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Digital Utilities Ventures Inc (PK)

Digital Utilities Ventures Inc (PK) (DUTV)

Closed March 02 4:00PM

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LA4321 LA4321 2 days ago
if it wasnt so sad----would be amusing------after 3 years of mis-steps ( my OPINION)-------the ceo finally acknowledges the loss of awareness and interest----what does he do ?-----hires a complete empty suit of a pr firm ( my OPINION)----AND-----goes SILENT !!!!!-------almost a hoot..........
LA4321 LA4321 3 days ago
did hear-----gaalswyk has gotten into a few lively twitter conversations----called out about revenues/performance/sales/yadayada-------stuff a ceo should address-------didnt address--------my GUESS------gaalswyk got his nose out of joint------and now going silent ?!?!?!??!--------GAALSWYK---------WHAT ....THE .....EFF......IS....GOING.....ON ????????------you are the ceo here ? right ?
LA4321 LA4321 3 days ago
side note-----appears dutv is losing its place of prominence w tradersque------you know, the "awareness group"--------the one featuring months old content on their home page....and years old content on their sub, know------those guys......
LA4321 LA4321 3 days ago
in the real world----there are a few good reasons companies go silent-----for ihub pennies----NO......there are no good reasons to go silent.......continued silence from mgmt will send this back to the stone age......uhm, GAALSWYK---------WHAT ...IS ....GOING.....ON ?????????????
Bishopbe Bishopbe 5 days ago
LA4321 LA4321 5 days ago
going on 4 years----without a doubt.......the WORST merger to public i have ever seen.
👍️ 1
LA4321 LA4321 1 week ago
if no news next week----will get ugly-------pretend buys at the close will be of no help.
LA4321 LA4321 1 week ago
...GAALSWYK....silence is NOT golden------silence is what will destroy a PUBLIC STOCK....
LA4321 LA4321 1 week ago
wishful thinking------would be GREAT if dutv had a PR group to generate a bit of awareness--------oh well............
LA4321 LA4321 2 weeks ago
WHAT is the "ceo" DOING here ????????????
LA4321 LA4321 2 weeks ago
LA4321 LA4321 2 weeks ago
1.8 MILLION SELL..........1k buy..........smh
LA4321 LA4321 2 weeks ago
this new pr firm----would love to be proven wrong---i see a complete zero-----my humble OPINION....cut and run now-----or------see something----ANYTHING from them.....
LA4321 LA4321 2 weeks ago
smh------there IS potential here----but HOLY COW -----gaalswyk HAS to do a 180-------his "new" shareholder base w PILES of shares have to be pizzed---------he needs to do SOMETHING before its too late.
LA4321 LA4321 2 weeks ago
there is one person alone responsible for the performance of this PUBLIC entity.
LA4321 LA4321 2 weeks ago
these pretend buys to make the pps look pretty do more harm than good-----just makes it even more painfully obvious that ALL interest has been driven away from this thing.crystal clear that the only "buying" is from current holders------desperate ........
LA4321 LA4321 2 weeks ago
im guessing-----MUST be the arrival of the new cracker jack awareness campaign public relations team that has triggered this flurry of buying............
LA4321 LA4321 2 weeks ago
im guessing.....our new pr group will soon post a glowing summary---and stunning projections-----cant wait-----giddy as a school girl......
LA4321 LA4321 2 weeks ago
im guessing,,,,boat show and compost convention generated HUGE interest......
LA4321 LA4321 3 weeks ago
appears this new pr group follows at least 3 in the "perepheral " green arena ----none have been updated in months ( maybe im wrong)---have to wonder what their plan w dutv/gaalswyk is ?------pure opinion......
LA4321 LA4321 3 weeks ago
gaalswyk------you DONT try to pick up the pieces by going silent.......
Did anyone figure out what MarkyG was doing inside of Buffets building? 

