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Digital Utilities Ventures Inc (PK)

Digital Utilities Ventures Inc (PK) (DUTV)

Closed July 26 4:00PM

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LA4321 LA4321 6 hours ago
who knows---anything possible here-----but----that would be the definition of counter productive-----had hoped joeyp tought him trading 101------you better generate interest BEFORE the selling begins.......
OTC_Hussler OTC_Hussler 7 hours ago
Doesn’t look like anyone wants to buy them anyways. Wouldn’t be surprised if news releases start flowing after restrictions are lifted.
LA4321 LA4321 10 hours ago
i hoped some of the new "megauber shareholders" created were friends /family/associates of joeyp---------the hope being he might have a vested interest in seeing this pig do well-----appears (pure speculation) not to be the case-------whoever is in charge here is allowing this pig to evaporate--------the day is not too far off when restrictions will lift---------the whiff of that first seller is gonna send this into a tailspin-------unless "SOMEONE" starts to act on a corporate manner and treat dutv like an actual entity-----------
LA4321 LA4321 3 days ago
gaalswyk has made this as clear as pond water--------is there a contract ? or an agreement ? is this the unit that was "sold" with such fanfare ( a nebulous tweet)?------is the csol "PO" anything of merit ? -------gaalswyk would do a world of good for all his newly created (and i imagine----nervous) uber-shareholders-------PUT OUT A **PR** (enough of the nonsense tweets)-----as to what his plans are---and what is going on----------unfortunately------my humble opinion-------zero eyes on this and WAYY TOO many have zero trust and or----dont give a efff anymore......
LA4321 LA4321 3 days ago
never seen such bumbling........the ceo here is his own biggest enemy.....
Timing101 Timing101 3 days ago
$DUTV even the Hard Core Supporters need to start asking Mark G to come through with FACTS to get the volume back up and put it in a documented PR , not Tweets that can not or do not have the proof of contracts, equipment working at site , and show revenue coming in before the rest of the Market even comes back to DUTV. Zero Volume yesterday Monday 7/22 all day and only six trades today for less than 100,000 shares two hours in on the trading day Tuesday .
The timelines and Facts do not line up with what the Glendale AZ Golf Course said was fixed a Month plus before Mark G said the system was going out there.
This came out three PLUS Months prior (MARCH 2024 PR from City) to Mark G tweet in July saying they were heading that way. The Golf Course was already cleaning it up with "SOME" company PRIOR to that "Tweet" in an official PR from the City in March of 2024.
So the question is why did Mark G not accompany that PR if indeed it was due to EES cleaning it up , but the article says chemically cleaned.
Saying they were on the way out there in a week.
Hi $DUTV Team…We signed the agreement with the Arizona Golf course just over a week ago..As it was going to take us a week to deliver our Easy Nano Void 450 from MN to AZ, we had the course dump in some of our β€œPond Cleaning” Microbial Terreplenish that I had pre positioned near…— Mark Gaalswyk (@MarkGaalswyk) July 15, 2024
Then four days later it was ALL clean, but this is JULY 2024 well past the article and only in a TWEET. NO PR, NO picture of any Terreplenish being added as stated or the Nano Void system hard at work with the equipment in the Pond. VERY STRANGE, Plus not pictures of the Contracts signed like before.
Hi $DUTV Team…Exactly as expected, we were able to utilize our combined Easy Nano Void and Terreplenish liquid microbial technology to very quickly clean up the troublesome pond at the Arrowhead Country Club in Glendale, AZ. We are encouraged by the many nearby neighbors telling…— Mark Gaalswyk (@MarkGaalswyk) July 19, 2024
[i]The STRANGE and CURIOUS CASE of Mark Gaalswyk continues over a YEAR(s) Plus Later . One day it may be Validated, Verified , Confirmed.
LA4321 LA4321 4 days ago
