4 years ago
I'm quite a fan of Turenne. I like his finance background; it seems to be keeping the company's expenditures in order. The chairman has the requisite in-field experience starting and running mines so it all seems to be in order.
The devaluation of the dollar is unlikely to reverse. It's within the United States' best interests to devalue the currency, hence all of the printing. They've gotten themselves into a pickle by being the world reserve currency. A strong dollar makes it difficult, if not impossible, for debts to be paid in USD. Rock bottom interest rates and a weaker USD are here to stay for the foreseeable future.
As they touched on in the interview, FPX is a very good hedge for nickle prices. There's a structural deficit in the market that's growing and very few nickel projects have been taken to next stages in a decade+. Very ground floor stages to place bets on a nickle play.
FPX's decar project has potentials to be a 25+ year operation (I've heard rumours about it being 100 years, but I'll take that with a grain of salt). This can easily supply not only the stainless steel market (which they can slot right into, their mineral is a naturally occurring stainless steel), but also the EV battery market.
I don't think they've even tapped into the majority of this project's potential. The scope of the deposit is just too large. They could probably be doing exploration in the area for the next four generations.
No warrants outstanding, less than 200 million shares. No reverse splits on record in over 26 years of company operation. 42% insider ownership. They own 100% of the decar project. FPX is ready to rock this nickle bull market.
That's without mentioning the carbon sequestration potential of the project. The company claims it can run a carbon neutral operation.
4 years ago
Thanks am listening now....Boy, the CEO Turenne is YOUNG (reminds of the the CEO's who were governing the mj bubble) !
Mentions how a weaker USD benefits commodities (duh)....
Okay but sustainability ? See USDCAD USDAUD charts below because all they have DONE, is plunge down to SUPPORT
And IF they KEEP plunging down (thru these support levels then - yeah, we'll see a further rise in commodities).....but if they do NOT and the USD BOUNCES ?......Well, things could get UGLY for gold and commods.
This is from a month ago (it got up to 2080 aprox. but now it's back to below 2000)
I've been TRYING to locate a GOOD long-term chart of nickel (which naturally is virtually impossible, right ?)
Here are a few EFFORTS from this morning :
This chart was too large to get a proper image capture (which doesn't matter much because it's also real vague) :
What the hey (this doesn't look anything like those 3 charts above - PLUS it is IN POUNDS)
Another one in pounds from August 2019.....So like I was sayin' - it's like WTF ???
Anyways......(so frustrating that).......Similar situation exists when researching searches Copper
This from a month ago (it's just over $ 3 bucks now, so it HAS broken out - or at least has poked above its' line)
Lofty commodity prices indeed but then so too is the S&P
That S&P now thinks it can do what the SOX Index did......What a fucked up world !
MONEY-PRINTING CITY......yeah......Or at least it HAS BEEN
So.....Will the printing CONTINUE causing the dollar to keep falling and commodities to keep on climbing ?......
Or.....might we see some consolidation and perhaps maybe even a pullback ? Americans ? can get so worked up over things !.....
Whether it's Black Lives Matter or Stock Market Prices or Patriotism or Military Spending or College Football Games, or 4 or 5 dozen other things.....
It's like What the f%$K ?.....Can't U guys do anything in "moderation" ?
These protests in Portland and a dozen other cities where the protesters are kicking elderly republican supporters in the head when they're already down on the ground or not looking and....burning down Starbuck stores and large sections of town.....
The Dems should be saying "Hey that isn't US....Those're just pissed off millennials acting out because they've lost their (service) jobs."
There should have a third party just for them.....but the Dems don't wanna lose their vote.
It's "mankinds' inability to govern itself".....Scriptural prophesy playing on out.....
Just let the One who created this glorious planet govern things.....but most don't believe that a Creator exists.....
Anyways, that is my rant for this morning.....Take care Axolotl