thank you for calling it to everyone's attention!
BTW, could you provide the link which shows SVM-RFE to be open source? This would be most helpful in bringing this oversight/error to the Board's attention. Thanks!
alan81 alan81 3 weeks ago
The original Intel lawsuit specifically mentioned Scikit learn (an open source library) and the algorithm was quickly removed from that library. It is really up to HDVY to protect their IP. Having it publicly listed as open source and free to use is not a great way to protect that IP. It is up to them to fix this, and future lawsuits might be problematic for them because of this very public misinformation.
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chazzy1 chazzy1 3 weeks ago
I don't have to bring it up with anyone. I showed the link. I would suggest that you need to bring it up with the site that is putting out misinformation.
Reference patent number: US10402685B2
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alan81 alan81 3 weeks ago
You will have to bring that up with both google and copilot
chazzy1 chazzy1 3 weeks ago
That is incorrect information, Alan. SVM-RFE is NOT open source.
The patent status is listed as "active", and the adjusted expiration date is listed as 6/27/2025.
Here is the link:
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alan81 alan81 3 weeks ago
I just asked copilot about open source versus royalty payment machine learning algorithms:
copilot claims scikit-learn, tensorflow, pytorch, xgboost, lightgbm, and Keras are all open source (free to use) while SAS, Matlab, and IBM Watson require a royalty payment. I then specifically asked it about SVM-RFE and it said it is available as open source :-/
Good Sport Good Sport 3 weeks ago
I'd love to see some input and thoughts from other members here. We have 129 on this message board and only around a dozen or so posters at best.

We must be missing something were not even thinking about.
chazzy1 chazzy1 3 weeks ago
LocWolf, as a non-member, you should still be able to read the conversations on yahoo, although you would be ineligible to post. During those occasions when I was signed out, I could still read the posts, so I have no explanation as to why you would experience this issue.
LocWolf LocWolf 3 weeks ago
OT, Charles I am not a member on yahoo and haven't been for at least 15 years. In recent months I was able to see the conversations in the HDC thread over on Yahoo. I gather Yahoo has closed that door to non Yahoo members or those that don't have an email address with them? Do you know if this is true as I can't see the conversations on any stocks on Yahoo....tia
chazzy1 chazzy1 3 weeks ago
Thanks LocWolf for a very good post! I agree with you.
LocWolf LocWolf 3 weeks ago
I sincerely don't expect mountains of glory but let me say I sure would like to know did Colleen and Ed open up a telephone book, look up to the ceiling and randomly point to Alan to be our next CEO? I think not. This might get interesting but our history says differently but we have no choice but to do what we do best and that is wait, wait and more wait as we are professional waiters.

I must say Colleen & Ed (in my thoughts!) did not need to produce the 8-k in regards to Alan so I tend to lean toward the idea that HDC has attorney representation in several areas including OTC/SEC and Georgia Corporations office.

So at any rate time has actually been on our side has it not? sure it sucks but I must stay until the curtain on this stage finally closes.
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chazzy1 chazzy1 3 weeks ago
Buylow2, if it's any consolation to you, I don't like how long this is taking either. However, it is what it is. Do you think that Dr. Hauser is intentionally slow walking the super K submission to the SEC, and the monetization process? No, I think that his incentive is to get this done as soon as possible. To those of us who are unfamiliar with the process, this may seem to be proceeding at a snail's pace when, in actuality, it may be proceeding as fast as possible. Being on the outside looking in, we just don't know what all may be involved in this process.
buylow2 buylow2 3 weeks ago
Don’t like how long this financial update and getting stock trading is taking, smells fishy just like the 2 million dollar settlement from Intel.
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chazzy1 chazzy1 3 weeks ago
Good Sport, I agree that $180K is a good incentive to just kill time, however, the stock option is a bigger piece of Dr. Hauser's compensation package, and represents a much greater incentive to monetize HDC's SVM-RFE technology. Although he is not an MD, his expertise is in the biosciences as well as in business development.
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chazzy1 chazzy1 3 weeks ago
Good Sport, I agree that $180K is a good incentive to just kill time, but the stock option is a bigger piece of Dr. Hauser's compensation package, and represents a much greater incentive to monetize HDC's SVM-RFE technology.
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chazzy1 chazzy1 3 weeks ago
That does have a logical ring to it, LocWolf. In fact, I would be thrilled to see a merging of forces and resources with the single purpose of monetizing HDC's IP for the benefit of all concerned.
LocWolf LocWolf 3 weeks ago
Charles, I don't think that will fly involving Alan unless it involves "Vennwest Global" as I don't see enough money production unless Venning distribute it for us. This way everyone gets a piece of the pie and Alan is the man Laurie will need to deal with plus Alan would be far more than just a contact. This would detail $180k in my thoughts. If this might fly Alan would be an extremely busy man.

Anyone have any thoughts about this?
Good Sport Good Sport 3 weeks ago
$180K salary is enough of an incentive alone in today's economy. He has a phd degree (not a MD degree).
chazzy1 chazzy1 3 weeks ago
LocWolf, you present some interesting thoughts, theories and speculations. However, even if Coleen's motives were as you suggest, I doubt that Dr. Hauser would have accepted the CEO position in the absence of a strong belief that he could monetize HDC's patented SVM-RFE technology, specifically in the field of medical diagnostics. JMHO.
LocWolf LocWolf 3 weeks ago
My thoughts on the 3d approach is mainly drug delivery. Controlling amount of drug in several areas simultaneously and also the ability to kill certain cells and repair others. With the digital 3d you could design and control the amount involving the scavenger receptors. The basic overwhelming problem is far too much drug enters the liver and of course may be fatal. Now these words coming from me are very raw/rough so someone with this knowledge would be able to explain this far better than me. Our CEO was somewhat interested/working in these areas, as to what I was tracking (my thoughts) of course also with the University and that is a big plus depending. Now reasons why he didn't continue might be interesting but maybe not. I can see that he isn't here because Colleen wants to license 1 damn patent unless she is making a deal with Vennwest....or she may have hired him to make sure she produced a good final effort before closure of HDC.
Good Sport Good Sport 3 weeks ago
I've posted this before and I'll repeat my thought on the 3d twist...Not to sound too negative but once again:

Intel Corp. with the billion dollar resources that they have would more than likely (most likely) beaten McGovern & Co. to the punch when it came to a USPTO resubmit of an improved 3d svm-rfe patent.

Could be why we threw in the towel for a measly $2.25 million crumb deal payout to Fromholzer.
That is my gut feeling!
chazzy1 chazzy1 3 weeks ago
Thank you for that additional explanation, LocWolf. Be well my friend.
LocWolf LocWolf 3 weeks ago
Charles, I first thought about the 3d aspects due to a past investment in Exicure, actually in November of 2019 but did not post the following until March of 2020 as follows "Is 3 dimensional SVM-RFE possible or existing? could the idea serve or solve dimensional math challenges? AI coupled with these ideas.

I just spent an hour checking out the INET and believe that this is happening but believe "Zenos Arrow" would be the one to best discuss this ability.
chazzy1 chazzy1 3 weeks ago
Good post LocWolf. You do have a propensity for thinking out of the box. Not only have I never thought of it, I don't even know what "SVM-RFE within a 3D patent" means. Could you please explain?

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