zero volume.........(zero).....
OTC_Hussler OTC_Hussler 4 days ago
At least we know insiders aren’t selling. 0 volume again
LA4321 LA4321 5 days ago
well.....been a week------perhaps the brand new unit is on site ?-----------im guessing this pond will soon be super duper clean----------whats next ?------another pond ? ------ was this unit "sold" to someone ?------is it to be delivered to a client ?------wonder if the ceo of this public company will be putting any news out soon ?
LA4321 LA4321 5 days ago
the most peripheral attention-------a couple PRs about the merger being finalized------a couple PRs about a first unit on the road------------anything to give this a pulse------this thing COULD HAVE been trading .05 ----NOW----TODAY-----WITH-----the volume this thing is going to need------
Naustradumbass Naustradumbass 6 days ago
LA4321 LA4321 1 week ago
the crossroads that have been met ...and ....ignored--------a miracle this has held half a penny-----gaalswyk will be facing the mother of all in 6mo/1 yr/ 2 yr ??----------------restricted status will float away----------------my guess ( an absolute guarantee )-------------at least 1 of his newly created megashareholders is gonna hit that button---------the INSTANT those shares are clear--------wonder what the ceo is planning......
LA4321 LA4321 1 week ago
most ceos want viable/active markets for their stocks.
LessTalkMoreAction LessTalkMoreAction 1 week ago
Vegas style!
LA4321 LA4321 1 week ago
i just wish there was support from a few sources of merit------any merit AT ALL......
Timing101 Timing101 1 week ago
$DUTV , cmon you folks supporting Mark G and sending me nasty messages (LOL) , for sure you are not satisfied with all these Tweets and Price action. Today ONLY SIX trades for less than $60.00, not even a BLIP in OTC Land and that has been the trend now for some time. FOLKS JUST DO NOT BELIEVE ANY MORE OR WOULD BE TRADING THIS STOCK. Ask Mark G to prove the Contracts, Catalyst(s) are really happening. How about Revenue, Customers on Contracts , PR's instead of Tweets. Time to go Las Vegas style.. A Little less Talking and ALOT MORE ACTION .
LA4321 LA4321 1 week ago
"PATRIOT ACRES"-----if---IF---there is a tie------you have to assume it is a positive one-----WHY WOULDNT gaalswyk put out SOMETHING about this ?-----how these affiliations work-----DOESNT have to be binding, just informative------------------WHAT is gaalswyk doing ?!?!
LA4321 LA4321 1 week ago
"get mark" ....what absolute nonsense-----ive been rooting for mark to turn this into a BILLION dollar venture-----turn dutv into a BILLION dollar stock-------rooting for him to do ANYTHING------he chose to become the CEO OF A PUBLIC ENTITY--------the occasional NEBULOUS TWEET AINT GONNA DO IT--------------------------------------------uh oh----------i responded to YOUR post----am i you NOW ??? are you ME now ??!?!?!!------im so confused.......
Timing101 Timing101 1 week ago
$DUTV Jack, you seem pretty level headed on your posts about $DUTV , have you ever questioned Mark G directly . To your point "Nothing is going to happen until Mark G gets a contract signed. "
No Tweet, No PR , Nothing in LinkedIn, what would be your read on that by chance. That is Mark G's signature.
He did back in March and the parties actually filed an 8-K SEC filing .
The Links
Contract link in the filing
Even put a business plan in the filing.
Timing101 Timing101 1 week ago
OMG, like I said there are about five (less than 10) people who support Mark G with out fail. They are WOKE Mark G supporters.
I just ask the basics, have always said so, know that I asked the same of Mark G in person and have yet to see it is all.
Thanks for posting their link , just looked at their multiple daily postings about DUTV, amazing knows really nothing about floats, SS, dilution and from the looks of it might be a paid promoter .
I have one account and it is the same on multiple platforms is all.
OTC_Hussler OTC_Hussler 1 week ago
Haha. Now Timing and LA is the same person. πŸ”it appears he is also using ihub account "LA4321" .

