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Titan Mining Corporation

Titan Mining Corporation (TI)

( -1.69% )
Updated: 15:42:07

Professional-Grade Tools, for Individual Investors.

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pos_stock_hoarder pos_stock_hoarder 2 minutes ago
Wow. Inflation did it. Which they caused. So they think they are blameless. SMH.
Stock_Barber Stock_Barber 2 minutes ago
I'm curious how you can realize that virtually everything has been a big lie... yet still chose to believe in the BIGGEST lie of all?

Maxinvestor89 Maxinvestor89 2 minutes ago
You are confused, we can already see the offering statement, the Form 1-A, WAY BEFORE the SEC qualifies the Reg A offering.

The QUALIF form has to be submitted before THE ACTUAL OFFERING (the selling) can take place, but that's not what you were referring to.

You said t
mineanddine mineanddine 2 minutes ago
Toxic MMG ticker.  Caveat Emptor! 
Brokemillwright Brokemillwright 2 minutes ago
Yup, ive said I drank the coolaid before, then have been labeled a "basher" for calling this what it is. You can find 10:1 of my "bashing posts for the few naive coolaid drinker posts. I'm out $100,000, not crying like some saying big brother needs to get my poor decision back. It simply got me to
ckaufman2160 ckaufman2160 2 minutes ago
because I choose to be here you DF!
Saving Grace Saving Grace 2 minutes ago
Stair stepping nicely! $GME, nice.
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 2 minutes ago
Formerly known as: Good Vibrations Shoes, Inc. until March 2023
It' CURRENTLY known as Good Vibrations Shoes by the SEC - NOT American Blockchain Corporation.

Straight from the SEC website:

"Good Vibrat
Scratchgolf Scratchgolf 2 minutes ago
Does that count below? Do I wish there was more tangible things to talk about? Yes. I am betting on the percentage chance we see Blagman do what he originally said he would do. I believe MWWC is waiting for Blagman to put it all together to announce. Smart play on their part.
HoldEm777 HoldEm777 3 minutes ago
Haven’t really looked to deep. There were some chunky big volume days mixed in over the last couple of months. But I just liked the fact the FFC approved. Verifiable information brings validation that they are working and it’s not all just a illusion. I will look over it better when I get off work a
Trooperstocks Trooperstocks 3 minutes ago
$ILLR looking to close at HOD!
Filterthenoise Filterthenoise 3 minutes ago
When FOXO earnings? 👀
Toodles Toodles 4 minutes ago
Exactly where he should be. LOL
ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN ALERTS100%to10000%GAIN 4 minutes ago
PC~.83~2M shares only O/S, will be CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYYY runner
cojoboy cojoboy 4 minutes ago
GLTY.. 😎😎😎
Penny Stocks 2.0 Penny Stocks 2.0 4 minutes ago
Tomorrow we break. 30
naveedkhan naveedkhan 4 minutes ago
And how much did she make doing absolutely nothing (aside from the all important DEI and climate change initiatives)? i looked for it but can't seem to come up with her compensations. if anyone wants to throw up, just google average FHFA salary....
Monterey2000 Monterey2000 5 minutes ago
Does anyone see a potential u-blox license as a result of the Delaware's lawsuit dismissal. What else can u-blox do and where else can u-blox go?

I suppose anything is still possible until a license is signed.

Just some u-blox lawsuit history via a u-blox press relea
payupdeadbeat payupdeadbeat 5 minutes ago
I guess the question is what is Linda doing to squeeze the shorts? Either there is a plan or not. Sh!t or get off the pot.
cojoboy cojoboy 5 minutes ago
Rode this in the black for a year...had to get out when I had the chance..
Golden Cross Golden Cross 5 minutes ago
$ILLR Exciting Opportunity to Leverage Triller’s Underutilized Assets to Create Next-Gen Entertainment Platform
B402 B402 5 minutes ago
Those are lies, plain and simple,,,,,, thats where free speech ends and slander begins....

AAPL31415926 AAPL31415926 5 minutes ago
NoGro, you like to bring up very old NWBO issues, are you also the president of the flat earth society?
aBeezlee aBeezlee 6 minutes ago
When this gets a market cap similar to SX, the share price would be in 100s. So, in my eyes I still see this level as reasonable. Dunno if there'll be better buying opportunities in near future, but keeping an eye on the price.
Halkid Halkid 6 minutes ago
I hope so big RDC, be nice to move into the.20’s and then on from there! Good luck brother

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