My guess taking a crap after he ate Taco Bell from across the street 

Chee Chee cheee ...
Marky G Chee Chee CHEEE 
LA4321 LA4321 3 weeks ago
handled SO poorly
LA4321 LA4321 3 weeks ago
amazon ?----
👍️ 1
LA4321 LA4321 3 weeks ago
amazon ?----now, im second guessing myself----WAS IT gaalswyk that announced an immenent deal w amazon to market terrepleish ? ---then, "christmas" orders got in the way----then silence ?---was it gaalswyk ?---an anonymous poster ? or did i imagine the whole "amazon" thing ?
Mrssr Mrssr 3 weeks ago
Like I have been saying he’s got nothing. He is living in a fantasy world called never never land. He is nothing but a scam.
Timing101 Timing101 3 weeks ago
$DUTV Well checking in and still Months of no results, contracts, catalyst(s), viable and certified PR's .
Have to say a lot of Tweets, shows, Travel etc, so spending money on that. PR company terrible. Actually NO volume traded
yesterday 2/6 , the folks who were supporters forever are now really realizing by their comments to MG on his own thread
that nothing of value had happened and the Market has NO Interest in Promises, maybe's, people are "interested" comments.
"6 Feb 2025
0.0072 OPEN
The main problem is there is
1) NO FEN System still built after three years or anything close to a system. There are HUGE COMPANIES that make these now for Food Waste shredding and Presses like the Vincent Company ( or Franklin Miller (
2) the Nano Bubble technology is NOT owned by MG and really that is Owned, Patented and Trademarked by
3) MOLEAR is really the PIONEER in Nano Bubble Science been around for years and already has mutliple CASE Studies with thousands of customers.
4) Terreplenish . The key all along was to use Food Waste in a FEN system and produce it, make it mobile (see item one) but NEVER BUILT. NEVER has happened. Terreplenish is an Organic Liquid Fertilizer and there are HUNDREDS listed on AMAZON (search Amazon Liquid Organic Fertilizers) , which it is still not there. UNKNOWN.
While it all sounds good there are plenty , PLENTY of others that have fine tuned , have Patents , Trademarks on this entire process. MG is just using other's technology and presenting it like it is his . Links provided, had his chance and may eventually convince one of his customers , but has not yet.
The Curious Case of Mark Gaalswyk and DUTV continues , Strange and Interesting.
LA4321 LA4321 3 weeks ago
gaalswyk and tradersque in talks for the past several months---- tradersque goes public w their new affiliation a month ago ------and THIS is what you get ?!?!-------near zero volume and interest and awareness GOES TO ZERO volume and interest and awareness ?!?!------CUT YOUR LOSSES NOW-----GET RID OF THESE GUYS----------GAALSWYK-------what are you doing ????
LA4321 LA4321 3 weeks ago
****GAALSWYK**** even if real business "in the works" ----as CEO of a public company, doesnt mean you should go silent------you COULD retire a billion shares (and NOT jeapordize your majority stake)-----and you could negate the possibility of a rs -------BOTH could generate some interest-----------YOU ARE ALLOWING THIS TO EVAPORATE...........
LA4321 LA4321 3 weeks ago
this new awareness campaign is really something else !!
LA4321 LA4321 4 weeks ago
even if you have an effective pr group-------you have to be able to give them something other than nonsense------if you are working with a complete empty suit----guess it doesnt matter.......
LA4321 LA4321 4 weeks ago
what happened to "amazon" ?------the report was that weekly meetings w tradersque have been on-going-------ANYTHING ?-------what is going on here ?
LA4321 LA4321 4 weeks ago
disappointing that gaalswyk apparently received zero guidance in how to present , promote and manage his publicly traded equity. if there was guidance-----appears to have been completely ignored.
LA4321 LA4321 1 month ago
2 tweets----boatshow/compost show-----nothing on the pr group site----were they involved ? who sees these 2 tweets ?
Keyboard_Warrior_89 Keyboard_Warrior_89 1 month ago
Better than Marks PR team...

