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Astra Veda Corporation (PK)

Astra Veda Corporation (PK) (ASTA)

Closed September 19 4:00PM

ASTA Discussion

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fnyack fnyack 6 hours ago
Did somebody just pulled a rug on this one? Geez, $0.0005!
Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 10 hours ago
It would take a financial disclosure or else expert market is guaranteed.
Very quiet ...................... will they keep their promise of "rocking 2024?"
We;ll see.................... wouldn't take much ................. one great announcement.
THall THall 1 day ago
That someone is lying on a tropical island beach. It's called vacation LMMFAO. You give yourself way too much credit. Whatever it takes to keep the ASTA scam alive, right?

Scared yet?
😱 1
Fdc4 Fdc4 2 days ago
Hahahahahahaha darn mate. 🤣 WTFโ€ฆ hahahahahahaha well said anyways
Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 2 days ago
I'm glad you did. If you are telling the truth.
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Briancwalton78 Briancwalton78 2 days ago
Thank you for the advice. I have already done so. Wondering if this is why someone has been MIA for nearly a month?
Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 2 days ago
Mr Walton, instead of insinuating that myself and other critics are actually a part of some criminal operation to undermine your fine company please report us all to the SEC and DOJ.

Clearly I am out of control, and fancy myself above the law. I guess I need a time out ...
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Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 3 days ago
Scared of what?
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Briancwalton78 Briancwalton78 3 days ago
Proper response considering the source.

Scared yet?

On May 2, 2023, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York entered final judgments against Alexander J. Dillon, Cosmin I. Panait, and their corporate entities GPL Ventures LLC and GPL Management LLC, whom the SEC charged with acting as unregistered dealers and engaging in a penny stock fraud scheme. To settle the case, the defendants consented to pay more than $39 million in civil penalties and disgorgement.

The SEC's complaint, filed on August 13, 2021, alleged that between July 2017 and August 2021, the defendants acted as unregistered securities dealers by privately acquiring numerous microcap stocks at a discount and subsequently publicly selling the securities to the investing public. In addition, the complaint charged the defendants with orchestrating a fraudulent scheme in which they acquired shares in microcap issuer HempAmericana, Inc. and secretly arranged for HempAmericana to use a percentage of the stock proceeds to fund stock promotions while the defendants sold their shares into the market.
Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 3 days ago
Makes me wonder if you are sane.
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Briancwalton78 Briancwalton78 5 days ago
Interesting no word from moderators? Makes you wonder if they are from Apollo? Wonder if they are part of Apollo? Wonder if SEC is knocking on their door. Wouldnโ€™t be pretty. GPL got busted for $39M. Thatโ€™s a lot of money and Apollo is a worse offender.
Monroe1 Monroe1 6 days ago
but but,judge oh judge, that's not exactly what happened, "i did not have sex with that woman". So the song goes.
I admit, I was coerced and born with round heels.
CrimsonNightRider CrimsonNightRider 6 days ago
It goes to demonstrated character, past performance and state of mind. Overruled !

Monroe1 Monroe1 6 days ago
A liberal judge would agree with protests from opposing atty. Old info and not concerning this case, not applicable to current litigation. "Strike that" but ohh too late. The jury heard all too well (judge too) it and it will be relevant to them...unofficially.
CrimsonNightRider CrimsonNightRider 7 days ago
How is it not relevant?

Monroe1 Monroe1 7 days ago
Not relevant .... but true. Sad sad sad. Hear tell Harvey W got hammered again... these California Chumpkins get only a fraction of what they deserve.
Running the gauntlet is a tough pull, yet when those illegal ankle shorts aren't covered it can be worse than having your pocket picked.
CrimsonNightRider CrimsonNightRider 1 week ago
Molestation of a major child under 18?
Stock Pick (Chumpkins) Champs !
Apollo knows how to pick winners.
Looks like the DA cut a Hollywood deal.

CrimsonNightRider CrimsonNightRider 1 week ago
So the same people governing EDXC were part of this scam? What a crew !!

Brad Listermann
Irving Minnaker
Yohan Naraine

Briancwalton78 Briancwalton78 1 week ago
When is it Apollos turn? Exactly what Apollo and Listermann did? IMOโ€ฆ

On May 2, 2023, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York entered final judgments against Alexander J. Dillon, Cosmin I. Panait, and their corporate entities GPL Ventures LLC and GPL Management LLC, whom the SEC charged with acting as unregistered dealers and engaging in a penny stock fraud scheme. To settle the case, the defendants consented to pay more than $39 million in civil penalties and disgorgement.

The SEC's complaint, filed on August 13, 2021, alleged that between July 2017 and August 2021, the defendants acted as unregistered securities dealers by privately acquiring numerous microcap stocks at a discount and subsequently publicly selling the securities to the investing public. In addition, the complaint charged the defendants with orchestrating a fraudulent scheme in which they acquired shares in microcap issuer HempAmericana, Inc. and secretly arranged for HempAmericana to use a percentage of the stock proceeds to fund stock promotions while the defendants sold their shares into the market.
Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 1 week ago
In your head, apparently.
CrimsonNightRider CrimsonNightRider 1 week ago
Where is Veronica Fox? He/She has been silent for over 3 weeks.