He responds/Comments on his own TIMING101 account posts...

This person seriously is out to get Mark. @MarkGaalswyk researching More.— OTC Heaven (@User862521121) July 16, 2024
LA4321 LA4321 1 week ago
"we signed the agreement"-----it DOESNT MATTER if it is a lease or a sale------JUST SAY SOMETHING--------to word it like this is insulting -----i think many still do see the potential here------so many pinkipennies with even more robust share structures and no story are trading like real stocks.....
Timing101 Timing101 1 week ago
Stunning and Strange
If the rest knew that he had a AZ home ( so that prepositioned Terreplenish more than likely came from his garage) , that he has connections with locally, one would wonder why it took so long. His current wife is directly connected to the Professional Golf world by her family in a big way . Cathy S at Terreplenish has a direct connection to the Golf World with a person that sold their company for millions , plus is now connected to the Golf Supply Distribution World, plus no postings from them since Merger on any deals, revenue, customers . Bill B is really by trade a Marketer , Promoter and has all the background and skills to take it to another level one wonders why after all this time he just continues to post other articles from other people or companies and nothing about EES or their efforts.
Joe P who has supporter Mark G with Merger, obvious input and then CSOL where JOE P is connected in MARCH 2024 Four Months ago via Shelli Field signing the agreement with Mark G (both signatures) to purchase a unit and put it in place (see link) , is NOT INVOLVED? in this transaction?
The reason so many are hanging on here and watching, is that it REALLY is SO STRANGE, that one thinks the "Next Chapter" has to be "SOMETHING". The Novel of [i]"The Curious and STRANGE Case of Mark Gaalswyk" can not really continue to much longer ... or could it.
Lets SEE
LA4321 LA4321 2 weeks ago
stunning how poorly gaalswyk is handling this
Timing101 Timing101 2 weeks ago
The MARKETING and SUPPORT issue is really an issue as stated. It is controlled by one person and that is MARK G , so why not promote and publish all this great movement forward.
One has to really think why in the world is Mark G still Tweeting, with only a few supporters responding (less than 10) to his comments. All these Tweets about the Nano Void and now he "prepositioned" Terreplenish to be poured in a POND, and there is NO PR, NO POSTING in Linkedin at least so professionals can see it , no EES LinkedIN postings , No Terreplenish Postings at all about this NEW USE . IT IS JUST STRANGE
Even Joe P and the CSOL side in the (link) for CSOL put in supplying the EES Nano Void system to GOLF COURSES , has nothing about this, but has it in their description of the Business. JOE P has to be shaking his head even, but for sure something is not right or they would move forward .
One would also think, Lets see the IMPACT of this LATEST UPDATE on the DUTV Share Price and ACTION. Here is the result today. First Hour of trading and 375 shares , ONE TRADE for less than $5 Dollars. OOPS, justs saw on Level 2 the second trade came through for today at 40 minutes in for the day for another $7 dollars and 1,000 shares , OMG !
The Curious Case of Mark Gaalswyk continues, even a Supporter these days has to really ask what is going on .
LA4321 LA4321 2 weeks ago
why gaalswyk needs to turn over ALL investor communications to someone---ANYONE---------if you believe anything that has come out-----------"we signed the agreement with the arizona golf course"-------IF there is merit to this-----what a lead in to some great news-----INSTEAD----a nebulous TWEET that has gone completely un-noticed-----WHAT DOES IT EVEN MEAN ????----is this a sale ? is this a lease ??----EITHER ONE could be great news if only SOMEONE COULD WRITE A ****PR******-----this ceo is allowing this to evaporate.
LessTalkMoreAction LessTalkMoreAction 2 weeks ago
he needs a little help closing
Jack Fontaine Jack Fontaine 2 weeks ago
Nothingβ€˜s gonna change until he gets a contract signed.
LA4321 LA4321 2 weeks ago
hey---go for it----pls post findings----will add-----no-one is shorting this thing.
OTC_Hussler OTC_Hussler 2 weeks ago
Crazy theory. Boom. That's the one. Mark and team , this account may be shorting your stock. I have been recording all level II trading data from the past 6 months.

Will be monitoring the posts and checking timestamps. Lmk if you want this data. @MarkGaalswyk@easyenergysys @feedearthnow— OTC Heaven (@User862521121) July 15, 2024
LA4321 LA4321 2 weeks ago
99% of these ihubpinkies have zero behind them----ZERO------and the stories behind them are usually so convoluted as to be a joke-----THATS what makes dutv so painful------there IS a story-----there IS a real ceo in a real industry-----it appears they actually DID a merger to go public------and it APPEARS they ACTUALLY MADE SOMETHING ?!?!?!??!?----------and-----NOW----- they continue to dig their heels in and INSIST they stay invisible-----------------smh---------(as the kids say)..........
LA4321 LA4321 2 weeks ago
well.......i guess it is a BIT of clarification----a unit at a golf course in Az-----is this the 1st "sale" ? is this a leased unit ?----either one is a positive-----if only these guys had someone for shareholder relations------they CONTINUE to rely on nebulous TWEETS from the most inept poster-------doomed to stay in the darkness.........
LA4321 LA4321 2 weeks ago
i put the chances of that happening at APX---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.00---------------------------(non-verified)-----
LA4321 LA4321 2 weeks ago
gaalswyk------what gaalswyk needs to do----give a wee bit of clarification-----2 months ago it was-----"great news !!! after years of r&d-----1st unit ready to go to first client !!!!!!!!"-----then-----well....unit now at a pond doing demos-----then -----another pond clean up----is this the same unit ??????---...........WHAT THE EFFF IS THIS CEO DOING ??????????
Timing101 Timing101 2 weeks ago
Noted, I have always said Mark G needed a validated catalyst(s) , contract, revenue, customers identified to move forward.
While some are just blindly getting very upset on some postings like mine indicating he needs to come through and just tell the truth with a confirmed timeline and data, that is fine. I really do not care they blindly like a cult , respond with fluff BS comments. The rest just want to see the RESULTS MARK is presenting HIMSELF, so in the end Mark needs to live up to what he has presented.
Lets see, the ball has always been in his court to do so.
LA4321 LA4321 2 weeks ago
ok...ill tighten the time frame and keep it current-----a "PO" w "CSOL"-------both seem to have evaporated , leaving only a stink-----and a "first order"---to a "first client"------a client so excited -----the unit went to a pond for a demo-----and now----same unit to another "pond"-------something stinks.....and its not the latest mystery pond......
Jack Fontaine Jack Fontaine 2 weeks ago
Yes I understand that Mark took to long to rape it up no arguments there.

