3 months ago
This is a solid little company, over 80% owned by the CEO and his company.
They've got a good litte refinery, in a good location. Still some debt left over from the collapse of oil during the pandemic, but they are working through it.
As no new refineries are being built, and old ones being retired, the value of BDCO's asset is solid.
Can't really go wrong at this price. If you smooth out earnings, they are trading at less than 4 times earnings.
3 months ago
The CEO owns more than 80% of the shares, so you are right, he really doesn't much care if there are other investors or not.
But if he ever decides to sell, I think the shares are worth a good deal more, and minority shareholders will have to be paid wahtever he gets for himself.
He's been buying shares steadily for several years, and has paid $5 or more for some of his shares, so I am comfortable just riding along, and getting paid when he does.
7 months ago
After reviewing the 10Q for the 6/30/24 period, and comapring to the 10K for 2023, I find that BDCO continues on it's path of reducing current debt, improving working cash (now positive by 17 million for the first time in three years), and addressing defaults in its various loans. The Veritex loans were reclassified to LT debt after curing the defaults, resulting in a significant improvement in current debt of $24 million for the first half.
Obviously, the loss per share of .43 is very disappointing. We know that the crack spread was weak in the first half, and we now know that downtime in the first half was 18 days, vs 7 days in the first half of 2023. In 2024, there was a significant planned turnaround in May of 13 days, as well as 3 days of cold weather shutdown in January, and 2 days of maintenance and repairs. In first half 2023, the only downtime was 7 days for maintenance and repairs.
So, many of the reasons for the loss in Q2 will not recur in Q3 and Q4, and BDCO should be profitable the remainder of the year. As management contiues to address debt, I think the shares should be able to reach about $6-7 /share by the end of the year.
1 year ago
Crack spread for jet fuel remains inn a range of $25-38. For perspective, that is not as high as the historic highs in 2022, but considerable better than the spread during the Q2 2023 period, when the spread was in the $15-20 range.
In the Q3, when the spread rebounded to the $30-40 range, BDCO actually had higher earnings than the Q2 2022, when the spread was even higher, in the $35-45 range. So the company is becoming more profitable, even at a slightly lower spread.
I suspect part of the reason is they are slowly but surely reducing the debt load. I'm looking forward to a positive report for this quarter, and for the year, with earnings somewhere around .40- .45/ share for the quarter. That would make for a second year of annual earning of about $2/share.
At $2/share in earnings, we are trading at a PE of just over 2. Still very cheap.
1 year ago
I've decided to wait and post my prediction of BDCO earnings for the quarter after the company posts actual earnings. Much easier to make an accurate prediction at that point.
I will say this, at $4/share and below, I've been buying more shares. Even at just .50/quarter in earnings, the PE here is 2.
I think we will have some quarters at around $.50 earnings, and others higher.
Oil companies, as reported this morning on CNBC, are severely oversold and BDCO is oversold as well.