CrimsonNightRider CrimsonNightRider 1 week ago
Come on Bro !!

DJ Ponder DJ Ponder 1 week ago
Nothing like throwing away MORE money into the loss column.
Fdc4 Fdc4 1 week ago
😂 maybe someone who has been saving for the entire month $450 to average down Lmaoo a bit more. Resilient LFMAO
fnyack fnyack 1 week ago
Oh wow! Who was it that just bought 600,000 shares in one buy order? Someone knows something, cโ€™mon donโ€™t keep it a secret.
CrimsonNightRider CrimsonNightRider 1 week ago
and this is news?
DJ Ponder DJ Ponder 1 week ago
What a pathetic waste of time POS asta REMAINS.
fnyack fnyack 2 weeks ago
This post is to the CEO, Treasurer, and Secretary, yeah Mickey thatโ€™s you, call or text me, youโ€™ve got my phone #, my email and my address.
fnyack fnyack 2 weeks ago
On what news is ASTA moving up 15%?
CrimsonNightRider CrimsonNightRider 2 weeks ago
What makes you wonder?
Got to make you wonder what is going on behind the scenes?
We'll see...............................
Monroe1 Monroe1 2 weeks ago
The legal short cons or the illegal short cons? This circus reminds me of Lisa PageMe and Peter Strozkin with their 2Milly payday for gettin in the way. Oh how the world turns and the wood horse carousels up and down and round and round.
CrimsonNightRider CrimsonNightRider 2 weeks ago
Sure you do.
Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 2 weeks ago
That's what YOU state. I give a shit. I detest con artists.
CrimsonNightRider CrimsonNightRider 2 weeks ago
Why not? What is not to understand?

👍️ 1
CrimsonNightRider CrimsonNightRider 2 weeks ago
As you have stated more than once, it is OTC and nobody gives a shit. FLUSH

fuente fuente 2 weeks ago
This makes absolutely zero sense.
Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 2 weeks ago
And this is a good thing? To be left in the dark again?

CrimsonNightRider CrimsonNightRider 2 weeks ago
Maybe expert market is where they want to be?

Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 2 weeks ago
The conpliance officer better yet to complyin before ole Astaroth winds up on the expert market again.
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CrimsonNightRider CrimsonNightRider 3 weeks ago
Ask the bankruptcy lawyers 🐓
Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 3 weeks ago
I pity the fool that takes these clowns at face value.

Where's the overdue current disclosure?
CrimsonNightRider CrimsonNightRider 3 weeks ago
Read last yearโ€™s disclosures closely. I pity daโ€™ fool who don't do daโ€™ DD.

Those were are joint ventures and not owned by WRFX

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Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 3 weeks ago
Got it. So, speaking of fools, why did Mick Davis take over the shell?

How's that bulletproof blinds business. Cyber security? Paranotek?

Better yet, where's their damn quarterly disclosure?
CrimsonNightRider CrimsonNightRider 3 weeks ago
Google should be the default tool to avoid the fools.

What do all these people have in common? Lender/Traders NOT registered with FINRA as broker dealers and all cozy with Brad Listermann all the while litigating with ASTA.

Apollo = Irv Minnaker, Yohan Naraine et al.
GPL = Alexander Dillion et al.
Think Humble = Scott Eppinga, Ben Eppinga et al.

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Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 3 weeks ago
Who is Apollo? And who is GPL? What are you rambling on about now?

You know damn well it is against Ihub policy to post private messages here, so if you require PROOF....

The "let's tango" comment was in reference to your claims of libel, and twisted interpretation of that.

You say it's libel to state a company is a scam without PROVING it, which is clearly impossible to you.

I'd like to see you prove ASTA is a legitimate company.
CrimsonNightRider CrimsonNightRider 3 weeks ago
Who is next?

Don't forget about lawsuits for Scott Eppinga, Ben Eppinga, Think Humble, Brad Listermann are next in California. What about the lawsuit against Yohan Naraine and Irv Minnaker in Florida?

Naked shorts are illegal and not tracked by the SEC so who knows if it is happening with ASTA.

THall THall 3 weeks ago
No you ask 2 times now. So again another lie.

One of your most popular lies is about ASTA being naked short. There is not one piece of supporting DD that would suggest it. If you want more of the lies you have told just revisit your posting history.

As for the threats you made them so ask yourself why? Why does the company compliance officer feel the need to threaten others in private messages? Another clear indicator ASTA is a complete scam. A PM cannot be posted especially not a threat because it violates iHub TOS. But don't worry they have all been documented with screen shots to provide to attorneys when such time is needed.

As for Apollo I could care less. But it does prove once again you are lying. There is noway a prosecutor discussed an ongoing case with you.
Briancwalton78 Briancwalton78 3 weeks ago
1. I keep asking what I lied about and not one person can provide anything I lied about.

2. Then resort to saying I sent threatsโ€”but never provide proof.

3. Then say threats were via PMโ€”but never provide proof.

4. Then โ€œLetโ€™s Tangoโ€ which is clearly a threat is allowed.

Apollos time js coming. I have been in contact with the prosecutors who went after GPL. Have provided all the proof needed to take them down.
👍️ 2

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