LA4321 LA4321 1 month ago
GAALSWYK-----DO SOMETHING--------it is an act of minimal effort to change your name/symbol-----YOU SAID THIS WAS PART OF YOUR "PLAN"-------DO IT---------your pr group is a JOKE---------YOU need to start doing something before this EVAPORATES---------DO SOMETHING.
LA4321 LA4321 1 month ago
"total lack of investor awareness"-------a post on the board of our new "awareness groups" other featured picks-----appears few are generating any "interest awareness following"-----have to wonder----what did they tell gaalswyk they would be doing ?
LA4321 LA4321 1 month ago
sad thing is----this had so much more than 99% of the pinkies out there----they DO have a product-----and what an industry to be in !--------but i dont recall a case where mgmt has boogered a deal so badly. such huge potential.
LA4321 LA4321 1 month ago
gaalswyk and immediate parties hold (and i assume will always hold) the majority position----without jeopardizing that could retire a huge pile of shares ( yes, more style than substance, but the street loves these moves)-----and he could make a statement of his thoughts about a possible rs. but if he stays on the path he is on (regarding his publicly traded stock)......this WILL evaporate .------he COULD turn this around-------BUT HE HAS TO ADDRESS HIS PUBLIC STOCK.....
LA4321 LA4321 1 month ago
this will fall on deaf ears-----but gaalswyk has got to put SOMETHING concrete out......there isnt a soul out there that will look at this without some sort of direction ----esp regarding share structure.
LA4321 LA4321 1 month ago
unfortunately ....i think the only way this sees those levels is with a massive share re-structure. there has been a total loss of interest , confidence and credibility.
Mr Love Mr Love 1 month ago
I'm not worried. I think this will be 5 or 10 cents in three years or so.
LA4321 LA4321 1 month ago
hurts to say----think this is much nonsense from mgmt---this "new group" is a joke----dont see a scenario that turns this around.
LA4321 LA4321 1 month ago
appears this new group is involved w 3-4 other "green" stocks-------appears they have about as much interest as dutv------zero........just an opinion.........would love to be proven wrong .
LA4321 LA4321 1 month ago
one last one (thunderous applause)--------gaalswyk must, must, MUST address the share structure -----something...anything------he must know there is ZERO interest in this thing-------discount a possible rs.....could EASILY retire a few billion shares ------but hes got to do something-------im guessing amazon was wishful thinking ?-----and i doubt anyone gives somalia any merit-------this pig is on the edge......
LA4321 LA4321 1 month ago
fake AI-----at a junior high level-------i gave these guys ZERO credibility--------home page w 8 month old "research" content----subpages w content 3 years old----------i now put them ......less than zero.......
Timing101 Timing101 1 month ago
PR with all fake AI pictures appears to be a thing. Boat Show People are people looking at Boats. PR today shows again in trading with only 15 trades all day long for minimal volume and dollar action (just over 1,000 dollars) not even a blip on anybody's radar.
Nothing will change without a TRUE CATALYST(S) being executed such as major contract in writing or something similar.
LA4321 LA4321 1 month ago
....well......the pr guys have posted a release on the boat show----a point for that-----but------highlighted by a pic of the " yet to be announced " ( i guess) self contained massive futuristic semi trailered MEGA NANO---------and new ??? -------MAMMOTH PRODUCTION FACILITY -------looks HUGE !!!!!------------------------------------smh........................................................just an OPINION.
Timing101 Timing101 1 month ago
$DUTV Well it has been another three weeks since posting (originally from two years ago). Every one of the data points and links remain the same that I posted and MG X Twitter posts are getting more reactions of lets see results even from his past faithful followers. No contracts, No agreements anything in writing with a customer that can be shown after all these months and years.
Off to a another show (Strange these all cost money, so MG is paying ) , maybe one day someone will take a leap of faith, off his latest tweet.
Somalia So Strange all this time and yet another major connection of Millions yet to come. Somalia is a US NO VISIT , NO TRAVEL , NO BUSINESS from the US Government for years now has never made any logical movement.
Nothing in the US still although Thousands of existing Clients .
And the Disclosure is out , nothing really has changed one can look at this link. One thing NO ONE has talked about is the ITEM 2 on PAGE 3. Mark G is not reporting the OUTSTANDING and AUTHORIZED PREFERRED C Shares in the OTC total , but THEY ARE THERE and 5 ADDITIONAL BILLION Shares TWELVE BILLION COMBINDED). Please take note that they (Preferred C) DO NOT SHOW RESTRICTED and have the RIGHT to converted for ONE COMMON SHARE AT ANY TIME. Here you go
and that PR company , cmon that is pure OTC HYPE is all.