Remember when you came in no Jack shit about public companies.

The only thing that counts is he going to get those contracts signed and that’s what you should be focusing on because at this point, the rest don’t matter.
LA4321 LA4321 2 weeks ago
"doer"-----sorry----gotta call you on that----going on 3 YEARS-----if not mistaken----NOTHING he has presented has panned out.
Jack Fontaine Jack Fontaine 2 weeks ago
I believe when Mark gets a contract signed, the stock will run and if he gets another contract sign, it’ll go much higher.

Let’s not forget he has another company that’s not inside the public company is 3500 customers. The things that have not been said about Mark is he is a doer.

He’s on his way to make millions.
Nick2424 Nick2424 2 weeks ago
Jack, know of anything close?
Jack Fontaine Jack Fontaine 2 weeks ago
I’m sure some time soon this year there will be a run on this stock most likely when he get a signed contract.
Timing101 Timing101 2 weeks ago
LOL, expected from a Dumbass. No issues. Lets see if Mark G can finally get something done.
Timing101 Timing101 2 weeks ago
Not really arguing , just posting facts. The small group that will not ask basic questions to be answered by Mark or Bill, is what they are and they do get their feelings hurt very easy , so expecting that. .
Mark has to be accountable for leading on folks. I am really surprised some of the folks around him like Bill are still there, but when you are getting paid, apparently stick it out .
Like I have said , they can come out and prove it , Validate Revenue Sales (any) , Contracts and it would solve many issues.
Lets see, and this on ANY thing, Somalia, Nepal, Tennessee LOI on forest, FEN, MEPS, Golf, Oil Wells, Ethanol, AG , Terreplenish, Food Waste, Energy , Unicorn, Grants , Water treatment and on and on on the many posts by Mark G . Surely one of them can finally come through.
LA4321 LA4321 2 weeks ago
101----you are arguing w a 4 year old-----a sad 4 year old troll.
Timing101 Timing101 2 weeks ago
Really not upset at Mark, just being led on is all , wish he would just tell the truth once in a great while. Like I said you never know , he may finally get one of the systems going in revenue and sales. Not a hard core question or anger to ask that of any business.
Lets see.
The is less than 20 trades per day or less most days and if one was to look at the comments from all posts, they would see there is really less than a few supporters left at this point and the volume indicates that.
Really thought Mark G would not be like the other CEO's just dangling info for months and years like it has turned into.
What I post is factual , Mark G can (or Bill ) challenge it at any time.
Timing101 Timing101 2 weeks ago
You might be better off reading all of Mark G Posts in the past two years plus, it should make feel warm and fuzzy tht all is being taken care of. Let all know when Mark sends proof to you .
Timing101 Timing101 2 weeks ago
I can see why you are like your tag.. a true dumbass, that can not argue facts . You are just one of a couple of folks that are not just asking basic questions from Mark who as a CEO and Private Business person should have no issue responding to. What a true loser you must be. I see you have no followers , so there is a reason why .
Why do you not call Mark or Bill Bliler and voice your concerns. All can understand you are not happy with your investment being done double digit %.
Cmon you can do something logical .
Hardheaded Hardheaded 2 weeks ago
Well that escalated quickly 😬
Hardheaded Hardheaded 2 weeks ago
People have been wondering what has had you so upset at Mark, now we know… You should let things go, that knid of stuff can stress you into a heart attack. Lifes too short for that kind of built up anger. It’s Friday, have a cocktail and destress 🥃
Timing101 Timing101 2 weeks ago
DUTV is averaging 20 Trades or so , less per day which is NOTHING in OTC land and will not catch any investors eye's. There is about nine or so supporters on Social Media that have very few followers (including the EES Twitter site) , that keep saying way to go . The O/S now has gone up and will continue to go up with the filings that came out , so the stock price will continue to dwindle down.
The folks around Mark internally are paid by him , so it is really a one man show who does not get any critical feedback and he controls the information coming out , which is just the same format over and over.
Perhaps one day , Mark will hit on something that provides documented proof that "something" actually is in demand, has been ordered , contract, PO , Revenue with Customer names.
Mark used to get so frustrated , when I asked him to show all (including me) the finished product , which he could not do. He actually said one day , hey you work for me so should not be asking questions. Wrong !, I said I am wasting my time and I am spending my own dollars with you and you are damaging my own network that I created and the integrity surrounding it, hence why some statements after I cut off communications may be biased, but they are still there yet to be challenged a year later. Until Proof comes out , the Curious Case of Mark Gaalswyk continues and can only be compared to or phrased in the link below.
I look back to a year ago watching and listening to all the "promises" in front of Major Customers , about the others systems (which are not being talked about now), and think Mark is truly living in his world as the " King with out clothes" paying people to promote him ( Marketing, Terreplenish, a few others) .

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